The Martin Aiga

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The Martin Aiga We BELIEVE the best IN each other, WANT the best FOR each other, and EXPECT the best FROM each other.

It was so good to catch up with my boy Elder Martin. He is doing great and is living and enjoying his time in Ghana🥰

It was so good to catch up with my boy Elder Martin. He is doing great and is living and enjoying his time in Ghana🥰

We're grateful our Savanah made it home safe tonight from BYUH. We're excited to have her home for a little bit and for ...

We're grateful our Savanah made it home safe tonight from BYUH. We're excited to have her home for a little bit and for all the great goals she's got.

Weeks 4 & 5 Update..Long PostHere's parts of Elder Martin's email this week and some photos. April 15 - 21, 2024Monday w...

Weeks 4 & 5 Update..Long Post
Here's parts of Elder Martin's email this week and some photos.
April 15 - 21, 2024
Monday we didn't do much, just hung out at the Chapel, I called my family, sorry I didn't send an email I got really busy last week. We cleaned our apartment and did laundry.
Tuesday we went to Swedru which has ATMs so we could pull our subsistence for the next two weeks. Afterwards we went looking for a music shop that would be selling guitars..
Wed morning I went on exchange with a Zone Leader, Elder Andoh. He is from Ghana and is very effective in his lessons...Whilst walking I got another marriage proposal, this time this mother yelled for me and asked me to marry her daughter because I was beautiful. I didn't really know what to say so I just smiled said Medase Pa, which just means thank you very much.
We went to a Ward Council where everyone was speaking in Twi so I didn't understand anything that was going on. Ghanaians are so funny during conversations because they just go from talking to yelling, straight to laughing. I only understood the small parts where they would speak English but was honestly nice to just watch them all argue, converse, and laugh with each other as I just quietly watched from where I was sitting...
We just went proselyting today...As we walk it's so funny when little kids see us we just get called 'Obroni' and I get called 'Obolo' which means big. People would ask me what I eat to get to the size that I am and I just tell them chicken and rice.
Throughout the entire week the power would go out for a while usually 12 hours at a time. So we would take bucket showers and use the gas stove to cook all our food.
We still have work to do to help those understand that 1) Attending Church is important and we make a promise to God that we will, and 2) They should come for themselves and for God and not for anyone else. Some people are having problems with the other members or they say they will come for us, but we want them to come for their own salvation. Some others just say, I'll come if Godwilling, which pretty much means they aren't coming. We started telling people that God is always willing, and he wants you to be there and its up to them if they come or not. Anyways Ghanians are absolutely hilarious and I absolutely love them with all my heart. I am so blessed to be here to preach, serve, and love the people of Ghana.
My takeaway from this week, is that having full faith in God will bless your life. Having full faith in God means to obey Him, follow His commandments and put full trust in His plan for you, and know that as you follow Him, He will always provide a way for you to accomplish what He asks of you. It is not easy, but it is worth it. I am also so grateful for the wonderful support I received from all my family and friends this past week, which got hard at times, but I received so much love so thank you to all those.
-Elder Martin

As I listened to this conference, many talks stood out to me and I wrote down notes that were personal revelations to me...

As I listened to this conference, many talks stood out to me and I wrote down notes that were personal revelations to me that were not necessarily said or directly connected to what was said in the conference. I won’t share what those revelations were for the sake of their sacredness, but I will say that General Conference is where I receive many answers because of the strong Spirit that I feel as I’m listening.

After studying the talks again I would like to share a few insights that I had. One, in particular, was the talk, “Be Still, and Know that I am God” by Elder Bednar. In the frame of context, I was thinking of my college experience so far. I am one semester in and I’ve already experienced and learned so much about myself, my goals, and my dreams. And throughout it all I have also experienced intense pressure and stress that can feel overwhelming at times. I tend to want to do my best in all that I do, and at times I feel that I cannot do this and that kills me sometimes. In this talk, Bednar says that we can experience an “inner spiritual stillness of the soul that enables us to know and remember that God is our Heavenly Father, we are His children, and Jesus Christ is our Savior.” I crave this type of stillness and peace and this quote made me think of how I can turn to these divine truths and when I think about them, I can experience this stillness despite the commotion I feel is around me. This talk taught me that “being still” means focusing and relying on Christ to overcome challenges and find peace. It won’t be easy, but it can be done.

Another talk that stood out to me was “Temples, Houses of the Lord Dotting the Earth” by Neil L. Andersen. He talks of a covenant people prepared to receive the Lord at His Second Coming and I thought of myself and if I could qualify to be one of those covenant people. We are blessed here in Laie to live near a temple and to participate in sessions throughout the week. I have loved being near the temple and the opportunity to enjoy the peace within. Andersen talks of those that leave the Church or do not participate in it as much anymore and that had me thinking of those around me that I have met here at school. When I first came to church here, I thought everyone went to church. Many of the students here are return missionaries or have desires to serve. However, it was surprising to me to find that many don’t attend church or feel the need to partake of the sacrament. Even some of my closest friends. It was heartbreaking and hard for me to see that. As I listened to this talk, it made me realize that I can be a light and an example. And that the temple is a place where I can be around those who want to be a light, too. That it is a place where the Savior dwells and that I can strengthen my testimony and assurance of who I am there.

