"In the gritty streets of the Ville, Crime Boss Jahmir Carter, his loyal wife Imani, and brothers Rome and Dante fight to defend their territory. But their efforts are riddled with obstacles – a looming war with the Mexican Cartel, ruthless rival gangs, and a corrupt police force that's cooking the books. Survival means making alliances, breaking bones, and outsmarting the deadliest enemies, as they fight to claim their empire in a world where betrayal and bloodshed reign supreme. 🔥💀💰
Get ready for the intense drama of 'Thicker Than Blood: The Series.' Are you ready to witness their rise and fall? 💥📺
Social Media Trailer for the Season 1 Episode 1 of the new urban drama series "Thicker Than Blood". Created and directed by Padarrah Moss and Colin "Lex the ...