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Black Poppy Publications Black poppy magazine is a drug users health and lifestyle magazine. Written by people who use drugs Updated daily, you can also subscribe.

Black poppy magazine is a drug users health and lifestyle magazine. Written by drug users for drug users, it covers various topics around drug use, health, drug law, drug politics and policies, drug culture, drug treatments, alternative thinking, activism, and harm reduction. It is a company limited by guarantee and a registered charity.Subscribe to BP magazine at
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Black Poppy Gazette at (this is a daily paper that combines todays tweets from a random selection of all of the tweeters BP follows. Note: Not the same as BP Magazine

Dream About Drugs

Post to FB

Maybe you find yourself on the battlefield of drug addiction in your dream, and you're here to understand what drugs representing the subconscious mind. Dreaming of being an addict or recovering addict represents your own psyche- my question to you: what are you addicted to? The drugs in dreams is o...

Kostya Proletarsky - The Animated Movie - TRAILER

Help to Crowdfund an incredible animation film by Kostya Proletarsky, check out the trailer that talks about the film and see its progress. Russian's have always had a way with words, and animation as well, and we see it in a beautifully painful way with this film. I hope it can raise the total. Share it around.

PLEASE SUPPORT THE PRODUCTION OF THE MOVIE HERE: On 19 June 2009 Kostya Proletarsky, a drug user and HIV activist, died o...


I am reaching out to you in a rather urgent way -I am wondering if you can help me?

On behalf of the European Network of People who Use Drugs - I am trying to find 2 user/recovery groups to take part in a small project to find out about naloxone distribution in the areas where most of the UKs ODs are occurring. I mean, what are the clinics and chemists etc doing re distribution and training around naoxone??

Its a very small project and it has a 4 week turnaround - but it is also a chance to give 2 user/recovery groups some money as there is a smallish budget .

We have to find 2 more user/recovery groups -a group who has access to around 8-10 members. (all will be paid to take part) for one day - maybe 2. (see below)

They also need to have a place to hold 2 meetings -

1) a focus group morning and a mystery shopper exercise in the afternoon (all with peers and run by a group leader - all peers will be paid to take part in either half or full day -their choice)-

and 2) an advocacy / recommendation meeting where findings are discussed along with peer to peer naloxone ideas (secondary naloxone distribution).(held with peers and managers/commisioners etc)

There is a reasonable budget for each group taking part.

We need to find TWO more groups - can you help????

Any thoughts? Its a really useful project - while small it shines an important light into whats going on in services around naloxone in areas with high ODs
Please have a think?
The final thing is these 3 steps (focus group/mystery shopper day and advocacy meeting -must all happen before /by 31st august. Help will be on hand at every stage with Me (Erin O'Mara), Mat Southwell and Amy Massey from EuroNPUD. Mat and Amy will come to your area and physically help with the activities to make things as easy as possible.

The areas we need TWO groups in are....:(it can also be a group in a neighbouring area that can work inside one of these names areas - the top 20 for Overdoses in the UK).

1. Blackpool 20.1
2. Port Talbot 11.6
3. Burnley 11.3
4. Middlesbrough 11
5. Hartlepool 10.1
6. Gosport 10
7. Barrow in Furness 9.9
Torridge 9.9
8. Hastings 9.8
9. Weymouth 9.7
Swansea 9.7
10. Hyndburn 9.3
Portsmouth 9.3
Chesterfield 9.3
11. Tendring 9.2
Norwich 9.2
12. Liverpool 9.0
13. Thanet 8.9
14. Great Yarmouth 8.8
15. Scarborough 8.6
16. Gateshead 8.5
Rhondda 8.5
17. Manchester 8.3
Corby 8.3
18. Bournemouth 8.0
North Devon 8.0
Reading 8.0

Please email asap or call me Erin on 07432 056569

Thanks so much for your time in thinking about this short but important project.
NOTE: We may already as of this evening have the 2 remaining groups but if your group ,may be interested, do drop us an email to be on the standby / alternate list.

