Awesome review of the new Frankie V and the Lonely Club CD.
Check out the latest RGO album review of the latest release "Big Top" from Frankie V and The Lonely Club at https://www.radioguitarone.com/post/frankie-v-and-the-lonely-club-album-review
Artist: Frankie V And The Lonely Club
Album: Big Top
Released: 2024
Website: https://www.frankievandthelonelyclub.com/
Having been inspired to return to the studio after the success of the debut album Frankie V and The Lonely Club returned in 2024 with their second full length release Big Top. This album is a clear evolution of their sound that is securely cemented in roots rock, flirting with blues and even surf rock at times. To assist in expanding the sound saxophonist Ricky DeHoyos was brought in to work with long time band members Frankie V, Lead Vocal, guitar; Rich Sylvester, keyboards, vocals; Johnny Valentine, Bass and Mike Lencioni, drums and vocals.
One of the standout tracks is an acoustic piece and title track Big Top. This band reminds me of the 70's rock legends ELO a handful of times throughout this record, but the influence seems most obvious on this cut. A simple arrangement with very basic instrumentation keeps this song right in the pocket allowing the lyric and wonderful vocal take to come through the mix unencumbered. The vocal has a rich and unforced delivery inspiring repeated listening.
The instrumental cut Pleasure Point is a cross between classic surf and The Doors. It's a cool mix of influences coming together into its own space quite comfortably. It has the surf instincts but the dreamy soundscape that made The Doors legends of the 60's. A simple melody creates the mood while some spring reverb and a pinch of natural gain brings the song unmistakably into the surf realm. It is a cut that would be right at home in a Tarantino movie.
Another cut that takes me back to ELO is See You Again. The chorus takes an unexpected and hip turn with some minor chords that have surprising impact. There is a bit of Mark Knopfler influenced guitar playing that is just the right amount of spice for this catchy roots rock song. There is enough to let the listener know there is a player in the room using tasteful licks to draw a bit of the spotlight, but not overstaying the welcome.
This Love is a ZZ Top-esque blues rocker with the classic blues changes that are a time tested winner. The tone is sweaty and dirty in the way this kind of music is supposed to be. The choruses again take me back to the 70's when bands like Foghat and Grand Funk Railroad ruled the airwaves. At the end of the chorus the surf influence rears its unmistakable head again, pleasantly surprising this writer.
This ten song set and sophomore release from the San Francisco Bay Area ensemble is just plain cool. Fans of the heyday of 70s rock and roll will love this album throughout. There simply isn't any filler on it. Each cut is well written, recorded and performed. Lots of bands fall short on the second release, not having the time to write the songs like they did on the debut, but that is not the case with this band. This record is a step forward, hitting the mark on all creative fronts. I look forward to hearing their next release!