Egydyus Flombosi

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Egydyus Flombosi Writings and thoughts of Egydyus Flombosi.

Kathy and I are in Phoenix visiting our daughter and her family. We expect to return home to a fifty degree drop in temp...

Kathy and I are in Phoenix visiting our daughter and her family. We expect to return home to a fifty degree drop in temperature. As I sit in our hotel room tonight, feeling sorry for myself, I was reading the news and came across an article about President Biden’s mental fitness to be our president. I watch a news network that spends a lot of time talking about Joe....

Kathy and I are in Phoenix visiting our daughter and her family. We expect to return home to a fifty degree drop in temperature. As I sit in our hotel room tonight, feeling sorry for myself, I was …

A racist and an antisemite.

A racist and an antisemite.

A racist and an antisemite.

I read the Bible. Much of it is prophetic in nature. It tells of the nation of Israel, God's chosen people. If you are i...

I read the Bible. Much of it is prophetic in nature. It tells of the nation of Israel, God's chosen people. If you are inclined to learn a little more about that story and what happens next, read the attached.

I read the Bible. Much of it is prophetic in nature. It tells of the nation of Israel, God’s chosen people. If you are inclined to learn a little more about that story and what happens next, …

I  watched a YouTube video by Mark Levin the other night. He’s on Fox. I’m going to summarize some of what he said, but ...

I watched a YouTube video by Mark Levin the other night. He’s on Fox. I’m going to summarize some of what he said, but if you haven’t seen it, please check it out. It is quite revealing. I can say with confidence that Joe Biden, Barack Obama, and the Democratic Party of the United States are rapidly destroying our nation....

I watched a YouTube video by Mark Levin the other night. He’s on Fox. I’m going to summarize some of what he said, but if you haven’t seen it, please check it out. It is quite revealing. I can say…

It feels like it’s time for me to move on. I’ve posted quite a few articles over the past six years, most of them politi...

It feels like it’s time for me to move on. I’ve posted quite a few articles over the past six years, most of them political or spiritual in nature. I would guess they each average around 125 views. Most articles don’t get any feedback, so I’m not sure what people think. My goal from the start has simply been to get people to spend a minute thinking about what I write....

It feels like it’s time for me to move on. I’ve posted quite a few articles over the past six years, most of them political or spiritual in nature. I would guess they each average around 125 views.…

I am reading and taking notes in the Psalms each morning. Today, I read Psalm 60. Parts of it are worth sharing given wh...

I am reading and taking notes in the Psalms each morning. Today, I read Psalm 60. Parts of it are worth sharing given what's going on in Israel today. It is a stark reminder that they must rely on God for their defense and salvation. O God, you have rejected us, broken our defenses;you have been angry; oh, restore us....

I am reading and taking notes in the Psalms each morning. Today, I read Psalm 60. Parts of it are worth sharing given what’s going on in Israel today. It is a stark reminder that they must re…

Please read this.

Please read this.

President Joe Biden and his cabal of pro-Iranian leaders, continues pushing the United States of America to the brink of oblivion. The Iran sponsored Hamas terrorists have brazenly attacked Israel,…

President Joe Biden and his cabal of pro-Iranian leaders, continues pushing the United States of America to the brink of...

President Joe Biden and his cabal of pro-Iranian leaders, continues pushing the United States of America to the brink of oblivion. The Iran sponsored Hamas terrorists have brazenly attacked Israel, killing hundreds, including beheading babes. The Biden administration waived sanctions on the Iranian oil trade, allowing Tehran access to frozen funds that will be used to fund terrorism. Iran now sends oil to China, Syria, and Venezuela....

President Joe Biden and his cabal of pro-Iranian leaders, continues pushing the United States of America to the brink of oblivion. The Iran sponsored Hamas terrorists have brazenly attacked Israel,…

It’s too early to start thinking about the 2024 election. Or is it? Here’s what I read today. A Monmouth University poll...

