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Venesa Pretty Don't spend another moment worrying. God has already worked it out for you 🙏🙏🙏🙏

MEN AND ###Believe it or not women find it difficult to understand the reason why men love ###.* If they want to help yo...


Believe it or not women find it difficult to understand the reason why men love ###.

* If they want to help you, they will demand for s*x.
* If they say they love you, they want s*x.
* You mistakenly sleep over, they want s*x.
* They want to borrow money from you, they want s*x.
* They want to give you a job, they want s*x.
* They want to give you a pass in your exams, they want s*x.

First of all, you need to understand the system of men. They didn't ask for that because they didn't create themselves.

Do you know that 95% of healthy men wake up with an er****on? Did they bargain for that? No!
Do you know that the p***s has a mind of its own?

A man could be reading his Bible and his p***s will just stand.
A man can be sleeping and wakes up with an er****on.
A man could be sleeping, once you start rubbing the p***s, it
stands even when he is still asleep.

Have you ever asked yourself why men are not on periods, cramps or any bad moods? That's how God created them.
A man is naturally always ready for s*x. Rub a man on his head, he already thinks you want s*x.
Wink at him, he's already seeing you naked.
Wave at a man walking with his wife, he will loose focus.

This is nothing spiritual. It's not about, "ln Jesus Name or Holy
Ghost Fire".

That's why real churches do not allow ladies with short dresses to sit in front, because they will confuse the Pastor.
Men did not manufacture the high libido by themselves.

We are all created in God's image. The only man that overcame the s*xual urge according to the good book was Jesus Christ. Joseph's own was that, he didn't just ran away,
he fled!! Jesus is Lord and on top of that, He was very careful not to include a woman among His disciples.

So many great men have fallen because of s*x. Do you think they wanted to?

Soldiers in the war front will develop the urge for s*x. To show you how bad it is, so many soldiers were killed during
wars because a woman lured them inside bush.



*"Fiducia supplicans"* in simpler terms:

*1. Blessings, not marriage:* The Church understands blessings as ways to ask for God's grace and favour in various situations. This document clarifies that it's possible to bless same-s*x couples without recognizing their union as marriage.

*2. No change in marriage teaching:* The Church's teaching on marriage as between a man and a woman remains unchanged. This blessing gesture doesn't endorse their relationship but shows God's love for all.

*3. Blessings come in different forms:* There are formal blessings, like at weddings, and informal ones, like at shrines. This document focuses on informal blessings, where anyone, including those in irregular relationships, can ask for God's blessing.

*4. Blessings show humility and need for God:* Asking for a blessing expresses trust in God and a desire for his goodness. Even if someone's situation isn't perfect, they can still seek God's grace.

*5. Blessings have limits:* While the Church can offer blessings to everyone, it can't bless anything contrary to God's will. So, this blessing doesn't legitimize same-s*x unions but asks for God's guidance and love.

*6. Discernment and respect:* The document encourages pastors to use their judgment when deciding about such blessings. The setting and words should be clear to avoid confusion with marriage ceremonies.

*7. Hope and openness:* Ultimately, this document reflects the Church's desire to welcome everyone with God's love and mercy, even those in challenging situations. It's a step towards greater understanding and pastoral care.

*Remember:* This is a simplified explanation of a complex document. For a deeper understanding, consult the original text (the English version begins on pages 20 through 28) --


Dear men,
✍🏾 If you choose a working woman, you have to accept that she can't take care of the house full time.

If you choose a housewife who can take care of you and handle the apartment fully, you have to accept that she doesn't make money.

If you choose a humble woman, you must accept that it is up to you.
When you're with a brave woman, you have to accept that she's independent according to her own views.

Those who choose a beautiful woman must accept that jealousy must be controlled.

If you're with a strong woman, it's worth accepting that she's gentle and fragile at a glance, but solid as steel.

If you choose an emotional, insecure woman, you must step up to make her feel safe and loved.

No woman is perfect and doesn't have to be. Every woman has her own personality and values that determine who she is and that make her special.



