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Civil / Political Unrest: Trump Arrest BLUF: President Trump to be arraigned on federal charges on June 13; multiple ral...

Civil / Political Unrest: Trump Arrest

BLUF: President Trump to be arraigned on federal charges on June 13; multiple rallies planned outside of the courthouse in Miami.

Multiple rallies to support President Trump are planned for tomorrow outside the Miami courthouse where Trump is scheduled to be arraigned on 37 counts of federal charges related to the alleged retention of classified documents.

Debrief: Protest organizers are calling for a "peaceful rally" and are advised to wear a Trump attire and bring bullhorns and flags. Trump also reshared a "Trump Documents Hoax Rally" post on Truth (his social media outlet) saying "SEE YOU IN MIAMI ON TUESDAY" and separately said "Getting ready to head down to Doral in Miami. We must all be STRONG and DEFEAT the Communists, Marxists, and Radical Left Lunatics that are systematically destroying our Country. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!" Most protests are scheduled for 12pm EST. Another protest, the "I stand with Trump Rally" is planned for 10am EST.

200+ gathered in support of Trump outside of Trump National Doral in Miami as Trump arrived ahead of the arraignment today (June 12).

The "DC Gulag of J6er Prisoners" warned protestors "Please do NOT let any violence happen while you show your support and patriotism" to President Trump and further claimed "We all know too well that government operatives may be involved. Antifa and BLM agitators will try to attack you, egg you on, and even infiltrate your crowd to cause problems."

A former Project Veritas investigative journalist advised protestors "If you see any Feds, paid agitators, or any suspicious looking/sounding instigators who are trying to instigate any type of non peaceful activity, be sure you record it with your camera so that you can’t be accused of participating in it. There are people who want you to be silenced so that you never speak up or peacefully rally ever again. Don’t let them win. It’s not a crime to exercise your God given First Amendment right."

Mainstream media is reporting uncited message board posts by alleged Trump supporters with quotes of "MAGA will make Waco look like a tea party", "Who's coming with me on Tuesday? I will be the one in the [f**k around and find out] armor, easy to find, KEK on the back collar", and "I will be there peacefully to speak up about this misjustice, legally I will also be armed, well armed."

Advanced Democracy Inc (a far-left advocacy and political propaganda organization) advised there are currently no “credible or definitive plans to engage in violence or large-scale disruptive activity" but have posted "dozens" of social media posts and releases focusing on alleged far-right threats in response to the indictment. Law enforcement sources have also reported there are no credible threats of violence ahead of planned protests in Miami.

Trump is expected to arrive at 3pm EST on June 13. It's unknown if he will be handcuffed, fingerprinted, or have his DNA retrieved. He's likely to be released immediately afterwards. The case is expected to conclude by August 22, 2023.

》Sources: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/06/exclusive-dc-gulag-prisoners-send-helpful-list-trump/ | https://t.me/LaurenWitzkeOfficial/8889 | https://truthsocial.com//110516652745413008 |
https://twitter.com/ForgiatoBlow47/status/1668352329450504192?t=9hlM_zW_cQ4m-DCzg44uCQ&s=19 | https://twitter.com/CBKNEWS121/status/1668345462997536771?t=9ZS73qQzicV3waByjC9RYw&s=19 | https://twitter.com/LauraLoomer/status/1668307660305997831?t=mxiZn6LM3gV2C5HRZQycag&s=19 | https://www.vice.com/en/article/5d995k/trump-indictment-armed-protests-miami |
https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2023/06/11/trump-miami-courthouse-security-protests/ | https://www.forbes.com/sites/roberthart/2023/06/12/trump-heads-to-miami-heres-what-to-expect-at-his-court-appearance-tuesday-in-classified-docs-case/

To all Patriots intending to show support for President Trump on Tuesday at the Florida Federal Courthouse My name is Jon Mellis and I’m a J6er sitting in the DC Jail with many other J6ers.

Opinion: you don't sent documents like this just because. These were absolutely either requested and Bank of America obl...

Opinion: you don't sent documents like this just because. These were absolutely either requested and Bank of America obliged, or BofA took it upon themselves to provide this information in good faith they were doing the world a favor . (BTW nice price logo) *sarcasm.

Fact: criminals RARELY buy guns legally off websites or stores. Know who does? Law abiding citizens who own the VAST majority of weapons in the USA and have NEVER. EVER. Commited a crime with them.


