Marisa Vic

Marisa Vic I aim to educate, collaborate & inspire the courageous, brave and good-hearted, taking the 'road less traveled' to help others


It's Friday Night...


Isaiah 60:22


May God provide extra strength, power and influence to His Servant Leaderships, to prevail for truth, equity, justice and peace which brings about prosperity for ALL!


🌟Inspiration for today🌟

When you have a message that contributes to the "Greater Good of Society" and you wish to bring to the world, don't let that burning desire in your heart fade. Surround yourself with those who will cheer you on, and you will succeed!


🌟1 Corinthians 12:25-26🌟Timeless Teachings Applies Today - Intriguing!🙏🏻 Authorship and Background 🙏🏻Author: The letter ...

🌟1 Corinthians 12:25-26🌟

Timeless Teachings Applies Today - Intriguing!

🙏🏻 Authorship and Background 🙏🏻

The letter to the Corinthians was written by the Apostle Paul, a key figure in early Christianity, who was addressing the church in Corinth, a diverse and often troubled community.

The Corinthian church was known for its divisions and issues related to spiritual gifts, social status, and moral conduct. Paul wrote this letter to address these problems and to encourage the believers to live in a way that reflected the unity and love that should characterize the body of Christ.

Broader Context (1 Corinthians 12:12-31)
1 Corinthians 12:25-26 falls within a section where Paul explains the concept of the church as the "body of Christ." Here’s how the passage fits into the broader discussion:

“Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many.”
(1 Corinthians 12:12-14)

Key Themes and Concepts

The Body as a Metaphor:
Paul uses the human body as a metaphor to describe the church. Just as a physical body has many parts, each with its own function, so the church is made up of many members, each with unique gifts and roles. The unity of the body is essential, as each part is necessary for the overall health and function of the whole.

Diversity and Unity:
One of the main points Paul emphasizes is that diversity within the church does not lead to division but rather enriches the community. Each member, regardless of their role, is vital to the functioning of the church. This diversity of gifts and roles should lead to unity, not rivalry or division.

Equal Concern and Care:
In 1 Corinthians 12:25-26, Paul underscores that there should be no division within the body of Christ. Instead, all members should have "equal concern for each other." This means that the church should operate in a spirit of mutual care, where each person’s well-being is important to the whole community.

Shared Experience:
Paul highlights the idea of shared experience within the body. If one member suffers, the entire body feels the pain; if one member is honored, the entire body rejoices. This interconnectedness means that the joys and sorrows of one person are not isolated but are shared by the entire community. This reflects a deep sense of empathy, solidarity, and collective identity.

Implications for the Corinthian Church:
For the Corinthians, who were struggling with divisions based on spiritual gifts, social status, and other issues, this teaching was particularly relevant. Paul was urging them to see themselves as one unified body, where each member was valued and necessary. He was addressing the tendency toward division and encouraging a spirit of mutual respect and care.

Application and Significance

Unity in Diversity:
Paul’s teaching is a reminder that in the church, the diversity of gifts, backgrounds, and roles is not just a strength, but a necessity. The metaphor of the body illustrates that each member is essential and that true unity is achieved by valuing and integrating the diverse contributions of each person. While diversity enriches the community, this unity reaches its fullest potential when there is a uniform commitment to the highest standards of excellence. By addressing and resolving critical issues at their root, and implementing universal principles, we can ensure that the well-being and safety of all are safeguarded, creating a more harmonious and unified community in alignment with God’s purposes.

Mutual Care:
The call for "equal concern for each other" challenges believers to look beyond their own interests and to care deeply for the well-being of others. This mutual concern is a hallmark of Christian community, where the needs, joys, and sorrows of one member are shared by all.

Empathy and Solidarity:
The idea that "if one part suffers, every part suffers with it" encourages believers to develop a deep sense of empathy and solidarity. It calls for an active involvement in the lives of others, being present in both their struggles and their successes. This shared experience builds stronger bonds within the community and reflects the love of Christ.

Practical Expression:
In practical terms, this passage invites Christians to actively support one another, whether through prayer, encouragement, material support, or simply being present in times of need. It also encourages celebrating each other's achievements and honoring one another in a way that builds up the entire community.

Modern Relevance:
Today, the principles found in 1 Corinthians 12:25-26 are as relevant as ever. In a world where individualism often prevails, the church is called to model a different way of living—one that is characterized by unity, mutual care, and a deep sense of community. These verses challenge believers to cultivate a culture where everyone is valued and where the well-being of each member is a collective responsibility.