1. Never wake up early...Keep stretching &
turning in bed until you get too hungry to continue dozing. If there are no bedbugs, why hurry to get up?

2. Never plan how to spend your money. Whenever you get money, start spending it right away and when it's finished, you try to count and recall how you spent it.

3. Don't think of saving until you have real big money. How can you save when you earn so little? Those telling you to save are not sympathetic to your burning needs.

4. Don't engage in activities usually reserved for the "uneducated ". How can you a graduate engage in petty trade or home based production?? That's for people who never went to school.

5. Don't think of starting a business until an Angel comes from heaven & gives you capital..How do they expect you to invest
before you get millions?
Even though more than half the businesses in your town were started with a few hundreds, you as a smart person can only start with millions.

6. Complain about everything except your own attitude; blame the system, the government and the banks that refuse to lend you money. They are all bad & do not want you to get rich.

7. Spend more than you earn. To achieve this, buy consumer products on credit & keep borrowing from friends & employers.
8. Compete in dressing. Make sure you wear the latest clothes among all workers in your office. Whenever your neighbour buys a new phone, u get one that is more expensive.

9. Get yourself a nice second hand car that costs more than three times your gross monthly pay.

10. Give your children everything they ask for since you're such a loving parent. They should not struggle for anything because you do not want them to suffer. That way, they will grow up lazy & hence poor enough to ensure they can't help you in your later years.

11. Work harder on your job (job is journey of the boss) than u work on urself.

12. Pretend to be busy, clever, wise and serious such that when one shows you a bus

Welcome to s*x classroom.The type of s*x you must not have:1. You must never agree to have s*x with a married man no mat...

Welcome to s*x classroom.

The type of s*x you must not have:

1. You must never agree to have s*x with a married man no matter what he promises or professes. Never!

2. Never agree to have s*x with your boss. If the harassment becomes too much, resign and trust God for a better job.

3. If God put people under your care to mentor or Pastor, it is better you die than to have s*x with them. Never take advantage of God's people no matter what.

4. Don't have s*x with a married woman. If you are getting too much attached via chatting, official or academic rapport, break up the closeness or whatever name you have for it.

5. Never have s*x with your lecturers. S*x for grades or marks is for nonentity. You are not. Never must you be.

6. If you are a marketer, never agree to sleep with a prospective client just to meet your official target. Never!

7. Don't have s*x with your in-laws. If he or she stays with you and you are finding it difficult to resist the pull, let him or her leave. I mean latest tomorrow.

8. Don't have s*x with your neighbour or colleague. A neighbour is a neighbour. A colleague is a colleague. Don't get your life more complicated.

9. Don't have s*x with your platonic friend. If the relationship is no longer platonic, break up the thing.

10. I believe God created s*x to be between male and female. Stay away from having s*x with your same gender. God is against homos*xuality and so should you.

11. Don't have s*x with your sibling or relatives. In**st is vile.

12. Don't have s*x with your girlfriend. Don't have s*x with your boyfriend. God did not create s*x for love relationships. He created it for MARRIAGE.
S*x is for procreation, not a game!
The only s*x you should have is with your Legally married partner


Ladies✍🏿when you go out with your man,make sure he can see your thigh. Mambo ya kuvaa k**a goalkeeper wa rugby achana nayo🤣💔🥵🤪🔥


Ushai kuliwa adi ukatamani asubui ifike ununue dawa za kumaliza kunguni 😂😂😂


Napenda jirani kwa ploti hadi nikiskia sauti yake natoka nje kumwaga maji safi😂

A LETTER TO ALL MENDear Brothers..If you want to make it in life, you don't have to enter every HOLE you see. Some holes...


Dear Brothers..

If you want to make it in life, you don't have to enter every HOLE you see. Some holes are dead traps. Some holes are destiny destroyers, business destroyers and life destroyers.

My brother, do not obey your Er****on at all times. Most Er****ons mislead you to wrong direction. Control your er****on if you don't want to to have few days on earth with much poverty on you.

