SoKoe Social

SoKoe Social The Go-To Social Media Agency for Fashion & Beauty Brands
Organic growth and content strategy experts

It is no secret that engagement on Instagram is down for everyone right now.😫I get it — it’s super easy to look at our l...

It is no secret that engagement on Instagram is down for everyone right now.😫

I get it — it’s super easy to look at our likes and views and get really discouraged. It makes you think your content is not good enough and feel like you want to throw in the towel.

Here’s the thing: it’s not just you. Everyone is experiencing the effects of a 14-year-old platform that is hugely oversaturated, but that doesn’t mean you still can’t create results for your business.

Let’s use me as an example. I don’t have hundreds of thousands of followers, but I grew a six-figure business in under two years from my content.💸

While vanity metrics serve a purpose, you must focus on the metrics that matter depending on your goals. For example, if your goal is to increase website traffic, you would want to focus on external link clicks.

If your content still motivates people to visit your website and those metrics are increasing each month, you’re right where you need to be, so let’s not freak out that you’re not getting as many likes and views as you want.🫶🏻

We just sent one of our clients their analytics reports earlier this month, and her engagement was down. But guess what wasn’t down — her profile views and website clicks. Those had all increased, and not only that, but her follower count had increased as well. 👏🏻

So, did we freak out that her posts weren’t getting as many likes or views as usual? No, because we took a data-driven approach rather than an emotional one.

When you have a custom framework and a strategy designed specifically for your brand and audience, you can be confident that you are creating content that resonates with your followers and is compelling enough for them to want to click through to your website and check out your products.

You don’t need to buy another course or try another “growth hack.” You need a custom strategy designed specifically for your brand to stand the test of time and create results that matter for your business, like thousands of new people visiting your website WEEKLY!

If you’re ready to stop worrying about low engagement and start creating content based on data-driven decisions, DM me the word “STRATEGY,” and let’s talk.💌

You asked for the details on the SoKoe 1:1 Power Hour, and I’m dropping everything you need to know right here. 🫶🏻Before...

You asked for the details on the SoKoe 1:1 Power Hour, and I’m dropping everything you need to know right here. 🫶🏻

Before I launched the 1:1 Power Hour, I talked to a ton of business owners who were all experiencing some of the same problems:

◾Scrolling for hours looking for content ideas, guessing on the type of content they need to be creating to get their audience’s attention

◾Keeping up with trends and updates

◾Consistently showing up and posting, but they weren’t seeing the results they needed

◾Didn’t have a clear content plan and felt overwhelmed with all the advice they were finding online

The most common theme I saw was that these business owners needed a clear, no-fluff content plan customized for their brand and audience. They also needed fresh insight into what it takes to build a loyal community of followers who are obsessed with their brand but weren’t sure where to start and didn’t have the time to figure it out themselves. 🙃

That’s why I created the 1:1 Power Hour. This jammed-packed, one-hour audit is designed to help you stay on trend and relevant while creating content that actually creates results. No more 200 view jail! And followers who actually engage with your content! 👏🏻

My goal is for you to overcome content creation overwhelm, gain a clear understanding of what content you need to create to see results in your business, and, most importantly, feel reinspired and confident. ✨

If you’re ready to get the burst of energy back that you had when you first launched your business, comment “POWER HOUR” below for the link to book your 1:1 call! 💌

If you’ve ever received a crappy social media audit, this is my apology to you on their behalf. That “audit” probably we...

If you’ve ever received a crappy social media audit, this is my apology to you on their behalf.

That “audit” probably went something along the lines of getting told to change your bio, be consistent and authentic, the best times to post, and which hashtags you should be using. 🙃

And if you left that audit feeling more confused than when you started, there’s a reason.

All of the recommendations you were given are surface level and don’t teach you how to shift your content according to data and understand your audience on a psychological level. 📈

A proper audit should take a hard, detailed look into the content you’re currently posting and analyze the data and analytics so you can understand what changes you need to make to see consistent results each month. 👏🏻

I get it, not everybody can afford thousands of dollars a month for a marketing agency to do their socials. That’s why I created the 1:1 Power Hour.