1 Corinthians 12:25-26 calls for a community that is unified in its diversity, where each member cares for the others with equal concern. Paul’s metaphor of the body highlights the interconnectedness of believers and the importance of empathy, solidarity, and mutual support. This teaching is a timeless reminder that in community, no one is isolated; everyone’s joys and sorrows are shared, and the well-being of each member is essential to the health of the whole body.

🐱🌟 Discover the Feline Mystique: Celebrate International Cat Day! 🎉🌍Happy International Cat Day! Today, August 8th, we c...

🐱🌟 Discover the Feline Mystique: Celebrate International Cat Day! 🎉🌍

Happy International Cat Day! Today, August 8th, we celebrate the enigmatic and endearing world of cats. Established in 2002 by the International Fund for Animal Welfare, this day shines a light on the charm and complexity of our feline friends.

Did you know?

Ancient Marvels:
Cats were revered in ancient Egypt, often depicted in statues and paintings, and believed to bring good luck and protection.

Communication Masters:
Cats have over 100 vocal sounds for communication, far more than dogs, making them exceptionally skilled at expressing themselves.

Impressive Jumpers:
A cat can jump up to six times its body length in a single bound, making them the Olympians of the animal world.
Night Vision: Cats can see in near-darkness thanks to their elliptical eye shape and larger corneas, which allow them to absorb more light.

Territorial Tails:
A cat’s tail is not just for balance; it's also a significant indicator of their mood and intentions. A straight, quivering tail can mean your cat is extremely happy to see you!

Spread the word about the wonders of cats and how we can all help make their lives better!


Go where your heart
tells you to go :)

📚 Readers Are Leaders: A Journey Through History 📚The Power of Reading in Leadership"Readers Are Leaders" is a phrase th...

📚 Readers Are Leaders: A Journey Through History 📚

The Power of Reading in Leadership

"Readers Are Leaders" is a phrase that has transcended time, highlighting the intrinsic link between the pursuit of knowledge through reading and the development of effective leadership skills. This concept has been recognized and championed by educators, leaders, and thinkers across the globe.

Historical Roots
The origins of "Readers Are Leaders" can be traced back to various educational movements and philosophies that emphasize the importance of literacy and learning in shaping capable leaders. One notable instance is the establishment of libraries and reading societies in the 18th and 19th centuries, where communities recognized that access to books and the encouragement to read were vital for personal and communal growth.

In the United States, the phrase gained prominence during the mid-20th century, particularly within educational programs aimed at fostering a culture of reading among young people. Initiatives such as the "Reading is Fundamental" program, founded in 1966, underscored the belief that a well-read individual is better equipped to lead, innovate, and contribute meaningfully to society.

The Purpose of "Readers Are Leaders"
The primary goal of the "Readers Are Leaders" initiative is to cultivate a lifelong love of reading, recognizing that books are a gateway to knowledge, critical thinking, and empathy. By encouraging reading from a young age, this movement aims to develop individuals who are not only informed but also capable of making sound decisions and leading with integrity.

Where It All Began
While the exact origin of the phrase is difficult to pinpoint, its widespread adoption can be seen in various educational and leadership programs worldwide. Schools, libraries, and community organizations have embraced this motto, creating programs and activities that promote reading as a fundamental component of leadership development.

Why It Matters Today
In today's rapidly changing world, the need for informed, compassionate, and visionary leaders is more critical than ever. Reading broadens our horizons, allowing us to understand different perspectives and navigate complex challenges. Leaders who read are more likely to be innovative, empathetic, and effective in their roles.

By continuing to champion the cause of "Readers Are Leaders," we invest in a future where leadership is defined not just by power, but by wisdom, understanding, and a deep commitment to lifelong learning.

Join the Movement
Embrace the power of reading in your own life and encourage others to do the same. Whether through participating in local reading programs, starting a book club, or simply dedicating time each day to read, you can be part of a legacy that honours the timeless connection between reading and leadership.

Remember, the leaders of tomorrow are the readers of today. So, pick up a book, dive into new worlds, and lead with knowledge and compassion.



Living life in "Genuine Authenticity" has its rewards ... peace, and gratitude in life..


When life throws challenges,
formulate the plans
to rise above it:)

👫🌟 Happy National Friendship Day! 🌟👫Did you know that National Friendship Day has been bringing people together since 19...

