Fuzzy Notes

Fuzzy Notes Fuzzy Notes is a podcast about the music made by furries, hosted by Potoroo. Tracks, interviews, new Sweeeeeeet!

We will be featuring tracks by furry musicians and producers, interviewing artists, and supplying news and info about upcoming releases and performances! On iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/fuzzy-notes!/id581600769?mt=2

Search for us on Stitcher Smart Radio! SUBMISSIONS:

Please contact us at [email protected]. We'd like to hear a bit about yourself, a link to your music (Fur

Affinity, Soundcloud, Bandcamp...preferably where only a click or two gets us to the track) and high res downloads of anything you'd like featured. We will get in touch with you for more details if we are using your tracks on the show.


Fuzzy Notes is back either this Friday or next! If you have music or know someone who does, get it my way! It's time to send in submissions :D

New Update! Have a gay beer! Fuzzy Notes clearly did not return last week. I just want to assure everyone that FN is not...

New Update! Have a gay beer!

Fuzzy Notes clearly did not return last week. I just want to assure everyone that FN is not dead, it's just on a sporadic hiatus! Details below (click 'See More' if I go on too long)

With everything happening (huge overflow at work, a big move coming up in May, and my foot being a BITCH) I had to cut something out to make time for rest, catch up and all that jazz.

Fuzzy Notes has always been a 'centering' part of my week but the last month or so I've been so addle brained I don't feel I could do the music justice. My goal is to go through songs I've been sent, seek out music I haven't heard, give it a hearty listen and talk about the artists and their craft. Instead I keep misplacing tracks I've been sent, losing time to go seek out new music, and stressed with the chaos of life when I try to sit down and record.

That's not fair to all you FuzzButts!

I'm going to try to get a few things in order during the next couple of months so that Fuzzy Notes comes back stronger and harder (???) than ever, including:

- I have a fur helping me get all the past episodes onto FuzzyNotes.org which will be the podcast's new home. I'm thinking relaunching the show once that's done makes the most sense, since there will be a new feed to subscribe to anyways!
- I want to put a better 'Submissions Page' and guide on FuzzyNotes.org so that it's impossible for me to misplace information and songs. Right now I get music sent to me via Facebook, Twitter, Skype, email, Kik and I've even had someone call my by phone and offer to mail a CD. When things are that scattered it's easy for stuff to fall through the cracks. Don't get me wrong, I still love submissions and chatting with all of you through those means, however I want to start moving actual 'submissions' to a nice centralized location...ie. FuzzyNotes.org
- I have some backlog of CODA episodes. Part to of Husky In Denial is still not released for some reason. I've had two other furs interested in talking who I've been unable to connect with. It's a mess! I'm gonna fix that!
..that's it for now! Please be patient, and if you are interested in helping me get FuzzyNotes.org online, contact me! It's data entry...easy, just annoying ;)

Hey all! Update on the show: life has a funny way of kicking you when you're down ;) First came an overload of work coup...

Hey all! Update on the show: life has a funny way of kicking you when you're down ;) First came an overload of work coupled with obligations for Camp Feral, then came a sudden need to find a new place to live for May, then came a mysterious foot injury that had me immobilized and in pain for about a week.

Good news: work is coming together, Feral registration will be up tomorrow, found a likely place, and have a cane and medication.

Fuzzy Notes returns this week so send in your music.

Here are the last two icicles in our yard, just because.


Hey all. Apologies for no new episodes in awhile. I will try to get a new ep up as soon as possible, but other projects have been taking up my time.

Fuzzy Notes 88 is recording today, so it's your last chance to get your track into the episode! Contact Roo through the ...

Fuzzy Notes 88 is recording today, so it's your last chance to get your track into the episode! Contact Roo through the info in the show notes here or by replying to this post!


