Chroniques d'une mort annoncée ou l'AUTOPSIE d'une arnaque bien ficelée

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  • Chroniques d'une mort annoncée ou l'AUTOPSIE d'une arnaque bien ficelée

Chroniques d'une mort annoncée ou l'AUTOPSIE d'une arnaque bien ficelée il suffirait que tout le monde s'y mette, ce serait un joli geste de solidarité…



*SHELTER PLEA* NOTEBOOK has severe conjunctivitis in his left eye! He is still awaiting a behavior exam, but has been friendly to staff so far!

Brooklyn Center

Notebook 162980

2 yrs. | male | 8lbs. | stray





Brown Tabby


Spayed / Neutered


Primary Microchip #

Rabies Tag


Spay / Neuter Due Date



2 Years (approx)


8 lbs 14.4 oz

Veterinary Clinic Software Record #:

Weight: 8 lbs 14.4 oz

Date of Weighing: 1/22/2023

Date Spayed / Neutered:

Schedule Surgery Date:

Stitches Removal/Wound Recheck Date:

Clinic Name:

Previously Spayed / Neutered: No

General Vet Notes:

Previous Medical Details:

Known Allergies or Medical Conditions:

Feeding Requirements:


Medical Notes



No Medical Notes Stored

Vet Treatments

Date Administered

Vet Treatment Type

Route of Administration

Treatment Result

Administered by External Vet


FVRCP Annual


Rabies Vaccine


Microchip Implantation


Internal Parasite Treatment - Pyrantel


Flea/Tick Treatment - Frontline






Vet Treatments Due

Date Due

Vet Treatment Type


Internal Parasite Treatment - Pyrantel


Flea/Tick Treatment - Frontline




Rabies Vaccine


FVRCP Annual



Amount Dispensed

Route of Administration


Date From

Date To

Doses Administered

Vet Name



Gentamycin Opthalmic Solution

0 drops


1 drop OS Topically, 2 times every 1 day(s)


After completed 20 times


VET-P 992066

Drug Usage

No drugs administered to this animal.

Vet Consultations



Vet Notes


Date Resolved


DVM Intake

Vet Notes: 6:11 PM

DVM Intake Exam

Estimated age: 1 to 3 years of age
Is this an orphan kitten?
Is the kitten eating on own?
Is the kitten suckling?
Microchip noted on Intake? neg

History: stray


Observed Behavior - friendly, loose body, tolerated all medical handling

Evidence of Cruelty seen - none

Evidence of Trauma seen - none


T = NP
P = 180
R = 36
BCS 5/9

EENT: mucoid ocular discharge OS, severe conjunctivitis OS, unable to visualize globe OS, ears clean, no nasal discharge noted
Oral Exam: clean adult dentition
PLN: No enlargements noted
H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupneic
ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated
U/G: intact male, two descended testicles
MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat
CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities
Re**al: externally normal
Wood's Lamp Exam: negative

mucoid ocular discharge OS
severe conjunctivitis OS


intake tasks
Gentamycin OS BID x 10 days
Simbadol 0.24mg/kg SQ


Temporary waiver due to ocular pathology

** PLEASE NOTE ** KITTENS under the age of 8 weeks or weighing 2 pounds or less CAN ONLY be PULLED by a RESCUE!!!! IF INTERESTED, PLEASE contact a RESCUE ASAP!!!

For more information on adopting from the NYC AC&C, or to find a rescue to assist, please read the following:

If you are local to NYC, and within 4 hrs of NYS and NJ and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or message our FB page with our experienced volunteers that will do their best to guide you through the process.

* We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*

If you can get to the shelters in NYC:
(212) 788-4000 (wait through the prompts to reach a live person)

Email - [email protected]
htAnimal Care Centers of NYC (ACC)

If you are within a 3-4 hour radius of NYC or NJ and cannot get to the shelter: You must apply to a New Hope rescue shelter partner.

Here's a list of New Hope shelter rescue partners (must contact individual rescues):

For approved adopters,
There is free transport within a 3-4 hour radius of NYC & NJ.

