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Visit Hope's Camp: and harvest two Blacktail deer's


Doc #6 Black bear, with .270 100% quick kill.
The Hunter: Call Of The Wild


The hunter: Call Of The Wild


After observing and reading the mysterious poetic message written by pirate Thomas Tew, Nate and Sam continue through the icy caverns. They cross a rickety bridge and find a large chamber. Nate steps on a trigger, activating a mechanism that traps the two inside. Facing them is a system of stone wheels with three crosses that pertain to Jesus, Gestas, and Dismas, and a hole with a bucket in it. Nate finds a booby-trapped lever, with a skeleton caught in sharp spikes protruding from the area around the handle. Nate pulls off the arm of the skeleton from the handle and the spikes retract. The wheels change positions, and Nate picks the bucket up and fills it up with water. Sam puts it back in the wheel, thus activating the puzzle.


Nate and Sam fly to Scotland with Sully's help in search of Avery's grave. While making their way, Sam asks what happened between Nate and Rafe following Sam's presumed death. Nate explains that the both of them quickly grew tired with one another — Nate for his continued mourning, and Rafe's frustration regarding Avery's treasure. Sam agrees with Nate's assessment of Rafe being considerably ruthless.

They rappel down to a prospective dig site, raising concerns that Rafe has decided to search the surrounding areas rather than solely focus on the cathedral grounds.


After exiting the power room, Nathan Drake reestablishes contact with Sam and Sully and the trio attempt to meet up and escape the estate. Passing stealthily through estate guards on full alert, he reunites with Sam who gives him a gun. They are immediately separated when guards arrive and the sign Nate is hanging from breaks. Sam is forced back into the ballroom, and Nate makes his way upward to follow suit.


Nathan Drake and his older brother Samuel Drake, wearing jumpsuits, are on stakeout on a cliff facing the Rossi estate in Italy, where their target, a 17th century cross that would lead to Captain Henry Avery's lost treasure, is being auctioned. Sam expresses concern over Nate inviting Victor Sullivan to work with them. Nate reasons that Sully knows the people who run the auction and that it's because of him they could infiltrate the estate cleanly. Not having met Sully before, Sam expresses his thoughts on him double-crossing them, to which Nate denies will ever happen. Sam also exclaims that Sully will intentionally back out but Nate also denies that it will happen. Before Sam could further express distrust, Sully flashes a light in estate's storage room as the signal for Nate and Sam to come over, thus proving Sam false


Between the 1970's and the 1980's [1] Hector Alcázar was still an up-and-coming criminal.

At some point during his early years as a criminal, Alcázar served as the contact man between his boss - a fan of Japanese military culture - and a smuggler named Victor Sullivan; Sullivan sold Alcázar's boss several woodcut prints that went through Hector before leaving Japan.[2]

By the 2010's he became a well-known criminal and drug baron throughout the underworld, and gained the moniker "Butcher of Panama.During a botched incident in a Panamanian prison Samuel Drake was shot and believed dead by his brother Nathan.[4] However, Sam survived and by the early 2010s was still imprisoned, and, upon reuniting with his younger brother, claimed to have encountered Hector during the latter's supposed imprisonment in the same prison.


After putting away the file on the Malaysia Job, guide Drake on a walk down memory lane, inspecting all of the relics stashed away in his attic. These are items from previous Uncharted games, and at the far end of the room (from where you begin) is a cardboard box containing the St. Dismas Cross and a white book.


Fifteen years after the Panama prison breakout (and right after the opening credits), Nathan Drake, now a diver for a salvage company, is swimming through a river trying to find a wreckage. His boss, Jameson, and the salvage boat follow closely behind. Swimming through the rocks and reeds, Nate finds a scraped piece of the wreckage and not long after, finds the wreck itself, a cargo trailer. Nate opens the doors and secures the cargo which is missing two boxes. He finds one of the boxes a distance away from the wreck and secures it inside the trailer. He finds the last box stuck underneath the trailer and calls Jameson to bring down the salvage crane.