Harkening back to the olden days of Fuzzy Notes (...like...2013?) this is a short, bite-sized...dare I say it 'B-Sides' like episode with three tracks by artists we've heard from before! Also...devoid of Roo Rambles (send praise or complaints to on Twitter). Hear from Jerms, Tristyn and Ete…

Fuzzy Notes Episode 88 NEEDS MUSIC! Send it Roo's way either through the contact information in the show notes linked he...

Fuzzy Notes Episode 88 NEEDS MUSIC! Send it Roo's way either through the contact information in the show notes linked here or by replying to this post!


Harkening back to the olden days of Fuzzy Notes (...like...2013?) this is a short, bite-sized...dare I say it 'B-Sides' like episode with three tracks by artists we've heard from before! Also...devoid of Roo Rambles (send praise or complaints to on Twitter). Hear from Jerms, Tristyn and Ete…


FURRY MUSICIANS! Get your music into me for this week's episode. Or if you know of an artist who should get more attention, link me! Either comment to this post, or contact me through the email address in the show notes. Make my job easy! Send me music and bio info! http://ow.ly/IDVFn

Fuzzy Notes 86 - "There You Go, Now You Know" is online! Featuring everything from shoegazey chillness to singer-songwri...

Fuzzy Notes 86 - "There You Go, Now You Know" is online! Featuring everything from shoegazey chillness to singer-songwritery sweetness to upbeat-awesomesauce popness...and TWO 21 year old tracks by Roo! All (but one special bonus track) made by furs! (...and to be fair, that one is made by a friend of furs!)

Featuring Palm Village, DJ Limination, PartyWolf17, NIIC, ODIN's Disciple, DaSilva, Roo and a special bonus track by one of Roo's friends!

If you have music, or know someone who does, and would like to be on Fuzzy Notes 87 please email Roo at the address listed in the show notes! Your chances of a feature increase a BILLION times when you send him music, some information about yourself, and say something nice about kangaroos!

SPECIAL FUN TIME EXERCISE: Roo sneaks two of his older tracks into the episode - one halfway through his last ramble of the episode, and one right at the tail end of the show. The first one, 'Duct Tape' was the first track ever recorded by his high school band. The second, 'Bamboo Shoots' was one of the last songs the band wrote together before they broke up, just two years after the first.. Listen to them both very closely (ignore Roo's occasionally breaking voice) for differences in song structure, complexity, songwriting and anything else you listen for in music. Now...imagine the Bamboo Shoots was released this year, and Duct Tape only two years ago, both on Bandcamp. The difference between the two is pretty drastic...and serves as an example as to why you may want to consider holding on to your early songwriting experiments, rather than releasing it the moment it's done. Just a thought experiment!


There you go! Now you know! In this very swallowy episode (Roo apologizes...for some reason his mouth was very watery this episode) we hear a wide variety of music from some great furry artists including newcomers Palm Village and DJ Limination, and returning alum PartyWolf17, NIIC and ODIN's Discip…

New Fuzzy Notes episode will be out today featuring the inimitable NIIC, ODIN's Disciple, DJ Limination, personal favour...

New Fuzzy Notes episode will be out today featuring the inimitable NIIC, ODIN's Disciple, DJ Limination, personal favourite PartyWolf17, DaSilva and new artist (at least to me) Palm Village! Expect the episode early afternoon! Until then, here's a picture of the sexiest store to ever open and go out of business in Canada!


Fuzzy Notes is being transferred (slowly...sorry, it's a busy month!) to it's new home at FuzzyNotes.org :) Keep an eye here or on your podcast feed for an announcement when all episodes will be available on FuzzyNotes.org :D


Fuzzy Notes will be back on track for 2015! 52 weeks, no less than 52 episodes! If you have music or know of music you'd like to submit, tell me here. Looking forward to our 3rd year in your ears :)


Roo Talks With The Amazing Husky In Denial in this, the 84th Episode of Fuzzy Notes, which itself is the 11th 'CODA' episode where I interview musical furs, which itself is split into two parts because we talked for two hours. (Part 2 coming soon!)


HOLIDAY MUSIC: If you have holiday music for feature on the Fuzzy Notes Holiday Spectacular, let me know! Leave a commen...

