If you would like to be recognized for your contributions to society, no matter how small or large, you can appear in the new magazine, “The Beauty Within”. Here we highlight the achievements of women age 21 and over. With the help of 1Love 1House TV as our media partner, we will film and include articles of selected women. We will also have opportunities for women entrepreneurs and entertainers t
o advertise their businesses at reasonable rates. Find out where the casting call is happening in your city by emailing us at [email protected]
The publication will be available online and in print. This is Women’s History Month. Selected women will have a page dedicated to them which includes three (3) photos, a quote under each photo and a brief interview. The quote used will be placed under your photos. This can be your original quote or a quote used by a famous individual. There will be a different woman selected for the cover page each month. We plan to have a launch party in ever major city throughout 2017. At the casting call or via email, you will receive a registration form. Registration fee is $40. Please send payment to PayPal account [email protected] You must verify your volunteerism, mentorship or act of heroism by providing five (5) references on the registration form. The references will be contacted and verified. Please provide two (2) photos to submit upon registration. The photos must be of yourself and include no additional individuals. These photos will be used for your Beauty Within magazine article. TIME TO CELEBRATE WOMEN!