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Voice of Vraja Official page of Sripad Aindra Dasa's book:
"The Heart of Transcendental Book Distribution"

Dear devotees!The holy month of Kartik is just around the corner, and many of you are coming to Sri Vrindavana-dhama.The...

Dear devotees!

The holy month of Kartik is just around the corner, and many of you are coming to Sri Vrindavana-dhama.

There are still some physical books of THE HEART OF TRANSCENDENTAL BOOK DISTRIBUTION (2nd edition) left!

For your copy, please contact the 24hr kirtan department on +91 96349 97579.

One copy now costs 600 INR.

Hari Om Tat Sat! 😀

Hare Krishna everyone! FINALLY - Sripad Aindra Prabhu's own book "The Heart of Transcendental Book Distribution" has bee...

Hare Krishna everyone! FINALLY - Sripad Aindra Prabhu's own book "The Heart of Transcendental Book Distribution" has been reprinted after more than 12 years!

You may get your copy from his room/samadhi by contacting the pujari Pavan Nitai Chandra Prabhu https://www.facebook.com/pranav.nair.752861

It's 800 INR per copy. For now, there are 1,000 copies of this 2nd edition.
Jay RadheSHYAM! 🙂

https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=555181086617782&set=a.481556743980217What Aindra Prabhu had to say on dressing Radh...


What Aindra Prabhu had to say on dressing Radha-Krishna as Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus!

Dear readers!

The 3rd Gem of the book series "Harinama-Kalpataru" is just about to come out. A major part of this upcoming book is Aindra Prabhu's Deity Dressing Seminar which he gave in Mayapur in 2007.

Here an interesting excerpt from the upcoming book:

Devotee: That was actually one of my questions that I wanted to ask you. There’s creativity that each person has when they’re dressing the Deities. I’ve seen a picture of Deities looking like Mr. and Mrs. [Santa] Claus. So where do you draw that line?

Aindra Prabhu: My personal opinion is that there are parameters. As much as possible—it’s not that we want to bring Kṛṣṇa into the realm of Christmas trees. You don’t want to decorate Kṛṣṇa like a Christmas tree, and you don’t want to dress Him [like Santa Claus]. Like why don’t we dress Them up like a witch or something on Halloween? Dress Rādhārānī like a witch and dress Kṛṣṇa like a hobgoblin? Or maybe we should make Him look like a jack-o’-lantern? At least in America—you know what Halloween is, right? There’s only so far you can really go with it.

Devotee: Did the pūjārī of Banke-Bihari get out of Vṛndāvana alive?

Aindra Prabhu: I think so! He was protected. You see, the thing is that it tends to bring our Deity worship into the realm of material concepts. I mean, admittedly, there are various features about the worship which are—I don’t want to criticize anyone, but in my personal opinion, there are many gorgeous dresses that we could dress Them with on [Christmas] if we have to think that Christmas day is so important. I don’t even know why we really have to think that Christmas day is so important. It’s just like, sometimes, devotees get all jacked up about New Year’s. But you know, the Gauḍīya New Year is not the first of January, please. We make more of a hoopla about celebrating New Year’s and firecrackers—because [the year] is changing. But that’s a Christian concept. Why do we have to integrate?
It’s just like, we offer Kṛṣṇa what He wants. What does He want? He wants Rādhārānī. But aside from that, He likes rasgullas. Just like one time, Śrīla Prabhupāda—just one incident that I remember: Gopati Prabhu was the head cook in Chicago. And Gopati Prabhu told me this personally that Prabhupāda called him into the room. He had a secretary go down and fetch Gopati and call him in the room. Prabhupāda had received the Mahā-plate from the Deities. Sometimes Prabhupāda would eat directly off the plate, the Deities plate. He said, “I can do this, but you cannot.” So, Prabhupāda noticed something about the offering that was not to his liking, and he questioned Gopati, “What is this?” He was tapping on the daily sweet. So then, Gopati says, “Uh, Śrīla Prabhupāda, it’s a carob-covered peanut-butter bar, Śrīla Prabhupāda. A carob-covered peanut-butter bar.” You know how everyone likes, at least in America, chocolate-covered peanut butter, like these Reese’s peanut-butter cups? We used to get them when we were kids. So, carob-covered peanut butter!
So, then Prabhupāda chastised him, saying, “Don’t offer your speculations to Kṛṣṇa!" He said, “I’ve given you so many nice sweets! Gulab-jamun! Rasgulla! Rasmalai! Sweet balls!” He was saying like this. But he said, “Carob is for hippies! Don’t offer it to the Deities!” Even if it’s not intoxicating, still.
But see, the point I’m making is here’s a situation where according to our material conceptions, we are thinking of offering something that we like to the Deities. But the question is, Does Kṛṣṇa really enjoy being dressed up like Mr. and Mrs. Claus? Who’s going to judge it? I guess the guru will have to judge it. But if the guru . . . anyway, Haribol! Radhe Radhe! [He puts his hands together in praṇāms and touches them to his forehead.]