HOLIDAY MUSIC: If you have holiday music for feature on the Fuzzy Notes Holiday Spectacular, let me know! Leave a comment here or contact Potoroo through one of the many ways he describes on the podcast! :D Coming up today: Part 1 of the Husky In Denial CODA interview! (it was a two hour talk...sheeeesh!)


Fuzzy Notes 83: The triumphant return of 'Ramblin' Roo' with an all new podcast featuring great music by Zoa, Draks, Flipp, DJ Ear, Vixavian and a cool experiment with an introduction and new track by Chíl! Also, Roo goes off about context, clarity and criticism and the usual stuff he talks about. CHECK IT OUT!!!



Fuzzy Notes Update - I'm Not Dead!!

Hey everyone! Just wanted to give another quick update on the podcast. It's been a crazy thirty days full of technological chaos, birthday parties and website catastrophes.

This past weekend I sat down to record a new episode of Fuzzy Notes only to have my laptop finally give up on pretending to work (in early November it began to lag and freeze up...through the month it bounced in and out of health) and by Friday evening I had the fine folks at Apple convinced that the issue was hardware, not software as we'd been trouble shooting.

Shorter less boring story: laptop is going in tomorrow for repairs.

I intended to use my other computer to record a short version of FN just to get it out, only to find that I didn't have Ableton installed (I'd forgotten that important piece) and that Audacity is an awesome piece of software but a pain in the ass to use (without any experience) to build a podcast.

So here's the plan:

- I should have my laptop back by Friday, in which case you will be receiving a new Roo-hosted Fuzzy Notes episode by the new release date of Monday
- I have an AWESOME interview in the can with Husky In Denial, which will be coming out shortly afterwards
- My fine co-hosts Asid Rayne and Fayyette will be asked if they'd like to do their own 'End of the Year' episode of Fuzzy Notes, and I'll be working to get some holiday songs together for the end of December
- 2015 will arrive, and Fuzzy Notes will be moving towards it's 100th episode!

So, Fuzzy Notes is still alive and strong. It's just been beaten mercilessly by stupid computer problems.

Thanks for sticking around and contacting me to let me know you're still excited about furry music!

~ Roo

New Fuzzy Notes is online, featuring guest host Fayyette! Check out his selections, the amazing talents of Wolfgun, Will...

New Fuzzy Notes is online, featuring guest host Fayyette! Check out his selections, the amazing talents of Wolfgun, William McAteer, Dez Natas Moody, Thundyfox and Fayyette himself! Also, let us know what you think of our new release day, Monday! This way you can start your week off right with some music made by furs!


ANOTHER new host! Fayyette takes over the podcast today, and he's got a bunch of stellar songs, terrible jokes, and poorly explained opinions to share! But don't worry, the songs are good! Follow him on: - Soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/fayyette - FA http://www.furaffinity.net/user/fayyette/ PLEA…

REMINDER: Fuzzy Notes will be changing RSS Feeds very soon. This means if you're subscribed to the current feed it will ...

REMINDER: Fuzzy Notes will be changing RSS Feeds very soon. This means if you're subscribed to the current feed it will stop updating! I will be releasing an episode to the current feed soon to explain how to switch and keep getting new shows.

I'm sorry about this...it was a big mistake going with Podomatic to start instead of taking the time to learn how to host the feed myself. I was moving fast, very excited, and not planning ahead and now it's gonna be a bit of a headache.

The bonus: I will be able to host Fuzzy Notes at FuzzyNotes.org and carry every single Episode to date, back to #1!

It also means I can expand Fuzzy Notes if I ever want to. Asid Rayne (and soon, Fayyette) will be Guest Hosts, but if either wanted to put together their own show or special edition of Fuzzy Notes it can be hosted through the FN site.

Not to mention that I can have blogs, artist profiles, and other cool extras through my own site.

For an explanation why I'm doing the switch, here's a great video explaining the dangers of using free podcast sites to host your show.