This jam packed one hour call will give you strategic, actionable steps to help you refine your content and create meaningful content that will get your followers obsessed with your brand. ✨

Not to mention, I will spend 60 minutes before our Zoom call auditing your Instagram and TikTok. Then, during the call, we’ll spend the first 30 minutes reviewing your audit, and the remainder of the time is open for you to ask questions that will help you think like the leaders of your industry. 💡

If you’re ready to get the burst of energy back that you had when you first launched your business, comment POWER HOUR below for the link to book your 1:1 call. 💌

You’re barely hanging on by a thread when it comes to creating content.  You feel like throwing in the towel, but this i...

You’re barely hanging on by a thread when it comes to creating content.

You feel like throwing in the towel, but this isn’t why you started your business.

Every time you post, you hear crickets. You get no engagement, no views, let alone anyone clicking though to your website.

I want to give you a glimmer of hope. You’re a lot closer than you think...

If you can figure out exactly what your audience needs to hear from you and understand how to position your product as the unique solution to their problems, not only will your content creation time be cut in half, but you’ll know exactly what to say to your audience to get them obsessed with your brand because you took the time to identify your goals, research your audience, and understand their buyer type(s).

Sometimes, it’s just a small shift you need to make in your content to see the results you’ve been working so hard to achieve. 👏🏻

You know that the guidance of an expert holding your hand and giving you a custom content plan will give you the confidence you need to start creating content with authority and attract your ideal customer. So what’s holding you back?

2024 is halfway over, and you’ve been trying to do it on your own for this long. We both know it’s not working, or else you wouldn’t have read this far.

Are you going to be the one who gets in the way of reaching your goals? I didn’t think so. 🧡

Comment POWER HOUR, and let’s get a clear content plan in place. 💌

Feel called out? Then this is for you. 🤍If your content is keeping you up at night, scrolling through Instagram, looking...

Feel called out? Then this is for you. 🤍

If your content is keeping you up at night, scrolling through Instagram, looking for ideas, and googling tips on what content will grab your audience’s attention, it’s time to try something different.

The most successful business owners are able to adapt and pivot when they know something is not working. 👏🏻

Flying by the seat of your pants, trying every new growth hack you see, and hoping for the best is clearly not working, or else you probably wouldn’t be reading this right now. 🙃

You don’t need any more growth hacks or another free course. You can get rid of Google and ChatGPT and instead focus your efforts on strategies based on proven marketing psychology and principles customized to your business.

Understanding your audience on a psychological level and identifying the buyer types within your audience so you can create content that speaks to them in a way they understand and addresses their problems and desires IS the KEY to effortlessly creating content that will achieve consistent results.

That’s where the SoKoe 1:1 Power Hour comes in. 👇🏼

The SoKoe Power Hour is designed specifically for business owners like you who need clarity and confidence in their content strategy.

And I can tell you I have never had a 1:1 client walk away feeling confused because, let me tell you, this hour is jam-packed. I do not hold back. 👏🏻

My priority is to provide a clear, actionable plan to help you feel less overwhelmed and start seeing real results.

You’ll leave with clear goals, a deep understanding of your target audience, and a content plan designed to build a loyal community of followers who are obsessed with your brand. ✨

I promise you, Google doesn’t have the answers you need. The way to unlock clarity around what to post, why, and how to get your followers to buy your product is through strategic, actionable steps.

Leave any questions you have about the Power Hour below! 👇🏼

Let’s get a clear content plan in place. DM me POWER HOUR, and let’s talk. 💌

If you could implement strategies that would increase your reach by over 250%, would you? Reach and engagement are signi...

If you could implement strategies that would increase your reach by over 250%, would you?

Reach and engagement are significantly low for everyone right now, and you think that if only you could get those numbers back up, you’d feel better about creating content again. And it would be the key to growing a community of followers who are obsessed with your brand. 🙃

The 250% increase in reach and 185% increase in followers we achieved for Client K are not the only factors to consider when thinking about your brand’s success on social media.

