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A rising star of women's American football in Africa
Coach Enjuh Enabel, currently working for the Cameroon FA, recently took part in the International NFL Women Forum with the NFL and several of the world's leading sports management players.
Most recently in Lagos, Nigeria, at the NFL Africa Camp from June 14 to 17, Coach Enabel led and facilitated several workshops alongside her NFL colleagues.
We'll be coming back to this in our subsequent publications.


The host cities for the FIFA U-20 Women's World Cup 2024™ have been confirmed! ✅

🇨🇴 Bogotá
🇨🇴 Calí
🇨🇴 Medellín

The tournament will take place from 31 August to 22 September 2024!


The boy who became a man 👊

Producing results that are changing the game 🌪️

💎 🇮🇹

Leo Messi = One man band with great titles 🔝🏆

Leo Messi = One man band with great titles 🔝🏆

🚨 INCREDIBLEBLE! Cameroon occupies 14th place in Africa's top leagues, ahead of Zambia 🇿🇲 and Senegal 🇸🇳 🤩""As early as ...

🚨 INCREDIBLEBLE! Cameroon occupies 14th place in Africa's top leagues, ahead of Zambia 🇿🇲 and Senegal 🇸🇳 🤩
""As early as the 1990s, Cameroon occupied first place in Africa's top leagues, thanks to Cameroonian clubs such as Canon Sportif de Yaoundé, Union de Douala, Puma FC, TKC de Yaoundé and Oryx de Douala, who distinguished themselves as the best in Africa by winning the Champions League or the CAF Super Cup.
However, Cameroon has known difficult times since the 2000s, when Coton Sport, one of Cameroon's top clubs, propelled Cameroon to the final of the CAF Champion League in 2009, unfortunately losing that final and sinking to the bottom of the African standings 🥵
With the new management set-up for Cameroonian soccer (Fecafoot) the aim is to RESTORE CAMEROON'S FOOTBALL TO ITS GREATNESS. Cameroon holds 02 places in African competitions 👇the club winning the MTN Elite One gets its place in the Champion League and the club winning the Cameroon Cup gets its place in the CAF Super Cup, both by passing through the preliminary rounds to qualify for the group stage 〽️
For us to become one of Africa's top leagues again, we need a league with a pool of 16 teams, we need Cameroonian clubs to turn professional and, above all, we need our clubs to win one of Africa's top competitions.

CC Afrique Foot



BRAVOO AITANA BONMATI -European Champion with Barcelona. World Champion with Spain. A technically perfect midfielder, ep...

BRAVOO AITANA BONMATI -European Champion with Barcelona. World Champion with Spain. A technically perfect midfielder, epitome of a La Masia product — Aitana Bonmatí won the Ballon d'Or Féminin! 👏🏆
She was at the heart of the world's most successful club and country side, pulling all the strings en route to gold. A skillset and a chatacter destined to inspire many girls around the world to follow her path, Aitana is definitely here to stay and we're more than happy to enjoy her magic for years to come! 🪄⭐️

 IOC grants full recognition to the International Federation of American FootballThe International Federation of America...

IOC grants full recognition to the International Federation of American Football
The International Federation of American Football (IFAF) has been granted full recognition by the 141st IOC Session in Mumbai, India, following the proposal made by the IOC Executive Board (EB) in March 2023.
IFAF is the international governing body for the sport of American football, including flag football, which is one of the five additional sports for the Olympic Games Los Angeles 2028 (LA28) proposed by the LA28 Organising Committee and submitted to the IOC Session by the IOC EB. The IOC Session is expected to review the decision on these additional sports today 16 October.

Young Africans - USM AlgerCoupe des confédérations de la CAF en AfriqueDate - 28/05/2023Heure de début - 13:00 UTCYoung ...

