Tani Morgan Mentoring

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Tani Morgan Mentoring Join my FB community for weekly videos, and support with creating your spiritual business. www.faceb My name is Tani and I’m so excited that you are here. Tani

I help new and aspiring female business owners to discover their true purpose, feel confident in their unique gifts and overcome mental resistance so they can create both income for their family and impact in their community through a soul-inspired business. By working with me you will be able to:
- overcome fears and doubts and feelings of unworthiness so you can end procrastination and create a

powerful purposeful profitable business

- show up confidently and powerfully that allows you to authentically connect and magnetize their dream clients effortlessly

- create a powerfully high vibe mental state to free yourself of destructive habits so that you take control of creating the life you desire.

- upgrade your money consciousness and manifesting power so money flows to you easily and frequently from both expected and unexpected sources

You can learn more here: www.tanimorgan.com

Thank you for being here! I welcome you, I celebrate you and I appreciate you! You are worthy, you are love and you are more powerful than you can imagine! Please feel free to connect with me at anytime as I would love to hear from you!


Still useful today….


It’s not 100% permanent YET… but we made it happen and I couldn’t be happier! 🎉

We always dreamed about living at the beach and talked about it every winter.

“Why do we live here?”, we moaned to each other as the temperatures dropped below -30 celsius.

Growing up in Canada, I never realized how much the cold and dark of winter affected me, because that’s the way it always was.

In summer or warm weather, I’m naturally uplifted and joyful. 😄

In the COLD winter, I have to work hard to stay uplifted, 🧘🏻‍♀️🤸🏻‍♀️💃🏻🙏🏻 so (with a little push from the lockdowns,😉) I decided something needed to change…

Today, this is my view. 🤩

And tomorrow we will be at the beach.

It wasn’t easy, it took work, risks, creativity and faith.

It took believing in ourselves that we could do it, which is often the hardest thing when you’re doing something most people don’t.

Just a little reminder that if you have a dream, you CAN make it happen too! 😘


You need to remember this, if you are doing deep inner work.💛


A laugh is always good for the soul…..

This is your reminder to do something that lights up your would ever day. 😘

Why am I doing this? I love supporting entrepreneurs with their mental and emotional states because I know that we don’t...

Why am I doing this? 

I love supporting entrepreneurs with their mental and emotional states because I know that we don’t have to suffer. We can choose to live a happy life despite our circumstances and when we choose to focus on the positive, then we create more positive circumstances in our life. When we allow negative emotions (instead of resisting or ignoring them), they flow through us and show up much less often. 

There is an inner call within me  to help people, it’s part of who I am - I will help you to find what you are looking for in the aisle the Canadian Tire store, fix your car door on the street in front of the zoo or to feel confident and empowered in your own skin in my mentoring business.

I have a gift of helping people see things differently, to think differently about themselves, their circumstances, relationships and the world around them. I don’t really have a process because every person is unique and I intuitively know what to say and do to help my clients feel better about themselves and to get to where they want to be.

I get extreme fulfillment from simply helping others, so I do.

It’s my mission to help more women shed the societal conditioning and old harmful stories about themselves so they can shine as their brilliant, beautiful selves and feel good about it. I know that happiness comes from being your true self, loving yourself and serving others.

This is what my morning looks like so far… me in my underwear sitting in the sun with my kitty and laptop.Happy Sunday!!...

This is what my morning looks like so far… me in my underwear sitting in the sun with my kitty and laptop.

Happy Sunday!!! May yours be whatever you want it to be today! 💛

I’ve known for years that cold showers are good for me but just couldn’t make myself do them 🥶. I’ve never like to be co...

I’ve known for years that cold showers are good for me but just couldn’t make myself do them 🥶. I’ve never like to be cold so it took moving too the tropics for me to finally start enjoying cold showers 😆😁! How about you? Do you take and enjoy cold showers???

Here's the hard (but kind of awesome) truth: There's always going to be people who don't like you. 😬AND there's always g...