Understanding your audience on a psychological level and speaking to their problems and desires through your content will help you overcome the feeling that you’re talking to a brick wall every time you post and transform your efforts into consistently building a community of loyal followers and increasing traffic to your website. ✨

That is exactly where Client K was when she first came to us. So, we worked together on a 1:1 power hour call to gain a deep understanding of her ideal customer. We also helped her understand how to read her content analytics and make data-driven decisions so she could shift her content to improve it for the next month and see consistent results. 😌

With the proper support, she didn’t have to scroll for hours looking for content ideas or try to guess what content would attract her ideal customer. Because we were able to give her a clear understanding of the exact content she needed to create to see the results she was trying so hard to achieve on her own. 👏🏻

Within the first month of implementing the wealth of information she learned in just a one hour 1:1 call, her reach grew by 259%, profile visits by 46%, website visits increased by 136%, and her followers increased by 185%.

What would your business look like with this type of transformation? And for you to finally understand what your audience needs to hear to become obsessed with your brand?

If you are tired of spending hours creating content that ultimately does nothing for your brand, I want to help you.

DM me POWER HOUR, and let’s talk. 🧡

The SoKoe 1:1 Power Hour is Here! ✨I realized 99% of social media audits suck. I noticed most “experts” were giving very...

The SoKoe 1:1 Power Hour is Here! ✨

I realized 99% of social media audits suck. I noticed most “experts” were giving very surface-level advice and touched on things like bio, optimization, best posting times, and hashtags. Most were not based on analyzing content data or rooted in marketing psychology/principles.

I wanted to be the one to change that. 👏🏻

The number of conversations I had with business owners who needed actionable strategies they could implement into their content was overwhelming. They needed fresh insight into how to build a loyal community of followers who are obsessed with their brand but weren’t sure where to start, and they didn’t have the time to keep scrolling for hours looking for content ideas.

If this sounds like you, you’re not the only one.

That’s why I created the 1:1 Power Hour: to help you stay on trend and relevant while creating content that is relatable to your audience—all without compromising your brand’s aesthetic image and values.

I think one of the things I’m most excited about is the level of support I’m able to offer you in just one hour. 🧡

I will spend 60 minutes before our Zoom call auditing your Instagram and TikTok. During the call, we’ll spend the first 30 minutes reviewing your audit, and I’ll give expert recommendations on enhancing your current strategy. The remainder of the time is open for you to ask questions and engage in thought provoking conversation that inspires you to think like the leaders in your industry. 💡

Don’t spend your energy taking notes. After the call, you’ll receive an email with my audit notes and strategy recommendations, call notes, the full Zoom recording, and bonus materials. Hint: content calendar template. 😉

In this value-packed Power Hour, my goal is for you to overcome content creation overwhelm by implementing my recommendations. You will have a clear understanding of what content you need to create to see results in your business.

Most importantly, you’ll feel reinspired and confident. ✨

If you’re ready to get the burst of energy back that you had when you first launched your business, comment “POWER HOUR” below for the link to book your 1:1 call! 💌

Consistency AND strategy! I don’t care what anyone else says; you must have both if you want to create results for your ...

Consistency AND strategy! I don’t care what anyone else says; you must have both if you want to create results for your brand. 👏🏻

Sure, you’re posting consistently, but there’s no real strategy. Let’s be honest—You’re winging it.

This is what posting consistently without strategy looks like 👇🏼

▪️ You’re getting no views. No engagement

▪️ You’re scrolling for hours trying to figure out what to post and looking at what your competitors are doing to get ideas

▪️ You’re wondering why your feed doesn’t look aesthetic

▪️ And why it’s so hard to stay on trend and relevant.

The whole goal when creating content is to show your audience that you deeply understand them.

This is what posting consistently WITH a strategy looks like 👇🏼

▪️ You deeply understand your target audience and can create content that speaks directly to their struggles or desires.