After the orphanage flashback, the time-frame goes to 1999, seven or eight years before the events of Drake's Fortune.

In a Panamanian prison, Nate is fighting Gustavo, another inmate. The fight has garnered the attention of the other inmates who are in support of Gustavo. As Nate gets the upper hand in the fight, Vargas, the prison's warden, and other officers break up the fight. Nate and Gustavo are separated and Nate is thrown into solitary.

Sometime later, Nate is taken out by Vargas and is taken outside by an old Spanish prison tower. Vargas takes off his handcuffs and demands a cut of whatever Nate hopes to find. He then reveals that he knows about Nate's, Sam's, and Rafe's true intentions for bribing their way into the prison. Vargas opens an envelope given to him by Rafe and reads the letter inside written by Joseph Burnes, Henry Avery's first mate, who was imprisoned in the highest cell of the prison tower Nate and Vargas are looking at. Nate dismisses Vargas' demands, climbs the tower, and enters Burnes' cell.


After passing out from a collision at sea, Nathan Drake remembers the night his life changed. In the 1980s, when he was 12 years old, he was being scolded by a nun in the Saint Francis Boys' Home for starting a fight. The nun, impatient with Nathan's behavior, leaves him alone in his room while all the other boys have left for a Bible retreat. Moments later, he spots his older brother, Sam, calling out to him with a flashlight. Tired of his life in the orphanage, Nate sneaks out of his room through the window to meet up with Sam.


UNCHARTED 4 : a thief's end
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Two Little Gamer's


In the early hours of the next day, Aloy is awoken by a Carja guard to inform her that there have been signs from the west of the Eclipse's advance. Meeting with Sun-King Avad at the Palace of the Sun, they watch as a massive explosion atop the mesa close to Evening's Sign causes a landslide, providing a shortcut for the war machines to march on the Spire. Avad commands the Oseram Vanguard to take up the guns in preparation for the Deathbringers. As the Carja guards move to their stations, there is an explosion from below the balcony, with Helis and a number of Eclipse cultists emerging. Prepared to take him on himself, Avad moves to face him but Aloy stops him, ordering him to rally the Vanguard and send reinforcements. Despite Avad's protests, Aloy leaves to confront the Kestrel.


After realizing HADES intention to capture the Spire to reawaken the FARO robots and obtaining the Master Override that will allow her to defeat it, Aloy journeys back to the Palace of the Sun to warn Sun-King Avad of the coming threat.

Relaying what she knows of the Eclipse and HADES, Avad agrees to have the Vanguard sent to the Spire as well as the city guard sent to defend the western ridge. While the defenses are organized, Aloy and Avad discuss the enemy. Afterwards, Blameless Marad informs her that allies have arrived from all over the Sundom, including a small force that has come for Aloy personally, bolstering the defenses at the ridge and the Spire. She is given access to Olin's Apartment, now abandoned, and told to rest before the battle. Knowing that all they can do now is wait, Aloy leaves to check on preparations.


Exploring the second half of the facility, Aloy discovers more logs of the Alphas after they were sealed into the facility. She eventually finds herself in Elisabet's room where she discovers a number of her journals. As they are severely damaged and corrupted, rendering them unreadable in their current state, Aloy scans them so that her Focus can recover the files. Continuing on, Aloy comes to a room where a holographic shrine to Elisabet has been set up. A file left from Charles Ronson explains that six hours after GAIA was deployed one of the access seals malfunctioned, leaving a gap of ten millimeters instead of the standard two millimeters. This malfunction allowed an energy signature to pass through, alerting the robot swarm of the facility's location. The only solution was to seal the hatch from the outside. While the Alphas argued amongst themselves who should go, Elisabet sacrificed herself to close the hatch. Knowing that it was too late to try and re-enter the facility, Elisabet departed for her home. This realization causes Aloy to both mourn Elisabet and marvel at her drive and conscientiousness.