All the best


Dear UK Friends,

EuroNPUD is finalising a grant with Ethypharm to undertake a project linked to Overdose Awareness Day on 31 August in UK. The project will target 3 sites that have 2 x or more the national average for overdose rates. We also want to target areas of the country that claim to have a comprehensive service. Ethypharm have come up with a top 20 list of areas of the country.

The project is based on a mystery shopper testing of the local system from both a peer and parents point of view. This will lead to a report looking at access and barriers to access. If you have feedback about the mystery shopper stage approach this would be appreciated. We plan to develop and test the approach in the West Country.

We will then run an advocacy planning meeting in each area with local stakeholders which our local partner will organise with EuroNPUD logistics support I will facilitate. Each area will receive a small grant to support these two activities and a local defined advocacy engagement.

The report itself will be launched on 31 August. We are happy to discuss the best way of promoting the launch of report. We could either built an event with one of the local partners or connect with another project to maximise coverage and impact.

I need to identity three areas with a drug user group &/or activist &/or a progressive recovery group / activist &/or a parents group that we can work with as the lead local partner. It would also be helpful to have a constructive local drug agency and particularly one not linked to one of the major providers (because they will have flexibility to make decisions about an advocacy campaign without needing a lengthy process of approval from parent NGO). I would welcome feedback on the selection of sites based on the above criteria.

Amy Massey (EuroNPUD Project Administrator) and I will coordinate the project and support the local partners. Erin O'Mara (EuroNPUD Communications Coordinator) will be supporting the coms side of the project. We will draw on the template imagery from International OD Awareness Day.

I am just rescaling the project so I will have a proposal to share this afternoon.

1. Blackpool 20.1
2. Port Talbot 11.6
3. Burnley 11.3
4. Middlesbrough 11
5. Hartlepool 10.1
6. Gosport 10
7. Barrow in Furness 9.9
Torridge 9.9
8. Hastings 9.8
9. Weymouth 9.7
Swansea 9.7
10. Hyndburn 9.3
Portsmouth 9.3
Chesterfield 9.3
11. Tendring 9.2
Norwich 9.2
12. Liverpool 9.0
13. Thanet 8.9
14. Great Yarmouth 8.8
15. Scarborough 8.6
16. Gateshead 8.5
Rhondda 8.5
17. Manchester 8.3
Corby 8.3
18. Bournemouth 8.0
North Devon 8.0
Reading 8.0

Micro-dosing L*D / Modafinal

Im very sorry its been so long since posting here or on the blog - I promise to catch up with letters and comments -BP is just online these days and we are not terribly keen using facebook but blogging does happen as does answering letters -even if its on junk time...Hope to pick things up as BP has been offline more often than not due to other projects. Apologies again. Check out the latest posting tho below -on microdosing and modafinal. Hope evryones well!! Adios. BP x

Micro-dosing L*D for your mental health and Modafinal -How smart is a smart drug? 2 short videos take a lookie.


Now this is very interesting! Why oh why arent we doing this everywhere??? People need to have the opportunity to be able to educate themselves about what they are using -testing your drugs pre use, is a brilliant way to empower drug users to make safer choices and really grow as a user of substances, learning to ditch what is dodgy and hopefully having the knock on effect of drowing out the dodgy dealers as well. Good onya Switzerland!

Will Technology Change the Future of Addiction Treatment?

Kinda interesting article -was wondering just how technology, seeing that it is developing at such an incredible pace, what could it offer drug users? Ok - so this article looks at some of the ideas, mostly around online therapy of sorts, which, i guess could get to be useful if you found the right sort of therapy or support; for example, maybe developing better/stronger relapse prevention habits, to help you stay moderate in your use. The article mentioned briefly an APP that warned you about pubs you were about to walk past -which is a kinda cool idea maybe....or better still if it gave you directions to your house or wherever, avoiding where most of the pubs are or dealers streets etc (you would have to tell it the areas for drugs though i guess, although i can see an app being able to know where the high drug areas are located (arrests etc). But really - other things are more interesting like better, safer more tuned in to you type drugs, the vein finder kit (which is available now as Ultra Sound Guided Vein finder, type thing -they are very small and handy these days -see them on youtube). Would love to know what people thought about this subject or if they already know anything amazing technology is offering the drug user. The dark net of course is useful -a community run and rated and reviewed drug store with its own harm reduction discussions etc -now thats useful! -dont let anyone tell you otherwise! Out of the hands of scary people and sent by mail nice and safe.)

