Title: Emma is Clueless but, then again, who isn’t?
Like, what in the knock off Chanel perfume are we covering this week? We are covering a flawless work of art by our hero Jane Austen, Emma, but not only that. We hop over to the other side of the tracks and cover adaptations of Emma that make us swoon, plus the cult classic reimagining of Emma, Clueless.
Find out what we really think of Frank Churchill, what character we want to punch in the face, and what to do if your friend gives you an ultimatum. Hint: Be Act II Harriet, not Act I Harriet.
We have a new format! Join us in December as we clear our TBR piles and focus on Classics! Use the calendar below to follow along and join in on the fun by using on instagram. Make sure to tag us
December 7: Theme Week
December 14: Austen
December 21: Bronte
December 28: Christie