Young Africans - USM Alger
Coupe des confédérations de la CAF en Afrique
Date - 28/05/2023
Heure de début - 13:00 UTC
Young Africans - USM Alger :
En défense, ces deux équipes se sont montrées très fortes. Les jeunes Africains n'ont concédé que 5 objectifs lors de leurs 15 derniers matches, tandis que l'USM Alger n'a concédé que 0,7 objectif par match en temps normal lors de ses 3 derniers matches à l'extérieur.
On pense qu'au moins l'une de ces deux équipes tiendra un score parfait en raison de la préférence accordée à Youthful Africans. Sur le marché des deux groupes à marquer, c'est le choix du non qui s'impose.
L'USM Alger a fait sept nuls lors de ses quinze derniers matches à l'extérieur, tandis que les Young Africans n'ont fait qu'un seul nul lors de leurs trois derniers matches à domicile. Ce n'est pas un pronostic très excitant, et ce n'est pas un match sur lequel vous devriez prendre une décision. A l'issue d'un match qui s'annonce serré, une impasse est probable.
Face à face Young Africans - USM Alger :
Deux matchs ont été joués entre les équipes. La rencontre des groupes de maintien a eu lieu le 19.08.18, et le match s'est terminé sur le score de 2:1. Les jeunes Africains ont gagné en 1 match, tandis que l'USM Alger a trouvé comment gagner en 1 rencontre. De même, il y a eu des matches où les groupes ont joué sur terrain neutre, et ils ont donc 0 match nul. Par conséquent, les équipes ont un écart de 2 à 5 buts sur la base de ces données.
Young Africans Vs USM Alger quelques faits :
Young Africans a participé à la Coupe des Confédérations de la CAF à dix reprises cette saison. Le club compte 7 succès, 1 malheur et 2 nuls, dont 4 victoires à domicile pour Young Africans. La différence entre le nombre moyen de buts marqués et le nombre de buts encaissés est de +8. L'objectif type marqué par les groupes lorsque Youthful Africans joue à domicile est de 54. Au moment où Youthful Africans a affronté ses rivaux à domicile, le nombre de matches au cours desquels les deux groupes ont marqué a été de 1, soit 17. Il faut normalement 54 minutes à Youthful Africans pour marquer un objectif à domicile.

L'USM Alger a disputé 10 matches dans le cadre de la Coupe des Confédérations de la CAF cette saison. Le club a gagné un match à l'extérieur, perdu deux fois et fait trois fois match nul. Le groupe a 6 objectifs marqués et 7 objectifs cédés, ce qui fait que la différence d'objectif est de - 1. Lors des matches à l'extérieur contre l'USM Alger, les deux équipes ont marqué en moyenne 48,5 buts. Au moment où l'USM Alger a joué à l'extérieur, le nombre de matches au cours desquels les deux groupes ont marqué était de 3, soit 43. Pour marquer à l'extérieur, les joueurs de l'USM Alger ont besoin d'environ 48,5 minutes de temps de jeu.
Mon Avis sur Young Africans Vs USM Alger :
Africans SC a marqué lors de 15 de ses 16 derniers matches à domicile.
Africans SC a marqué lors de 8 des 9 derniers matches de la Coupe des Confédérations de la CAF.
Lors de ses 16 derniers matches à domicile, Young Africans SC s'est imposé 15 fois.
Young Africans SC n'a pas perdu aucun match

Plus de 31 ans après la CAN 1992, le pays de la Téranga souhaite officiellement de nouveau accueillir la grande messe du...

Plus de 31 ans après la CAN 1992, le pays de la Téranga souhaite officiellement de nouveau accueillir la grande messe du football continental.

Coupe du monde 2026 : La CAF officialise un nouveau format pour les qualifications en Afrique et dévoile les pots des éq...

Coupe du monde 2026 : La CAF officialise un nouveau format pour les qualifications en Afrique et dévoile les pots des équipes !
La Confédération Africaine de Football (CAF) a, à travers son Comité exécutif (Comex), adopté un nouveau format pour les éliminatoires de la Coupe du monde 2026 pour la zone Afrique.
Cette officialisation est intervenue 24 heures après la réunion du Comex, convoquée jeudi 18 mai 2023 à Alger, en Algérie.
À cet effet, les sélections seront réparties en 9 groupes composés chacun de 6 équipes qui s’affronteront en matchs aller-retour pour un total de dix rencontres. Les 54 associations membres de la CAF participeront à cette phase de groupes, sans tour préliminaire au préalable.
Les premiers de chaque poule seront directement qualifiés pour la phase finale du Mondial en juin 2026. Les 4 meilleurs deuxièmes de la phase de groupe seront ensuite opposés les uns contre les autres dans un mini-championnat, et le vainqueur passera par les barrages intercontinentaux pour espérer offrir une dixième place à l'Afrique dans cette messe planétaire du football. Le tirage au sort des 9 groupes aura lieu le mercredi 12 juillet 2023 à Cotonou, au Bénin.
Voici la constitution des pots :
♦Pot 1 :
🇲🇦 Maroc
🇸🇳 Sénégal
🇹🇳 Tunisie
🇪🇬 Égypte
🇩🇿 Algérie
🇨🇲 Cameroun
🇨🇮 Côte d'Ivoire
🇧🇫 Burkina Faso
🇳🇬 Nigeria
♦Pot 2 :
🇨🇩 RD Congo
🇬🇭 Ghana
🇲🇱 Mali
🇿🇦 Afrique du Sud
🇬🇦 Gabon
🇬🇳 Guinée
🇨🇻 Cap-Vert
🇿🇲 Zambie
🇺🇬 Ouganda
♦Pot 3 :
🇧🇯 Bénin
🇬🇶 Guinée équatoriale
🇰🇪 Kenya
🇨🇬 Congo Brazzaville
🇲🇷 Mauritanie
🇳🇦 Namibie
🇲🇬 Madagascar
🇬🇼 Guinée-Bissau
🇸🇱 Sierra Leone
♦Pot 4 :
🇦🇴 Angola
🇲🇿 Mozambique
🇬🇲 Gambie
🇱🇾 Libye
🇨🇫 République Centrafricaine
🇳🇪 Niger
🇿🇼 Zimbabwe
🇲🇼 Malawi
🇸🇩 Soudan
♦Pot 5 :
🇹🇬 Togo
🇹🇿 Tanzanie
🇰🇲 Comores
🇷🇼 Rwanda
🇪🇹 Éthiopie
🇸🇿 Eswatini
🇧🇮 Burundi
🇱🇷 Liberia
🇱🇸 Lesotho
♦Pot 6 :
🇧🇼 Botswana
🇸🇸 Soudan du Sud
🇲🇺 Île Maurice
🇹🇩 Tchad
🇸🇹 Sao Tomé-Et-Principe
🇩🇯 Djibouti
🇸🇨 Seychelles
🇪🇷 Érythrée
🇸🇴 Somalie
Rappelons que la Coupe du monde 2026 sera la première à 48 équipes, contre 32 lors des précédentes éditions. Les places allouées à l’Afrique ont été quasiment doublées, passant de 5 à 9, voire 10. Lors de la phase finale, les sélections seront réparties « en 12 groupes de 4, et non plus en 3 groupes de 16 », comme annoncé par la FIFA le 24 mars dernier à l’issue du Congrès à Kigali. Les deux premiers de chaque groupe et les huit meilleurs troisièmes accéderont aux seizièmes de finale. Le tournoi s’étendra sur 104 jours et se déroulera du 11 juin au 19 juillet 2026 aux États-Unis, au Canada et au Mexique.