These treatments have a common trait: they use technology to replicate a therapy program that is already known to work when delivered by a human and they do so with consistency and convenience.

Belfast’s Pregabalin Addiction | Drugs Map of Britain

this just came out -and looks at the rise of the use of pregabalin -and its increase across Belfast Northern Ireland. Interesting stuff.

Pregabalin, a drug prescribed to treat anxiety, epilepsy and nerve pain has seen huge increases in prescription in Belfast, alongside the illegal trade of th...

Italy’s 20-Year Head Start on Stopping Overdose

Here is an interesting article about the Italian Naloxone research Indifference Busters told us about! Interestingly, the research seems to say that even though Italy had Naloxone available in pharmacies for around 20 years -it wasnt used that much - but it was through harm reduction services where the use of it was really taken up. No surprises there really - peer to peer or HR led interventions to encourage naloxone use is going to work every time over just leaving it sitting in a chemist waiting to be bought/given etc. But of course - we need it everywhere dont we - we NEED the chemist shop to be there ready to sell/give us a naloxone kit as soon as we run out of the one we had at home (which we probably would have gotten from a HR drop in or drug service!!). At the bottom of the article is the link to download the research -which is in English as well. Nice one Indifference Busters!

In the 1990s, doctors responded to a rise in overdose deaths by making the lifesaving antidote naloxone available over the counter and through harm reduction programs. What lessons can Italy offer other nations grappling with opioid crises today?

EU: Drug killings peril PH trade with Europe

Actually this is all just bu****it!!!! A tiny comment from the EU backed up by billions of dollars in grants. WTF? People are being kidnapped and murdered on the streets with full permission of the government!!! This is when we really really need governements to stand up and act -this durande is a total maniac -he makes no friends with anyone -and yet -the EU is going to give him over 320 MILLION dollars for 'various projects'. Its so pathetic.
"But Jessen assured that EU assistance would remain, including a grant of P17 billion for various projects. Negotiations for a free trade agreement between both sides have been going on since last year.

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Trade with Europe would be affected if the Philippines continued to ignore warnings on human rights violations, including its bloody war on illegal drugs that has led to thousands of deaths blamed on the police and vigilantes, the European Union’s envoy to Manila Franz Jessen has warned.

European Union warns that drug killings risk Philippine trade with Europe

About bloody time. Bloody being the operative word here. Very distressing this is dragging its feet while people, our peers, are being murdered in the street. This is when we really NEED governments to speak out AND back it up with ACTION.

Trade with Europe would be affected if the Philippines continued to ignore warnings on human rights violations, the European Union’s envoy to Manila Franz Jessen has warned.

How To Make Your Facebook Completely Private

Here is a REALLY useful video for making FB more private. Once you see it youll realise all the areas that are open for people to look at -I have just sealed everything up from the public (not friends) but there were WAY more areas you need to look at and 'switch off' etc, than you think. With all sorts of people looking on FB for info about people these days - really wise to secure your FB page -esp with the drugs stuff that could easily be dangerously misconstrued etc. good luck!

Click here to watch the updated version of this tutorial → │ How to change your Facebook privacy settings in order to stop peopl...

Jeff Sessions urges US prosecutors to target drugs in push against violent crime

fu***ng too depressing for words. Oh Yes, thats a good idea! Reverse common sense and re-start up an invigorated war on drugs (users) again. What a couple of dangerous pillocks Trump and Sessions are...It is too frightening for words to have these people in power today, our poor American peers are really going to suffer...very fu**ed up and very tragic. In solidarity,,,

Pivoting away from Obama-era priorities, attorney general sends memo to US attorneys as experts warn that ‘focusing on drugs does not make us safer’


Ketamine is an incredibly interesting drug that totally needs more research for the treatment of withdrawals etc -I know someone who came of he**in using K. And they were using it in China to help withdrawals. It cuts offfeeling the worst of the body pains and only lasts 20mins! So to use it sparingly but as an aid...fab! This is for alcohol -very interesting!