Here's the hard (but kind of awesome) truth: There's always going to be people who don't like you. 😬

AND there's always going to be people who love you. 🤗

So, who's right and who's wrong about you?

It doesn't matter!

All that matters is that you're showing up as fully and authentically YOU.

And everything will be alright, beautiful. 😘

Give me a 'YES' in the comments, if you're ready to let go of caring what others thing about you, and just start caring about showing up as your true self.

Hi there! Are you a go-getter who’s building your biz to live a great life and make a difference for people but somethin...

Hi there! Are you a go-getter who’s building your biz to live a great life and make a difference for people but something’s coming up that is taking your energy and focus away from your business?

I’m here to help!  (And for free! )

This is for you if you need to work through some tough experiences and cope with the feelings involved.

You want to feel confident in your values and direction in life.

You want to be comfortable with your boundaries and simply be happy with your life.

You know how important mindset is, and really want to work on it in order to improve your lifestyle, relationships and business.

And you know that if you don’t get to the root of the problem to shift it permanently, it’ll keep holding you back from the business and life you want.

If this sounds like you, let’s chat.

This is how it works:

I’ll give you 20 minutes of my time, and I want to hear alll of your struggles. Seriously, I’m all ears. Where are you stuck? What have you tried that hasn’t really worked?

And then to thank you for sharing your truth, I’m going to coach you exactly as I would my paying clients and share my very best tips on how to make your business feel easier and more enjoyable.

Why am I doing this, you might wonder?

Here’s the deal. I’m creating a brand new offer and want to make sure I’m not leaving out anything super important.

So I’m making it my mission to talk to REAL people about REAL problems (and offer REAL solutions in the process!) 

Like … you :-) 

And no, this is NOT a sales call!

So if you’re game and want to completely change up your mindset and  the way you’ve been feeling about your life and business, let’s chat!
Just drop an emoji in the comments below (or PM me)! 🌟

What story do YOU want your life to tell, beautiful? In your craziest most wonderful dreams, what does it look like?(tel...

What story do YOU want your life to tell, beautiful? In your craziest most wonderful dreams, what does it look like?

(tell me in the comments! I'd love to hear 😘)

I know a lot of coaches and influencers online say things like "dream big!" and "reach for the stars!" and all those cliches that are supposed to motivate you, but really they just feel kind of hollow.

And here's the thing:

You really can't just "think" your way to your dream life.

You can't just "will" your big dreams to happen.

No matter what, you have to do the work, lovely.

You have to put time and energy into shifting your limiting beliefs, learn and practice empowerment techniques - and most of all, you have to commit to actually taking action that makes "it" happen for you.

(whatever your "it" looks like 😘)

Are you ready to do that??

Oh, how I love when things start with the same letter, don't you? 😘 But seriously: Clarity, Confidence, Courage and Cele...

Oh, how I love when things start with the same letter, don't you? 😘 But seriously: Clarity, Confidence, Courage and Celebration can get you SO FAR in your business, if you practice them everday.

Which one are you best at? Which one do you struggle with? Let me know in the comments, beautiful. 😘

You have the power to create the life you want. You can write your own story, beautiful. When you cultivate your inner g...

You have the power to create the life you want. You can write your own story, beautiful. When you cultivate your inner glow and step into the empowered woman you're meant to be, everything becomes possible. 💛⁣⁣

Want to hear a hard truth, beautiful? The *most common* reason our dreams don't actually happen is this:Self-Sabotage.(o...

Want to hear a hard truth, beautiful? The *most common* reason our dreams don't actually happen is this:


(oof, I know that can be hard to hear 🤦‍♀️)

We tell ourselves stories; we make up excuses. We create realities that aren't really real; we follow the patriarchal "rules" of society.


I repeat:

You don't have to feel stuck in a life you're unhappy in.

You don't have to feel limited by the circumstances you've chosen.

You don't have to be a "good girl" and "just stay quiet" and "sweep things under the rug" and "accept the life you've been given."


Sure, life throws us all curveballs - and there's no way we can control what happens to us.