We can relate to this statement very much 🙏🙏🙏

We can relate to this statement very much 🙏🙏🙏

Something interesting we came across :-)

Something interesting we came across :-)

Hare Krishna dear devotees! Happy Sharad Purnima to all of you! 🌕Good news concerning the Russian translation of Aindra ...

Hare Krishna dear devotees! Happy Sharad Purnima to all of you! 🌕

Good news concerning the Russian translation of Aindra Prabhu's book "The Heart of Transcendental Book Distribution" - a new batch has just been printed in the exact same way as the original book which Aindra Prabhu has personally designed (with the 3D cardboard sleeve). 😃

The book can be ordered from Isha Prabhu:
Skype: isaanisimov

The book costs around 15 USD (shipping excluded).

In Vrindavan (India), the book can be purchased from Mahabhagavata Prabhu. Whatsapp: +91 9634073287.

In the future, a softcopy of the book might be available, too.
Hare Krishna! 😃

Jay Radhe-Shyam! Sripad Aindra Prabhu's 11th Thirubhava Tithi is coming up tomorrow 15th July (in EU/UK/USA), and on 16t...

Jay Radhe-Shyam!

Sripad Aindra Prabhu's 11th Thirubhava Tithi is coming up tomorrow 15th July (in EU/UK/USA), and on 16th July in India.

16th July 2010 marked the actual departure day of Aindra Prabhu from this world, and this year it coincides with the tithi celebrated on the 16th July 2021 in Sri Vrindavan-dhama. 🙏

All glories to our dear Aindra Prabhu! We will never forget you! 💖

Today marks the divine appearance day of Sripad Aindra Prabhu! 🙏🌸✨All glories to him and his transcendental sevas! His e...

Today marks the divine appearance day of Sripad Aindra Prabhu! 🙏🌸✨All glories to him and his transcendental sevas! His example keeps inspiring the devotees all over the world. Jay Radhe-Shyam! 🙂✨

Hare Krishna dear devotees! Dandavat, pranams! Jay Srila Prabhupada!Sripad Aindra Prabhu's 10th disappearance day is com...

Hare Krishna dear devotees!

Dandavat, pranams! Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Sripad Aindra Prabhu's 10th disappearance day is coming up soon (on the same day as Śrī Vakresvara Paṇḍita's disappearance day):

NYC (US): 26th June 2020
London (UK): 26th June 2020
Vrindavan (India): 27th June 2020

It's incredible how fast these 10 years have passed after his departure....and Aindra Prabhu still keeps inspiring the devotees all over the world to do more and more profound harinama-sankirtana.

Due to the current situation, the Krishna-Balarama Mandir in Vrindavan is still closed. It is hopefully going to re-open again sometime in July.

Hence, there won't be any regular celebration at the KB temple on the occasion of Aindra Prabhu's Thirubhava Tithi on June 27th 2020 as such. There will only be a tiny celebration inside the temple compound for those devotees who are actually living at the temple/ashram and are serving there.

But nobody is stopping you from celebrating at your home and inside your heart. :-)

Jay Radhe-Shyam! Sripad Aindra Prabhu ki - jaya!

Dear devotees! We have good news! Finally, the official e-book of "The Heart of Transcendental Book Distribution" (ORIGI...

Dear devotees! We have good news! Finally, the official e-book of "The Heart of Transcendental Book Distribution" (ORIGINAL & FINAL FULL VERSION WITH ALL ILLUSTRATIONS & DRAWINGS) is available on Amazon in a reflowable layout. Check it out!

US: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NWVYWGP
UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07NWVYWGP
IN: https://www.amazon.in/dp/B07NWVYWGP

The Heart of Transcendental Book Distribution - Experience Burns Brighter than Imagination: ORIGINAL & FINAL FULL VERSION (WITH ALL ILLUSTRATIONS & DRAWINGS) eBook: Dasa, Aindra: Amazon.in: Kindle Store

A new book about Sripad Aindra Prabhu`s salagrama-worship has just been published and will be available in Vrindavan (as...

A new book about Sripad Aindra Prabhu`s salagrama-worship has just been published and will be available in Vrindavan (as well as online) from next week onward. Hare Krishna!

Hare Krishna dear devotees!

We are so happy to announce that the 2nd gem of the "Sri Sri Harinama-Kalpataru" series is now being printed...it will be available from the beginning of Kartik onwards.

This 2nd volume deals with Aindra Prabhu`s unique approach towards salagrama-sila worship...jay RadheShyam! :-)


On Gopastami (16th Nov), there will be darshan of Aindra Prabhu`s room from 3pm - 5pm also for ladies!

