The Zoe's Kind of Poet -Spirited lines with RAH

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The Zoe's Kind of Poet -Spirited lines with RAH This page exists to make you the best version of Yourself. With words inspired by Elohim.

With Passion for excellence ignited..Hopes renewed afresh ..An almost seeming escape from Stress.. As Ink flows from a W...

With Passion for excellence ignited..
Hopes renewed afresh ..
An almost seeming escape from Stress..
As Ink flows from a Writer's pen ..
A broad smile on a finely trimmed beard..

Boxes opening, parcels delivering..
Nature screaming...
Flowers blooming..
It's a New year!

"Oh tell me little princess"

What to expect next..

"the rest part of the story this writer recommends is in your hands "

Take each day as these blank pages..
Like a passenger set for a journey ahead and fill it up.. With the very best! "

Thank you little princess..

"Greet each reader with your charming smile and a Happy new year! đŸ„‚

"Oh wow.. it's a Happy new year đŸ„‚"

-RAH cares✍

© Heroine Richman

AN INSPIRING DAY'S PEEPPriced above Rubies .. Eternal worth!Faithful in intimacy.. Her Lover is GOD! đŸ€ Through the Sands...


Priced above Rubies ..
Eternal worth!
Faithful in intimacy..
Her Lover is GOD! đŸ€

Through the Sands of time.. Unafraid She walks..
A warrior queen.. fierce in morality !
"Did we just see the Ladylord?"

That Virtuous lady..
the Bride of Elohim!
She will be praised in the gates, for Her Husband clothed in Purple sitteth with the Nobles..

She blesses the maidens with treasured words and resources!
A woman of Wisdom , timber and caliber..
Her wealth stupendous..
surpassing Queen Sheba's.

She smiles at the awe-struck maidens..
"you'll find yours soon!" but..
"know to whom thou first belongest!"
"Your First love and Lover be God most High!

A mother of Three..
yet a mother to Nations!
She's mentioned in the corridors of Power yet with Godly splendor!

Not a tale, Not a folk lore, nor a good daydream..
The quintessence of all strong and visionary maidens..
A woman whose mentees we long to be!

tis a dream come true for me..
"did she just say those words to us?" ..
and bless us with these costly gifts?.. "

"oh! I'll fill up a page on my almost filled diary!
twas Heroine, The warrior on heels!
a co-bride of Elohim!
the woman like whom I'll love to be!" ❀

(cc: a page from Heroine's book " A Maiden's dream")


© 2023 Heroine Richman

So I found a Royal Pack of Gorgeousness..And concluded that âŹ‡ïž :"Abba's got Exquisite Vessels too 💕Sane. Meek . Upright....

So I found a Royal Pack of Gorgeousness..
And concluded that âŹ‡ïž :

"Abba's got Exquisite Vessels too 💕
Sane. Meek . Upright.
Yet daring to face earth .

Kind of Girl
*That Zoe kind of girl *

PS: Stop counting losses but Blessings at the end of the year and make each day of the end productively count.

Much love 💕💌

© Heroine Richman


Hi lady!
I know you’re twenty-six years old and you've seen a lot of things,
I know you’re twenty and you’re glad you’re no more a teen

Or you’re thirteen and sixteen and eighteen and the flushes of been teen and sweet sixteen or the sound of the clock ticking per sec reminds you this;
tick- “I’m....” tock – “now
’’ tick- “an
“I am now an adult!”
and the sound of this is pretty much exciting

but hold on dearie
I’ve got a message for you!
"There are kings and there are thieves!"


Like forewarned in the books of songs of Solomon...
Filled with solo’s and solemn hush’s

Do not awaken love until it is ready...”
That is a solemn charge in chapter 8 verse 4...

It's certain that if you meet one, you’ll definitely run..
But unlike the others this one’s aren’t with guns

Their beards are impressive in place of masks
Their lips are of well construed flatteries
with half trues and more lies
They’ll never admit this...
their words are their guns... they utilize for capturing...

the material that they steal is priceless yet costly!
the HEART of the lady an essential priority!
if they could only access this
and fill your head up with nice things
they proceed for the other targets of total marring afterwards!
So I charge you like the holy book does 

that you strictly and watchfully safeguard this!

The voices of these thieves may counterfeit the real kings!
But in all this before discernment through spirituality,
Logically this are some warnings!
The voice of the thief subtly or angrily says these;

“show me you love me by submitting your body”
“I don’t want to cheat on this ship and it’s your duty to satisfy me sexually”
“come of the covenant thing, I love you and even God knows this”
“every other person in relationships does this
“we can’t continue if you don’t do this...”