Looking for people to take part in our study - links to apply are in the article or email [email protected] for more details - please share or send on the anyone you think would want to be involved!


Here's a film I'd heard was being made, and now it's finished and sounds really good. Supported by INPUD as well, that's great news. Can't wait to see it - 7 drug users from 7 countries and see what they confront in a day in their life.

The film gives us an astonishingly intimate look at the lives, tribulations and inspiring resilience of drug using human beings.

Former addicts try to help drug users in Afghanistan

Just seen this article about Raheem in Afghanistan, another amazingly committed activist, who never seems to stop working!.Its great to see his group flagged up so often lately, such an amazingly challenging work environment, and done so incredibly well...

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Raheem Rejaey was a drug addict for 17 years. He lived under bridges in Kabul or in the ruins of buildings. His clothes reeked. In his

Take-Home Naloxone 2017: Revolution, Convolutions & Necessary Evolutions

FREE places still left at an especially good Naloxone conference with excellent programme of speakers, coming up on the 10th - Be there or be square

Programme: Session 1 · 10:00-11:15 | History of take-home naloxone and its evolution                              Session chair: Professor Sheila Bird (MRC Biostatistics Unit, Cambridge Professor Nancy Campbell (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA): Beyond harm reduction: the travels of THN in the...

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društvo AREAL in skupina AREALTRIBE

Congratulations to dear friend of EHRN Judy Chang on her appointment as the Executive Director of INPUD.

Second French City Opens a Drug Consumption Room

cmon France, keep going with this! Hopefully Britain will be right behind you! Well done x 100 to all the French activists who have been working so very hard for these changes. Brilliant.

Less than one month after inaugurating the country’s first ever drug consumption room (DCR), France has opened its second such facility in the northeast city of Strasb

Impact of treatment for opioid dependence on fatal drug‐related poisoning: a national cohort study in England

check this out.... Deaths in psychosocial-only treatment (i.e. no pharmacological component) were found to be DOUBLE the rate of deaths in treatment with a pharmacological component and non-pharm treatment is being pushed as part of the governments (non-evidence-based) ‘recovery’ agenda.

2. Deaths in psychosocial-only treatment (i.e. no pharmacological component) were found to be DOUBLE the rate of deaths in treatment with a pharmacological component and non-pharm treatment is being pushed as part of the governments (non-evidence-based) ‘recovery’ agenda.

To compare the change in illicit opioid users’ risk of fatal drug‐related poisoning (DRP) associated with opioid agonist pharmacotherapy (OAP) and psychological support, and investigate the modifying effect of patient characteristics, ...

Big Pharma is jacking up the price of the 'antidote' to the overdose crisis

Fu***ng Big Pharma never cease to amaze me - in the most horrific sense - jacking up the price of naloxone massively just because Obama has invested money in making it available to thousands of users? What a bunch of evil arseholes!!! Unbelievable! I presume this could affect us in the UK? To jack up the price of the naloxone epipen thing from $200 -to $2000 is just evil and soooo ! SHAME!!!

One form of the drug costs 17 times as much as it did two years ago.

World's First Hepatitis Die-In –

in just 2 days time -the 28th July - the worlds first Die-In for viral Hepatitis will be held in London in Piccadilly Circus. Dont miss your chance to create strength in unity by numbers and sheer determination -to get the message out there for Hepatitis!! It is, after all, World Hepatitis Day!

Thursday, 28 July 2016, Piccadilly Circus, London. WORLD'S FIRST DIE-IN FOR VIRAL HEPATITIS Every day 4,000 people die from viral hepatitis worldwide. There

Bradford Media Hub

Here is a guy protesting about the number of overdoses by burying himself underground for 3 days!!! He will be live streaming from the coffin he is in - shame he seems to have missed International Remembrance Day on the 21st July (yesterday John!) but hats off to him! He has got a lot of press -and I am sure will need a few encouragement messages along the way friends!

