TVi zine

TVi zine Free pdf of a 90s zine by Lucid Nation Courtney Love Danny Goldberg Slim Moon Lucretia Tye Jasmine Jennifer Finch and Chelsea Starr.. Oct 3, 1994

TVi is a zine from 1994 by Tamra and Ronnie of Lucid Nation and Lucretia Tye Jasmine, three members of a post riot grrrl art and zine collective in southern California called Revolution Rising. Part 1: all three comment on MTV. Tamra was later offered a job by MTV and told that the format of the zine influenced them to do various similar shows featuring commentators on videos. For that we apologiz

e. Part 2: Courtney Love was kind enough to allow Tamra to be the first to publish Courtney's posts on AOL in the aftermath of Kurt Cobain's death. Part 3: Tamra poses a question to Courtney, music business legend Danny Goldberg, Slim Moon of Kill Rock Stars, and Chelsea Starr of Bomp. Is there really any difference between indie and major labels especially for women? A fascinating debate ensues. TVi zine in New York magazine:

"At the Atlantic offices in Time Warner headquarters in Rockefeller Center, Danny Goldberg takes a pull from a can of Tab, looking uncharacteristically tanned and relaxed after two weeks in a rental house on Shelter Island with his wife, entertainment lawyer Rosemary Carroll, and their two children. He taps at his PowerBook: Goldberg is a recent habitue of an haute-grunge cyber-salon of e-mail aficionados that include Courtney Love and Kill Rock Stars label chief Slim Moon."

Tamra's latest interview in her Standing Rock series for Reality Sandwich. Shannon Kring is the director of End of the L...

Tamra's latest interview in her Standing Rock series for Reality Sandwich. Shannon Kring is the director of End of the Line: The Women of Standing Rock. She's involved in so many inspiring projects she's an inspiration to anyone wanting to make a difference. Please share if you agree.

Critically acclaimed author, director, and humanitarian Shannon Kring talks about the making of her documentary about the women of Standing Rock, her experience filming secret rites all over the world, becoming the official Good Will Ambassador of Honduras, and more in this interview.

latest writing from Ronnie and Tamra Lucid~

latest writing from Ronnie and Tamra Lucid~

The Utopia File, or A Bucket of Red Herrings. by exangel Posted on June 29, 2016 by Tamra Spivey and Ronnie Pontiac. Perhaps some among my readers a few may have seen a group of old buildings of Mayan inspired architecture surrounding a small but elegant old library in the neighborhood of Los Feliz,...


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"They either want to be you, f**k you, or kill you." Courtney Love


TVi is a zine from 1994 by Tamra and Ronnie of Lucid Nation and Lucretia Tye Jasmine, three members of a post riot grrrl art and zine collective in southern California called Revolution Rising.

Part 1: all three comment on MTV. Tamra was later offered a job by MTV and told that the format of the zine influenced them to do various similar shows featuring commentators on videos. For that we apologize.

Part 2: Courtney Love was kind enough to allow Tamra to be the first to publish Courtney's posts on AOL in the aftermath of Kurt Cobain's death.

Part 3: Tamra poses a question to Courtney, music business legend Danny Goldberg, Slim Moon of Kill Rock Stars, and Chelsea Starr of Bomp. Is there really any difference between indie and major labels especially for women? A fascinating debate ensues.

TVi zine in New York Magazine Oct 3, 1994:

"At the Atlantic offices in Time Warner headquarters in Rockefeller Center, Danny Goldberg takes a pull from a can of Tab, looking uncharacteristically tanned and relaxed after two weeks in a rental house on Shelter Island with his wife, entertainment lawyer Rosemary Carroll, and their two children. He taps at his PowerBook: Goldberg is a recent habitue of an haute-grunge cyber-salon of e-mail aficionados that include Courtney Love and Kill Rock Stars label chief Slim Moon."

Read or download TVi pdf for free here.

Read or download TVi pdf for free here.



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