Field Notes - Government Oversight / Corporate Oversight: The House Judiciary Committee has launched a probe into Bank of America's (BOA) voluntary provision of customers' financial records to the FBI without subpoena. This comes after a FBI whistleblower testified in February that BOA "with no directive from the FBI, data-mined its customer base. And they data-mined a date range of 5 to 7 January [of 2021] any BOA customer who used a BOA product" to purchase items at a sporting goods or fi****ms stores and who had transactions near Washington, DC in the days surrounding the "January 6th riot".

https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/house-gop-investigates-bank-america-providing-fbi-customer-data | https://twitter.com/JudiciaryGOP/status/1661811380285046787?t=NRFJb7MaNYD1_1jkzrOEtg&s=19

The bank allegedly provided the FBI with its customer data unsolicited.


If you post some stupid ass s**t and then your comments off, I automatically think you KNOW your wrong your just too much of a p***y to say it, or your really that terrified of people who think different than you.

But hey whatever gets your opinion heard eh?


Opinion: the FBI thinks they are untouchable and can do whatever they want. BETTER DO THEIR FU***NG JOBS. For years we've seen aggression and tooth and nail from the left over the made up s**t about Trump even though they ALL got swatted down. Do. Your. Fu**in. Joba.

Update / Government Oversight: The House Oversight Committee advised it is prepared to "hold the FBI Director in contempt of Congress for refusing to comply with a lawful subpoena". The subpoena follows a revelation of financial records showing the Biden family garnered $10+ million in foreign funds (including from China) funneled through shell companies in exchange for policy decisions. The Committee had subpoenaed the FBI for an FBI-generated FD-1023 document to verify whistleblower disclosures. The FBI refused to cooperate saying that the "request for a ‘precise description’ of an ‘alleged criminal scheme’ risks the harms that our confidentiality rules protect against." A deadline of May 30 was set but the director of the FBI signaled again that he would not comply and instead, scheduled a meeting for tomorrow, May 31st. The Committee responded saying "Today, the FBI informed the Committee that it will not provide the unclassified documents subpoenaed by the Committee...The FBI’s decision to stiff-arm Congress and hide this information from the American people is obstructionist and unacceptable."


I'm back from yet another ban.
God forbid we disagree with someone over the target incident.

Can't tell you how many times the left "bullies" and says "mean s**t" over social media yet I say something I get a 30 day.

Also, they took my $20 and didn't push my ad for the 2nd amendment post still.

FYSA - Major Crime / Border Security: A mass murderer who killed 5 people (his neighbors who complained on him for firin...

FYSA - Major Crime / Border Security: A mass murderer who killed 5 people (his neighbors who complained on him for firing a rifle next door) in Texas last month has been identified as an illegal immigrant from Mexico. He was deported from the U.S. twice in 2009 then again in 2012 and 2016 but reentered the U.S through unsecured borders after each deportation. The suspect was arrested on May 2nd following a 4 day manhunt.


A Texas man accused of killing five neighbors after being asked to stop shooting his assault-style rifle because of the noise had been deported from the U.S. four times since 2009, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) said on Monday.

For our Ohio friends and family. Civil Unrest Brief: Jayland Walker BLUF: City braces for riots if 8 officers, who shot ...

For our Ohio friends and family.

Civil Unrest Brief: Jayland Walker

BLUF: City braces for riots if 8 officers, who shot suspect who shot at them, are not indicted.

A special grand jury was empaneled this week in Akron, OH to hear evidence in the police shooting of Jayland Walker. The jury will decide if indictments should be brought against 8 police officers who shot and killed the suspect following a police chase in which the suspected is reported to have fired at police. Businesses that remain open have boarded up their windows in preparation for riots if the police are not indicted. City officials erected fences and barricades around the courthouse. Protestors arrived on April 10th, the first day of jury proceedings, they have remained peaceful. The city is considering establishing protest zones downtown. The decision of the jury could take "days".

