Our foundation is built on the rock of healthy self esteem, ambition, beauty and grace. In the Colour Me Sista space you are encouraged to come as you are, celebrate who you are and love who you are. Yes, we are another initiative aimed at building women and clearly we will still be in need of them until the message is driven home! Our message is this; YOU are beautiful, YOU have a mind that is of
worth and YOU bring value into this world. So don’t sit on the sideline waiting for your ship to come in because guess what? So be a part of the sisterhood, we are not interested in bashing men and we are surly not about to ask you to burn your bra and shave your head. We simply realize that the STAR of a ‘woman’ can and must shine bright otherwise we rob ourselves and this earth of purpose filled lives. We say, your pinnacle can be reached but only if you dare to live in the fullness of you.