The NYC ACC foster program:


***SAFE 2/20/23*** Pulled by Amsterdog - Donation website:



A $100 stipend will be offered to the New Hope partner that pulls Cashmere.

Please note that in order to qualify for the stipend, the animal cannot go to a boarding facility.

*SHELTER PLEA* *NOT EATING, PLEASE HELP! Shy Young Kitty CASHMERE NEEDS YOU NOW AT BACC!* I'm an independent kitty who likes to do my own thing.

I am looking for a home with a patient person.

I can be slow to adjust to new environments. I prefer to take things at my own pace.

I would appreciate slow introductions to new people and places to help me feel safe.

I'm sensitive and shy. I'll need extra help from you.

I would do best in a home with only adult humans.

Brooklyn Center

Hello, my name is Cashmere. My animal id is #161397. I am a male black cat at the Brooklyn Animal Care Center. The shelter thinks I am about 2 years 2 weeks old.

I came into the shelter as a agency on 12/29/2022.

Cashmere needs emergency placement for medical reasons. He has an upper respiratory infection and is not eating. Behaviorally, he is fearful but allows limited handling. He has a bite history in his former home.

Let's get to know each other a bit more...
This pet needs emergency placement. Please click here to go to our emergency placement page for more information.

Cashmere needs emergency placement for medical reasons. He has an upper respiratory infection and is not eating. Behaviorally, he is fearful but allows limited handling. He has a bite history in his former home.

What my friends at ACC say about me:
I'm an independent kitty who likes to do my own thing.
I am looking for a home with a patient person.
I can be slow to adjust to new environments. I prefer to take things at my own pace.
I would appreciate slow introductions to new people and places to help me feel safe.
I'm sensitive and shy. I'll need extra help from you.
I would do best in a home with only adult humans.

My medical notes are...
Weight: 9.4 lbs

Vet Notes
L V T Notes

DVM Intake Exam

Estimated age: 2 yr

Microchip noted on Intake? negative

History:bite and scratch

Subjective: DOH

Observed Behavior - quiet, able to muzzle and handle, full exam

Evidence of Cruelty seen -none

Evidence of Trauma seen -none

Objective QARH mm pigmented

BCS 5/9

EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted
Oral Exam:clean adult dentition
PLN: No enlargements noted
H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic
ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated
U/G: scrotal te**es
MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat
CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities
Re**al:not performed


Prognosis: excellent

DOH hold

Okay for surgery


Patient BAR in feral den. Eyes appear very mildly wet, otherwise no URI signs noted. Patient has not eaten well for last 4 days.

Start Mirataz 1.5 in strip to ear q24 until 12/14
Start medical feedings q12 until 12/14
Recheck appetite tomorrow


S/O: BAR, no v/d noted. Not eating

EENT: Serous ocular discharge OU, mild dried nasal discharge noted
H/L: No coughing/sneezing, eupneic, normal respiratory rate/effort
CNS: Mentation appropriate


Move to medical due to prolonged anorexia
Start doxycycline 10 mg/kg PO SID x 10 days- first dose given
Start LRS 100 ml SQ q24 x 3 days- first dose given
Start Cerenia 1 mg/kg SQ q24 x 3 days- first dose given
Start Elura 2 mg/kg PO q24 x 3 days- first dose given
Recheck tomorrow
Recheck URI day 10
CTM while at BACC


Patient BAR, hiding behind feral den. Hissed once. Did not eat overnight or during the day.

Recheck tomorrow- consider e-tube in 1-2 days if not eating and if patient will tolerate handling for feedings
Continue medical feedings, LRS, Mirataz, Cerenia, and Elura until 1/14
Continue doxycycline until 1/20


Recheck URI, anorexia

QAR, resting on den
Ate small amount overnight
No c/s/v/d noted
No active nasal or ocular discharge
Normal respiratory rate and effort

URI - no signs noted today
Anorexia - improving

Continue doxycycline, extend mirtazipine and medical feedings, okay to d/c other supportive care
CTM in medical


No ocular/nasal discharge
Eating/drinking Picked at food overnight
Urine and BM seen
Retreated and hisses when approached

Details on my behavior are...
Behavior Condition: 2. Blue

Behavior History
Behavior Assessment

KNOWN HISTORY:: Cashmere was brought in with limited information on his behavior history in a home environment.