Finally arriving at Mother's Watch, Aloy battles her way through the Eclipse and Corrupted machines to All-Mother Mountain, only to find a Corrupted Thunderjaw attacking it. Realizing that the Nora seeking shelter inside the mountain are at risk of being trapped inside, Aloy quickly comes to their defense. Encouraged by Aloy's presence, Sona and her Braves, including Varl, emerge from the mountain to provide aid. Once the machines and cultists have been killed, Varl fills Aloy in on the events that led up to their withdrawal to the mountain. Aloy then makes her way inside to talk to the High Matriarchs.


After the re-opening of the gate at Daytower, the Oseram alewife Gera receives word that her husband Kendert is on his way to Hunter's Gathering from the Claim. She informs Aloy that he was last seen by metal-sellers at the bridge near the Glarebreak but has since failed to show up. Aloy agrees that if she ventures out that way, she will keep a look out for him.


After dispatching the bandits threatening Free Heap, Aloy notices one of the Oseram men on duty looking particularly alert. Kaeluf tells her that two of his friends have gone in pursuit of a convoy of Behemoths to harvest their cables for Oseram Cannons. He explains that Petra initially assigned the task to himself and Beladga, however aware that Beladga and Jorgriz are fond of each other, he agreed to trade places with Jorgriz so the two hunters could spend more time together. Realizing too late that they may be too preoccupied with each other to reach the convoy in time, Kaeluf is worried that they will not be able to get the parts they need. As Kaeluf is unable to go after them himself as he is on guard duty, Aloy offers to look for Jorgriz and Beladga and get the Behemoth cables.


While traveling through the Jewel, Aloy hears a commotion at Sunstone Rock, a small settlement far to the south of the Sundom. Upon approach, Aloy sees that Carja guards are attempting to take down two Behemoths who have descended on the settlement. After helping dispatch the Behemoths, Aloy is greeted by the guards and told to visit Janeva inside


The Hunters Lodge bestows rewards on those who complete their trials.
I can give you up to three weapons; one for fifteen Half Suns, one for fifteen Full Suns, and one you'll love for all Blazing Suns."
:: Aidaba


This Corrupted Zone features two Tramplers and Three Longlegs. Approach the camp from the North East and you can sit atop a ridge. Use Shock Arrows or something similar on the canisters of the Longlegs, this sends out an AoE Shock that damages everything close. Easy enough to take down nearly all of them without dropping from the ledge.


Hollow Fort Bandit Camp is located northwest of Devil's Grief. Two Nora Braves are held captive here until the camp is cleared.

After clearing the camp, it becomes the new home of a number of Nora Braves.
The real world location for Hollow Fort Camp appears to be Mesa Laboratory[1] in Boulder, which is nestled against the Flatirons[2] in the real world and in the game.
This is the only camp where Elite Bandit Snipers can be encountered. This also has the highest number of elite/heavy bandits compared to other bandit camps.
6 Bandit Brawlers (if alarm is lit)
1 Bandit Brute
2 Bandit Fighters
1 Bandit Heavy
3 Bandit Sluggers
1 Bandit Sniper
4 Bandit Warriors
3 Elite Bandit Archers
1 Elite Bandit Brute (if alarm is lit)
2 Elite Bandit Fighters
4 Elite Bandit Snipers


You will most likely run into this Corrupted Zone when doing the Maker's End main mission. There is solid cover to set your traps.

There is one Fire Bellow-back and two Ravagers here.


Head southwest from Copper Deeps or southeast from Meridian towards the bottom of the map. You'll find large pillars of earth that house a number of machines.

Using your Focus, you'll spot another signal, represented by a pulsing purple dot, and you can follow it down towards these earth pillars. Depending on the area you enter from, there are Sawtooths that roam the area.


There are a lot of enemies here and not a lot of cover, so your best bet is seek out high ground.

There are two Behemoths and three Broadheads here.