  CAF unveiled the CAN U17 majpor eleven, with the presence of four Senegalese.                                         ...

CAF unveiled the CAN U17 majpor eleven, with the presence of four Senegalese.

🟢FIFA U-20 World Cup | Argentina 2023 | Insight 🧐With just a match left in the group stage, the Young Scorpions of Gambi...

🟢FIFA U-20 World Cup | Argentina 2023 |
Insight 🧐
With just a match left in the group stage, the Young Scorpions of Gambia Have secure a spot in the knockout stage
Group Stage Standings | Match Day 2 Of 3
Group A
Uzbekistan 2:2 New Zealand
Argentina 3:0 Guatemala
Group B
USA 3:0 Fiji
Ecuador 2:1 Slovakia
Group C
Senegal 1:1 Israel
Japan 1:2 Colombia
Group D
Brazil 6:0 Dominican Republic
Italy 0:2 Nigeria
Group E
Uruguay 2:3 England
Iraq 0:3 Tunisia
Group F
South Korea 2:2 Honduras
France 1:2 Gambia


The NFL has announced that the 2025 NFL Draft will take place in Green Bay, inside and around Lambeau Field and Titletown 🧀🧀

🟢FIFA U-20 World Cup | Group D Standings | Match Day  2 Of 3Group DItaly 0:2 Nigeria             S. Lawal 61'           ...

🟢FIFA U-20 World Cup | Group D Standings |
Match Day 2 Of 3
Group D
Italy 0:2 Nigeria
S. Lawal 61'
J. Sunday 90+5'
Brazil 6:0 Dominican Republic
Sávio 37'
M. L 38'
J. H. Carneiro Pedroso 57'
Giovane 82'
M. Gomes 90+1'
M. M 90+3'
Match Day 3 Of 3 | Saturday 27th May 2023
Dominican Republic Vs Italy | 7pm
Brazil vs Nigeria | 7pm






Happy birthday to the best player in the world! ❤️🎂🇫🇷

24 years old and already an incredible track record 😍🔥

🏆 World Cup
🏆Euro U19
🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 Ligue 1
🏆🏆🏆 French Cup
🏆🏆 League Cup
🏆 Nations League
🥇 Best player of L1 2019, 2021 and 2022
🥇 Best young player of L1 2017 and 2018
🥇 Top scorer in Ligue 1 in 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022
🥇 Kopa Trophy 2018
🥇 Golden Boy 2017
🥇 World Cup 2018 Best Young Player
🥇 World Cup 2022 top scorer
⚽️ 12 goals in two World Cups


  10 against 11 Morocco has handed Portugal their wealthiest lost of the decade. First African Nation to break through t...

10 against 11 Morocco has handed Portugal their wealthiest lost of the decade. First African Nation to break through to the FIFA World Cup semis after Cameroon spectacular break through to the quarter finals in 1990.

It's time for Africa !

Confederation of African Football
TotalEnergies Africa Cup of Nations

   12 years later, Morocco and Africa reach the quarter-finals.The Moroccans dominated Spain after a thrilling meeting o...