***TODAY: 'Heera Panchami' - The Disappearance Day of our beloved Sripad Aindra Prabhu!***

***TODAY: 'Heera Panchami' - The Disappearance Day of our beloved Sripad Aindra Prabhu!***



Dear Devotees
The 11th of October ‘2016 is the most auspicious occasion of the 30th anniversary of Akhanda Kirtana Mandali – The 24 hour non-stop hari-näma-sankirtana yajna at Sri Sri Krishna Balaram Mandir, ISKCON, Sri Vrindavan Dham, re-inaugurated by our beloved Sripad Aindra prabhu in the year 1986 on this very special day of Sri Ramachandra Vijayotsava.
“Voice of Vraja” is delighted to share with you about the book release on this 30th anniversary by Sripad Aindra prabhu called “Hari-näma-sankirtana manifesto”. It is an excerpt from Aindra prabhu’s book “The Heart of Transcendental Book Distribution”.
“Hari-näma-sankirtana manifesto” is a 40 page gazette on the Hari-näma-sankirtana as the yuga dharma for all the fallen conditioned souls of this present age of Kali-yuga. It highlights the importance and absolute necessity of taking shelter of näma-sankirtana as the only refuge for deliverance during this entire kali-yuga. Making it clear that, “if we don’t recognize the beauty and value of hari-näma-sankirtana, prescribed by Lord Caitanya, then we should simply understand that we are cursed by Yamaräja, that we have not realized the purpose of the Krsna consciousness movement”.
Lord Gauranga inaugurated the congregational chanting of the Hare Krsna mahä-mantra, the highest eternal jaiva-dharma of the soul.
We’ll post an e-version of the book soon, however, we suggest devotees to procure their print copy from 24-hour Kirtan department of Sri Krishna Balaram mandir, Vrindavan. It is a must have manual for all Gaudiya Vaishnavas in order to recognise and establish the standard of hari-näma-sankirtana. We request you to spread a word about the awareness of this book.
Parama Vijayate Sri Krsna Sankirtanam !
Yuga-dharma hari-näma-sankirtana ki jaya !
Srila Prabhupada ki jaya !
Sripad Aindra prabhu ki jaya !


10th July' 2016 'Heera Panchami' The Disappearance Day celebrations of our beloved Sripad Aindra Prabhu.

"The culture of hari-nama-japa-yajna is said to be a disciple's first and foremost essential obligation at the feet of S...

"The culture of hari-nama-japa-yajna is said to be a disciple's first and foremost essential obligation at the feet of Sri Guru. Though apparently bearing a relatively small radius of para-upakara audibility, a disciple's offenseless chanting of at least a fixed minimum number of Holy Names daily unquestionably constitutes the top-priority, must substantial service to Sri Guru and his institution." -- Sripad Aindra Prabhu, The Heart of Transcendental Book Distribution", page 216

Sripad Aindra Prabhu's disappearance day is coming up on July 22nd...it has been five years since he has left this unive...

Sripad Aindra Prabhu's disappearance day is coming up on July 22nd...it has been five years since he has left this universe.


Voice of Vraja has now 4,444 followers! Sripad Aindra Dasa Prabhuji ki - jaya! :-)


"We must always remember that we are persons. Krishna is a person, the Holy Name is a person, and we are all unique individual persons who need to personally conceptualize the unique personal goal of our chanting before we can expect our chanting of the Holy Name to yield the superlative personalized fruit of love for Krishna we personally require to be all we can personally be to be personally satisfied that Krishna is personally satisfied with our personal attempts to please Him in all personified personal sweetness." - "The Heart of Transcendental Book Distribution", p. 62

Invitation to Vraja - personally extended by Sripad Aindra Prabhu! :-)

Invitation to Vraja - personally extended by Sripad Aindra Prabhu! :-)

This is the initial cover picture of Sripad Aindra Prabhu's book "The Heart of Transcendental Book Distribution"!

This is the initial cover picture of Sripad Aindra Prabhu's book "The Heart of Transcendental Book Distribution"!

Amazing picture of our beloved Aindra Prabhu as he's just going to sit down in front of the Deities in order to start hi...

Amazing picture of our beloved Aindra Prabhu as he's just going to sit down in front of the Deities in order to start his evening kirtan. . .

Darshan - time ! :-)

Darshan - time ! :-)

*Rap for Aindra Prabhu* - isn't it amazing how many different people he managed to attract and impress...?! :-)https://w...

*Rap for Aindra Prabhu* - isn't it amazing how many different people he managed to attract and impress...?! :-)


H.G. Aindra Prabhu received harinama-diksa in 1973 from A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada in Washington D.C. For many years, he was serving as a pujari at ...

Nama Hatta with Aindra Prabhu in Delhi on the roof top of a devotee's house, Green Park Extension . . .

Nama Hatta with Aindra Prabhu in Delhi on the roof top of a devotee's house, Green Park Extension . . .

Aindra Prabhu's last kirtan, July 16th 2010

Aindra Prabhu's last kirtan, July 16th 2010

Listen to Aindra prabhu - Last kirtan (2010.07.16) by das pro on



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