“we are engaged already; this wouldn’t change things!”
“stop acting Childish... we’ll still get married!”
“give me your virginity


A Heroine’s Letter to fate

Beaten in the cold by each drizzle of unrelenting drops of dew
A warrior of seven, A princess with purpose.
First and foremost.
A bearer of burdens and the voltage of the glorious dazzling glories.
If fate is a stance, then I unwaveringly stand!

Hey fate, warriors strained says “why me”? But RAH says “Try me!”
Look me in the eye, I unapologetically soar,
Breaking the glasses. Like plastics, your lashes!
Often and always I’ll defeat you with the striking euphoria conveyed in the chronicles of that brave big smile!

Ashes for ashes, the throne not the trenches, these are the goals. The cost like coals!
Perhaps you aren’t ready, probably with the age of men’s acknowledgement and lousy loyalty and submission to your government .. you weren’t told!
Or you were relaxed and of course you didn’t know..

Oh Fate, you terribly crack me up
I sit with my legs crossed and laugh at your folly! For wisdom in folly is wisdom-ful folly!
Perhaps in drunken pride you never knew! You never assumed that there were Heroine’s coming! Brave as Deborah Israel’s judge not like Delilah, though smart a slut!

Yes, fate never knew! Fate never knew that the cute little ones who weren’t taken to luxurious schools at the back sits of jeeps would someday crack mediocrity and trample its head under foot!
Yes fate never knew! Never knew that the ghetto’s and its environs would like the sand in the soil rise with the wind connecting great beings to the fulfilment of destiny and building of age long friendships with strong ladies forgetting each scar and speaking ‘Queens English’.

No fate never knew! That we were ready for earth when it was ready for us!
It’s said, ‘no one is born ready’ but I tell you, ‘the earliest you are ready, the mildest or fate’s bruises is on you!
“life is not a bed of roses!” I’ve studied you enough to know your Ex’s. you nod at the sound of that excuse from the lips of quitters and pride-fully stroke your pot-belly! (sighs!)
Fate, oh fate You met the wrong person! Regardless the thorns, we aim at the roses!

My covering is Glory, my perfume is Favor, shielded in His armor I use praise as a wrap! I am RAH and the Son dwells in me! whose might is mightier than the sun.
Oh! Did I just compare that? He created the sun!
See fate, my companion now while unmarried is FAITH,
So I am tough enough and you don’t stand a chance to weigh me down!

And beware! I’m not alone! For there are DEBORAH’S coming and HEROINE’S in the making! Fierce in the Spiritual, disciplined in the physical yet as calm as doves. Be encouraged great team, be of good cheer for through brave decisions victory is near!

There are warriors on heels!
(A Heroine’s letter to FATE)

The Christian life is not a play ground, it's a battle ground.With each clash of your sword good soldier of God.Listenin...

The Christian life is not a play ground, it's a battle ground.

With each clash of your sword good soldier of God.

Listening keenly as you fight to his every word!

Shake of the dirt of Sin , it's filth as dust.

Shake it of good soldier, shake it off.


CHOICESI stand right there a pillar of salt! Turning once more to look back at vanities that ought to have been forgotte...


I stand right there a pillar of salt!

Turning once more to look back at vanities that ought to have been forgotten! 😔

If only I could be in control of my emotions for once and look straight, forward and forget the old lover lurking in sin under my hearts sheets.😔


My loving Husband Lot, Focused and well-visioned đŸ„č. You can call me Mrs. Lot.

If only I could get one more chance I would ever look forward and right all my wrongs..

But I stand right there a pillar of salt! For obedience is better than sacrifice.😔

Ah Choices!

so Whenever you remember the Pillar of Salt, đŸ„č remember it was a function of Choices!

Hope you make the right choices,
A pillar of salt, Choices!
(A letter from Lot's wife)


O man, know thyself!Be Spiritual and Know no man in the flesh!As a young unmarried person have no business with S*x!What...

O man, know thyself!

Be Spiritual and Know no man in the flesh!

As a young unmarried person have no business with S*x!

What is a young vision-bearer doing with been good in bed?

When the time is right, God who sees and knows will reward you with the best!

Do not give yourself as a commodity to be tested! Get busy with your brain and your hands!

You are a warrior and destinies of generations lies in your hands!

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of freedom! From the snare of the fowler of the youth with glorious destinies ahead!

Shine on!
There's a king in YOU!
P.S : Jesus cares!

A city not made of human hands! A new heaven ,  a new earth!  A city bright and crystal clear! God with man and man with...

A city not made of human hands!

A new heaven , a new earth!

A city bright and crystal clear!

God with man and man with God dwells!
The original man that was made in His image and likeness!
In Holiness!Righteousness! Purity and Truth! Revelation 21:23 And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.