12 years later, Morocco and Africa reach the quarter-finals.
The Moroccans dominated Spain after a thrilling meeting on Tuesday in Qatar. It was at the end of the fateful penalty shootout that the Atlas lions won their ticket to the quarter-finals. A proud candle for the African continent.


⚽LIVE NOW🔴⚽Cameroon vs Brazil Live | FOOTBALL LIVE TODAY | FULL MATCH LIVE 2022 |FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022⚽LIVE NOW🔴⚽Ser...

⚽LIVE NOW🔴⚽Cameroon vs Brazil Live | FOOTBALL LIVE TODAY | FULL MATCH LIVE 2022 |FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022
⚽LIVE NOW🔴⚽Serbia vs Switzerland Live | FOOTBALL LIVE TODAY | FULL MATCH LIVE 2022 |FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022


vs Brazil ⚽ Fifa World Cup 2022

vs Poland




*Cameroon* vs *Brazil* : *Stakes* & *Statistical* *Derby* Brazil have won 5 of their 6 duels against Cameroon in all com...

*Cameroon* vs *Brazil* : *Stakes* & *Statistical* *Derby*

Brazil have won 5 of their 6 duels against Cameroon in all competitions (1 loss), including the most recent in a friendly in November 2018 (1-0). The Brazilians have won the only 2 previous matches between the 2 nations in the World Cup in 1994 (3-0) and 2014 (4-1). First of all a bit of flashback: The very 1st match (v Peru in 1982) and the very 1st victory (v Argentina in 1990) of Cameroon in the World Cup took place against a South American nation (6 matches – 2 wins, 2 draws, 2 losses, both against Brazil). This tactical, diaspostic and continental confrontation yearns from a football domination quest in a sphere that will set the record straight today if the indomitable lions of Cameroon overcome the Brazilian selection.

If the indomitable lions do not beat Brazil, Cameroon will be eliminated in the group stage of the World Cup for the 6th consecutive time, having not reached the knockout stage since 1990. The Indomitable Lions have never won their last group stage match in their last 7 appearances in the tournament (2 draws, 5 losses). The indomitable lions have the opportunity to bite a big chunk out of the dominant statistics of the Brazilians who are already focused on the second round. A possible 4-4-2 tactical scheme and the electrified combination of a Maxim "Maximus" Tchoupo and "l'Abouchou" Vincent Aboubakar upfront could allow the indomitable Lions to jet themselves into the second round tonight in Qatar.

Against Serbia on their previous outing, Vincent Aboubakar became the first substitute to score and provide an assist in a World Cup match for an African nation. These 2 goals scored within 11 minutes of his entry allowed the Indomitable Lions to equalize after being down 1-3. That's locally a remontada and this comeback should be a motivation endowed with hopes of qualification for Cameroon, especially since Brazil has nothing to lose during this encounter against a Cameroonian team which has every reason to win and reaffirms itself in the eyes of the World.


*Cameroon* vs *Brazil* : *Stakes* & *Statistical* *Derby*

Brazil have won 5 of their 6 duels against Cameroon in all competitions (1 loss), including the most recent in a friendly in November 2018 (1-0). The Brazilians have won the only 2 previous matches between the 2 nations in the World Cup in 1994 (3-0) and 2014 (4-1). First of all a bit of flashback: The very 1st match (v Peru in 1982) and the very 1st victory (v Argentina in 1990) of Cameroon in the World Cup took place against a South American nation (6 matches – 2 wins, 2 draws, 2 losses, both against Brazil). This tactical, diaspostic and continental confrontation yearns from a football domination quest in a sphere that will set the record straight today if the indomitable lions of Cameroon overcome the Brazilian selection.

If the indomitable lions do not beat Brazil, Cameroon will be eliminated in the group stage of the World Cup for the 6th consecutive time, having not reached the knockout stage since 1990. The Indomitable Lions have never won their last group stage match in their last 7 appearances in the tournament (2 draws, 5 losses). The indomitable lions have the opportunity to bite a big chunk out of the dominant statistics of the Brazilians who are already focused on the second round. A possible 4-4-2 tactical scheme and the electrified combination of a Maxim "Maximus" Tchoupo and "l'Abouchou" Vincent Aboubakar upfront could allow the indomitable Lions to jet themselves into the second round tonight in Qatar.

Against Serbia on their previous outing, Vincent Aboubakar became the first substitute to score and provide an assist in a World Cup match for an African nation. These 2 goals scored within 11 minutes of his entry allowed the Indomitable Lions to equalize after being down 1-3. That's locally a remontada and this comeback should be a motivation endowed with hopes of qualification for Cameroon, especially since Brazil has nothing to lose during this encounter against a Cameroonian team which has every reason to win and reaffirms itself in the eyes of the World.


Tunisia stun the champions but finish third in Group D with Australia clinching second place and a spot in the next round ⏭


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