What if spirituality is not so much a riddle to be solved but an adventure to be discovered? Therefore, whatever is discovered is celebrated and enjoyed rather than critiqued against what has been found meaningful in eras gone by—both can be understood as a part of the evolution of consciousness. They are a continuation of advances that build upon humanity’s delight in the discovery of the new as well as the cocreative divinity we all participate in.
Yes, it means yester years creeds may not be the best containers for today, but it does not mean they were not a part of getting to where we need to go and be—where we are now, as humanity chasing love, truth, and beauty. Not just chasing but discovering, participating, and yes, creating … what is better than before. A riddle to be solved paradigm pretends human consciousness is not advancing and it locks us into a mechanism of certainty to be achieved, rather than a playful advance of how things can continuously evolve—a participatory, creative adventure towards love and inclusion.
The frightening thing is it can go many directions—even backwards, but thus is our context. It’s up to us. No pie in the sky security, but also recognizing there is a sacred pull we all feel towards meaning and interconnectedness even in our dysfunctions.
Burying our dysfunction breeds contempt, wars, and hatred because we hate our own contempt and project it. Bringing it into consciousness is painful and eschews certainty, but is necessary to move into adventure, growth, goodness, and love.