It is not everything you see under skirt that you should hustle to eat, some skirts contain snakes that will bite you and leave you uncomfortable. Control your s*xual urge. Self control and abstinence in most cases pays a lot.

A man who can control his s*xual urge is a man who can live many years on earth. Men don't know that some of their downfalls are caused by MULTIPLE girlfriends. Not every girl has a good spirit. Some are demons, some has poison in between their legs.

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams!!Blessed day all to all

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams!!
Blessed day all to all

What do you call this in your language?

What do you call this in your language?


I just feel bad when my fellow catholics listen to media about Pope Francis .No media even international media is good .Remember that their agenda is to push for same s*x marriage and they will do it in any way they can .Pope Francis using the tactics Jesus used to bring sinners back to the church. I know most of you want him to condem people who are homos*xual but that goes against the teaching of love from our Lord Jesus Christ. Wengine hapa we break the rules put in place by the church and act all Holy but when it comes to other people's mistakes we act as judges. You should know as catholics we are called to hate the sin and love the sinner .Jesus ate with tax collector and harlots who were sinners and in the end they changed .Our Holy Pope condemned homos*xuality early this year and called it a SIN but its not a CRIME .THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TWO IS THAT A SIN IS AN OFFENSE AGAINST GOD AND HIS LAWS AND CRIME IS AN OFFENSE AGAINST HUMAN LAW .HE JUST SAID THAT BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE BEING KILLED FOR BEING HOMOSEXUAL .During S***m and Gomorrah did you see anyone being killed by a human ,no ,it was God who did it after calling them for repentance. The church of our Lord Jesus is full of sinners and its for sinners who want to be close to him,thus no priest is allowed to deny anyone blessing as the pope said .Not to bless same s*x marriage but if homos*xual wants blessing they ought to be given by the church. Critics like anyone who does not want to love a sinner are the reason people don't believe in the church. They are acting like the pharisee that acted Holir than though ,stop being a hypocrite since you are also a sinner.

ADVICE TO ALL MARRIED MEN...✍✔1. If you value your health and you want to live long and have a happy home, let your wife...


1. If you value your health and you want to live long and have a happy home, let your wife always win an argument. Trust me, it's the shortcut I know to peace of mind! Where there is no wood (fuel), the fire goes out!

2. Stop trying to figure out your wife or understand why she does what she does. It's a waste of precious time. Remember that you (Adam) were put to sleep while she (Eve) was being produced? How can you try to understand an equipment that wasn't assembled in your presence?

3. Marriage is about ACCEPTANCE, not tolerance. Make your marriage relationship-driven, not performance-driven. She was NOT created in your image. Stop projecting YOU into her. Show her the need for change through leadership, not coercion.

4. While a man is rational, the woman is emotional. One (the man) processes via his head, the other processes things through her heart (emotions). One thinks things through, the other feels her way through things. Facts drive you. Intuition drives her. What she can't FEEL, she doesn't SEE!

5. When s*x becomes a weapon, a duty or an entitlement, it loses its very essence, LOVE-MAKING. It simply becomes another chore like dish-washing which nobody looks forward to doing! Play with her. Flirt with her. Serenade her. Hug. Cuddle. Hold hands. Surprise her. Blow gently into her ears while she is cooking or while you are watching a movie together. Be spontaneous. Being a king-kong overlord in "ze oza room" and puffing and panting like a worn-out locomotive while she wonders what just happened can only lead to frustration. Remember, it is never about the size of the weapon but the fury of the attack! (Decode that!)

6. Go out often. Make regular, unscheduled date nights. Take a bath together. Make room for movie nights together either at home or at the cinema.

7. Remember that ONLY THE TWO OF YOU started the journey together and when the children have jumped the nest, only the two of you will remain. So, keep the bond

It can be a profound experience to connect with someone who understands you on a deep level, where communication feels e...