👫🌟 Happy National Friendship Day! 🌟👫

Did you know that National Friendship Day has been bringing people together since 1935? This special day was initially created by the U.S. Congress to honor the bonds of friendship and promote peace and goodwill. The idea was spearheaded by Joyce Hall, the founder of Hallmark Cards, who envisioned a day to celebrate the joy and importance of friendships.

Today, people all over the country are celebrating in various ways:

Sending Heartfelt Messages:
Sharing appreciation and love through texts and calls.
Exchanging Gifts: Small tokens of appreciation to show how much friends mean to us.

Social Media Tributes:
Posting photos, stories, and memories of cherished moments with friends.
Take a moment to reach out to your friends and let them know how much they mean to you!

# Friends 🌟💖🌍

🎶 International Blues Music Day 🎶🌍🎷 Join in celebrating International Blues Music Day on August 3rd! 🎸🎤🕰️ History of Int...

🎶 International Blues Music Day 🎶

🌍🎷 Join in celebrating International Blues Music Day on August 3rd! 🎸🎤

🕰️ History of International Blues Music Day 🕰️
International Blues Music Day was established to honor the rich heritage and cultural significance of blues music. This genre has deeply influenced many other music styles, including jazz, rock, and R&B. Celebrated annually on the first Saturday of August, it brings together communities around the globe to appreciate and enjoy blues music.

🌟 How It’s Celebrated Worldwide 🌟
Live Performances 🎤
Blues musicians perform in concerts and festivals, showcasing their talents and paying tribute to blues legends.

Jam Sessions 🎶
Musicians and fans gather for jam sessions, creating impromptu blues.

Workshops and Educational Events 📚
Workshops and lectures are held to educate people about the history and impact of blues music.

Broadcasts and Streams 📺
Radio stations and online platforms stream blues music and special programs to reach a wider audience.
Community Gatherings 🤝

Communities host gatherings where people can enjoy blues music, dance, and share their love for the genre.

🌿 Happy Rejuvenation Friday! 🌿The World Health Organization defines health as "a state of complete physical, mental, and...

🌿 Happy Rejuvenation Friday! 🌿

The World Health Organization defines health as "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." This powerful and timeless definition underscores the crucial nature of comprehensive "Health."

In the past, it was considered noble to prioritize the needs of others above our own, often at great personal cost. While selflessness remains a virtue, it's equally important to recognize that maintaining our own health is vital. Just as we are advised to put on our own oxygen masks first in an emergency, we must balance caring for others with caring for ourselves. This ensures we do not deplete our ability to provide support where it's most needed.

This , I encourage you to take time for activities that nourish your physical, mental, and social well-being. Whether it’s a peaceful walk, a session of meditation, or simply taking time to relax and enjoy life, taking care of yourself is the foundation of your ability to care for others. 🌱

Let’s inspire each other to prioritize health in all its forms, fostering a community that thrives together. Here's to a healthier, happier you! 💪🍃


Love these guys!

World Lung Cancer Day: History and SignificanceWorld Lung Cancer Day, observed annually on August 1, is a significant da...

World Lung Cancer Day: History and Significance

World Lung Cancer Day, observed annually on August 1, is a significant day dedicated to raising awareness about lung cancer, promoting early detection, and supporting patients and their families. This day serves as a reminder of the ongoing battle against one of the most common and deadly cancers worldwide.

History of World Lung Cancer Day

World Lung Cancer Day was first organized in 2012 by the Forum of International Respiratory Societies (FIRS) in collaboration with the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) and the American College of Chest Physicians (CHEST). The initiative aimed to draw global attention to the alarming rates of lung cancer and the urgent need for effective treatments and preventive measures.

The Importance of World Lung Cancer Day

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths globally, surpassing deaths caused by breast, prostate, and colorectal cancers combined. Despite its prevalence, lung cancer often remains stigmatized due to its strong association with smoking. However, it is essential to recognize that non-smokers can also develop lung cancer due to factors like genetic predisposition, exposure to radon gas, asbestos, and air pollution.

World Lung Cancer Day aims to:

Raise Awareness: Educate the public about the risks, symptoms, and the importance of early detection of lung cancer.
Promote Early Detection: Encourage individuals, especially those at high risk, to undergo regular screenings. Early detection can significantly improve survival rates.
Support Patients and Families: Provide resources and support for those affected by lung cancer, helping them navigate their journey and connect with others facing similar challenges.
Advocate for Research: Highlight the need for continued research into lung cancer to develop better treatments, improve patient outcomes, and ultimately find a cure.

