RE VirtualDesk Co.

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RE VirtualDesk Co. helps business owners/entrepreneurs increase their monthly revenue and lead conversions through soci

Here are the things you need to invest on your social media platforms1. Branding - stand out among the crowd and people ...

Here are the things you need to invest on your social media platforms

1. Branding - stand out among the crowd and people remember you using your brand. Be consistent with your brand.

2. Lead magnet - give audience a freebie in exhange of a testimonial or leading them to a mini course or website.

3. Engagement - commenting genuinely on your audience's posts. Know your audience well. Be a cheerleader.

4. Research - research on hashtags for your ideal market. Do competitor research to see if they are running ads, what creatives they are using.

5. Creatives - these are the images and videos. Make it captivating, striking and relatable to audience.

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How to find your ideal clients for your business?Where do you find them where you can sell your service or product?Faceb...

How to find your ideal clients for your business?

Where do you find them where you can sell your service or product?

Facebook groups
Launch or post yout business in a group. It is either you do cold messages or share your website and landing pages.

Your friends are great supporters for your business. Not only they are cheerleaders but also gets referrals for you.

Facebook Ads
Choosimg the right audience is the key from interests, behaviors or location. Its targeting the market.

Businesses are everywhere in the Google. You can list them all and reach out to them.

Share and like this post if you find it helpful.

Business owners find ways to increase their sales. Here are great tips to boost your business without the hustle and hav...

Business owners find ways to increase their sales. Here are great tips to boost your business without the hustle and have more free time for themselves

👉Tip 1: Hire an expert in their field.
They know the hows and whys in the field of business and make your life easier.

They organize your schedule and be able to help in growing your business.

👉Tip 2: Know how your competitors move.

Competitor research is vital in one's business.

Check on their social media platforms, the ads they boost, their websites ranking on Google, their audiences.

This is an inspiration not to imitate but to do better or exceeding them.

👉Tip 3: Know what your audience wants

Get testimonials of your product and this is a social proof of the effectivitity of your product.

Get feedback from them whether positive or negative. This will help in improving your product or service.

👉Tip 4: Know what is trending this year.

With the change in our economy and situation, we need to adapt to certaim changes. This is from physical store to online purchasing.

Plan ahead to make orders and services run smoothly. This is to avoid negative feedback from clients.

👉Tip 5: Widen or expand your potential audience reach.

Be visible to all social media platforms including having a website that is optimized with SEO.

Like, share and follow us for more business tips.

We will be glad to help in your business.


WHY PEOPLE UNFOLLOW YOU?📦You are not their targeted audience or clients.They want every post to be seen or read specific...


📦You are not their targeted audience or clients.

They want every post to be seen or read specifically by their potential audiences. This is applicable when running ads on Instagram

📦You have different niches or industry.

An instagrammer wants all of her followers to be on the same niche. If the business is on fashion industry he wants to see all the posts on his feed to be on fashion topics.

📦They simply do not like your posts.

This is about your creatives. The pictures are not of good quality. The videos are blurry. The content is not interesting.

📦They get tired of your posts in their feed.

If you post 10 times in a day most likely they will see your posts a dozen of times. It gets annoyingbespecially if it is all the same topic.

📦You do not follow back.

It is frustrating when you follow and they don't follow you back. You follow more but less followers.

📦They do not want you to grow.

Competitors are always there. Businesses check on competitors and see how they strategize their social media. They either inspire or destroy you.

👉Comment below why people unfollow you.

Content is the kingContent or the ad copy when creating ads is essential.This is where targeted audience wants to learn ...

Content is the king

Content or the ad copy when creating ads is essential.

This is where targeted audience wants to learn more of your product or service. It is where they get more intrrested to avail and add to cart.

This is knowing the pain points of the audience and bringing them the solution and giving a sense of value.

Creating a copy has a strategy of AIDA.

Implementing this will help in your ad or whatever you post on your social media.

Follow us, like and share if you find this valuable.

Ads are a headache if not done the right way.Here are the tips on how you run run ads that convert into sales.🛑Ads must ...

Ads are a headache if not done the right way.

Here are the tips on how you run run ads that convert into sales.

🛑Ads must be mobile and desktop friendly.

Check if the ads suit well on mobile or any device. Click the preview button to see how it looks like on different platforms as well.

🛑Images must be eye catching including the color and the model you use.

It must be crisp and clear and not blurry.

🛑Videos must be attention grabbing with entertaining music.

🛑The caption or ad copy that makes the reader to read more of your ad.

🛑Call to action is a must at the end. Whether clicking the message button.

🛑Dont forget to scale. Ads must be different on each targeted audience whether cold, warm and hot.

🛑Add chatbots or automatic reply as you cannot reply to 100 messages at the same time.