I expect the changeover will happen in the month of November. Again, I'll letcha know!


http://www.schoolofpodcasting.com/youtube In this tutorial I show you how to avoid having your podcast be held hostage. For more tips check out my podcast in...

The Takeover Took Place! Fuzzy Notes was hosted by Asid Rayne this weekend, so check it out and let us know what you tho...

The Takeover Took Place! Fuzzy Notes was hosted by Asid Rayne this weekend, so check it out and let us know what you thought!!


A new host appears! Asid Rayne does a takeover and save us all from the usual Roo Ramble... or does he? Well, when there's a new host, there's new artists to feature! These new entries are: DizzyFox, 0WolfOfSadness0, Jack Vezalovski, Melodicat, and JTomic! There's also another feature to this episod…

YO YO! Pre-Order the amazing new EP from Husky In Denial. I have listened to it. I was BLOWN away! Expect a feature epis...

YO YO! Pre-Order the amazing new EP from Husky In Denial. I have listened to it. I was BLOWN away! Expect a feature episode very soon :D

5 track album

CORRECTION: Rob Gasser does 'not' go by the name Fox Stevenson as I said in the latest episode. The song 'Throwdown' (wh...

CORRECTION: Rob Gasser does 'not' go by the name Fox Stevenson as I said in the latest episode. The song 'Throwdown' (which I mention in the segment) is a Rob Gasser remix of a song by Fox Stevenson. I apologize to Rob for the error!

How did I make this mistake? A quick tip for podcasters: when taking notes make sure formatting from emails, DMs, PMs or any other source doesn't get mixed up. When I cut and pasted information from Rob, it removed a line break and moved a bullet point, making it seem like his name was 'Rob - Fox Stephenson' as opposed to 'Fox Stevenson' being the name of the song...which I read while recording. Although I knew he went by Rob Gasser, I let myself get mixed up. Screenshot of my notes posted here to show how it messed up.

ALWAYS double-check your notes, even if cutting and pasting. :D

Fuzzy Notes 80! Loads of awesome myooosik, one of the louder episodes so far! And featuring some tracks by awesome artis...

Fuzzy Notes 80! Loads of awesome myooosik, one of the louder episodes so far! And featuring some tracks by awesome artists like Bandit, DaSilva, TheBlackParrot, Asid Rayne, Rob Gasser and MORE! :D


Back on track! Coming up to the two year (aka. 24 month, or 730 day, or 17532 hour) anniversary I thought you'd like a LOUD episode! We have some fricken thick tracks from DaSilva, theblackparrot, Bandit, Odin's Disciple, Asid Rayne and Rob Gasser, as well as a bit of an experiment: a rough demo fro…

Episode 80 is recorded! Because of the crazy dynamic range and MASSIVE sound of some of the tracks, it's a bit of a chal...

Episode 80 is recorded! Because of the crazy dynamic range and MASSIVE sound of some of the tracks, it's a bit of a challenge to mix right now (me talking = bassy but a bit quiet...songs playing = thick and LOUD!) I'll try to have it out either in the next thirty or forty minutes, or by morning :D


A podcast about the music made by furries. Tracks, interviews, news and info about furry songwriters and producers. Hosted by Potoroo, a furry musician and music industry dude. New episodes every Friday: One full episode, followed a week later by 'B-Sides' which features three tracks by artists feat…

Fuzzy Notes 79! A special Wednesday release! Hear music from newcomers to the Fuzzy Notes world Tristyn, Goja, Aquellex,...

