ClientBoost Real Estate - Consistent $1m+ Deals In Any Market

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ClientBoost Real Estate - Consistent $1m+ Deals In Any Market Scaling residential agents past $600k/y GCI by Automating their client acquisition

The money is in the followup. I still talk with far too many people in real estate who are hesitant with followups. Thin...

The money is in the followup.

I still talk with far too many people in real estate who are hesitant with followups.

Think about it: how often have you forgotten something because life got in the way?

Your prospects are humans, too, so the same happens to them. All the time.

They might be genuinely interested, but their day-to-day can push our pitch to the back of their minds.

That's where the followup magic happens.

It's NOT about reminding prospects that "I exist, buy from me". It's about them.

It's about showing them I'm committed and persistent. It's about adding value, answering questions, and addressing their concerns. It's another chance to build and strengthen trust.

Followups are where deals are made or lost.

It's where the decision is made: are you a good salesperson or the best one?

It's about going that extra mile and showing you are for the long haul.

And it's very worth the effort.

Next time you think, "Shall I follow up?" just stop thinking and do it ASAP.


Capitalism rewards things that are both rare and valuable.

You make yourself rare by combining two or more “pretty goods” until no one else has your mix.

Just think about it.

I will help you close 100 deals by the end of the week or YOU DON'T PAY.Do I have your attention now?Being in the real e...

I will help you close 100 deals by the end of the week or YOU DON'T PAY.

Do I have your attention now?

Being in the real estate industry means that you get pitched a lot daily. I can guarantee that most of the pitches include the "or you don't pay" part.

On one hand, it's a great deal because you are protecting your money if something doesn't go as planned. On the other hand, it's a terrible idea.

Guarantees can make us forget why we started the process in the first place. They are like a soft pillow that will help you land comfortably. Unfortunately, life doesn't have soft pillows, and there will be times when you will land without one.

Having a guarantee or a no-pay offer is risky, as you are programming your brain for a potential failure. If you did not allow yourself and others you choose to work with to even think about failing, you would have increased chances of success.

Another thing is that when you have a possibility of not succeeding, you will not do everything you can to actually succeed - there's always going to be a second option of not succeeding. If you live your life like this, there's a very high chance you'll not only be losing your money but also potential.

Hiring a specialist or consultant is an investment. And it goes both ways - you are investing your money and they other party is investing their time and resources into helping you suceed. If any of the parties is not fully involved, the results are not going to be great.

I have myself been in these situations not once or twice - the guarantee is attractive. Always remember that at the end of the day, you are working with a specialist/partner, not their guarantee. Choose wisely

Gabrielė VaineikytėImagine getting 3-5 new client enquiries every week. No more up and down months, no more silence. You...

Gabrielė Vaineikytė
Imagine getting 3-5 new client enquiries every week. No more up and down months, no more silence. You no longer need to think about how to generate clients, you can focus completely on how to convert them.

Be like one of our latest clients who has generated 13 new client enquiries in just 20 days.

Are you next?

Check out his result below:

If you would like to see how your business could scale fast, book in for a 1 on 1 session. Simply click the link below and I'll walk you through it.


I've found a way to increase cold lead->listing ratio by over 37% with NO extra spend on lead gen.
Anyone interested?


Saving money and waiting for a better time is the WORST way to solve a problem.

In fact, you'll end up paying for it with MORE: time, energy, or money.

Think of it as holding off on routine maintenance for your car... for the sake of "saving" money.

Chances are, you may end up with a major issue that may result in a more expensive bill, which you could have avoided if you had dealt with it earlier.

In a way, business is the same as your car.

If you're not willing invest time in learning how to get those high quality appointmens yourself or invest in someone's else experience to help you with that - I'm sorry, but you're not going in a right direction.

The chances are that eventually you'll have to pay more with your time, energy and money on extra problems, errors, and fees just to get to the same point.

What's your strategy for efficient problem-solving?


Ready to level up your community-building game? Check out these 5 must-read books that I admire!

"The Art of Community: Seven Principles for Belonging" by Charles Vogl

Vogl lays out seven essential principles that form the foundation of any successful community, from a sense of belonging to creating spaces for authentic connection.

"Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us" by Seth Godin

Now, here's a book that truly speaks to the rebel in all of us! Whether you're a seasoned leader or just starting out on your journey, Godin's words will ignite a fire within you to become the fearless leader your tribe needs. Get ready to redefine what it means to lead and unleash your inner "heretic" or "change agent" as you embark on a transformative journey towards creating a tribe that's unstoppable. What a great book!

"Community: The Structure of Belonging" by Peter Block

Peter Block delves into the nuts and bolts of community building, exploring how to create spaces where people feel valued, connected, and empowered.

"Buzzing Communities: How to Build Bigger, Better, and More Active Online Communities" by Richard Millington

From driving engagement to fostering growth, Millington covers it all, sharing real-world examples and actionable tips to help you build buzzing online communities.