Hiding in den, tense face and body with eyes wide and dilated. He hisses as I move the tool closer to him with tuna on it. He leans forward to sniff with ears forward but does not eat. I leave the tuna near the opening of the den for him to eat when I am not around and spray feliway before ending the interaction.

Hiding in cat den upon approach, body hidden and head visible as he peeks out at me. He hisses and maintains hard eye contact as I speak to him softly and open the kennel door, and I toss some tuna towards him while slow-blinking. He sniffs the tuna, then begins to eat it after I've closed the kennel door. Needs time.

Hiding in den, pokes head out with a tense face and dilated eyes. I lightly toss treats and he doesn't really react, just continues to stare at me. When I drop the cage cover he comes forward and fully out of the den to investigate and possibly eat some of the treats. When I lift the cover he hisses hard but leans forward to sniff the scratcher tool with puree on it before going back into his den. While he is out of the den he maintains a low and tense body posture and ears forward.

Lying on top of cat den, body tense and ears flat. He makes eye contact when I lift the cage cover, then he begins hissing and squinting his eyes as I gently toss treats towards him. He does sniff each treat that's offered but he remains too focused on me and the room to eat them during our interaction. Needs time to adjust.

Resting in cat den upon approach, head resting on den opening and body hidden. He does not respond when offered treats or scent enrichment. His head is facing the back wall and his ears are forward - he flinches one ear when a treat gets close to him but does not react further. He appears to be resting and not too interested in interaction at this moment. Hopefully he will eat his treats later when he’s finished with his nap.

Resting on top of den, but hisses and feint sleeps when approached. Keeps a low posture as I slowly extend the scratcher tool with squeeze ups. Doesn't eat so I gave him space and a cage cover, but he doesn't eat until he's sure it's safe. Spent time blinking and sweet talking him.


VOCAL:: Quiet

CHARACTER TYPE: : Shy ,Timid,Skittish,Independent

POTENTIAL CHALLENGES:: New home adjustment period,Fearful,Other

Potential challenges comments:: Cashmere was brought in on a DOH hold, please see bite report for more info.


RECOMMENDATIONS:: Adult only home

BEHAVIOR SUMMARY:: On approach, Cashmere is in his den with his head poking out, eyes wide and dilated, and ears forward as he hisses. He hisses again when the door is opened and ducks back into his den. The den cover is moved and he is tolerant of touch with the scratcher tool as he sits hunched with a tense face and body, and ears tilted. He hisses a few times but does not escalate past this and remains mostly frozen. Pick up was not attempted due to level of FAS.

Cashmere tolerates limited interaction but may be fearful or stressed in the shelter, and may be intimidated by small children. He may be a little more independent, and may need time to warm up to his new home. Due to the behaviors seen in the care center as well as his previous bite/scratch history, we feel that this cat will do best in an experienced, adult only home.

** PLEASE NOTE ** KITTENS under the age of 8 weeks or weighing 2 pounds or less CAN ONLY be PULLED by a RESCUE!!!! IF INTERESTED, PLEASE contact a RESCUE ASAP!!!

For more information on adopting from the NYC AC&C, or to find a rescue to assist, please read the following:

If you are local to NYC, and within 4 hrs of NYS and NJ and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or message our FB page with our experienced volunteers that will do their best to guide you through the process.

* We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*

If you can get to the shelters in NYC:
(212) 788-4000 (wait through the prompts to reach a live person)

Email - [email protected]
htAnimal Care Centers of NYC (ACC)

If you are within a 3-4 hour radius of NYC or NJ and cannot get to the shelter: You must apply to a New Hope rescue shelter partner.

