Old Holdens 😍 #holden #burnout #cars #fastcars #townsville #townsvilleshines #nqdadlife #fast
Got my Green Terrors today. #greenterror #fishtank #nqdadlife #townsville #freshwateraquarium #aquarium
White male fish lives matter. This guy was so happy to have a female in his life, he prepared a nest of bubbles for his baby mummas eggs and they were getting along so well, dancing, frolicking and just having a good time. When I checked in the morning he was in the bottom corner of the tank barely moving, the nest was no more. Stop violence towards white male fish!
#betta #bettalife #fishtank #sorority #nqdadlife #townsville #bettafish #siamesefightingfish
Convoy for the cure . #indianchef #CDH #bikeride #nqdadlife #townsville #townsvilleshines
Bo wondering why his water has hard bits in it 🙂
#bullylife #bully #townsville #nqdadlife
He’s so annoying 😂
#bullterria #bullylife #nqdadlife #townsvilleshines
The mighty Sicko!
302s aren’t supposed to do that 😃
#sicko #northernats #v8 #burnouts
Holdens first ever production car never sounded like this 😀
The Pro burnout champ for Northern Nats 8
Mr Bower Bird
He’s just about done 🙂 #townsvilleshines #townsville #bowerbird #nqdadlife
Miss Daisy
Cruising the rock pool
Babies? #discus #discusfish #dadlife #freedom
Mr Bower Bird
A few more things in the nest 🙂
Mr Bower Bird
There he is!