It can be a profound experience to connect with someone who understands you on a deep level, where communication feels effortless and your souls resonate with each other. While finding that kind of connection is a journey for many individuals, it's needful to remember that meaningful relationships require effort, understanding, and emotional compatibility.


Apologising doesn't alway mean you are wrong and the other person is right. It just means you value the other person more than your ego.

OCEAN OF WISDOMA poor man always think the rich man made his wealth out of luck.  And the rich man believes the poor is ...


A poor man always think the rich man made his wealth out of luck.

And the rich man believes the poor is poor because he is lazy.

A young lady who married very early thinks ladies who are finding it hard to get married have bad character.

A man who just graduated and get a job immediately thinks he is smarter than others.

While a woman who just got married and start giving birth sees "barren" women as people who lived a wayward life.

If only the poor knew the price the rich paid to get to top and if only the rich knows the battles, challenges that the poor is going through, none will ever form a theory about each other.

If the poor can't appreciate the rich man's success let him mind his business if it is easy to be rich he wouldn't have been poor.

And if the rich won't help the poor grow at least they should not kill the spirit of a struggling man.

If only you know what people endure or fight behind the scene you will always thank God for your life. Until you walk in people's shoes, You will never know how hard the journey is.

Help each other grow!!!
Mock less, envy no one.
and love one another.

MISSION ROSARY IS NEAR...In October, we pray the Mission Rosary. It has five colours:1. Green for Africa2. Red for Ameri...


In October, we pray the Mission Rosary. It has five colours:
1. Green for Africa
2. Red for America
3. White for Europe
4. Blue for Ocenia and other islands
5. Yellow for Asia.

With a Mission Rosary, we pray for the whole world. Join and pray for the world Missions from 1st October 2023 till 31st October 2023.

THREE POWERFUL SACRAMENTALS TO HAVE IN YOUR HOME:These small religious items pack a big spiritual punch that can protect...


These small religious items pack a big spiritual punch that can protect your family.
The use of sacramentals is one of the most misunderstood practices in the Catholic Church. They have been part of the Church’s life from the very beginning, but are commonly viewed as some sort of superstition.
This is largely due to the fact that many Catholics over the centuries have used sacramentals in a superstitious way as they were not taught how to use them properly. Instead of using them with faith, some Catholics used them as magic charms rather than instruments of grace.
This is unfortunate, as sacramentals are meant to enrich our spiritual lives, not hinder them. They have been instituted by the Church to draw us into a deeper relationship with Christ and are focused on sanctifying every part of our lives. Sacramentals are extensions of the seven sacraments and bring the grace of God into everything that we do.
One place where sacramentals are especially powerful is in the home. If used in a spirit of faith, sacramentals can protect us from spiritual harm or inspire us to live a holy life dedicated to God.
Here are three such sacramentals that, if used properly, can provide a spiritual boost to the home as well as keep away spiritual enemies that are lurking in the shadows.

▪︎Holy water
Holy water has a double meaning of reminding us of our baptism as well as a symbol of spiritual cleansing. Holy water is said to have great power over the devil as the devil cannot stand this “clean” water, since he is entirely unclean for all eternity. It is a reminder of the water that flowed out of Christ’s side, which is a symbol of Baptism, and brings to mind the day of the devil’s defeat (Christ’s crucifixion).
It is an ancient custom to have what are called “holy water stoups” or “holy water fonts” on the walls of a home. They are elaborate or simple cups that hold holy water, which can then be used to bless oneself throughout.

It's not magic but once you move the screen you will see an image... comment with emojis what image you are seeing.

It's not magic but once you move the screen you will see an image... comment with emojis what image you are seeing.

Fellas...✍🏾 If you choose a working woman, you have to accept that she can't take care of the house full time. If you ch...

Fellas...✍🏾 If you choose a working woman, you have to accept that she can't take care of the house full time.

If you choose a housewife who can take care of you and handle the apartment fully, you have to accept that she doesn't make money.

If you choose a humble woman, you must accept that it is up to you.
When you're with a brave woman, you have to accept that she's independent according to her own views.