But what we can control is the reactions we have; the decisions we make; the life we create.

And all it takes is work + commitment + bravery.

So, that's why I'm *daring* you to do this today, beautiful.

Do you have what it takes??

(I already know that you do 😘)

And if you're ready to commit to creating the dream life for yourself that you've always wanted, I'm here to support you.

Visit the link in my bio and schedule your complimentary Mindset Assessment Call with me - and let's chat about what's specifically holding you back and what you can do to start making positive changes.

The daily struggle is REAL. But if you get curious about your emotions, you'll find clues as to how you can start transf...

The daily struggle is REAL. But if you get curious about your emotions, you'll find clues as to how you can start transforming your life to make it feel less hard. 😘

If you'd like my guidance in this process, schedule a *free* 30-min Mindset Assessment with me! (link in bio)

We'll chat about what specifically has been holding you back and the steps you can take to start overcoming your limiting beliefs, so you can step into the empowered woman entrepreneur you're meant to be.

Staying positive does not mean IGNORING negative emotions; it means PROCESSING them.If you're ready to work on processin...

Staying positive does not mean IGNORING negative emotions; it means PROCESSING them.

If you're ready to work on processing and clearing the emotional baggage and limiting beliefs that are holding you back in your business (and life!) then let’s chat 🙂

Head to the link in my bio and schedule your *free* 30-min mindset assessment now, so we can chat about how you can escape from daily overwhelm and feel better in your life and business.

As women, we've always been expected to do the IMPOSSIBLE, and now, we tend put those expectations on ourselves.But you ...

As women, we've always been expected to do the IMPOSSIBLE, and now, we tend put those expectations on ourselves.

But you can't do it ALL, all at once, beautiful.

And that's okay.

Focus on one step at a time, and you'll get there when you get there. And the journey's going to be beautiful along the way. 💛

Did you need to hear this today? Throw a 🤗 in the comments, if you're feeling me on this.

Who are YOU meant to be, beautiful? If you'd like some guidance in figuring that out, my inner work program does exactly...

Who are YOU meant to be, beautiful?

If you'd like some guidance in figuring that out, my inner work program does exactly that 😃

Head to the link in my bio and schedule your *free* mindset assessment call with me - and we'll chat about who you're meant to be and what's holding you back from stepping into your true power.

We ALL have emotional wounds or limiting patterns holding us back. Are you ready to CLEAR yours, so you can finally to f...

We ALL have emotional wounds or limiting patterns holding us back. Are you ready to CLEAR yours, so you can finally to find the clarity, confidence and courage you need to catapult you into the work you’re truly meant to do?

I can help you do just that, beautiful.

When we work together, I'll give you the tools you need to escape the daily overwhelm and cultivate your inner glow.

(so you'll not only be able to show up as your most empowered self in your life and business, but you'll also be able to expand and share your glow with those around you!)

Head to the link in my bio and schedule your FREE Mindset Assessment with me!

We'll chat about what's been specifically holding you back and exactly what YOU need to do to finally step into your power.

How many disempowering remarks do you hear every day? Swipe for a few of my favorite rebuttals and reframes when it come...

How many disempowering remarks do you hear every day?

Swipe for a few of my favorite rebuttals and reframes when it comes this. 😘

Swipe to hear my personal story of how I learned to process hard emotions, so I could start showing up as my most empowe...

Swipe to hear my personal story of how I learned to process hard emotions, so I could start showing up as my most empowered self everyday, no matter what curveballs life throws my way!

Would you like to do the same? Send me a message, and we'll chat about how I can support you in your own inner work journey!

As women, there are SO MANY phrases we hear everyday that we've been conditioned to "sweep under the rug" of our souls. ...

As women, there are SO MANY phrases we hear everyday that we've been conditioned to "sweep under the rug" of our souls. 🤦‍♀️And I'm calling BS!

Let's flip the script in our own brains AND learn how to process the emotions our society makes us hold in everyday, so we can show up in our lives and business as our most empowered selves.

You ready? Send me a message, and let's chat about how we can best work together right now!