"Building Brand Communities: How Organizations Succeed by Creating Belonging" by Carrie Melissa Jones and Charles Vogl

Last but certainly not least, let's dive into my absolute favorite! Jones and Vogl take us on a thrilling journey into the world of brand communities, revealing the secrets behind leading brands' ability to build unbreakable connections that drive loyalty and advocacy.


76% of people work with the first real estate agent they talk to. What are you doing to be that agent?


Top performers don’t have better ideas, they execute better.

What’s your excuse for not being a top performer?

Want to accelerate your growth? Make more mistakes.While that may sound counterintuitive, mistakes are often our greates...

Want to accelerate your growth? Make more mistakes.

While that may sound counterintuitive, mistakes are often our greatest teachers.

Why mistakes are essential to learning:

→ Provide direct feedback on what doesn't work

→ Highlight areas for improvement & growth

→ Challenge assumptions & expand perspective

→ Build resilience & adaptability

→ Pave the way for breakthroughs & innovation

Give yourself permission to make mistakes - early, often & onward.

Your future self will thank you.


Does anyone feel like their follow-up process is not converting as many leads as it should?

Our client 3 days ago: no Google ads account, no active ads. Our client today is getting their first seller lead in a co...

Our client 3 days ago: no Google ads account, no active ads.

Our client today is getting their first seller lead in a competitive US region with a brand new Google ads account for as little as $15,34.

Google leads convert so much better, and the cost is excellent!

Nice way to kickstart the weekend!


Just released our detailed FSBO lead gen guide with scripts, marketing tools & more! Comment below for the link

GMB is a great way to get warm leads calling you directly when they search "realtor near me" on maps! Also, it's a must-...

GMB is a great way to get warm leads calling you directly when they search "realtor near me" on maps!

Also, it's a must-have if you want to convert better leads from Facebook and Google ads and referrals. Especially the cold audience, as they always GOOGLE YOU!

Together with Joslyn, we have created a brand new Google Business Profile, and she is already getting the first customer interactions. Once we start running Google Ads and have a well-optimized Google Business profile, Joslyn will get hot leads daily, as our other clients do!

Super excited!

Buying leads is like renting. You have no control and no data to see what's working or not, but by doing it on your own,...

Buying leads is like renting. You have no control and no data to see what's working or not, but by doing it on your own, even if you fail... at least you have data to turn things around next time.

If you try out new things, you will always either learn or earn, ideally - both.

There is a saying - if your lead generation and marketing is 100% working, you are not risking enough. Risk is part of the game and you need to have something that is NOT working to make sure that you are on the right path at the same time eliminating what doesn't serve you. With the right tools, you can learn, incorporate new findings into your processes and grow.

At the very beginning of my business journey, I overcomplicated and overthinking almost everything. I was so stressed about all the things that were in my head, and even with all my knowledge, I couldn't get them started. During that time, every failure, even a tiny one, felt like a massive challenge and demotivation. I put so much energy into thinking about all the possible scenarios, and I was tired even before I actually started making the first steps. My biggest problem was that I thought I could do everything myself, which is true. But it took so much of my time that I got burned out before succeeding.

What changed is that I found other people that I could relate to, talk to, ask for their advice, and most importantly, trust them. Everything started to work so much better when I stopped doing everything myself and outsourced tasks to others. With a relatively small investment into my team and business, I got my joy back.

I finally had the capacity to start testing new things - I did so many different things and majority of them failed. That's how I learned.

I know many realtors who are extremely good in their job but they don't have time to be both good at their job AND marketing AND lead generation AND automating processes AND everything else you need to keep the business running.

And that's completely fine.

Sometimes you need to let go of the idea that you can do it all and focus on more important things rather than sticking to the toxic can-do-all attitude. You can do it all, but is it going to be worth if you are never going to see your partner, kids, parents, have a weekend or go on holiday without reception?

We don't need to be doing something we are not very good at, we need to keep improving the areas we are already succeeding. That's actual professionalism.

All it takes is $1/day to learn advertising.$5/day helps you learn decision-making weekly / bi-weekly.$25/day, you learn...

All it takes is $1/day to learn advertising.

$5/day helps you learn decision-making weekly / bi-weekly.

$25/day, you learn how to find winners faster.

$100/day, you learn about speed testing copy and creative.

$200-$300/day, you learn scaling incrementally.

$500/day, you learn scaling with diversification.

$1k/day, you learn scaling with speed.

$2k/day and up you learn scaling with speed, diversification, and maintenance both vertically and horizontally.
What's stopping you from learning advertising?

All it takes is $1/day to start.

If it's fear of losing $30/month, advertising is not for you.

I can show you the exact process and give all the materials that we have for you to do it yourself. Comment "Ads" and I'll send it to you.


