JBT was founded in 1990 as an outlet for the various projects of Georg Sieger and Mik@:
Georg Sieger, The Heisenberg Experiment, Dachau Lustknaben and Sheba Wore No Nylons. Later other artists were added (Nightporters compilations / Contacts split tapes). From day one they stired controversy with their provocative appearance and titles. What might look at first glance like simply another bunch of
aural hooligans flirting with the right wing, proves to be quite thought provoking at a closer examination. Jeremy Bamber is imprisoned for murdering his family but throughout the trial there were lots of doubts if the evidences pointed to the right person. So, no glorification of a convicted killer but referring to someone who might suffer for someone elses deed. Dachau Lustknaben is another case of primitive provocation on first sight but through the choice of Lustknaben (= catamites) they clearly sympathise with the victim. A deep interest for the german past is manifested in many songtitles and texts. While others remain on the surface with placing famous maniacs on their cover or praising n**i celebrities, DL dig deeper. While others glorify the culprit, DL dedicate their work to the victims. Don’t let the sometimes shocking face of JBT discourage you from doing your own research. Have a close look and make up your mind for yourself. Its less about shockvalue - its thoughtprovoking!