How You Can Contribute

Spread Awareness:
Share information about lung cancer on social media and within your community.

Support Fundraising Efforts:
Contribute to or participate in events that raise funds for lung cancer research and patient support services.

Educate Yourself and Others:
Learn about the symptoms of lung cancer and encourage loved ones to seek medical advice if they experience any warning signs.

Advocate for Clean Air:
Support policies and initiatives that aim to reduce air pollution and exposure to harmful substances.

By recognizing World Lung Cancer Day, we can collectively work towards reducing the impact of lung cancer and improving the lives of those affected by this disease. Let's join hands to spread knowledge, offer support, and advocate for a healthier future.


🌍✨ Celebrate World Ranger Day! ✨🌍

Every year on July 31st, we honor the brave souls who protect our planet's natural wonders and cultural heritage. World Ranger Day is not just a tribute but a call to action to support the guardians of our planet. 🌲🌳

🎥 The Origins of World Ranger Day
The journey of World Ranger Day began with the International Ranger Federation (IRF), founded in 1992, which aimed to connect and empower rangers globally. The first official celebration took place in 2007, marking the 15th anniversary of the IRF. This day serves as a poignant reminder of the rangers who have sacrificed their lives in the line of duty and celebrates the ongoing commitment of rangers worldwide​ (National Today)​​ (European Ranger Federation)​.

🌟 Why We Celebrate
Rangers are on the frontline of conservation, facing dangers from wildlife and, increasingly, human threats such as poaching and illegal logging. They are the unsung heroes who operate under challenging conditions to safeguard our planet's biodiversity​ (National Today)​​ (NPS Homepage)​​ (Days Of The Year)​.

🛡️ Remembering the Fallen
More than 1,000 rangers have lost their lives protecting parks since 2009. World Ranger Day commemorates these brave men and women, promoting awareness and support for the crucial work they continue to do in the face of great personal risk【​ (National Today)​

🤝 How You Can Support

Visit a Park: A personal thank you can mean the world. Consider visiting a national park and expressing your gratitude to the rangers.
Educate and Advocate: Use your voice on social media to share stories and facts about the critical role of rangers.
Become a Junior Ranger: Engage the younger generation with programs that educate them about the importance of conservation and the role of rangers【​ (National Today)​​ (Days Of The Year)​

🌐 Join the Global Movement
Every gesture of support helps strengthen the network of rangers worldwide, ensuring they are not alone in their vital work. Let's stand together this World Ranger Day to celebrate and support those who protect our planet's natural treasures! 🌏💚

Join us in honoring our planet's protectors. Your support makes a world of difference! 🌟🛡️

🌍🤝 Happy International Day of Friendship! 🌍🤝History:Proclamation: The International Day of Friendship was proclaimed by ...

🌍🤝 Happy International Day of Friendship! 🌍🤝


The International Day of Friendship was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in 2011.

This day celebrates the importance of friendship in inspiring peace and building bridges between communities around the world.

While the idea of a friendship day dates back to the early 20th century, it was officially revived by the UN to promote global peace and understanding.

Youth Involvement:

Future Leaders:
Young people, as the future leaders of tomorrow, are encouraged to take part in community activities that embrace different cultures and promote international understanding.

Schools, community centers, and youth organizations can organize events, cultural exchanges, and educational programs to highlight the importance of diversity and mutual respect.

Interesting Facts:

Commercial Beginnings:
Friendship Day was initially promoted by the greeting card industry in the 1930s, aimed at celebrating the bonds between friends.

Global Revival:
The United Nations revived the concept to use it as a tool for promoting global peace and social harmony.

Cultural Celebrations:
Many countries celebrate Friendship Day on different dates with various customs, such as exchanging friendship bands, gifts, and organizing get-togethers.

How to Celebrate:

Reach out to an old friend and rekindle your bond.


Post a photo or a story about your friends on social media with the hashtag .

Join or organize a community event that promotes cultural understanding and friendship.

Quotes to Share:

“Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together.” – Woodrow Wilson
“A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.” – Walter Winchell

Let's celebrate the friendships that make our world a better place!