I know God lives! I know that those who spoke at the conference are witnesses of Christ and were led by the Spirit to share testimonies that brought me spiritual strength.


Ollie's first time at a circus. Grandpa & Grandma Martin took him and spoiled him.

Ollie's first time at a circus. Grandpa & Grandma Martin took him and spoiled him.

Week 3Saying goodbye to MTC and heading out to his first area. I hear that you make some of your best friends in the MTC...

Week 3
Saying goodbye to MTC and heading out to his first area. I hear that you make some of your best friends in the MTC so goodbyes can be hard. Elder Martin arrived to his first area safely and is excited to update us on his next PDay. Here are some photos from MTC.

Week 2. Here's part of Elder Martin's email.Hello Everyone! I apologize for not sending my email last week, my gmail acc...

Week 2. Here's part of Elder Martin's email.

Hello Everyone! I apologize for not sending my email last week, my gmail account was not working but now it is fixed. We also have been having network problems country-wide!...
Our schedule for a normal day, is wake up, study, eat breakfast, go to classes, eat lunch, gym time, classes, dinner, classes, study and sleep. I have had a very busy schedule every day, which is quite a blessing. I had to get used to the food, it is A LOT of rice all the time, and I think because i'm American and my size they pile my plate. I have gotten quite used to the food now, mostly eating rice and chicken with occasional different meals. I love Gym Time and workout because it helps me release stress from the load of classes we have, which is about 6 or 7 hours each day. I also play volleyball on their sand courts outside if the weather doesn't make the sand too hot. I play some ping pong and basketball in the Audiotorium from time to time as well.
I have had quite a few great experiences which I'll explain in better detail next email, and will have more stories about MTC life. Until next time, goodbye everyone!
Another great news is that one of Elder JJ Martin's best friends Hayley Bywater received her mission call and she's going to the Philippines. I'm so proud to know these amazing youth🥰.

Week 1It's already a week since Elder JJ Martin arrived Ghana. He sends his love and is enjoying the Ghana MTC. His PDay...

Week 1
It's already a week since Elder JJ Martin arrived Ghana. He sends his love and is enjoying the Ghana MTC. His PDays are on Fridays for now. We get to talk to him every Friday but very early in the morning. It's a great way for this momma to wake up 🥰

John 14:27
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

Hey fam! This week's post is a picture I took while coming home from work. I love that something as small as a sunset ca...

Hey fam! This week's post is a picture I took while coming home from work. I love that something as small as a sunset can bring a little more joy and beauty to life.🥰

This scripture brings me hope and joy at times when I don't feel like enough. Knowing that even though I'm not perfect and I have many weaknesses, God still loves me, He has a purpose for me, and He can do great things through me.

What are some small miracles you've seen God work in your life?

The past week has been so fun and I hope everyone had a great Halloween! Thank you all for checking out the page and I'll be back next week! 😊

Hi, it's Siona with the quote and photo of the week! 😊📷 I got this quote while we were doing family Scriptures last week...

Hi, it's Siona with the quote and photo of the week! 😊📷

I got this quote while we were doing family Scriptures last week! I love this, because I know that it's really important that we don't hold onto bad feelings.

When I am angry, I like to give myself some time to cool down then I will talk it out. God wants us to be happy and to grow.

We can strengthen relationships and grow personally when we take the time to understand others and explain ourselves, instead of holding onto our pain and anger.

What are some things that you do to help you overcome hard feelings?

Have a great week! ❤️

Hello everyone! It's Siona with the quote for this week! This quote is from this past weekend's General Conference. Gene...

Hello everyone! It's Siona with the quote for this week! This quote is from this past weekend's General Conference. General Conference is a time when families around the world are able to hear inspired messages from leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints! Our family loves to make delicious meals to share in between sessions! 🤤🥰 What does your family like to do for General Conference?

📷 Photo Credit: Siona Martin

Can you guess who said what throughout this challenge? "I used to actually cry in bed because I didn't want to get up an...

Can you guess who said what throughout this challenge?

"I used to actually cry in bed because I didn't want to get up and walk."

"I'mma wear my white crocs cause I'm too lazy to put on my shoes."

"Isn't this optional?"

"We can do this! Just *insert remaining* miles to go! It'll be worth it!"

"Wait for us old people!"

Names: Savanah, Dad, Siona, Maya, and JJ (Mom and Oliver in Samoa)

We completed the 145 miles in 40 days! It was a blast and we are already starting on the next one. We plan on documenting it a lot more this time!

We are almost done with this Conqueror Challenge and we are HYPED!! 😆 🏃‍♂️

We are almost done with this Conqueror Challenge and we are HYPED!! 😆 🏃‍♂️


Ever heard of a Kung-Fu Piñata? 🪅 Check the video below to see it!

Adopted from the Adventure Challenge: Family Edition, we made our own piñata instead.

Comment below a fun activity you like to do with your family! We love suggestions!

