"It seems as if the Beijing government will be rolling tanks into Hong Kong very soon. What, if any stance should a communist take on the situation in Hong Kong? Well, with true conflict almost certainly imminent, and there being no true proletarian banner raised among the Hong Kong masses, a communist has but one stance to take. Revolutionary defeatism.
If Hong Kongers had raised the red banner, we could not but support them, but they have not. This does not mean, however, that we should support the other red banner, Beijing. On the contrary, we should support neither the imperialist Beijing nor the directionless masses in Hong Kong. Only a directional, communist, revolutionary class in Hong Kong can be supported by communists, even if we look upon the destruction they have wrought in awe.
In the words of Lenin, “a revolutionary class cannot but desire the defeat of its own government”. But, especially in this conflict, to not have ourselves misconstrued as the imperialist, infantile Dengists, we must also desire the defeat of ALL existing governments, including the Beijing state bureaucracy."
- DipDap ()