🛑Test what ads work for you. Audiences have different taste on ada you're running. Turn off ads that do not convert and change the ad or the image itself.

🛑Hire an expert or ask for consultation when running ads. They provide value and give results.

Add more to the comments for your suggestions. We will be glad to read your thoughts.


Taking risks...Better to try than not trying at all. All our decisions have risks and consequences. These are whether it...

Taking risks...

Better to try than not trying at all.

All our decisions have risks and consequences. These are whether it turned out right or wrong.

If it turned out the least expected result and more risks involved, you are being redirected to another.

Take the risks rather than regretting later on and asking yourself "if only".

Are you ready to take the risks?

Facebook ads are the one you normally see on your news feed except for the word 'sponsored'  below your account name.If ...

Facebook ads are the one you normally see on your news feed except for the word 'sponsored' below your account name.

If you often see this it is because you're one of the potential targeted audience asking you to stop and see the ad.

Ads can also be seen on messenger, top right corner of your screen or even in you tube.

Have you seen a post on news feed that attracts you to scroll back and check on what it can benefit you?

Do you hate seeing ads popping on your screen?

Drop a message if you want to advertise your business through social media platforms.

How to deal when you didn't get the results you wanted? 🤤🤤🤤Business has its ups and downs. One of the downs is no sales ...

How to deal when you didn't get the results you wanted? 🤤🤤🤤

Business has its ups and downs.

One of the downs is no sales at all.

More cost than sales. 💰

☝️Know the source why it has failed


🔖- Website is not optimized and not able to attract to go to add to cart button
🔖- Call to action is unclear
🔖- Images or videos are not attractive
🔖- Ad copy does not draw attention
🔖- Ad accounts are banned or restricted. Ads are disapproved
🔖- Failed technical strategies in running ads
🔖- Difficult product to sell

💡- Let the website be audited for better optimization with smooth transition for customers to click the add to cart button
💡- Be knowledgeable on ad policy to know what not to post and to avoid disapproval
💡- Know your personal metrics if the ads are working or not, to know when to turn off or change the ads
💡- feature the benefits of a product in the clients' life

Wanna try Facebook ads a chance?

📞 Just simply click the message below and we will be of assistance.

What is the best metric to know if your ads are performing well? 💥It is the return on ads spent. 💥🤜It means more sales. ...

What is the best metric to know if your ads are performing well?

💥It is the return on ads spent. 💥

🤜It means more sales.

🤜It determines that you beat the money spent on ads.

🤜It gives you that big smile that you give the results to a client............

👍To learn more on how Facebook ads work for your business, just drop a message and we will be of help.


Big companies like McDonalds, SM, or Microsoft have their own humble beginnings.It starts with.. a dream..a vision..cour...

Big companies like McDonalds, SM, or Microsoft have their own humble beginnings.

It starts with.. a dream..a vision..courage to start..ex*****on.and perseverance.

⬇️They may fail a thousand times but eventually succeed to be the biggest in industry.

⤴️They are our inspiration to be the best we can be no matter what stage of business we are in, whether we are on a start up or a veteran.

"Big dreams come from small beginnings" - unknown

Drop your favorite emoji if you agree with Mr. Branson. 🐾




📌 Use of pixel on your website. This is a tracking code of Facebook to your website.

This allows you to see the metrics especially if your campaign objective is conversion.

It checks who visits your website, purchases or adds to cart for any service or product you offer.

📌 Use scroll-stopping images. Thousands of videos and images are being uploaded on Facebook.

It needs attention for someone to go back to the image or video you created. Allowing this gives a chance to know your product/service more.

📌 Reaching the right potential target audience.👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

Market research is important to know what kind of audience needs your offer.

This includes age, location, interest, or behavior. With this, it helps the ads that you created reach more of the audience you want to sell.

📌 Use of testimonials on ad copy.

This is like a product review. It builds trust.

It creates confidence for people to reach out to you knowing that you have given results to someone who testified on your product or service.

Testimonials are gold mine.

📌 Retargeting warm and hot audiences.

Do not forget those clients who purchased your offer.

They might need to scale or add another product or service that is available.

They become lifetime customers who comes back again and again.

📞Learn more on how to do Facebook ads for your business to grow.

Just simply click the message and we will be of help in advertising your product or service.

👇 Drop an emoji if this is helpful for you.

What are your goals for this 2021?🏋️‍♀️Writing down on a planner for this year helps in laying down the steps on how you...

What are your goals for this 2021?

🏋️‍♀️Writing down on a planner for this year helps in laying down the steps on how you can reach this goal.

Whether from traveling abroad, starting a new career or getting a 6-pack abs, it is a challenge to make those small steps that lead to bigger steps in achieving them.