"If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do a good job, wait until you hire an amateur"


People don’t remember what you say or do for them.
People remember how you made them FEEL.

And we all have the power to make someone feel heard, valued, and important…

By simply giving them our energy - our undivided attention - for even just two minutes at a time.


Real estate agents, is your portfolio mostly one-time clients or regular ones coming back?


Realtors job is not about sales, it's all about relationships. Strong relationships is the currency of life.

People don't want a realtor who can only sell their house. They want to be heard, understood, appreciated.

Your job is to create an experience for them where you become the go-to realtor for your client's friends and family for life too.


What’s more annoying than contacting customer support to solve an issue? Trying to do that more than twice or even thrice - especially if it’s Google support.

Don’t get me wrong - I am a huge fan of Google and I am certain that it’s an amazing search engine. But their support can be hard to deal with.

One of my favourite features of Google is Google Business Profile. It’s free, relatively easy to maintain and the results are usually great if it’s optimised well.

Recently I have been working with one Google Business Profile set up and it was definitely a rollercoaster. I’ve been through this many times already - I know what questions to ask, what kind of information to send, which documents to submit, how to write to Google Support etc.

On the other hand, if I were a realtor with a very limited time, I would have probably given up. Unfortunately, this is a situation I often hear happen when I talk to other realtors—they start building their Google Business Profile and never get it published.

Google Business Profile is your digital business card, it’s the first thing people will see when they Google you so it’s worth having it perfected.

I am a true believer that Google Business Profile is a great way to attract leads for free. So I want to encourage you to have it, don’t stop in the middle of the process.

If you don’t know:
- how to get verified
- What images to upload
- How often to post
- How to get more reviews
- What’s the best way to contact Google
- How to get your appeal reviewed faster
- What to you if your account has been suspended

And so on… I have a Google Business Profile guide that I can share with you.

Also, in my Facebook group, I will share a cheat sheet that covers all of the above-mentioned questions. If you’d like to get a copy, comment below or DM me, and I’ll invite you to the group.

I lost over $40k last year on things that didn't bring anything to the business AT ALL. I could have simply thrown that ...

I lost over $40k last year on things that didn't bring anything to the business AT ALL. I could have simply thrown that into a garbage bin with the same results. I wish lessons were cheaper than this.

Have you been burned before? Has someone promised you great results and left without generating any? Have you spent money on different solutions, and none of them seemed to be working?

I can definitely relate - I have been in a similar situation for more times than I should have. And it is indeed a painful place to be in. The worst thing - trusting someone again can be extremely hard.

In the same way, you choose who to work with, I chose people to partner with and learn from—people to call MY TEAM.

I like to explore the world, try new things, meet new people, test new services, buy new products - this means, I'm learning the hard way. Life is not always fair - buying things on the internet and trusting people you've never met can be risky.

How can you trust someone you've never met? How do they know they'll not be someone others promised not to be?

My best advice would be to take your time making a decision, ask A LOT of questions, and listen to your gut. If something feels sketchy, give yourself some time to think, and if the feeling doesn't go away, avoid making this decision.

When my business partner and I started our agency, we already had heaps of years of experience—16+ to be precise and have been blessed to do marketing for big ones like IKEA, Maggi, Nespresso, and REMAX. We learned how to do things properly, communicate properly, and create meaningful partnerships with our clients. We know what we want to offer and how to achieve that. We know that good results come from a mix of experience, knowledge, and strategic efforts. And we know that big decisions take time and consideration. We are okay with that.

That's what motivates us to go forward - in a world full of fake promises, deliver actually good results and the service you deserve.


What's the biggest problem in real estate industry right now that needs to be solved?

We produce loaads of highly performing creatives and ad copies every month for our clients running Facebook and Google.H...

We produce loaads of highly performing creatives and ad copies every month for our clients running Facebook and Google.

How do we never run out of ideas?

We use a proven system:

- Observe what’s working for competitors
- Analyse past winning creatives of yours
- Iterate on proven winners
- Refresh every 90 days

To make everything easy for you, we're giving away our best performing creatives and ad texts. Want a copy? Comment ADS below and I will send it to you.

One of the biggest mistakes I've seen in my career or how 6 weeks can cost you more than $90 k.Recently, I consulted a b...

One of the biggest mistakes I've seen in my career or how 6 weeks can cost you more than $90 k.

Recently, I consulted a brand owner. It is an established name in the industry and has consistent lead flow through paid advertising. It sounds like a dream come true. What else would you still want? That person "had it all"—his service-based local business was not going to take over the world, but it generated predictable revenue and steady growth and was paying the bills.

But there is one core mistake that has been made throughout a decade of being in the business—focusing on one single source of traffic on one platform only. They were running ongoing Facebook ads, and as the campaigns ran for several years nonstop, they were optimised and perfected to work just the way they needed to.