It’s too early to start thinking about the 2024 election. Or is it? Here’s what I read today. A Monmouth University poll released 10/5/2023 revealed: 76% of voters said Biden, 80, was too old to serve another term. 48% said the same about Trump, 77. 56% of voters said they were enthusiastic/very enthusiastic about Trump becoming the Republican nominee for president. ...

It’s too early to start thinking about the 2024 election. Or is it? Here’s what I read today. A Monmouth University poll released 10/5/2023 revealed: 76% of voters said Biden, 80, was too old to se…

We, the United States of America, are in serious trouble. The weapons and ammunition supplied to Ukraine leaves the Unit...

We, the United States of America, are in serious trouble. The weapons and ammunition supplied to Ukraine leaves the United States arsenal in a very depleted position. "Behold, I am coming as a thief... and he gathered them all together in a place called Armageddon... and the Seventh Angel poured forth his bowl into the air, and a voice cried out from Heaven, saying, "It is done!"...

We, the United States of America, are in serious trouble. The weapons and ammunition supplied to Ukraine leaves the United States arsenal in a very depleted position. “Behold, I am coming as …

I’ve been listening to a series of lectures about the Great Reset, a movement backed by many of the world’s most powerfu...

I’ve been listening to a series of lectures about the Great Reset, a movement backed by many of the world’s most powerful business leaders, government officials, and left-wing activists that wants to “push the reset button” on the global economy. Their plan would destroy the current capitalist system and replace it with progressive and modern socialist systems. So, it's “kind of socialism, kind of communism” but “mostly just fascism.” Sort of what's come to be called "wokeism."...

I’ve been listening to a series of lectures about the Great Reset, a movement backed by many of the world’s most powerful business leaders, government officials, and left-wing activists that wants …

Yesterday, I listened to several U.S. Senate hearings on censorship. One relates to banning books like “Not Every Boy is...

Yesterday, I listened to several U.S. Senate hearings on censorship. One relates to banning books like “Not Every Boy is Blue,” and “Gender Queer.” Since the state of Illinois has made it illegal to ban books, both of these books are in our public libraries. And if you know nothing about them, I urge you to invest seven minutes and listen to…...

Yesterday, I listened to several U.S. Senate hearings on censorship. One relates to banning books like “Not Every Boy is Blue,” and “Gender Queer.” Since the state of Illinois has made it illegal t…

The new COVID variant, EG.5 (Eris), is the latest and greatest sub-variant of Omicron. The WHO recently classified it as...

The new COVID variant, EG.5 (Eris), is the latest and greatest sub-variant of Omicron. The WHO recently classified it as a "variant of interest." Word has it that COVID mask mandates will soon (by year-end 2023) be reimposed on airplanes. And once that happens, it won't be long before masks are back on kids' heads in schools, and you'll have to wear them when you're out in public....

The new COVID variant, EG.5 (Eris), is the latest and greatest sub-variant of Omicron. The WHO recently classified it as a “variant of interest.” Word has it that COVID mask mandates wi…

We seem to be controlled by a congress that wields the powers of impeachment like a big stick. Bill Clinton - On Decembe...

We seem to be controlled by a congress that wields the powers of impeachment like a big stick. Bill Clinton - On December 19, 1998, two articles of impeachment were approved by the House, charging Clinton with perjury and obstruction of justice. Donald Trump - On December 10, 2019, the Judiciary Committee approved two articles of impeachment (H.Res. 755): abuse of power and obstruction of Congress....

We seem to be controlled by a congress that wields the powers of impeachment like a big stick. Bill Clinton – On December 19, 1998, two articles of impeachment were approved by the House, cha…

There was a claim made when President Biden took office claiming that he rescinded a Trump executive order targeting chi...

There was a claim made when President Biden took office claiming that he rescinded a Trump executive order targeting child s*x trafficking. Numerous sources fact checked the information and showed that this was false. But it is interesting to note that President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice quietly removed content on child s*x trafficking from its website earlier this year. The Justice Department’s website includes a page on child s*x trafficking; however, that page has seen major revisions in recent months, including the complete removal of these sections....