Debrief: The grand jury will look at the events on June 27th in Akron Ohio where police attempted to stop a man suspected of at least 5 armed robberies during a one week span. Video and police reports suggest the suspect fired at police from his vehicle during the vehicle pursuit. The suspect then jumped from his vehicle while wearing a black ski mask. Police chased the suspect on foot and multiple officers caught up with him in an open area at which point a taser was deployed (and failed) by police, the suspect turned toward police, then multiple officers opened fire on the suspect for 6.5 seconds until an officer called cease fire. The suspect was found to have left his loaded firearm inside his vehicle before he fled on foot. During those 6.5 seconds, 6 to 13 officers had fired 90 times and 46 gunshot wounds were later found on the suspect by the medical examiner. The suspect was identified as Jayland Walker. Police reported they had also chased the suspect in a felony pursuit the day prior but the suspect got away. During one weekend of the 2022 Jayland Walker Riots, 3,000+ Black Lives Matter and other protestors, including armed militants from the New Black Panther Party and Not Fu**ing Around Coalition took to the streets in opposition to the shooting of an "unarmed Black man". After fires were set, buildings were vandalized, roads were blocked, and rifles illegally displayed during a protest; police declared the rally an unlawful assembly and used chemical munitions to disperse the crowd. More than 50+ rioters were arrested during the weeks of civil unrest. Most charges were later dropped by far-left prosecutors. Fred Hampton Gun Club,l ( a black separatist group) posted paid bounties for the assassination of the officers involved. Curfews were established during the protests and out of state agitators traveling in attack caravans roved the city vandalizing buildings and threatening citizens.

》Sources: https://www.foxnews.com/us/ohio-jury-decide-officers-should-face-criminal-charges-fatal-shooting-jayland-walker | https://abcnews.go.com/US/fate-8-ohio-cops-question-grand-jury-probes/story?id=98403532 | https://www.beaconjournal.com/story/news/local/2023/04/09/what-happened-to-jayland-walker-read-about-akron-police-shooting/70007086007/ | https://thepostmillennial.com/officers-who-shot-jayland-walker-have-bounties-on-their-heads-police | https://www.wkyc.com/article/news/special-reports/jayland-walker/akron-police-chief-steve-mylett-department-prepared-protests-jayland-walker-grand-jury/95-dd15a31a-c155-4859-8613-a671c09a2f70

Jayland Walker was fatally shot by police after he fired shots at their vehicle. A jury is now deciding whether the police will face charges in the shooting death of Walker.

Field Notes - Supply Chain:An explosion has occurred at South Fork Dairy in Dimmit, TX. At least one critical injury rep...

Field Notes - Supply Chain:
An explosion has occurred at South Fork Dairy in Dimmit, TX. At least one critical injury reported with fires engulfing multiple structures. According to reports the "fire spread into the dairy cow holding pens, and an unknown amount of dairy cattle were killed by the fire and smoke." At least 11 agencies responded to the scene with the State Fire Marshal’s Office and Texas Department of Emergency Management investigating the cause.

》Sources: https://www.newschannel10.com/2023/04/11/fire-crews-responding-explosion-south-fork-diary-dimmitt/ | https://abc7amarillo.com/newsletter-daily/crews-respond-to-loud-explosion-fire-at-south-fork-dairy-in-dimmitt-texas-dimmitt-county-sheriffs-office-dimmitt-fire-department-mayor-roger-malone-hart-texas | https://twitter.com/ChuckCallesto/status/1645637725238837250?t=HAeIEu20tEO8-ix2xc2tVA&s=19

Crews are responding to an explosion that happened at South Fork Dairy in Dimmit today.

Censorship Brief: TwitterBLUF: Twitter continues to censor posts and accounts; most attempts appear to be related to cal...

Censorship Brief: Twitter

BLUF: Twitter continues to censor posts and accounts; most attempts appear to be related to calls for violence.

Ahead of the April 1st nationwide protest, Twitter deleted "thousands" of tweets displaying the "Trans Day of Vengeance" flyer saying "We do not support tweets that incite violence irrespective of who posts them. 'Vengeance' does not imply peaceful protest. Organizing or support for peaceful protests is ok." Separately, mainstream media, the White House, and other outlets such as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) made attempts to rebrand the protests as the ongoing "Trans Day of Visibility" event. Twitter also suspended or restricted U.S. Representative Marjorie Greene's account after sheet shared an image of the flyer. She said "My Congressional account was suspended for 7 days for exposing Antifa, who are organizing a call for violence called 'Trans Day of Vengeance.' The day after the mass murder of children by a trans shooter."


Social media platform angers supporters and critics of trans rights alike by taking down tweets regarding planned protest.


My apologies for the lack of intel and posts the last few weeks.
Our (1) administrator was in Facebook jail for being mean.




Financial Brief: Banking DevelopmentsBLUF: Federal Government feeds banks $2 trillion in funds that are "not a bailout",...

Financial Brief: Banking Developments

BLUF: Federal Government feeds banks $2 trillion in funds that are "not a bailout", Credit Suisse and other banks near collapse but get $50 billion loan, contagion fears seem more justified.

