In my opinion, it is fine to follow any religion/worldview you want. You may politely share about the good things in your religion but never force anyone to accept your view of life, society, and universe, even if you strongly believe it is good to them. Religions, if it is aligned with the universal source, are to be used onto ourselves to become a better person, kinder, more LOVE, forgiveness and caring. If it makes you more judgemental towards others, then most probably we are not excerpting the teaching of our religions correctly. I totally understand that it is often too easy for us to be triggered by other's words or actions, but if we react with anger, it doesn't show much that we are better than them, instead, it shows more about the fact that we are not capable of self-control, especially with our emotions. At times of separation like this, being more forgiving and softer in voice tone even when arguing about beliefs should be more important than conveying the contents of our arguments. It will be really nice if we could try our best to create high-quality arguments, which is arguing only about the contents of the topic but withholding respect and understanding towards those who are having a different view than us. All of us here are totally capable of creating a huge energy circle of selfless LOVE, I am sure we can do better. Separations are only illusions, every one of us who are born human is the soul that have been to the 11th dimension and back to 3rd, energetically we are all one tribe. Let's make love, not war ❤️