I have never given moral education to anyone in my life nor have I ever written any article on morality because I myself am not moral at all. Don't lie, don't steal, don't hurt anyone. I have never considered any such morality to be practical. The very meaning of being a human being is that sometimes you fall into such a situation where you have to lie, be a little dishonest, and hurt someone's heart or someone. Therefore, why give such education, which is completely contrary to the real life of man?
After listening to me, a brother thought I was a Buddhist and automatically tied me to his own moral teachings. I don't know who told them that Buddha considered everyone equal, and who knows from where they are carrying the school knowledge that we should consider all human beings equal. This is school knowledge, which has no connection whatsoever with reality. All this is simply written on the walls of schools by "liars." Buddha never taught any non-violence, nor did he teach such foolish equality, because Buddha was very practical and had advanced consciousness. It is a completely different thing to consider a human being as a human being but it is foolish to consider all human beings equal. No two people can ever be alike. One person may be of very low and limited understanding and the other may be of very advanced thinking. Both of them can never be weighed equally.
The understanding of "equality" of people like these says that the person who is on the post of office boy in my office should put me in the boss's place, and he will run the business in the same way as my boss runs it. According to him, if the owner of my office has 45 years of professional experience in his life, then any person driving a rickshaw on the road can be made to sit in his place because he is a human being, hence equal, and has rights and Same understanding. These are such foolish people who create some misleading definitions through revolution and carry them with them throughout their life and spend the whole life feeling bitter. They send their child to the best teacher for education. They do not send their child to a daily wage laborer for education or appoint an uneducated ragpicker as their child's teacher. Do it. They will not do this but will continue to distribute the moral contract of equality to others.
This society and this world have practically never stood on the principle of equality. The very structure of our society is not one of equality. If someone who believes in Buddha says that he considers everyone equal, then he is lying because even by saying so, he is keeping Buddha at the top. To worship Buddha is to call Buddha God. Is this a symbol of equality? Equality means that just as you are worshiping Buddha, worship his brother Ananda, worship all his monks equally, and treat them as equals. You won't agree. You will never agree.
And why wouldn't you believe because Buddha's consciousness was advanced.. The knowledge he gave was not given by anyone at that time. If everyone was equal, then anyone could have given the knowledge that Buddha gave. Anyone could have given that meditation. Could give. What Buddha said.. but it did not happen and it does not happen in ordinary life too.. Are all small and big scientists equal to Einstein? Then, this society distributes the Nobel equally to everyone?
The richest person can be a person of low consciousness, and a person of lower class can be of advanced consciousness.. and this society gives pride to people with such advanced consciousness. The society does not say that so and so is poor. That's why so and so is more qualified than the High Court judge.. No. There is a concept of high and low in society, and it will always be there. These moral teachings are false.. not practical.. we humans will never consider each other socially equal.
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