Here's a list of New Hope shelter rescue partners (must contact individual rescues):

For approved adopters,
There is free transport within a 3-4 hour radius of NYC & NJ.

The NYC ACC foster program:


***SAFE 1/30/23***


Staten Island Center

162798- Charlie – 12 year old spayed female –DVM PENDING - Green Medical Behavior! – OWNER SURRENDERED DUE TO THE OWNER NOT ABLE TO TAKE CARE OF THEM AND A SICK FAMILY MEMBER

Vet Treatments
Date Administered Vet Treatment Type Route of Administration Treatment Result Administered by External Vet
1/22/2023 Microchip Implantation
1/22/2023 Internal Parasite Treatment - Pyrantel
1/22/2023 Flea/Tick Treatment - Frontline
1/22/2023 Nail Trim
1/22/2023 FeLV/FIV Snap Negative

Vet Treatments Due
Date Due Vet Treatment Type
2/5/2023 Internal Parasite Treatment - Pyrantel
2/5/2023 Weigh
2/22/2023 Flea/Tick Treatment - Frontline
7/22/2023 FeLV/FIV Snap
2/12/2024 Rabies Vaccine
2/12/2025 FVRCP Annual

Medication Amount Dispensed Route of Administration Frequency Date From Date To Doses Administered Vet Name Reason Notes
No medications administered to this animal.

Drug Usage
No drugs administered to this animal.

Vet Consultations
Date Reasons Vet Notes Vet Date Resolved
23-Jan-2023 DVM Intake
Vet Notes: 3:11 PM

[DVM Intake]
DVM Intake Exam

Estimated age: 12 years

History: owner surrender


Observed Behavior - relaxed body, allowed all handling

Evidence of Cruelty seen - no

Evidence of Trauma seen - no


BCS 4/9 with dorsal muscle wasting

EENT: Eyes clear, AU- mild waxy debris, no nasal or ocular discharge noted
Oral Exam: moderate dental calculus and gingivitis, suspect resorptive lesions
PLN: No enlargements noted
H/L: NSR, grade 3/6 heart murmur, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupneic
ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated
U/G: Female, spayed per owner
MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, approx 2 cm cutaneous mass at top of head, dull haircoat
CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities

moderate dental disease, grade 3
heart murmur
cutaneous mass
low wbcs- R/O bone marrow disease vs infection vs other
increased ALT- R/O hepatic disease vs intestinal disease vs other

Prognosis: guarded

aspirated cutaneous mass- filled with blood-tinged fluid- R/O cyst vs other
checked total T4 as not done on previous bloodwork- wnl

VET 991385
22-Jan-2023 Blood Work Interpretation
L V T Notes: 11:27 AM


decreased WBC (3.04 K/uL)
elevated ALT (158U/L)

Bloodwork scanned into vet documents

LVT-E 990780
22-Jan-2023 LVT Intake
L V T Notes: 11:25 AM

Microchip Scan: negative
Evidence of Cruelty: no
Observed Behavior: friendly,allowed handling
S*x: F/S
Estimated Age: 12yrs

Subjective: O/S
Eyes: mild nuclear sclerosis OU
Oral Exam: mild dental dz., missing some teeth
Abdomen: wnl
Musculoskeletal: bcs 5/9, wnl
Integument: medium sized cyst on top of head
Mentation: barh, ambx4

Preliminary Assessment: cyst, mild dental dz.

Plan: dvm intake, RV

To Animal Details To Behavior Notes Print Form

This behavior note was written by the previous owner of this pet. Animal Care Centers of NYC provides this as a guide for optimal pet placement.
Please use these notes in conjunction with the information provided by NYCACC.

Animal ID: 162798
Animal Name: Charli
Breed: Domestic Short Hair
This animal came from: Relative
Origin Address
Spay/Neuter status Yes
Date of Intake 21-Jan-2023
Is this cat having litter box issues? Yes
If yes, Please elaborate: Recently within the past month, Charly has been refusing to use the litterbox. She has been defecating and urinating out of the box. She has not been brought to the vet for this issue or has there been any modifications done. Previous owner does not know what may be causing the issue.
Basic Information: Charly is a 11.5 y.o spayed cat that the previous owner inherited when his mother died 5 yrs. ago. However, the previous owner is no longer able to continue care for Charly and surrendered.
Previously lived with: adults/seniors, cat
How is this cat around strangers? Charly will hide until the visitor leave the home.