  Most small biz owners have trouble justifying "investing in mindset work" - but that is what's actually holding them b...

Most small biz owners have trouble justifying "investing in mindset work" - but that is what's actually holding them back from making more money and seeing more success. 😬

Your stuck emotions can create doubts, fears and stuckness, so mastering your emotions is such a big part of being the most empowered CEO you can be.

You know what I mean?

Stop trying to be like the rest of them.Because your UNIQUENESS is actually your greatest gift.It's how you're going to ...

Stop trying to be like the rest of them.

Because your UNIQUENESS is actually your greatest gift.

It's how you're going to stand out from the crowd of businesses that are just like yours...

It's how you're actually going to make a DIFFERENCE in this world that continues to play old and broken records...

It's how you'll truly feel the most genuine, aligned and fulfilled in this beautiful life...

And that's what we all really want, right? 😘

So will you join me in embracing, celebrating and showing up as your unique self?

What other people think of you is THEIR business, not yours, beautiful. 😘 You cannot control it - and you shouldn't wast...

What other people think of you is THEIR business, not yours, beautiful. 😘 You cannot control it - and you shouldn't waste your precious time and energy trying to be someone you're not.

Trying to live up to other people's expectations and perception will do everything to diminish YOU, and it won't affect them at all.

So instead of pleasing others, let's focus on pleasing ourselves and then overflowing our light into others. 💛

Because we're the ones living our lives, not them!

I talk a lot about being positive and choosing thoughts that serve us…. and sometimes that feels really hard to do.Pleas...

I talk a lot about being positive and choosing thoughts that serve us…. and sometimes that feels really hard to do.

Please know that I’m never recommending that you ignore negative emotions to hold a fake positivity.

Repressing or suppressing your emotions will create energetic blocks or triggers that hinder you going forward.

We’re all about authentic joy here which means, recognizing, feeling and processing all emotions so that we’re naturally truly happy…

And if that sounds near impossible, I get it. There was a time in my life when it wouldn’t have felt doable either…but I promise that it is… with practice, commitment and time.

So… if you've not been feeling okay lately, that's okay, beautiful. Life is a lot to deal with - from your close-to-home personal chaos to the world at large.

It’s feeling things (good and bad) that makes you beautifully human.

We need to acknowledge our feelings and give ourselves a chance to process them, so we can move through them and take action to make positive change. 💛

I'm here for YOU BOTH when you're okay and not okay. 😘

Do you agree?For many years of my life, it certainly didn’t feel that happiness was my birthright. I was struggling with...

Do you agree?

For many years of my life, it certainly didn’t feel that happiness was my birthright. I was struggling with depression and didn’t even think my life was worth living.

But what I didn’t know back then was…

that I could create my own happiness


I could create my own success.

Once I discovered my own power, I started to choose what I focused my attention & energy on to expand the good parts of my life.

I healed past wounds and reprogrammed my nervous system so that I could hear and follow my inner guidance instead of living by society’s expectations.

I dove into my gifts, my purpose and my mission here on earth so that I could create meaningful work making money doing something I love.

I created a soul aligned online business so that I can work from anywhere and be in charge of my own financial security.

Now…. I understand how we ALL have the ability to create a life where it feels like happiness is our birthright! 😘

I hope this inspires you to take just one step today towards creating your happiest and most successful life. Go get it, friend! You’ve got this! 😀

Share this to your stories, so your community gets this reminder, too. 😘

When you can show up unapologetically as the truest form of yourself, it's literal magic, beautiful.You'll become magnet...

When you can show up unapologetically as the truest form of yourself, it's literal magic, beautiful.

You'll become magnetic to those who align with your vibrations, to those people who need to hear your message, who you can truly help...

And suddenly, those mountains that have seemed so impossible to move, those tasks that have seemed so daunting to tackle, will feel easier.

You can jump into the rushing river of this world and be able to flow through the swirling rocky waters with grace - because you'll be solid in who you are and surrendering to the universe at the same time.