▪️ You stay up-to-date on the latest trends and what’s working in your industry while maintaining your aesthetic image and values.

▪️ You know how your audience thinks and how they buy, so when they’re viewing your content, they’re thinking, how do they know that I’m thinking about this? I 🫶🏼 this brand.

Your content is not about you.

The only way to build a loyal community of followers who are absolutely obsessed with your brand is to care about them and deeply understand who they are like the back of your hand.

If you don’t, please stop posting. You’re wasting your time, resources, and money.

I’m not being dramatic. It’s 2024; you cannot afford to be subpar, to have no strategy, and to post just to say you got something up.

You need a custom content strategy designed by a marketing expert who understands everything about your brand and can tell you the exact type of content you need to create to see the results you work so hard for.

How many more months are you going to spend trying to do it yourself and spend hours creating content that does nothing for your brand?

Don’t get in your own Way. DM me “STRATEGY,” and let’s turn it around. 💌

The most common thing I hear from brands is: “I’m posting consistently, but I’m not seeing any engagement, it feels like...

The most common thing I hear from brands is:

“I’m posting consistently, but I’m not seeing any engagement, it feels like no one cares about my brand and what I’m selling.” 😞

And 9 times out of 10, I can look at their content and pinpoint exactly where they’re going wrong — and honestly, where you might be going wrong, too. 👇🏼

Let me ask you this:

▪️ Do you know how to create relevant and on trend content without compromising your brand’s aesthetic image? And is that trending content reaching NEW eyes every day?

▪️ Do you differentiate yourself from your competitors?

▪️ Do you create educating and valuable content that resonates with your audience’s pain points and desires and showcases your product as a unique solution?

▪️ Can you analyze your data from previous months to understand why certain pieces of content perform better than others and how to use that information to improve your content?

If you answered no to any of those questions, that tells me you do not have a custom framework tailored specifically for your audience that is designed to take them on a buyer journey and get them obsessed with your brand.

The SoKoe System, our unique framework, which is:

Aesthetic > Attract > Story> Obsessed

It’s a traditional marketing funnel, except we designed it specifically for fashion and beauty brands. It’s the framework we use to create results like this client example.

And that was results from just one week...

Imagine the results after one month. (We’ll show you those in another post). 😉

If you’ve been “DIY-ing” on your own and you’re still not seeing results, let alone anyone wanting to buy your product, it’s time to get an expert’s perspective on your social media strategy.

We both know your brand cannot continue spinning its wheels and doing the same thing over and over.

I want to be the one to get you out of this cycle. DM me “STRATEGY,” and let’s talk 💌

If there’s one thing will never miss, it’s an opportunity to create memes after any major fashion event 😌

If there’s one thing will never miss, it’s an opportunity to create memes after any major fashion event 😌

Our mood for International Women’s Day 🧡 I think what I love the most is our ability to be both.Both empathetic and resi...

Our mood for International Women’s Day 🧡

I think what I love the most is our ability to be both.

Both empathetic and resilient

Passionate and focused

Gentle and unyielding

Compassionate and capable

Courageous and serene

I am inspired every day by so many amazing women around me, especially the women at SoKoe, who I am so blessed to be able to work with, I couldn’t do it without you.

✨ Sydney, —Our incredible OBM is literally the lifeline of SoKoe. Every day, she pushes me to become a better leader and inspires our team. I don’t know what I would do without her! She is also a business owner, a mom of 3, and an incredibly caring, talented, and hardworking woman. 🧡

✨ Krysten, —Our amazing Social Media Coordinator who literally does it all! You guys, I don’t know how she does it, but she not only serves our clients beautifully, but she is also a creator and has another job! Your work ethic inspires me every day. 🧡

✨ Melinda, —Our sweetest Graphic Designer, who just became a first-time mom last month. I could actually cry. Her Beautiful heart shines through her work. How did I get so lucky? 🧡

✨ Megan, .r.west—Our amazing Social Media Strategist who is so consistently present in everything she does. Every day, she serves our clients with such confidence and poise. She is also a mom too! How do you do it? 🧡