Drop your favorite emoji 💚❣️💦 if you agree with Fred Devito, a fitness expert and speaker, and what challenges you most in achieving your goals for this year?

💪Take that big leap of challenge and you will see the change within you.

👨‍💼William Osler, a physician in his time in Canada, still gives a powerful message that applies today.👨‍👩‍👧‍👧In this ti...

👨‍💼William Osler, a physician in his time in Canada, still gives a powerful message that applies today.

👨‍👩‍👧‍👧In this time we salute all the heroes who bravely cure the patient with the disease and think of overall welfare.

Physicians see more beyond the disease♿. They mostly are patient centered individuals with a mission to heal.

REASONS WHY CLIENTS DO NOT BOOK WITH YOU📞 Your service is beyond their budget.Some clients see your fee is too high.  Of...


📞 Your service is beyond their budget.

Some clients see your fee is too high. Offer something that is different from other services or products.

Make it something extra special as compared to other companies if you want your “high” fee to be worth of an experience.

Giving value to customers is vital for them to know that they do not mind adding more payment to you.

📞 They are clueless of what service you provide.

Branding is so important when it comes to your business.

Be specific about what you exactly offer.

When people see your logo anywhere they know that it is yours and what product or service you give to people.

📞 They book to other providers/coaches/or clinicians.

When people experience bad service, they likely go somewhere else and try other companies.

Making your clients feel you care for them prevents them from going away.


💪 Be special and unique.

There are thousands of companies or providers with the same niche but what makes you best is your specialization.

👉 To learn more on how we can strategize your business on how clients book more with you, just simply drop a message.

How do you know if your clients are satisfied with your service?Below are the five ways on how to determine if a client ...

How do you know if your clients are satisfied with your service?

Below are the five ways on how to determine if a client is happy with your service or product:

They give you referrals. If a client is happy with the results of your product or service, they would recommend this to their friends and colleagues.

They give you positive customer reviews on Facebook. Do you want more 5 stars on your profile? A happy client will surely give you that. People mostly see the reviews first before buying or booking an appointment with you.

They become lifetime customers. They keep coming back whenever they need your service and availing your promoted products. It becomes a part of their daily lives having you and your product.

They give you additional tips. Some clients give tips or gifts as an appreciation for giving the expected results they want to achieve.

They send messages personally saying thank you. They could not contain the good results you have given to them that they drop you a message on how it has changed their lives with the service or product you give.
..but how to maintain this kind of service to the people?

Create an open communication. Know their wants, expected results or outcome. Giving them on what to expect during the session is vital.

Giving the quality of service to the clients. People recognize your unique brand that they keep coming back for your service or product.

Sending them emails or personal message thanking them for availing the product or service.

With this, we created a strategy for helping business owners, coaches, healthcare practitioners to keep clients coming back for them.

To learn more about this strategy simply drop a message and we will give to you the secret strategy.


Hello to clinic owners and healthcare practitioners! 👩‍🚀Here is how to have patient acquisition and client retention in ...

Hello to clinic owners and healthcare practitioners! 👩‍🚀

Here is how to have patient acquisition and client retention in your own clinic: ♿

⭐Give the best 💯 quality service for the patient.

When one patient is 💯 satisfied with your service, it becomes a ripple effect. They become referrals and eventually more clients book for an appointment with you. Every session should be given with utmost care to give the best results for each client who comes to your clinic.

⭐ Be updated with the latest technology.

With our current situation, trending technology arises more like virtual appointments. Be open for new ways to get more clients.

Give them the options whether they go to your physical location or go online for check-ups.

Additionally, getting yourself the online presence on social media as well. With this, it may help you reach more audiences.

⭐ Ask for testimonials for satisfied clients.

Gathering all the testimonials will help in your business. It means that people are confident to build their trust on you.

They see you as an expert in your field having serviced a number of people with good results.

📞To learn more about patient acquisition and lifetime value clients, just click the message button and drop a message to us.

Be with the right people who will appreciate your presence and encourage you in times of hardship.Struggles are real for...

Be with the right people who will appreciate your presence and encourage you in times of hardship.

Struggles are real for business owners especially when handling the day to day tasks causing more stress.

Having the right people by your side will help in your business and eventually be more inspired and encouraged to go on each day.

Tip of the week: Three ways to get more clients in your business or clinic: 👉Ask for referrals. Ask your friends or fami...

Tip of the week: Three ways to get more clients in your business or clinic:

👉Ask for referrals.

Ask your friends or family members if they know someone who needs your service or product.

It is one way to promote your business or service organically.

With this, those referrals will trust you more as it is referred by their friend or relatives.

👉Join organizations and go to events.