We are striving to do and share at least one of the challenges each week. This one was perfect for the whole family!

Are you ready for some kung-fu fighting?


Walking isn't hard. Walking IN THE HEAT is hard. But as a family, we decided we wanted to become "a walking family". So we did. 🚶‍♀️🌞

Our family is doing a Lord of the Rings (LOTR) Conqueror Challenge! To earn the beautiful medal (shown below) we must complete a distance of 145 miles by or before October 3. So far we have walked 20% of the way! 🏅

What change will you and your family make today? Let us know down below!


HIGHLIGHTS of this WEEK 20-26 AUG 2023

There's no doubt our family is a Loud and Crazy One but I'll take this kinda Crazy anytime!❤️. My heart is full of gratitude with the love our kids have for each other and the strong cousin bonds they have. In my Filimaua side, there's 6 of us. 2 girls and 4 boys. Among 6 of us, there's 25 children or grandchildren. 20 were here to say goodbye to their cousin Tai heading out to BYU Hawaii this week. We sang, laughed, hugged, cried, laughed some more and said our 'see you laters' for Tai.

Then the week got busy with the normal and a few more added projects. Ollie learned to make his own waffles. He did really good and felt the satisfaction of being more independent😊. My amazing friends Fred and Sherry built me some can food organizers for my pantry. Maya helped me paint them and we added finishing touches and hung them. Saturday came and we went as a family to help clean the church. As we were pulling into the driveway, Savanah reminded us that we are behind on our family miles for our Lord of the Rings walking challenge. I quickly said, we should do it now. If we go in the house, there's a possibility we won't make it out. It was getting warm and no one wants to walk. So we decided to go. I'm proud of our family. Some of us had to bring their drinks along but we walked a mile as a family. We laughed and joked at how our family has to figure out ways to motivate us more to keep walking. Enjoy the pics of our journey. We hope you're enjoying the journey with your loved ones each day❤️❤️

HIGHLIGHTS of the WeekI love this family of ours♥️♥️

HIGHLIGHTS of the Week
I love this family of ours♥️♥️

Hey everyone! Here's this week's quote!😊One thing I love about this quote is how it outlines healthy relationships. You ...

Hey everyone! Here's this week's quote!😊

One thing I love about this quote is how it outlines healthy relationships. You can create and build upon the best relationships with these principles! Being encouraging, loving, and supportive in our relationships can improve them in so many ways! ❤

The quotes we'll be posting (starting next week) are going to be from our weekly Media Meetings. These Media Meetings are when our family comes together and discusses a book that we've chosen for the month. The book we've chosen for this month is "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie.

Thank you for visiting our page! Alofa Atu and Manuia le A*o ❤️

God is good. But now, O Lord, thou art our father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy ...

God is good.

But now, O Lord, thou art our father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand. 🌻 Isaiah 64:8

I went to a pottery session with some dear friends of mine, and I made this mug.

I enjoy warm drinks despite AZ heat because there's just something about a warm drink in your favorite mug to warm you up inside.

I wanted it to be that reminder to me.

That God is good.

That He molds me.

That He is the potter.

That He is by my side.

All the time.

- Savanah Martin

I love taking pictures of the Arizona sunset! 🥰 📷 I'm Siona Martin and this is a photo I took. Can't wait to share more ...

I love taking pictures of the Arizona sunset! 🥰 📷 I'm Siona Martin and this is a photo I took. Can't wait to share more with you guys in future posts! ❤️

I love taking photos that can capture some of the beauty of God's creations. I will be posting my photos with inspirational, motivational or spiritual quotes every Wednesday. I hope all of you feel a little more uplifted by, and enjoy, these photos and quotes! Thank you ❤️

Let your testimony in Christ burn bright🔥🕯"Gaining a testimony is like building a fire. Just as we have to add wood to k...

Let your testimony in Christ burn bright🔥🕯
"Gaining a testimony is like building a fire. Just as we have to add wood to keep a fire burning, we must pray, repent, serve others, study the scriptures, and keep the commandments to help our testimonies grow."
One of my favorite books is the Book of Mormon. I read this verse today and it touched my heart. I want my testimony to burn brighter and brighter. I pray that the people around me will continue to be the sparks in my life. I'm grateful that Christ is my fire.
In His name, Jesus Christ, Amen.
Savanah Martin, 24 July 2023

Another song by Savanah Martin🥰❤️

Another song by Savanah Martin🥰❤️

Wide Open is an original song written and sung by Savanah Martin. This song represents the heartache that comes from the shocking betrayal of those who are c...

Welcome to Explore with the Martins! We are a blended culture family of 8; Dad is Caucasian and Mom is Samoan. We believ...

Welcome to Explore with the Martins! We are a blended culture family of 8; Dad is Caucasian and Mom is Samoan. We believe in uniting our family, heritage, and identity through Jesus Christ. Join our family as we laugh, share our cultural heritage, serve others, and explore this world together! 😆

Our family motto:
"O Lo'u Aiga, O Lo'u Tupuaga, Ma Lo'u Fa'asinomaga" ~ My Family, My Heritage, And My Identity

Welcome to the family! 😊




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