✨ Aviva, —Our wonderful Graphic Designer and the newest addition to our team. She has the brightest soul and such a beautifully artistic mind. She challenges me to think outside the box, and I am so thankful! 🧡

Tag a woman who inspires you 🫶🏼
Photo credits

on instagram

Julia Robers in Pretty Woman, 1990

Play clothes 1954 via Millie Motts on Flickr

Audrey Hepburn in 1959 in Italy

Maidens of May, Nicholas Lawn for Centrefold Magazine

coco capitán for lula magazine

“Untitled (Fashion photograph)” (c. 1935) by Dora Maar

Sarah Bahbah

Sharon Tate - 1969 French “X” Magazine

Jennifer Aniston for Elle magazine (2001)


After ONLY TWO MONTHS of working with us, our lovely client saw a 725.621% increase in her reach and impressions. AND we...

After ONLY TWO MONTHS of working with us, our lovely client saw a 725.621% increase in her reach and impressions. AND we did all this while maintaining an aesthetic Instagram feed with content that is on trend and relevant to her audience. ✨

Let me ask you this:

How do you expect people to trust you as a brand and want to buy your product if you don’t have a feed/online presence that showcases your brand’s luxury aesthetic? 👀

I know the first thing I do when I find a new brand is judge their Instagram content. If the quality of their feed matches the quality they claim their product to be, I’m sold. If it doesn’t, see ya, I’m buying from their competitor.

Think of it like an interview- first impressions are EVERYTHING, and your IG feed is that first impression.

Aesthetic visuals communicate your brand’s story and messaging, and people will understand you are a luxury brand from the moment they come across your page — we see this as a huge needle mover for sales, so it’s REALLY important. 💸

You know your product is TOO good not to show up online the way it deserves, but you don’t know who to hire to take this off your plate, but we see you, we understand the struggle, and we want to help. DM me AESTHETIC, and let’s talk. 🧡

You are losing THOUSANDS of dollars by not having the right launch strategy for your new product. 💔⁠⁠You’ve spent all th...

You are losing THOUSANDS of dollars by not having the right launch strategy for your new product. 💔⁠

You’ve spent all this money on designing your new product/collection, and now you’re freaking out that no one is buying, so you overcompensate by running a few ads, continually wasting more money, and really just putting a bandaid over a fire hose. 🙃⁠

Just because you have an amazing product/collection DOES NOT mean you are going to sell out on launch day.⁠

You MUST have the right launch strategy. ⁠

We base all of our launch strategies on our SoKoe System, a typical buyer journey if you’re familiar with marketing, except we customize it specifically for fashion and beauty brands. ✨⁠

We don’t get results for our clients because we were “lucky,” we get results because we have built a strategic marketing System we know WORKS for our clients. 💸⁠

If you’re tired of putting your blood, sweat, and tears into your new product/collections just for there to be no sales or engagement when you launch, we’re here to help you! This is what we do every day. 💅🏼

Just Comment “LAUNCH” down below, or send us a DM on instagram so we can talk. 🧡⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

We’re hiring! Looking for an expert Social Media Strategist to join our team 🔗🖤A little bit about us…SoKoe Social is an ...

We’re hiring! Looking for an expert Social Media Strategist to join our team 🔗🖤

A little bit about us…

SoKoe Social is an online social media marketing agency that specializes in helping small businesses in the fashion, beauty, and lifestyle industries grow and create meaningful connections with their audiences through organic social media strategies.

At SoKoe Social, we focus on an exceptional and seamless client experience, providing white glove service, and taking a personal approach, allowing us to work with our clients every step of the way to understand their social media goals thoroughly.

Our work environment consists of energetic, hardworking, and dedicated leaders who believe in a healthy work-life balance and having fun while doing what you love!

A bit about the position…

Working seamlessly with our team as a Social Media Strategist, you will be responsible for developing a unique strategy (within the guidelines of our resources) for each client, curating engaging content, and ensuring deliverables are accurately and efficiently executed for up to three clients per month.