Investment analysts now predict Credit Suisse will be the next bank to collapse after record decline (22%). Shares did go back up after it secured a $53 billion loan from the Swiss National Bank (which only stokes additional insecurities). First Republic, PacWest, and KeyBank also saw "major" declines. First Republic Bank will be "rescued" by a group of larger banks who will deposit $30 billion into it.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Securities and Exchanges Commission (SEC) are now investigating the collapse of the Silicon Valley Bank.

Moody’s Investors Service have updated the outlook for the U.S. banking system from "stable" to "negative". Some analysts do not expect a "contagion" effect (collapse if multiple additional banks) to occur due to the low exposure of major banks JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, and Morgan Stanley.

The Biden Administration announced the Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP) which will make "funding available to eligible depository institutions to help assure banks have the ability to meet the needs of all their depositors." According to JP Morgan Chase, this will see the Federal Government administer ~$2 trillion in taxpayer funds into the U.S. banking system.

》Sources: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/how-credit-suisse-just-unleashed-a-nightmare-decision-for-the-fed-and-the-ecb-093016411.html | https://www.bloomberg.com/news/live-blog/2023-03-15/credit-suisse-in-crisis | https://m.investing.com/news/cryptocurrency-news/feds-btfp-may-administer-2-trillion-to-us-banks-states-jp-morgan-3031892 | https://fortune.com/2023/03/13/us-regional-banks-first-republic-pacwest-plunge-silicon-valley-bank-collapse-fallout-continues/ | https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-03-15/svb-bank-collapse-raises-2023-us-recession-fears | https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2023/03/15/url-svb-collapse-effect-on-economy/11479999002/

Credit Suisse added more gas on the banking fire, exacerbating an already tough decision for central banks.

Admin Note: We have received alerts and messages from about 15 subscribers notifying us of this development (see attache...

Admin Note: We have received alerts and messages from about 15 subscribers notifying us of this development (see attached image). This is what makes the GBC community so great; members helping us to get important news and situational awareness out to others.

However; our goal isn't to break news and cover major events. We don't want to be one of the dozens of mediums pushing you the same information. If you turn on your TV to the news, open up Instagram, have s news app with notifications on, or are listening to news radio; you'll already be aware of this event.

Our intent is to curate relevant news (not regurgitate it), investigate under-reported events, correct/analyze biased coverage, and provide actionable intelligence or situational awareness to help you prepare or react.

We do not currently see a need to provide coverage for this event. We are tracking it and if mainstream news doesn't cover it accurately or provide an appropriate "so what" analysis; we will.

2nd Amendment Brief: Missouri BLUF: DOJ wins lawsuit against Missouri; strikes found the state's law that prevents feder...

2nd Amendment Brief: Missouri

BLUF: DOJ wins lawsuit against Missouri; strikes found the state's law that prevents federal government overreach to restrict fi****ms.

In 2021, Missouri's Governor signed the Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA) into law. It seeks to invalidate federal law that infringes on the 2nd Amendment including "certain taxes, certain registration and tracking laws, certain prohibitions on the possession, ownership, use, or transfer of a specific type of firearm, and confiscation orders." The bill further defined federal overreach within the state as any law that would "restrict or prohibit the manufacture, ownership, and use of fi****ms, firearm accessories, or ammunition." The bill enforced protection of the 2nd Amendment by fining ($50,000) any state or local law enforcement agencies that enforced federal gun laws or cooperated with federal agents seeking to enforce certain federal gun laws.

A federal judge ruled this month that SAPA was "unconstitutional" and "invalid, null, void and of no effect". This comes after the Biden Administration's Department of Justice filed suit last year. Missouri's Attorney General is expected to appeal the ruling in the Eighth Curcuit Court of Appeals.

This also comes after the FBI attempted to audit 24 Sheriff's Offices in Missouri in attempt to circumvent MO law and collect data on CCW permit holders. Sheriff's refuse to cooperate. At the time, the MO Attorney General explained that the Revised Statues of Missouri Law 571.101.9(2) prohibited the sharing of concealed carry permit data with the federal government.

》Sources: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/23697866-usvmissouri | https://link.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/federal-judge-sides-with-biden-admin-ruling-missouri-second-amendment-law-unconstitutional_5105989.html

Financial Brief: Banking Vulnerabilities BLUF: Mass cash withdrawals, future bank collapses possible.According to invest...

Financial Brief: Banking Vulnerabilities

BLUF: Mass cash withdrawals, future bank collapses possible.

