man oh man, life works in mysterious ways!! i sat down to make this post when it hit me that 2 years ago i left behind my little life in rexburg, idaho.
as i reflect on the last 2 years, i can’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude and love for my heavenly father and savior. heavenly father truly put different people, places, and experiences in my path in order to help me feel of his love, and recognize that i am not alone. leaving idaho was an incredibly difficult decision, but they say when you aren’t seeing change, you have to make it! and if you would have told me two years ago, i would be mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually where i am today…i wouldn’t have believed you! i thought there was no hope, but now i am here writing this post, and sharing my love for my father in heaven! god knew what he was doing the whole time, i just couldn’t see it!
to these feeling helpless, hopeless, and alone; trust that heavenly father has it all figured out.
“if you do your best it will all work out. put your trust in god and move forward with faith.” ~gordon b. hinckley