Closing in on the location, Sylens informs Aloy that upon close inspection of the rock wall, she will find handholds that will take her up. Scaling the wall, Aloy comes to a campsite in an a small alcove where she rests until nightfall to await further instruction. When nightfall comes, Sylens reveals that he has brought Aloy to the Eclipse's main base where she will be able to disable the Focus network. He explains that her target is a derelict Tallneck that the Eclipse have modified to function as a kind of router for their network. Thus she is to infiltrate the base and destroy the transmitter atop the Tallneck's head. Upon her questioning, Sylens admits that he used to assist the Eclipse but departs before Aloy can inquire any further.


Unlike the other Cauldrons, XI appears to have been rendered unusable due to a natural cave-in. Eclipse cultists have discovered the area and built extensive structures and fortifications in and around the dig site. The central core is still active, and can be overridden. Much of the facility still has power, and what appears to be a recycling center that melts down machine scraps is still functioning.

In order to access this Cauldron, the cultists outside must be killed in order to get a key to open the entrance. Then, to progress through this Cauldron, the player will have to do battle with cultists in order to progress deeper. Once Aloy overrides the Cauldron, normal machines will be alerted and will breach the encampment to attack both the Eclipse and Aloy. The player will have to fight both the cultists, and Watchers, Scrappers, Ravagers, and Stalkers in order to escape.
XI Overrides
Fire Bellow-back
Freeze Bellow-back
Glint-hawk Stalker


After successfully infiltrating the Eclipse base and taking down their Focus network, Aloy makes her way to Sunfall, the Shadow Carja capital. There she hopes to find more answers about Elisabet Sobeck and Project Zero Dawn.
Aloy discovers that some Kestrels have entered the facility. After killing them and scanning the datapoints, Aloy continues on to find another theater with a hologram message left by Elisabet Sobeck who finally explains what Project: Zero Dawn is: a terraforming system controlled by an artificial intelligence unit called GAIA. Through GAIA and her sub-functions, the artificial intelligence would shut down the FARO robots and eventually reform the earth to re-create humanity. Aloy takes out more Kestrels and restores power to an ancient door to reach Central Projects.


Redmaw was a legendary Thunderjaw and a highly sought after kill by members of the Hunters Lodge in pursuit of the title of Sunhawk. Many hunters met their end while trying to take it down, including Talanah's sponsor, Tarkas, and Ahsis. At some point, this monstrous machine's history was chronicled by Inquiring Jandiniman, Historian-In-Residence at the Hunters Lodge. While he attempted to separate fact from fiction when possible, he admitted that it was difficult to find accurate information.[1]

Given Redmaw's reputation for killing those that set out after it, it became an expression among the Lodge members that if a hunter went missing and never returned, it was the work of the notorious Redmaw.


Now that Aloy is a Thrush, Talanah instructs Aloy to bring in trophies from bigger machines, namely a Thunderjaw and Stormbird.

After retrieving the trophies, Aloy returns to the Hunters Lodge to deliver them to Ahsis. To her surprise, Talanah is nowhere to be seen and so too is Ahsis as she searches for the Sunhawk upstairs to no avail.

Speaking to Ligan, he informs her that Ahsis left for the Spearshafts after catching wind of Redmaw's whereabouts, with Talanah following him not long after. Ligan also tells Aloy that a number of outlanders followed Talanah, with Aloy concluding that Ahsis must have sent them after her to slow her down.

Determined to help her Hawk, Aloy sets off for the Spearshafts.


While in Meridian, Aloy meets Vilgund, who tells her of a remote Banuk camp in the northern region, near the Anvil of the Moon, where machines are entirely docile. Vilgund sent two of his men to the camp to find out exactly what might be happening but has not heard back from them. He tells Aloy that he will pay her to relay information about the camp to him, as well as discover where his men are.

Upon entering the camp, Aloy confirms that the rumors are indeed true, with Banuk shamans living peacefully amongst machines, even Thunder-jaws.

Aloy meets Tik-uk, a shaman who tells her of a 'blue light', or the machine's spirit, that is strong in the area. When traveling through a storm, the Banuk heard the 'song' of the Thunder-jaw and camped across the area. The Banuk people believe that each machine has a song, and that they were all docile before something turned them against humanity.