It is reported that Charly does not play with adults.
How is this cat around children? N/A
How is this cat around other cats? Charly lived with another female cat and she would be relaxed and usually tolerant. Charly doesn't play with the other cat.
How is this cat around dogs? Charly lived with 2 Greyhounds and she would be relaxed. She did not play with the dogs.
Behavior Notes Previous owners stated that Charly has litterbox accidents and hides in fear. Previous owner did not bathe Charly so it is unknown how she would react to this grooming agent. Charly will be afraid and struggle, hiss, & swat when having her nails trimmed. Charly is afraid and struggles when having her coat brushed. Charly is afraid and will struggle and hiss when being picked up and held. Charly will hide to avoid being picked up. Charly is afraid and will struggle, hiss, and swat when being put into a carrier and she is alert but calm during car rides. Charly has never been disturbed from her sleep/rest so it is unknown how she would react.
Bite history: none
Energy level/descriptors: Low
Has this cat ever had any medical issues? No
For a New Family to Know Charly is described as independent and shy with a low activity level. Her favorite activities are sleeping and eating. When in the home, Charly is the type to rarely seek attention. She does not play with any toys. She was kept indoors only and would sleep on the carpet. Charly is litter box trained and used an uncovered or automatic litter box with crystal litter. She was fed Weruva dry cat food and Friskies wet food. Charly scratches on the carpet and was not provided a scratching post.

Behavior Notes:
Behavior during intake: Charli was slightly tense and was sitting at the back of the carrier. But she allowed counselor to pet her and scan for microchip. Charli was picked up and transferred from carrier to kennel. In kennel, she retreated to the litter box but allowed staff member to pet her.


162797 – Goldie– 12 year old spayed female – DVM Pending -

Vet Treatments
Date Administered Vet Treatment Type Route of Administration Treatment Result Administered by External Vet
1/22/2023 Microchip Implantation
1/22/2023 Internal Parasite Treatment - Pyrantel
1/22/2023 FVRCP Annual
1/22/2023 Flea/Tick Treatment - Frontline
1/23/2023 Rabies Vaccine SQ

Vet Treatments Due
Date Due Vet Treatment Type
2/5/2023 Internal Parasite Treatment - Pyrantel
2/5/2023 Weigh
2/22/2023 Flea/Tick Treatment - Frontline
1/22/2024 FVRCP Annual
1/23/2024 Rabies Vaccine

Medication Amount Dispensed Route of Administration Frequency Date From Date To Doses Administered Vet Name Reason Notes
No medications administered to this animal.

Drug Usage
No drugs administered to this animal.

Vet Consultations
Date Reasons Vet Notes Vet Date Resolved
23-Jan-2023 DVM Intake
Vet Notes: 3:14 PM

[DVM Intake]
DVM Intake Exam

Estimated age: 15 years

History: owner surrender


Observed Behavior - tense but allowed handling

Evidence of Cruelty seen - no

Evidence of Trauma seen - no


BCS 2-3/9

EENT: Eyes clear, AU- moderate debris, no nasal or ocular discharge noted
Oral Exam: missing teeth, moderate dental calculus and gingivitis
PLN: No enlargements noted
H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupneic
ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated
U/G: Female, spayed per owner
MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites,
CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities




VET 991385
22-Jan-2023 Blood Work Interpretation
L V T Notes: 11:30 AM

Inceased SDMA , BUN and ALT

Chemistry scanned into vet documents

LVT-E 990780
22-Jan-2023 LVT Intake
L V T Notes: 11:17 AM

Microchip Scan: negative
Evidence of Cruelty: no
Observed Behavior: nervous,but allowed handling
S*x: F/S
Estimated Age: 12yrs