We estimate between 10-15 hours of work per week will be needed with potential room for growth!

This is a contracted, remote position. We are looking for a new team member who lives in the U.S. Please note, we work within the Eastern Time Zone from 9am to 5pm, Monday through Friday. It is required to have a computer with a camera and high-speed internet connection.

Looking to hire immediately.

Can’t wait to hear from you. 💌

Our new website is now live! ⚡️Thank you to The Coast Kit for the beautiful refresh. You've been with us since day one, ...

Our new website is now live! ⚡️

Thank you to The Coast Kit for the beautiful refresh. You've been with us since day one, and we can't thank you enough for your incredible work. 🧡

See you all at

The Cannes Film Festival is just another excuse for us to make memes 😌

The Cannes Film Festival is just another excuse for us to make memes 😌

Met Gala🤝🏼Memes

Met Gala🤝🏼Memes

5 ways you can convert your followers into customers 👉🏻  #5 is our favorite 😉When your client messages you that they sig...

5 ways you can convert your followers into customers 👉🏻 #5 is our favorite 😉

When your client messages you that they signed on a client because of the content you created for them. 💁🏼‍♀️ Best feeling ever.

And no, this wasn't luck or a coincidence; this was done by executing a strategy aligned with our client's target audience and overall marketing goals.

Yes, we're able to generate sales for our clients, and we can for your business too!

Stop wasting your TIME trying to figure out how to create content that will get you sales. Think about where you could be in 30-90 days if you finally took the leap and outsourced your social media like you've been wanting to.

If you're ready to start creating content that actually converts using our proven SoKoe System, comment "SoKoe" or send us a DM! 💌


👉🏻 Your goal as a brand on social media should be to connect with people. It’s not enough anymore to just sell your product; you MUST focus on building relationships with your customers and creating an experience through your content.

👉🏻 Your buyer experience can be the difference in whether someone buys from you vs. your competitor

👉🏻 If you need more help understanding how to create an exceptional buyer experience for your brand, comment “SoKoe” below or send us a DM on Instagram.


You know how great your product is; now it's time to convince your followers 😅

Translating brand stories into easily digestible and relatable content is our bread & butter 🍞🧈

Our social media strategy services go beyond basic content creation. Each client we onboard follows our proven SoKoe System. We take time to truly understand your ideal customer, so we can create content that speaks directly to them and makes them want to buy from you.

Comment "SoKoe" below, or send us a DM to get started! 💌

Allow us to reintroduce ourselves 🤝 We are SoKoe Social. The go-to social media agency for fashion and beauty brands loo...

Allow us to reintroduce ourselves 🤝 We are SoKoe Social. The go-to social media agency for fashion and beauty brands looking to grow organically.

After a hiatus from the SoKoe Social Instagram page, it's time to catch up and have a little heart-to-heart 🫶🏼. This past year we've hit some huge milestones:

⚡️ Founder Amanda Koenig introduced sister Mary Koenig to the SoKoe Social team as Partner.

⚡️ We're now 3 years old!

⚡️ We've expanded our services- we now offer Influencer Management, UGC Campaign Management, and Content Creation🤳🏼

⚡️ We've expanded our team

⚡️ Our website is getting a makeover 👀

As we enter our third year of business, we've come to terms with some hard truths as business owners and sisters:

→ Never underestimate the power of genuine connections

→ Always value relationships over selling

→ Never underestimate the amount of time it takes to complete a task

→ Always ask for help when you need it

→ Video content, video content, video content

→ If you don't know, find someone who knows

If you've resonated with any of the items on our list, drop a comment, we can't wait to start connecting with you all again! 🧡

 #4 can be the difference in whether your followers decide to buy from you vs. your competitor → ⁠⁠If you have a good fo...

#4 can be the difference in whether your followers decide to buy from you vs. your competitor → ⁠

If you have a good following, but your conversion rate is low, send us a DM so we can help you figure out what you're doing wrong. 💌⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠



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