From pillar to post sparkling gold! And precious stones both known and seen and unknown by men!
No more Night! No more sea! Glories ever more!
P.S: Accept Jesus now that you can. YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS HEAVEN'S HOME! - RAH


Oh youth do not be weary of stress! For Leisure lies at nightfall and grey hairs weary of rest!
Lay up your treasure upstairs where neither moth nor rust can access, following Abba's every command.- RAH writes


My pen walked up to me and said "Hero" and I said "yes". Then it said "How truly blessed is Abba's Salvation and care, this great things only humans can share. It pays to serve Jesus in Holiness and respect, for the fear of the Lord is the beginning of Freedom from spiritual slavery and hell. With kingdom couples bringing forth a sinless breed of Abba's seeds on earth, born in the image and likeness of God! Through Holiness, Righteousness, Purity and Truth a danger and a threat pulling down the gates of hell!" I then said "Oh my pen! You've followed the growth process and in the class of knowledge you've learnt well.đŸ«‚


Here lies the unwavering secret strength of faith! Her secret is the food she feeds on.✍ Faith meditates on the PROMISE - 'an emancipation of great grace overflowing from the very heart of GOD'. Faith thinketh,"who gave this promise? She considereth not the almost seeming impossibility of the PROMISE. What matters is who the author of this promise is. Faith remembers that it is GOD immutable, God omnipotent, God who will not stain his own escutcheon nor mar the lustre of his own crown. Faith beams a smile on her face for she views each PROMISE in it's connection with the Promise giver, He that spared not His own son,but freely delivered him up for us all. Faith dances in praises for she remembers the past victories won. And in the midst of the hurt screams"Surely goodness and mercy shall, follow me, all the days of my life" for I am God's Warrior, His mouth piece and Sword!


Where lies the secret strength of faith? It lies in the food it feeds on; for faith studies what the promise is—an emanation of divine grace, an overflowing of the great heart of God; and faith says, “My God could not have given this promise, except from love and grace; therefore it is quite certain his Word will be fulfilled.” Then faith thinketh, “Who gave this promise?” It considereth not so much its greatness, as, “Who is the author of it?” She remembers that it is God who cannot lie—God omnipotent, God immutable; and therefore concludeth that the promise must be fulfilled; and forward she advances in this firm conviction. She remembereth,why the promise was given,—namely, for God’s glory, and she feels perfectly sure that God’s glory is safe, that he will never stain his own escutcheon, nor mar the lustre of his own crown; and therefore the promise must and will stand. Then faith also considereth the amazing work of Christ as being a clear proof of the Father’s intention to fulfil his word. “He that spared not his own Son, but freely delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?” Moreover faith looks back upon the past, for her battles have strengthened her, and her victories have given her courage. She remembers that God never has failed her; nay, that he never did once fail any of his children. She recollecteth times of great peril, when deliverance came; hours of awful need, when as her day her strength was found, and she cries, “No, I never will be led to think that he can change and leave his servant now. Hitherto the Lord hath helped me, and he will help me still.” Thus faith views each promise in its connection with the promise-giver, and, because she does so, can with assurance say, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life!”


Unmarried yet she's bore 12 surnames fantasizing and laid secretly on an abortion bed💔
Caught in her minds web
Unmarried yet She's totally lost her womb's breathe💔
Caught in her mind's web
Tranquilly sobberly struggling for true love's hands 💔
Caught in her mind's web
Remembers when she once was Innocent, the torture and torment
Of uncle's molest💔
Caught in her mind's web
Hopes getting hopeless she desperately needs the savour's hands.
Caught in her mind's web
As the king's bride She knows better days are ahead
Caught in her mind's web
She shouts it not to happen to anyone else. Where are the broken pieces of treasured pearls? Come to the king's banquetđŸ„ł
You will saved, healed and made well
For there is balm in Gilead!
-Miss RAH writes

Happy new month pals. May July bring you all of God's blessings

Happy new month pals. May July bring you all of God's blessings


I stood before Moses and fought Strongly against His entering into the Promised Land!
An acquired spirit resisting the Spiritually Sound!
I come subtle! and you may make excuses, the Lord said "Be ye... But do not..."
Yes in the fullness of me formed Wrath and then He Smote the Rock!
He didn't get to the PROMISED LAND, He could only view if from afar!
Long story cut SHORT!
Roaming around looking for who to drag to HELL!
Be warned!
It is ANGER! An Enemy of the Elect!
-RAH writes


"Fierce battles are won amidst pain but a warrior is tougher than the spirit called PAIN"

Yes pain has a name, Harriet Tubman, Kathryn Kuhlman, Juanita Bynum, Joyce Meyer.... These great beings saw pain yet yielding still to His Will, they did great things.

Through the troubled waters we prevail.
God's purpose will not be laid to waste.
Daily though we travail we shall say "Your WILL be done Lord, NOW And ALWAYS".
Victoriously we soar through PAIN!
-RAH writes


words.thoughts.actions.character.habits.fate.destiny.this is the pattern of life. - RAH




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