You'll be able to live your life and grow your business to the fullest extent - because you've accepted and love WHO YOU ARE and expanded your potential exponentially.

You'll be able to make the impact you're feeling called to make in this world - and you'll motivate others to do the same.

So, let's decide to do this, right here and now.

Let's embrace our true selves and make a pact to show up as HER unapologetically, so together, we can all move those mountains.

It's easy to read those words or say those words. But it's even easier to dismiss them, isn't it?You've probably seen ot...

It's easy to read those words or say those words. But it's even easier to dismiss them, isn't it?

You've probably seen other mindset coaches online posting inspirational quotes like this one and thought:

"Okay, I hear you. Just be me, I'm enough! But I don't really feel that. I don't really believe that. And reading some Instagram post that's telling me that doesn't really change that."

And you're right, beautiful.

You can't just read an inspirational quote and expect to create lasting change.

You can't just kick limiting beliefs out the door that have been living in the deepest corner of your mind for years.

You can't just snap your fingers and all of a sudden accept, love and show up as the truest version of yourself.

Especially when you don't even know who She is.

Or maybe, you do know who she is, but you don't really believe She is enough and you're afraid to actually allow Her to show up.

It takes work to get there.

It's takes work to get to know your true self, to overcome the limiting beliefs telling you that you're not enough, and to actually show up unapologetically as your true self in this world.

It's takes work to actually LIVE this quote.

And when you finally do that, then you’ll find running your business feels SO much easier.

Dream clients show up, aligned collaborations appear and simply showing up for your biz becomes way more fun! 😃

In case it hasn’t felt like it lately…YOU are a powerful,  energetic, infinite being. Your natural energetic gifts can s...

In case it hasn’t felt like it lately…

YOU are a powerful, energetic, infinite being.

Your natural energetic gifts can shift the energy of this world even if it seems otherwise right now…

There was a time when it felt like life simply happened to me. I felt exhausted, overwhelmed and drained because I didn’t know how to protect my own energy.

I could not stop giving my power away, and I couldn’t hear my intuition or see my gifts. Because I just didn't know how. 🤷‍♀️

No one had taught me how.

Instead, we were taught to LISTEN:

to our parents, to our teachers, to the authority...

to logic, facts and science...

to everything OUTSIDE of us...

We were taught to ignore our inner voice.

We were taught not to trust our selves.

We aren't taught to listen to our gut, our feelings or our intuition.

And in a world where algorithms are choosing what we see, where we're constantly being bombarded by persuasive messaging, where our decisions are becoming less and less our own...

It's more important than ever for us to listen to our Selves, realize our Power and fight for our Consciousness.

To do so, you must know who you truly are, understand your gifts and to be able to express yourselves freely and confidently.

If we all step into our higher selves, then together, we can create a world that is kind, supportive and inclusive of everyone with systems that serve everybody, instead of only the powers that be at the top while the majority at the bottom suffer.

We can live together in community and create a better earth, but only if we each realize our Power and make the change happen from the inside out.

So today, I just want to remind you that:

You are a powerful, limitless soul. And we're so much more powerful together.



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Is it time for women to rise up and make a difference in this world?

I sure think so. I’m Tani and I believe it’s time that women reclaim our power so we can create the life of our dreams while working together to heal the planet.

My mission is to raise the energetic vibration of our planet by helping women reclaim their divine inner power to overcome doubt, fear and resistance so they can serve at their highest level of empowerment. This allows them to live their purpose, own their spiritual gifts and build a business that helps thousands!

As a Spiritual Empowerment & Mindset Coach, I teach female business owners to discover their true purpose, overcome mental resistance and feel confident in their unique gifts so they can create both income for their family and impact in their community through a soul-inspired business. Basically, I help women awaken to their true power and make money doing what they love.

I help my clients raise their vibration by using my powerful intuition along with a unique blend of mindset work, energy healing and spiritual teachings to help women release past traumas, transcend limiting beliefs and create a high vibration that results in the confidence and empowerment that they need to be successful in achieving their dreams.