According to investment analysts, the following banks showed similar red margin flags to those seen with Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) before its collapse. Customers Bancorp Inc., First Republic Bank, Sandy Spring Bancorp Inc., New York Community Bancorp Inc., First Foundation Inc. , Ally Financial Inc., Dime Community Bancshares Inc., Pacific Premier Bancorp Inc., Prosperity Bancshare Inc.

A billionaire hedge fund investor warned, "The gov’t has about 48 hours [by approximately 9:30 am on March 13] to fix a-soon-to-be-irreversible mistake. By allowing [SVB] to fail without protecting all depositors, the world has woken up to what an uninsured deposit is — an unsecured illiquid claim on a failed bank." He further projected that unless an unlikely "prospect" [one of which has already been ruled out by the U.S. Treasury Secretary] scenario occurs, there will be a "withdrawal of substantially all uninsured deposits from all but the ‘systemically important banks’ (SIBs)" which will "drain liquidity from community, regional and other banks and begin the destruction of these important institutions."

The U.S. Treasury Secretary today ruled out a bailout of SVB and said the U.S. "can’t comment on what the impact will be. I think it depends on how this situation is resolved...and that’s something that we’re working on. But well aware that many startup firms have deposits and venture capital firms have deposits at this bank that have been affected by its failure. So this is something we’re working to try to resolve.”

The Federal Reserve adviaes it would make additional funding available to "eligible depository institutions to help assure banks have the ability to meet the needs of all their depositors." It was clarified that losses to the Deposit Insurance Fund to support uninsured depositors "will be recovered by a special assessment on banks."

Debrief: The government response is that a bail out is not occurring, but workarounds are being executed to lessen the impact by the collapse; thsi news was just released and we'll assess in an update to what this equates to. SVB saw the largest "bank run" in U.S. history on March 9th with $42 billion being withdrawn in one day. Also, in California, First Republic Bank saw a civilian bank run with lines wrapped around the bank of customers waiting to withdraw their money. Similar, mass withdrawals are occurring nationwide, and banking insecurities become recognized by citizens. Monday could see even more withdrawals, which will likely lead to an exacerbated market crash. However, those who withdraw will be least impacted by any potential collapse. If you bank or invest with the aforementioned firms or if you have cash over $250k, you should consult with an advisor to determine your next step, which could be a withdrawing cash.

》Sources: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11849049/amp/Customers-line-outside-Republic-Bank-money-SVB-bank-collapsed.html | https://www.axios.com/2023/03/11/the-largest-bank-run-in-history | https://www.marketwatch.com/amp/story/20-banks-that-are-sitting-on-huge-potential-securities-lossesas-was-svb-c4bbcafa | https://nypost.com/2023/03/12/bill-ackman-warns-of-economic-meltdown-amid-silicon-valley-bank-collapse/amp/ | https://link.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/us-treasury-secretary-announces-no-federal-bailout-for-silicon-valley-bank_5117099.html

On Saturday, dozens of customers were shown lining up outside of a First Republic Bank in southern California, eager to withdraw their funds in the wake of the collapse of SVB this week.

Financial Brief: Funds SecurityBLUF: Wells Fargo experiences glitch causing transaction disruptions; largest bank collas...

Financial Brief: Funds Security

BLUF: Wells Fargo experiences glitch causing transaction disruptions; largest bank collaspe since global financial crisis hits Silicon Valley Bank causing global funds freeze.

Wells Fargo suffered a "technical error" that caused an undisclosed number of account holders to not revived direct deposits (i.e. paychecks). No explanation was provided but customers were told their accounts were secure. Transactions were disrupted, accounts saw negative balances, and the website host for Wells Fargo was inaccessible according to DownDetector. The event's began on March 9th but an official announced was seen until March 10th.


Separately, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) announced over the weekend that financial regulators closed Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and seized operations and control of its deposits. FDIC formed an alternative funds collections labeled the "Deposit Insurance National Bank of Santa Clara" which will hold the money of SVB customers. Accounts remain inaccessible.