Subjective: O/S
Eyes: mild nuclear sclerosis OU
Oral Exam: moderate dental dz., missing teeth
Abdomen: wnl
Musculoskeletal: bcs 2/9, underweight
Integument: matted coat, lump on left side of throat and dorsum. possible mass.
Mentation: barh, ambx4

Preliminary Assessment: underweight, masses

Plan: dvm intake, RV, CT

LVT-E 990780
To Animal Details To Behavior Notes Print Form

This behavior note was written by the previous owner of this pet. Animal Care Centers of NYC provides this as a guide for optimal pet placement.
Please use these notes in conjunction with the information provided by NYCACC.

Animal ID: 162797
Animal Name: Goldie
Breed: Domestic Short Hair
This animal came from: Relative
Origin Address
Spay/Neuter status Yes
Date of Intake 21-Jan-2023
Basic Information: Goldie is a 8 y.o spayed cat that the previous owner inherited when his mother died 5 yrs. ago. However, the previous owner is no longer able to continue care for Goldie and surrendered.
Previously lived with: adults/seniors, cat
How is this cat around strangers? Goldie will hide until the visitor leave the home.

It is reported that Goldie does not play with adults.
How is this cat around children? N/A
How is this cat around other cats? Goldie lived with another female cat and she would be relaxed and usually tolerant. Goldie doesn't play with the other cat.
How is this cat around dogs? Goldie lived with 2 Greyhounds and she would be relaxed. She did not play with the dogs.
Behavior Notes Previous owners stated that Goldie has hides in fear and will swat/scratch is attempting to handle her. Previous owner did not bathe Goldie so it is unknown how she would react to this grooming agent. Goldie will be afraid and hiss when having her nails trimmed. Goldie enjoys having her coat brushed. Goldie struggles and will hiss, swat, & scratch when being picked up and held or when being put into a carrier and she is relaxed during car rides. Goldie is afraid when disturbed from her sleep/rest and will run away.
Bite history: none
Energy level/descriptors: Low
Has this cat ever had any medical issues? No
For a New Family to Know Goldie is described as independent with a low activity level. When in the home, Goldie is the type to rarely seek attention. She does not play with any toys. She was kept indoors only and would sleep on the carpet. Goldie is litter box trained and used an uncovered or automatic litter box with crystal litter. She was fed Friskies wet food. Goldie scratches on the carpet and was not provided a scratching post.

Behavior Notes:
Behavior during intake: Goldie was calm and relaxed in the carrier. She was at the front of the carrier and allowed counselor to pet her head and scan her for a microchip. Goldie allowed to be picked up and placed from carrier to kennel without any displays of fractious behavior. In kennel, she allowed staff member to pet her on the head and she leaned into petting.

** PLEASE NOTE ** KITTENS under the age of 8 weeks or weighing 2 pounds or less CAN ONLY be PULLED by a RESCUE!!!! IF INTERESTED, PLEASE contact a RESCUE ASAP!!!

For more information on adopting from the NYC AC&C, or to find a rescue to assist, please read the following:

If you are local to NYC, and within 4 hrs of NYS and NJ and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or message our FB page with our experienced volunteers that will do their best to guide you through the process.

* We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*

If you can get to the shelters in NYC:
(212) 788-4000 (wait through the prompts to reach a live person)

Email - [email protected]
htAnimal Care Centers of NYC (ACC)

If you are within a 3-4 hour radius of NYC or NJ and cannot get to the shelter: You must apply to a New Hope rescue shelter partner.

Here's a list of New Hope shelter rescue partners (must contact individual rescues):

For approved adopters,
There is free transport within a 3-4 hour radius of NYC & NJ.