Fuzzy Notes 79! A special Wednesday release! Hear music from newcomers to the Fuzzy Notes world Tristyn, Goja, Aquellex, Anna-logs, Pretty Hitler...from Fuzzy Notes alum Odin's Disciple and from furry-loving recording artist Megan Lane! Check it out on iTunes, Podomatic, Stitcher and wherever you listen to your podcasts:


VOTE FOR MEGAN LANE: http://music.cbc.ca/ #/blogs/2012/12/Vote-for-The-R3-30 FIND ROO TO GIVE HIM MUSIC! * Twitter: http://twitter.com/Potoroo * Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/FuzzyNotes * Fuzzy Notes Dropbox: http://soundcloud.com/fuzzy-notes/dropbox THE MUSIC: Tristyn - One Last Battle * Track:…


Semi-Lengthy Update: Hey all! Just wanted to touch on a couple of subjects, namely the irregular episodes, and the missing eps on Podomatic, iTunes and elsewhere.

IRREGULAR EPISODES: I've been hit pretty hard with projects and work, making it tough to use my regular Friday's to curate and record. I'm working to improve on this but it may still come up now and again.

To help fix this, I may have a Fuzzy Notes friend or two handle occasional episodes...think of them as 'Guest Spots. I know that Asid Rayne is most definitely going to be one of those people. Some have requested to do so in the past as well and I'll contact them to maybe do a bit of a rotation.

This does 'not' mean I'm giving up the show, nor does it mean that we'll be leap-frogging eps (ie. me one, guest next, me one, guest next). It does mean that I may have a guest once a month, maybe twice if things are tough, but overall the shows will still be produced and recorded by me overall.

Expect the first Asid Rayne hosted Fuzzy Notes pretty soon, and hopefully I'll also get back into the habit once projects lighten up!

MISSING EPISODES: Fuzzy Notes costs money to make. Take away the cost of equipment (which I'm happy to cover myself) there's still hosting and bandwidth costs.

After a year of having a HUGE cost that I just can't make up through sponsorships or donations (We're talking in the hundreds of bucks which I just don't have floating around) I had to downgrade my Podomatic hosting levels, meaning I now only have space for 4-5 hosted episodes out of the 79 total eps.

I have plans to fix this. But there will be some hiccups.

First hiccup is that I'll be switching from Podomatic to my own host on FuzzyNotes.org. That way I can host ALL episodes, and have them on a site with additional information on episodes and easier ways to submit links and music for the show. GOOD!

The bad is that I'll be switching RSS feeds, meaning that fans who want to keep following Fuzzy Notes will need to re-subscribe to a new feed on iTunes, on your podcast reader (Downcast, etc.) and on Stitcher.

I will be releasing a podcast on Podomatic explaining how to switch as well as info here and on other social media.

I'm aware this means that I'll probably lose some subscribers and therefore some plays and downloads.

My thought: If half of the listeners opt not to switch...that's still 300+ people, and it will only grow from there. So obviously I hope all 500-600 subscribers make the switch. But if they don't, we'll survive and grow :)

SOOOOOOO...that's said and done! Expect some changes over the next couple of months.

New episode today! :D

~ Roo

It's US National Podcast Day! Send some love to your favourite podcasts...if you want to send me some love via an iTunes...

It's US National Podcast Day! Send some love to your favourite podcasts...if you want to send me some love via an iTunes Review...I won't complain ;)


Preview and download the podcast Fuzzy Notes! on iTunes. Read episode descriptions and customer reviews.


Fuzzy Notes 79 this week - Send in your links!!! I want to hear your (or your favourite furry musician's) music! :D

Fuzzy Notes 78! Finally...it's here :D http://fuzzynotes.podomatic.com/entry/2014-09-18T16_46_21-07_00

Fuzzy Notes 78! Finally...it's here :D


First off...sorry for being so late with this episode. I talk about why in the show, but there's still no excuse. I suck! Secondly...WE'RE BACK! Check out today's episode with great music from Husky In Denial, flenhah, Draks, Kova and DJ Shasta...as well as maybe a song from me...sorry again! FIND R…


Guess what! My laptop died LITERALLY minutes after posting that last message! Guess what! My laptop is fixed. Fuzzy Notes 78 will be out tonight with music by Husky In Denial, Martyrs of Apathy, flenhah, Draks and more!


I lied, this week we're back...for serious...because I'm in the Roodio recording as we speak...erm...type! :O



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