Debrief: Concerning the SVB collapse (the first bank failure of relevance since the global financial crisis of 2008); those who held funds of less than $250,000 will be able to access the money on March 13; those with greater than that amount may see delays in accessing their funds and if assets of SVB do not sell for value, funds over the maxed insured amount of $250k may never received their money. Grayman Briefing's partner, Superesse, operates an Etsy store (e-commerce marketplace for handmade goods). Etsy contacted Superesse saying "...there is a delay with your deposit that was scheduled for today. This delay was caused by the recent developments regarding Silicon Valley Bank, who Etsy uses to facilitate disbursement to some sellers. We are working with our other payment partners to issue your deposit as soon as possible." The impact of SVB closures is widespread and came suddenly leading to a $100 billion market value loss in U.S. Banks in 2 days. While mainstream investment analysts say there is not a "contagion risk for the rest of the banking sector" its important to note this collapse wasn't expected either and is being blamed on limited portfolios. So there could very well be more collapses pending this year. This also comes the same day (March 10th) as the Wells Fargo "glitch" became public, though it doesn't appear to have any correlation to the other development. Don't rely on financial institutions to manage or store your funds. Keep some savings and daily funds as physical cash.

》Sources: https://www.wsbtv.com/news/trending/wells-fargo-glitch-shows-negative-balances-missing-direct-deposits/EUTK7NZLNRFHFMXWF6TZ54DVPE/ | https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2023/03/10/wells-fargo-missing-deposit-technical-issue/11447250002/ | https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2023/03/10/silicon-valley-bank-is-shut-down-by-regulators-fdic-to-protect-insured-deposits.html | https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/technology/23634433/silicon-valley-bank-collapse-silvergate-first-republic-fdic

Deposits are not showing up or have disappeared.

Hip Pocket Brief: Prepare for a Plane Crash or HijackingBLUF: In preparation for air transportation emergencies, you sho...

Hip Pocket Brief: Prepare for a Plane Crash or Hijacking

BLUF: In preparation for air transportation emergencies, you should identify potential helpers, talk to those around you (who's a doctor, soldier, amateur pilot?). Do this in advance in the event of a crash or hijacking then consider the following scenario specific tips.

》If you can't get an exit row seat, pick an aisle seat within 5 rows of an exit. Count how many rows away you are from the exit row (you may have to "feel" for it in the dark.)
》Keep your shoes on during the entire flight, read the safety card, keep your belt on.
》Know where the floating devices are and how to retrieve them.
》Stay awake and aware during take off and landing. Most crashes take place within 3 minutes of takeoff and 8 minutes before landing.

》Scan for threats, abnormal behavior, potential weapons, non-verbal communication between two seemingly separate parties. Keep an eye on who's doing what, who's in the lavatory (more than 10 minutes is cause for concern), and who passes on in-flight services as it may be an attempt to keep a low profile and avoid interactions with flight attendants.

Note: While conventional weapons are prohibited during air travel, consider alternative defensive tools that could be used to disable a threat while airborne; umbrella, walking cane, rolled up magazine, & disguised covert items that are legal but effective such as a device used to stab/hit (metal water bottle or sharp ink pen). Your belt or luggage strap can be used to restrain a threat. Also, learn the procedures for carrying a firearm in your checked luggage so when you land, you can carry.

》This is an excerpt from the Hip Pocket Brief Vol 2. The book is available in digital and hardcopy formats at hip2.graymanbriefing.com

》Grayman Briefing Classified (GBC) subscribers will receive weekly excerpts from the book throughout the year.

Looking for Volume 1? Get it here.The Hip Pocket Brief is a collection of forty, 30-second, concise training sessions meant to be read on the move as a daily...

2nd Amendment Brief: National BLUF: Update to card purchases at gun stores; Visa, Discover,  & MC pause rolllout.Visa an...

2nd Amendment Brief: National

BLUF: Update to card purchases at gun stores; Visa, Discover, & MC pause rolllout.

Visa and Mastercard have temporarily suspended the implementation of the merchant category code (MCC) that would be applied to firearm purchases in an attempt to track and report sales. This comes after 24 Republican controlled states have threatened legal repercussions and introduced bills to counter credit card companies that adopt the MCC.

Visa said, “There is now significant confusion and legal uncertainty in the payments ecosystem, and the state actions disrupt the intent of global standards.

Mastercard said, "Today, there are bills advancing in several states related to the use of this new code... If passed, the result will be an inconsistency in how this ISO standard could be applied by merchants, issuers, acquirers and networks. It's for that reason that we have decided to pause work on the implementation of the fi****ms-specific MCC."

Additionally, we just saw an announcement that Discover Card will delay the use of MCC tracking also. We could not locate a statement as to why the decision was made less than a week after revealing they'd be the first to implement the code.

》Source: https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/visa-mastercard-discover-pause-work-code-would-track-gun-purchases |

Major payment processing companies have paused work on a plan to track when cardholders make purchases at gun stores, dealing a blow to gun-control advocates.




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