Nam-man wishes to support Sun-King Avad's push for peace by helping three pilgrims from different tribes in the region mourn loved ones lost during the Red Raids.

The first is an Ose-ram travel, Bra-geld, who along with a number of other Ose-ram wishes to visit the Shrine of Kings to remember those who were held as slave builders. Brageld explains that his lover died in the Sun-Ring under Jiran's reign. As he was one of the slave builders that helped construct the Shrine, he wants to see his lover's handiwork and craftsmanship as a way of remembering and honoring him. However, his way is blocked by a Sun-Priest who refuses to let any Oseram near the Shrine. The priest, known as Abiding Jahamin, states that he wishes to be alone in the retreat, and has little tolerance for outsiders, believing they will defile the shrine. Aloy speaks with Jahamin and learns that he is a loyal follower of the late Sun-King, vocal in his discontent with the current state of the Carja and the Sundom. After hearing enough of Jahamin, Aloy finally convinces the Sun-Priest and his guards to leave. Upon entering, Bra-geld becomes upset at seeing the vandalized Shrine, saying that by defacing it, the Car-ja have forgotten and ignored the efforts of the slaves. Aloy departs the mourning Ose-ram, wishing him peace.


While in Meridian Village, Aloy overhears a young Carja man named Ranaman berating a member of the Vanguard for his refusal to help deal with machines that have been incessantly attacking his father's estate. After the Guardsman leaves, Aloy approaches Ranaman. Upon hearing about the situation from him, she offers to go to the estate, kill the machines and investigate the reason for the attacks. Ranaman appears grateful.


The entrance of RHO is a large triangular door, guarded by Watchers and Scrappers. Inside, the Cauldron is a twisted mass of metal walls, machinery, and wires, similar to Cauldron SIGMA. However, RHO has a number of unique machinery operating in the area, such as giant wheel-like devices. Also, RHO will open into natural caverns. The most notable part of RHO is a giant mechanical "heart," which pumps Blaze to unknown locations. The entire Cauldron appears to be the region's primary collection and distribution hub for Blaze.

The core area contains a Snapmaw being assembled. Once a pillar is overridden, the field drops, and the Snapmaw attacks, accompanied by a Ravager. Once these two machines are defeated, Aloy is able to override the core, obtaining the RHO overrides.


After delivering her first set of trophies to Ahsis, Aloy speaks to Talanah, who tells her that instead of going after Redmaw, there is something else that needs attending to. Meeting her Hawk outside, Talanah introduces Aloy to Ilsadi, a Carja villager from Lone Light seeking assistance from the Hunters Lodge in clearing out a flock of Glinthawks ravaging the village. Accepting the request, Talanah tells Aloy that she will meet her in Lone Light.

Aloy arrives at Lone Light just as a flock of Glinthawks swoops down into the village. After taking care of the machines together with Talanah, Ilsadi only tells them that regardless of their efforts and of those before them, more always come, with the guards of the nearby Morning's Watch no longer bothering to help defend the village.


Conversing with one of the Keepers at any of the Hunting Grounds, Aloy learns they are managed by the Hunters Lodge, an organization in Meridian dedicated to hunting machines. In order to gain admittance, Aloy must earn at least three Half Suns, marks rewarded after successfully completing trials at hunting grounds.

Upon earning the Suns, Aloy makes her way to the Hunters Lodge in Meridian. There she is welcomed at the entrance by Ligan, giving her the title of "Fledgling" and directing her to the leader of the Lodge, Sunhawk Ahsis.

Recognizing Aloy as the machine-rider and a Nora, and therefore an outsider, he immediately treats Aloy with contempt. Brushing off Ahsis' attempts at dismissing her, Aloy persists in becoming a member and thus is told to talk to Talanah. Talanah tells Aloy that if she wants to be accepted as a hunter worthy of the Lodge, she should gather three Sawtooth trophies, two Ravager trophies and one Stalker trophy.

After collecting these, Aloy delivers the trophies to Ahsis who spitefully tells her that Talanah should be focusing on Redmaw instead of helping her.


Street 5



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