There was a claim made when President Biden took office claiming that he rescinded a Trump executive order targeting child s*x trafficking. Numerous sources fact checked the information and showed …

I'm not much of a fan of our current president or his administration. If you read my stuff, that's pretty clear. The Rep...

I'm not much of a fan of our current president or his administration. If you read my stuff, that's pretty clear. The Republican party leaves a lot to be desired as well. But this post is about Joe. President Biden spends most of his time on vacation (somewhere around 40%) or dodging questions from the media. Given his inability to articulate without a cue card, he spends most of his time in the White House basement....

I’m not much of a fan of our current president or his administration. If you read my stuff, that’s pretty clear. The Republican party leaves a lot to be desired as well. But this post i…

The Lone Ranger's Creed By Fran Striker 1. I believe that to have a friend, a man must be one. 2. That all men are creat...

The Lone Ranger's Creed By Fran Striker 1. I believe that to have a friend, a man must be one. 2. That all men are created equal and that everyone has within himself the power to make this a better world. 3. That God put the firewood there, but that every man must gather and light it himself. 4. In being prepared physically, mentally, and morally to fight when necessary for that which is right....

The Lone Ranger’s Creed By Fran Striker 1. I believe that to have a friend, a man must be one. 2. That all men are created equal and that everyone has within himself the power to make this a …

Kathy sent this link to me. Now I think Putin is a pretty monstrous leader. But some of his insights into the West, and ...

Kathy sent this link to me. Now I think Putin is a pretty monstrous leader. But some of his insights into the West, and particularly what's going on in the United States, are pretty spot-on. This is about a six minute video. I believe it is worth the time.

Kathy sent this link to me. Now I think Putin is a pretty monstrous leader. But some of his insights into the West, and particularly what’s going on in the United States, are pretty spot-on. …

Psychotic Psychologist Claims When Baby Boys Unclip Their Onesies Are Messaging Parents They Are Trans Dr. Diane Ehrensa...

Psychotic Psychologist Claims When Baby Boys Unclip Their Onesies Are Messaging Parents They Are Trans Dr. Diane Ehrensaft explains that baby girls pulling bows out of their hair, and baby boys opening the snaps of their onesie “to make a dress”, are trying to send a message that they are trans. VIDMAX AI expert doubtful DC prepared for new tech: ‘Well, they put Kamala Harris in charge’...

Psychotic Psychologist Claims When Baby Boys Unclip Their Onesies Are Messaging Parents They Are Trans Dr. Diane Ehrensaft explains that baby girls pulling bows out of their hair, and baby boys ope…

Well, if you want to talk about a prickly subject, this is a good one. If you'd like to watch a video of a man who went ...

Well, if you want to talk about a prickly subject, this is a good one. If you'd like to watch a video of a man who went through the process of changing from a woman, this provides some insights that you have never heard about.

Well, if you want to talk about a prickly subject, this is a good one. If you’d like to watch a video of a man who went through the process of changing from a woman, this provides some insigh…

I was vaccinated for COVID. After spending about an hour watching this video, I wish I hadn't been. Why is it we America...

I was vaccinated for COVID. After spending about an hour watching this video, I wish I hadn't been. Why is it we Americans find out so many things after the facts are made known. This is a long video. But please invest the time it takes to watch. This is possibly the most devious, worst thing ever done to humanity. The implications here are mind boggling. Please watch.

I was vaccinated for COVID. After spending about an hour watching this video, I wish I hadn’t been. Why is it we Americans find out so many things after the facts are made known. This is a lo…

Kathy sent this link to me. I spent an hour watching the video and listening to the horror it portends for the human rac...

Kathy sent this link to me. I spent an hour watching the video and listening to the horror it portends for the human race. Since I've been vaccinated for COVID, it's already too late for me, and for most of you I assume. Watch this. It will take an hour but you must spend the time. You absolutely must.

Kathy sent this link to me. I spent an hour watching the video and listening to the horror it portends for the human race. Since I’ve been vaccinated for COVID, it’s already too late fo…

“It’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.”R.E.M. By now, many of you know that my worldview is shaped b...