Those who choose a beautiful woman must accept that jealousy must be controlled.

If you're with a strong woman, it's worth accepting that she's gentle and fragile at a glance, but solid as steel.

If you choose an emotional, insecure woman, you must step up to make her feel safe and loved.

No woman is perfect and doesn't have to be. Every woman has her own personality and values that determine who she is and that make her special.





1. Don’t lend money to your family. Give it.

2. Never shake a hand while sitting down.

3. Stop telling people more than they need to know.

4. Never eat the last piece of something you didn't buy.

5. Don't throw your friend under the bus to impress someone.

6. Never insult the cooking when you are the guest.

7. Don't use the urinal next to an occupied one.

8. Don't take out your phone during a conversation.

9. Never take credit for work you didn't do.

10. Listen, nod, and most of all make eye contact.

11. Don't make fun of your friend in front of his kids.

12. Never let emotions overpower you.

13. Never beg for a relationship.

14. Dress well no matter what the occasion.

15. Never kick a man when he is already down.


One time, a scorpion met a frog at the bank of a river. He said to the frog “Please, help me cross to the other side of ...

One time, a scorpion met a frog at the bank of a river.

He said to the frog “Please, help me cross to the other side of the river"

But the frog refused and asked him “What if you sting me?

And the scorpion replied, “I promise not to sting you, if you help me. If I try to do so, we would both die, so help me".

The frog considered and decided to help.

When they got to the other side, the scorpion highlighted the frog's back and stung him.

The frog asked “Why did you do so, you promised not to"

And the scorpion replied it is in my nature to sting, I just can't help it.

The frog died in regret.

In this world, in this very wicked world of many scorpions, be discerning. Most people are out there to ruin and destroy no matter how good you try to be. Your goodness cannot change them. Don't just choose who to help, pray about whoever you want to help.

Jesus had to be anointed to do good. Don't try to be good on your own accord, you might just end up like the frog

Ee mwenyezi MUNGU umewapa Binadamu akili na uwezo wa kutibu Wagonjwa, Kwa Kibali chako na Mamlaka uliyonayo uwakafanye w...

Ee mwenyezi MUNGU umewapa Binadamu akili na uwezo wa kutibu Wagonjwa,

Kwa Kibali chako na Mamlaka uliyonayo uwakafanye wapone Wagonjwa wote waliopo ICU, THEATRE, Wodini na Majumbani mwetu

Kwa Jina la Baba na la Mwana na la Roho Mtakatifu Amina 💖 🙏 🧎‍♂️


When it rain, birds fly for shelter, but Eagles avoid the rains by flying above the clouds.

Problems are common
to all of us, but ATTITUDE makes the difference.

As we face all kind of challenges in life,remember, we must be like Eagles and
Believe we can fly above the storms of this life.

Never give up, never lose the confidence nor faith. For trusting in God can change the impossible things to opportunity, hope
and blessing.







Rev. Victor Gumba

A SHORT LESSON!• Someone graduated at the age of 22, but waited 5 years before securing a good job.• Someone became a CE...


• Someone graduated at the age of 22, but waited 5 years before securing a good job.

• Someone became a CEO at 25, and died at 50.

• While another became a CEO at 50, and lived to 90 years.

• Someone is still single, while someone from his school group has become grandfather.

• Obama retired at 55 & Trump started at 70.

• Everyone in this world works based on their time zone.

• People around you might seem ahead of you & some might seem to be behind you.

• But everyone is running their own race, in their own time.

• Do not envy them.

• They are in their time zone, and you are in yours.

So, relax.

You're not late.
You're not early.
You are very much on time, and will achieve your desired goals for Life(Be Encouraged).

May you have a happy and blessed Day

Click and follow 👉👉ViVictor ChiaohVictor Chiao

Click and follow 👉👉ViVictor ChiaohVictor Chiao

Kivumbi leo adi dereva kasahau nafasi yake 🤣

Kivumbi leo adi dereva kasahau nafasi yake 🤣




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