Unfortunately, mistakes and technical glitches happen, which led to Facebook noticing some sort of suspicious activity on the website. It wasn't true, but there was something Facebook didn't like, and all the running ads were stopped until further notice.

At the very beginning, it looked like something that would be sorted quickly, but days and later—weeks—went by without any news.

The lead number started to drop, team didn't have enough work, business was starting to notice the impact.

After over 6 weeks of ads being inactive, this business lost over 90k of revenue.

Lesson? A single traffic source on one platform is not enough for a scalable and sustainable business. Once you find a winning formula, use the profits for diversification.

Interestingly, the need for SEO optimisation has been discussed many times. So were other platforms for diversification. But it never felt like "the right time to start". And there's not going to be the right time ever. You just got to get it started.

Relying on a single channel is never going to be enough. Everything changes too fast, and businesses that survive need to be ready to adapt.

You want a strong brand, a strong online presence, and a strategic approach to business growth. If everything you have done has been working so far, that's amazing, but it's also time to start integrating something else.

If you're good with referrals - that's time to start thinking about digital marketing as referrals are not scalable and not predictable.

If you're good with Facebook ads - it's time to start thinking about Google ads

If you've got a well-performing Google Business Profile, it's time to start thinking about more aggressive SEO optimisation.

Wherever you are, you're in a good spot to explore something more and secure your future.

8.5 billion.That's how many google searches there are daily.The amount of trust we put into a search engine is staggerin...

8.5 billion.

That's how many google searches there are daily.

The amount of trust we put into a search engine is staggering, mates.

People turn to google as a way-station that determines where they should go to solve their problems.

Google will signal to sellers where they should go, who they should know and ultimately what they should do about their problems.

Google tells people whether they should know who you are or not, and people listen to Google.

There is a likelier-than-you-might-guess chance that someone in your market will google "sell my house _______" tomorrow and someone's phone will ring who can solve their problem.

Someone is getting that motivated lead tomorrow, 6 months from now, a year from now.

Will it be you or one of your competitors who picks up the phone?


Leads mean nothing unless you follow up and keep them warm for months. Do you agree?

There is scientific proof that our brain is not built for multitasking. And running a real estate business is one of the...

There is scientific proof that our brain is not built for multitasking.

And running a real estate business is one of the purest forms of multitasking - you need to run your social media account, generate leads, call prospects, plan inspections, do the paperwork, do your own marketing, manage a team, take care of finances and the list goes on and on.

It's not about what you do, it's how you do it. Even the most simple tasks can become hard ones if they are endless. I used to be feeling so burned out before I actually built a working system for my business.

What if there would actually be a way to make it easier? Would you like to know?

There is a solution - and it's called automation. Majority of your daily tasks can actually be automated without sacrificing the quality.

Things like lead pre-qualification, nurturing, and sending out reminders. This is all very important and very time consuming.

Comment "TIME" if you want to get a guide on how marketing automations can help you get motivated seller appointments and save 20-30 h every week.

The last few weeks have been one of the busiest ones so far!  I thought I'd share a few of our clients recent wins:- I h...

The last few weeks have been one of the busiest ones so far!

I thought I'd share a few of our clients recent wins:

- I helped one of our clients to build their Google Business profile and after less than 3 months of having it, they are now regularly getting from 5-10 warm leads every week;

- I built some conversion optimised landing pages for Google Ads campaign and ad performance improved by 30%;

- I optimised some of the Google Ads campaigns to make sure that we are targeting the right audience. This allowed us to reduce the number of clicks which resulted in 20% lower cost per lead.

If that sounds like something you'd like to explore, send me a message and I'd love to chat how my team can help you scale your real estate business.

Are you collecting 100s of real estate leads, but not getting the wanted "deals" number at the bottom line? It's possibl...

Are you collecting 100s of real estate leads, but not getting the wanted "deals" number at the bottom line?

It's possible there is something wrong with your follow-up emails, sms and the ISA process. To be precise - you might be sending content that does not resonate with your prospects AT ALL.

Most realtors do send general emails on home buying tips, decorating, or holiday greetings and those may add SOME value. But since everyone is doing that, these just get lost in the 100s of other same emails other realtors send. And it is very common for those to end up in spam.

Most realtors like the "lazy way", which is 100% automation, without any personal touchpoints like calling the leads or responding to their emails, messages, etc.

What would be a better way?

Consider sharing valuable, niche-specific content that truly resonates with your audience. Think: targeted property searches, video tours, open house alerts, and compelling "dangles." These are the kinds of emails that spark genuine interest and engagement, driving conversations that lead to sales.

If you’re struggling with click-through rates or engagement, try shifting your strategy to focus on value-packed content. Build lasting connections by delivering real information that customers can use and share, leading to more meaningful interactions down the line.



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