John 1:14
*So the word became human and made his home among us.* He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness and we have seen his glory, the glory of the father's one and only son
This highlights to us that Jesus is the living Word
1st Peter 1:23
For you have been born again, but not to a life that will quickly end. Your life will last forever because it comes from eternal, living Word of God.
And the scripture in simple terms means that we are the seed of the eternal living Word since we are born again
Meaning that we are the word in flesh
We also understand why the father wants us to receive his word is because He wants us to be his word and live his word, more especially that we become his expression of the Word. we also notice that the real Christianity is the expression of the Word of God in flesh
John 15:7
But if you abide in me and my words abide in you, you may call anything you want and it will be granted
So if we don't know his words we can never be able to abide in him and his words, now we have to hear, and learn and study them so that we can be able to find our value in his words
It continues to say we shall call what we want and it shall be granted, it shall come into being
We can be able to revive our lives and success and everything to being only if we abide in him and his words
John 1:1-3
We are the seed of the very same word that created the world and without this word nothing would be created
But because we don't know the word, many things we cry and fast and fast and fast for them while what we can do is to just bubble the word that is in us and put it to action(speak it)
We cry and fast for most things that we can use the word to defeat them because we know very little about it, we actually not abiding in the Word that allows us to call anything and it can come to pass
In conclusion
Our true Christian value is found in the word, we are the word in flesh, the expression of God's own word
But we need to abide in the word so that we can be able to act and speak and walk and teach the very same word that created the heavens and the earth
The word which is our Lord Jesus Christ