“It’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.”R.E.M. By now, many of you know that my worldview is shaped by my faith. I believe the Bible is the word of God and that it provides answers to how to fix what currently troubles the world and what will happen in the future. Just a warning before you jump into this article....

“It’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.”R.E.M. By now, many of you know that my worldview is shaped by my faith. I believe the Bible is the word of God and that it provides answe…

What experience and history teach is this—that people and governments never have learned anything from history, or acted...

What experience and history teach is this—that people and governments never have learned anything from history, or acted on principles deduced from it.G.W.F. Hegel: Philosophy of History

What experience and history teach is this—that people and governments never have learned anything from history, or acted on principles deduced from it.G.W.F. Hegel: Philosophy of History

No, I’m not going back to work. I’m simply wishing I had the job I’m reading about more and more each day. It’s the job ...

No, I’m not going back to work. I’m simply wishing I had the job I’m reading about more and more each day. It’s the job of getting paid for doing nothing. Let me briefly outline the business model. Since I don’t have or need a business, the model is pretty generic. I just need to be able to set up bank accounts....

No, I’m not going back to work. I’m simply wishing I had the job I’m reading about more and more each day. It’s the job of getting paid for doing nothing. Let me briefly outline the business model.…

Each of us has our favorite source(s) for news. But media bias makes it difficult to get the big picture of what’s reall...

Each of us has our favorite source(s) for news. But media bias makes it difficult to get the big picture of what’s really going on. Here are some of the recent headlines from a variety of sources. 8 people, including a 12-year-old girl, shot in Washington, DC- ABC News The World Health Organization has warned... that rebels in Sudan have seized a central public laboratory that held samples of diseases including polio and measles, creating an "extremely dangerous" situation: "a huge biological risk is being created"...

Each of us has our favorite source(s) for news. But media bias makes it difficult to get the big picture of what’s really going on. Here are some of the recent headlines from a variety of sources. …

I’m taking an online class entitled, “Old Testament Survey.” A recent lesson covered the book of Lamentations. One of th...

I’m taking an online class entitled, “Old Testament Survey.” A recent lesson covered the book of Lamentations. One of the laments is for people who are afflicted/punished even though they don’t deserve to be. They were part of a group or community that deserves the consequences of their actions. The good guys, the remnant, are swept up with the bad despite not deserving to be....

I’m taking an online class entitled, “Old Testament Survey.” A recent lesson covered the book of Lamentations. One of the laments is for people who are afflicted/punished even though they don’t des…

“Joseph, come quickly.” More pounding on the door. “They are going to crucify him, Joseph. Hurry.” “They can’t do that w...

“Joseph, come quickly.” More pounding on the door. “They are going to crucify him, Joseph. Hurry.” “They can’t do that without a trial,” Joseph said, putting his robe on and walking toward the door. “They had a trial last night.” “How could they have a trial at night, with no witnesses?” Joseph opened the door. “They found people, witnesses, who were willing to lie.”...

“Joseph, come quickly.” More pounding on the door. “They are going to crucify him, Joseph. Hurry.” “They can’t do that without a trial,” Joseph said, putting his robe on and walking toward the door…

I never never thought I would read something like this. How did we get here and can we stop it before it's too late? Her...

I never never thought I would read something like this. How did we get here and can we stop it before it's too late? Here are some excerpts from an article I read. Eliezer Yudkowsky, a decision theorist at the Machine Intelligence Research Institute, wrote that the six-month "pause" on developing "AI systems more powerful than GPT-4" called for by experts understates the "seriousness of the situation." He would implement a moratorium on new large AI learning models that is "indefinite and worldwide." ...

I never never thought I would read something like this. How did we get here and can we stop it before it’s too late? Here are some excerpts from an article I read. Eliezer Yudkowsky, a decisi…

So much going on around here. Thought you might want a quick update. The mother of a 2-year-old Texas girl who authoriti...