Going to events will help you to showcase your business.

These include trade shows, weddings, or community projects.

Introduce your product or service without being too salesy.

It is through events you will be able to meet a lot of people including potential customers and clients.

👉Advertise on ads.

A lot of business owners are hesitant to do paid advertisements.
...But with the right strategy targeting the right audience with campaign objective can help in increasing your revenue.

As it is through ads that you will be able to reach out to a higher number of audiences.

👊That is why we created a unique strategy to help in growing your business.

We help you reach more cold audiences turning them into warm audiences and potential buyers and clients.

If you want to learn more, drop a message and we are willing to answer your queries.

Just simply click the message button and we highly appreciate you reaching out to us.

What is the BIGGEST PROBLEM that most of our coaches have?Whether you are a life coach, health and wellness, business, o...

What is the BIGGEST PROBLEM that most of our coaches have?

Whether you are a life coach, health and wellness, business, or fitness coach deal with the difficulty of GETTING MORE CLIENTS to book for a session.

Mike McMahon, creator of Sales Mastery for Coaches, reveals on how to solve this BIG PROBLEM OF COACHES.

Below are some of the solutions he gave on how to deal with this difficulty: 👊

💪Position yourself as an expert at what you do.

Part of doing that is to pick a niche and get crystal clear on what problem or problems you solve.

💪Package up your solution into a high-ticket irresistible offer.

💪Price your solution based on the value of the transformation.

You must know exactly what the solution is worth and what steps your client must take to get the results you offer. Stop trading time for dollars.

💪 Promote your solution to your ideal clients. Research your ideal clients so you know where they hang out and what they read. Then get in front of them with your solution.

Excerpt from Mike McMahon creator of Sales Mastery for Coaches

Learn more on how to acquire more clients for your business.

Just simply drop a message and we highly appreciate you contacting us.

👩‍👩‍👧👨‍👩‍👧‍👧Hi business owners and coaches!A lot of business owners and coaches have difficulties on how to grow their b...

👩‍👩‍👧👨‍👩‍👧‍👧Hi business owners and coaches!

A lot of business owners and coaches have difficulties on how to grow their business through social media platforms.

As a result, a lot of them don’t know how to use Facebook or Instagram to showcase their business or service.

That is why we created our unique business system for entrepreneurs to utilize more social media platforms in their business.

Our vision at RE VirtualDesk Co, is to help business owners and coaches to strategically grow their business through social media including branding, retargeting ads, creative designs, and a lot more.

We would love to know how we can make this happen for you.

If you’re interested, please click the message button 👆to start an inquiry.

👨‍🔬Physician of the future care more on the patient himself and not the disease.They care more for the patient's overall...

👨‍🔬Physician of the future care more on the patient himself and not the disease.

They care more for the patient's overall well-being and give advice for prevention of disease.

👨‍🎨 As always, prevention is better than cure.

Salute to all physicians 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 who sacrificed their time to heal the sick. Hats off to them especially in this time when they are needed most.

Here are the tricks on how to use Instagram effectively and every posts reach the target audience:👉 Be updated with the ...

Here are the tricks on how to use Instagram effectively and every posts reach the target audience:

👉 Be updated with the new features on Instagram. Reels is the newest trend on Instagram which is available in the United States. It is your recorded video for about 15 seconds. Try it out as soon as it is available in your country.

👉 Reaching out to collaborate with influencers to feature your products or services. By giving giveaways your product will be reached to thousands of followers of the influencers. Be generous and will bring back a hundredfold to you.

👉 Use the right hashtags to reach the audience. Write at a maximum of 30 hashtags for every post. Do hashtag research on what hashtag works best for your business. Using some applications like GravTag is useful to learn what hashtags to use.

👉 Never forget to write the alt text. This is for visually impaired audiences to read your posts. Never ignore this to reach more target audience. This is an additional feature when posting on Instagram.

👉 Feature your products or services for how it will benefit the people without being salesy which drives people away. Know your audience through research and learn what their pain points are and how your product can benefit them from solving these.

Drop a message to learn more. Click on the message 👆button and we are available to answer your questions.

Here are the ways on how to get more customers to visit your online store1. Make sure that your website is crawlable whi...

Here are the ways on how to get more customers to visit your online store

1. Make sure that your website is crawlable which is easy to navigate from browsing through adding to the cart.

Website should be visible clearly whether in mobile and desktop.

2. Make yourself visible on all social media platforms. Use social media for product awareness.

Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, Pinterest or LinkedIn have large audience to reach out and engage.

3. Do paid ads with the right objective targetting the right audience without hurting your pocket.

Our company is here to help you achieve this without the hustle and headache of running ads.

Just simply click the message button to reach out to us.



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