The NYC ACC foster program:


***SAFE 1/31/23*** Pulled by F.A.C.T.(Feline Advocates Coming Together - Donation website:



Due to the detailed behavior issues, this animal is only available for foster/adoption through one of ACC's New Hope Partners. If you are interested in adopting or fostering, please fill out the pre-screener form. This animal is not directly available for adoption through ACC and is only available by completing the pre-screener form.Adoption inquiries sent directly to ACC will not receive a response.
Pre-Screener Form

*SHELTER PLEA* ADDITIONAL PHOTO - Sofa is very fearful in shelter and currently has a URI/conjunctivitis!! This kitty would benefit from a change of environments, please help her out!!

Abandoned In Front of Building & Did Not Move From Her Spot for 5 days! Pretty Orange Tabby SOFA Is Very Stressed, Please Help Her at BACC!

SOFA is as frozen as a sofa here in shelter :( Her finder said she saw her at the same corner for 3-5 days and even tried to follow her inside several times! SOFA WANTS A HOME.

Brooklyn Center

Sofa 160080

3 yrs. | female | 6lbs. | stray | NHO

Hello, my name is Sofa . My animal id is #160080. I am a female orange tabby cat at the Brooklyn Animal Care Center. The shelter thinks I am about 3 years 1 months 1 weeks old.

I came into the shelter as a stray on 12/8/2022.

Sofa is on the emergency placement list due to behavior. She is not thriving in the care center and continues to display distance-increasing behavior when approached for interactions. She has not warmed up despite staff using treats to build a positive association. Due to her stress levels, it is in her best interest to move out of the kennel environment and into a stable home as quickly as possible. She would do best in a home with adopters who are willing to give her plenty of time and space to adjust, and who have experience with helping a fearful cat adjust to strangers.

Let's get to know each other a bit more...
This pet needs emergency placement. Please click here to go to our emergency placement page for more information.

Due to the detailed behavior issues, this animal is only available for foster/adoption through one of ACC's New Hope Partners. If you are interested in adopting or fostering, please fill out the pre-screener form. This animal is not directly available for adoption through ACC and is only available by completing the pre-screener form.Adoption inquiries sent directly to ACC will not receive a response.
Pre-Screener Form

Sofa is on the emergency placement list due to behavior. She is not thriving in the care center and continues to display distance-increasing behavior when approached for interactions. She has not warmed up despite staff using treats to build a positive association. Due to her stress levels, it is in her best interest to move out of the kennel environment and into a stable home as quickly as possible. She would do best in a home with adopters who are willing to give her plenty of time and space to adjust, and who has experience with helping a fearful cat adjust to strangers.

My medical notes are...
Weight: 6.56 lbs

Vet Notes

DVM Intake
Estimated age: 3 years
Microchip noted on Intake? No

History: Stray
Subjective: BARH, no coughing/sneezing/vomiting/diarrhea

Observed behavior: Hissing, swatting, growling. Netted for exam and tasks, limited exam performed
Evidence of cruelty seen: No
Evidence of trauma seen: no

P: WNl
BCS: 5/9

OP: Not performed
EENT: Eyes and nares clear bilaterally, no discharge noted.
CV: No murmurs or arrhythmias
RESP: Eupneic, no crackles/wheezes
GI: Soft, nonpainful, no palpable masses.
UG: female intact, no mammary gland tumors, no discharge
INT: Good hair coat, no areas of alopecia or pruritus, no ectoparasites or masses noted.
MS: Ambulatory x4, no pain on palpation of epaxials
NEURO: Mentation appropriate, cranial nerves intact, no deficits noted.

Clinically healthy


Routine intake

Okay for surgery


Progress exam – URI signs noted on rounds

S/O: BAR, eating well, no c/s/v/d noted. Hissing/spitting when kennel cover lifted.
EENT: Eyes - blepharospasm and mild mucoid discharge OU, very mild serous nasal discharge noted
H/L: Eupneic, normal respiratory rate/effort
CNS: Mentation appropriate

URI/conj - mild

Start fortiflora 1 packet PO SID x 7 days
Treat in place, placed UTW sign and appetite log, ACS to place sneeze guard
Recheck in 10 days +/- doxy and move to iso if URI progressing
CTM while at BACC

Details on my behavior are...
Behavior Condition: 4. Orange

Behavior History
Behavior Assessment

KNOWN HISTORY:: Sofa was brought in as a stray, there is no known information on her behavior history in a home environment.