So much going on around here. Thought you might want a quick update. The mother of a 2-year-old Texas girl who authorities say was killed by her father said the suspect Face-timed her while he was choking the child. President Joe Biden signed an order requiring schools to ignore the biological differences between male and female students from the athletic field to the bathroom if they wish to continue receiving federal funding. ...

So much going on around here. Thought you might want a quick update. The mother of a 2-year-old Texas girl who authorities say was killed by her father said the suspect Face-timed her while he was …

Keeping up with all the news is difficult. In case you've been busy, here are some of the things going on at present. I’...

Keeping up with all the news is difficult. In case you've been busy, here are some of the things going on at present. I’m not taking the time to list the sources for these quotes, but each is from a recent article. Zelensky rules much like his adversary, the universally denounced Putin, does. Putin announced Tuesday he is suspending Moscow’s participation in New START, a strategic nuclear arms reduction treaty, the last remaining nuclear arms reduction deal between the U.S....

Keeping up with all the news is difficult. In case you’ve been busy, here are some of the things going on at present. I’m not taking the time to list the sources for these quotes, but each is…

I’m an old, straight, white male. And I’m a conservative who also happens to be a Christian (born-again). Bashing and ha...

I’m an old, straight, white male. And I’m a conservative who also happens to be a Christian (born-again). Bashing and hating on men like me is fashionable today. As a child, my belief system was strongly influenced by my parents’ ultra-conservative, Judeo-Christian morality. Dancing, smoking, alcohol, swearing, non-Christians, Democrats, and anyone who didn’t go to my church, were judged harshly and avoided....

I’m an old, straight, white male. And I’m a conservative who also happens to be a Christian (born-again). Bashing and hating on men like me is fashionable today. As a child, my belief system was st…

I have been experimenting with some photo editing and thought I'd post some of the pictures I ended up with. Comments ar...

I have been experimenting with some photo editing and thought I'd post some of the pictures I ended up with. Comments are appreciated.

I have been experimenting with some photo editing and thought I’d post some of the pictures I ended up with. Comments are appreciated.

Senator Joe Manchin’s support for the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) proved to be controversial, especially among his con...

Senator Joe Manchin’s support for the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) proved to be controversial, especially among his constituents in West Virginia. After months of debate with Democratic party members and promises from the president on the legislation, it was signed into law only after Manchin pledged to support it. President Biden and others assured Senator Manchin that supporting the law puts the U.S....

Senator Joe Manchin’s support for the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) proved to be controversial, especially among his constituents in West Virginia. After months of debate with Democratic party memb…

Many of us are familiar with the story of Samson. You know, the boyfriend of Delilah. I first heard the story in Sunday ...

Many of us are familiar with the story of Samson. You know, the boyfriend of Delilah. I first heard the story in Sunday school when I was a kid. Samson was described as this big, ripped, muscle-bound dude who was uber-strong. (Remind you of anyone?) I recently listened to a lecture on the Old Testament book of Judges, and the lecturer, Dr....

Many of us are familiar with the story of Samson. You know, the boyfriend of Delilah. I first heard the story in Sunday school when I was a kid. Samson was described as this big, ripped, muscle-bou…

Relax from the fast pace of every day life. Take 10 minutes to close your eyes and listen to Jesse Gallagher play soft, soothing music. Watch the video and l...

With Friday's losses (12/30/2022), the S&P 500 fell 19.4% in 2022, its largest calendar-year decline since a 38% drop in...

With Friday's losses (12/30/2022), the S&P 500 fell 19.4% in 2022, its largest calendar-year decline since a 38% drop in 2008. Closing at 3,839.50 on Friday, the S&P 500 now stands at the same level as March 2021. The Nasdaq Composite dropped 33% in 2022 and stands at the same level as July 2020. The Dow, meanwhile, fell a comparably modest 9% in 2022, while the bond market suffered through its worst year in modern history....

With Friday’s losses (12/30/2022), the S&P 500 fell 19.4% in 2022, its largest calendar-year decline since a 38% drop in 2008. Closing at 3,839.50 on Friday, the S&P 500 now stands at…




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