🌍🐅 Happy International Tiger Day! 🐅🌍

Did you know that the majestic tiger, the largest of all wild cats, has its own special day? 🐯✨ Every year on July 29, we celebrate International Tiger Day to raise awareness about tiger conservation and the crucial need to protect their natural habitats.

🗓️ History: International Tiger Day was first celebrated in 2010 when conservationists from around the globe came together to address the alarming decline in the tiger population. Shockingly, 97% of wild tigers had disappeared in the last century, leaving only about 3,000 of these magnificent creatures in the wild. This day was created to halt this trend and work towards a future where tigers can thrive in their natural environments.

🚨 Why It Matters: Tigers are more than just stunning creatures; they are keystone species that play a critical role in maintaining the health of our ecosystems. By protecting tigers, we also protect the countless other species that share their habitat.

💪 How You Can Help:

Raise Awareness:
Share facts and stories about tigers on social media to educate others.

Support Conservation Efforts:
Donate to organizations like the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), which are working tirelessly to save tigers.

Adopt a Tiger:
Symbolically adopt a tiger through conservation groups to fund their efforts.

📸 Snap a picture of your favorite tiger-inspired art or wear tiger stripes today to show your support!

🧡🖤 Let's support this day, and conservative's efforts, to ensure a future where tigers roam freely and safely.


This is Bravery and Courage.
Something I fully support.

My kinda beach :)

My kinda beach :)

Have a beautiful day! :)

My Husband introduced me to "Deadpool ( #1)"—and our children were in utter disbelief. As a rather strict mother, I typi...

My Husband introduced me to "Deadpool ( #1)"—and our children were in utter disbelief. As a rather strict mother, I typically wouldn't have allowed such viewing, but as they grew older—and with my Husband's mischievous smile revealing the secret—I found out they had already seen it. Then, as a beautiful testament to family unity, my Husband gathered us to watch "Deadpool 2 ( #2)" together (as a family). It was a wonderful experience!

Now, in cherished memory of him, we went together, and continued the tradition and saw "Deadpool and Wolverine (Deadpool #3)." He would have wanted us to share the laughter and that time together. Taking him "in spirit" was deeply moving, and we thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Thank you, my dear "Hun," for introducing us to "Deadpool," and keeping alive the dream that superheroes truly do prevail in the end.

🌍 World Drowning Prevention Day 🌍🌊 Making Every Second Count: Commit to Water Safety Beyond World Drowning Prevention Da...

🌍 World Drowning Prevention Day 🌍

🌊 Making Every Second Count: Commit to Water Safety Beyond World Drowning Prevention Day 🌊

💙 Every year, countless lives are tragically lost to drowning. Recognizing the urgency of this issue, the United Nations established July 25 as World Drowning Prevention Day. This global observance, inaugurated in 2021 following the UN General Assembly Resolution A/RES/75/273, calls for international awareness and actions to prevent drowning, a preventable disaster that claims lives across every continent.

🌍 Today, all 193 member states of the UN recognize this crucial day, underscoring its global significance. From America to Asia, Europe to Africa, each nation is invited to partake in lifesaving efforts and spread knowledge about water safety.

👶🧒 The statistics are heart-wrenching, with over 235,000 drowning deaths reported annually, most of which occur among children in low- and middle-income countries. These accidents predominantly happen during unsupervised moments near water bodies, underlining the critical need for constant vigilance and preventive measures.

📅 Today and Everyday:
As we mark this day, let's remind ourselves that drowning does not discriminate by age or geography. It can happen in a matter of seconds, but taking a few simple precautions can mean the difference between life and death:

🏊‍♂️ Learn to swim and teach children to swim from an early age.
🚤 Wear life jackets on boats, regardless of swimming skills.
👀 Always supervise children near water.
🍻 Avoid alcohol and drugs in and around water.
📱 Keep emergency contacts handy and know how to react in a water emergency.
📣 Join the Movement:

This World Drowning Prevention Day, pledge to make water safety a priority in your community. Share your commitment and stories using . Let's turn awareness into action and ensure that the joys of water are safe for everyone.

🔵 Go Blue for Drowning Prevention:
Show your support by wearing blue today and sharing your photos with the global community committed to ending drowning.

💧 Remember:
"Drowning is silent, and prevention is loud. Let's make our voices heard loud and clear."

For more information and to get involved, visit World Health Organization - Drowning Prevention and RNLI - Drowning Prevention Advice.




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