Hiding in cat den upon approach, face halfway hidden in her den. She slow-blinks when spoken to, face tensed, then hisses when offered treats and enrichment. Nervous girl - I don’t push petting at this time to avoid creating a negative association. Needs time to adjust.

Hiding in cat den upon approach, body and face tense with eyes squinted shut. She watches me with dilated pupils when spoken to, then hisses as I offer her treats. She does sniff the treats closest to her but she will not eat them as I’m watching. Very nervous, I spray feliway on her cage cover and end the session.

Hiding in cat den upon approach, initially completely hidden from view. She hisses with each treat that I gently offer and I speak to her softly before ending the session. Needs time.

Sofa is in her den hiding, when I open the door she begins to hiss and swats hard at the scratcher tool with tuna that I offer her. I leave her a cat nip pillow sprayed with feliway and end the interaction after speaking softly to her for a moment.

In den with ears forward and tense face and body. When I open the cage door she begins to whine and low growl. When I move a scratcher tool with tuna into her line of vision she hisses before swatting the tool hard and spraying the tuna around her cage and continues to growl. I remove the tool and speak softly as I spray feliway on her linen.

Hiding in den. From inside once the cage door is opened, she growls, hisses, spits and lunges with a hunched and tense body and wide dilated eyes. She continues to show no interest in treats or in interactions. I spray some feliway and end the interaction.

Feint sleeping inside den. I thought she was resting at first but you can hear her growl as I open the door, hissing when I slowly extend the scratcher with squeeze ups. She spits from within the den and focuses on the scratcher, her eyes squinted and ears tilted sideways. She swats when the scratcher gets near the opening and then once more when placed next to the opening. It landed inside the den and she will sniff it carefully while growling, but doesn't eat squeeze ups. She continues to growl so I just spent time blinking and sweet talking her. Very stressed.

Hiding in den, crouched with tail wrapped around body. I gently offer some treats and she begins hissing loudly and continuously. I speak to her softly and keep the interaction brief to reduce stress.

Displayed similar behavior as previous sessions. I left treats for her to eat later. EPL candidate.

Showing similar behavior, added to EPL and D/C note.


VOCAL:: Quiet

CHARACTER TYPE: : Independent

POTENTIAL CHALLENGES:: New home adjustment period,Fearful


RECOMMENDATIONS:: Adult only home

BEHAVIOR SUMMARY:: Sofa was lying in her den l as the assessor approached, body and face tense and tail wrapped tightly around feet. Sofa made and maintained eye contact when spoken to, then she hissed and lowered her body as the kennel door opened. Sofa watched the assessor's hand reach into her den opening and she swatted it multiple times before it could touch her head.

Sofa is displaying behaviors that preclude placement in the adoptions room and/or may require further investigation before placement in a home. She has tried to swat / scratch and is extremely fearful in the shelter environment. Sofa does not currently tolerate petting or handling. The behavior department feels that placement with a New Hope Partner is the best option at this time.

** PLEASE NOTE ** KITTENS under the age of 8 weeks or weighing 2 pounds or less CAN ONLY be PULLED by a RESCUE!!!! IF INTERESTED, PLEASE contact a RESCUE ASAP!!!

For more information on adopting from the NYC AC&C, or to find a rescue to assist, please read the following:

If you are local to NYC, and within 4 hrs of NYS and NJ and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or message our FB page with our experienced volunteers that will do their best to guide you through the process.

* We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*

If you can get to the shelters in NYC:
(212) 788-4000 (wait through the prompts to reach a live person)

Email - [email protected]
htAnimal Care Centers of NYC (ACC)

If you are within a 3-4 hour radius of NYC or NJ and cannot get to the shelter: You must apply to a New Hope rescue shelter partner.

Here's a list of New Hope shelter rescue partners (must contact individual rescues):

For approved adopters,
There is free transport within a 3-4 hour radius of NYC & NJ.

The NYC ACC foster program:




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