It was a pleasure to help John Edwards gain some media attention this week. In the past few days he's been on BBC Look North, BBC Radio Leeds, Premier Christian Radio, in the Halifax Courier, Belfast Telegraph and now the Metro...
Chart his progress via

Cruel and Unusual

If you want to hear a completely fascinating programme about the state of the death penalty in the USA -the drugs they want to use; from where and from whom do they get the drugs they need; what caused the recent shortage of sodium penthanol and what that soon meant to those waiting on death row; the incredible activist who has found a way to get right to the very heart of the death penalty performance, and then the MOST INCREDIBLE story as to how they actually came up with those 3 drugs that are involved in todays death penalty cocktail for an American lethal injection;...By the dudes from RadioLab, its a fascinating podcast -if you have an hour to listen -you wont be sorry.

On the inaugural episode of More Perfect, we explore three little words embedded in the 8th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution: “cruel and unusual.”


A book that came out 3 or 4 years ago, published by Medecins du Monde - and titled 'The History and Principles of Harm reduction' -within it you will find some of the most interesting commenters and activists from inside the harm reduction community. Some truly fascinating and beautifully written articles/chapters by some of our communitys most perceptive and insightful. Actually - on page 70, you will find an article/chapter by yours truly called Women of Substance -looking at the role women who use drugs have played in the history of drug use, drug treatment, and feminism. Seriously though, this book is full of fabulously interesting articles by leaders in the harm reduction movement and is well worth a read.

Between public health & social change.

A- Z Substances

Dont forget to check back for updates readers! Get the low down on your substance of choice and let us know what is missing -we are planning to open up a 'prescribed drugs' section for those on legal or black-market pharmaceuticals (pain medications, drug treatment options like methadone and buprenorphine etc). Leave a comment re what you think we should cover. BPs website is soon to undergo and complete revamp so start help us accumulate your thoughts and views. Over and out!

Welcome to our list of ‘A-Z of Substances of Use’ Based on Black Poppy magazine’s regular feature ‘Science On Substances’ where we feature a new drug every issue, here…

Trafficking in Drug Users

a BP oldie but a goodie about he**in prescribing

Trafficking in Drug Users -a classic BP text on the insanity of certain forms of drug treatment

S*x Workers' Opera - Bigger, Braver & Badder.

The Girls (and guys?) needs some funds to keep up the motion towards opening night-just a few grand to go - give them a hand - looks like a wicked show!

A show created & performed by S*x Workers & Friends locally & globally, breaking stigma & stereotypes through theatre, dance & song.


get involved comrades! all over the world -we are stronger with one voice!

Harm Reduction at Work

The inspirational and intelligent user activists R Balian and C White were among the first ever to pen such a document regarding employing PWUDs in the workplace; An essential tool to keep referring to on your shelf on important docs.

This book by the Open Society Public Health Program is a practical, hands-on guide for harm reduction and drug policy organizations that employ people who use drugs.

England’s PrEP policy in disarray after NHS U-turn

Hmm this is interesting, does it say cash strapped NHS or, we dont approve of this opportunity for sero discordant couples /positive people to have s*x without a condom only using a pill. Make them all wear condoms dammit -the Brits dont like to pay for pleasure! (ok so thats a bit cheeky of me, but as usual they are making a mess of this - it seems to forget that people will find a way and blackmarket truvada is already being used among some MSM's, allowing nites of wild and passionate abandon -sans condom -seemingly secure in their under the counter truvada pill, to keep them safe from infection. One can see the logic, and the risks,; so why not make it available for those who really want it. Not every person is going to be banging down the door to take an anti HIV medication - why would you, they are heavy drugs -unless you really had to/ought to? An opportunity being missed methinks.

Activists, individuals at risk of HIV, and clinicians have reacted with anger to an official U-turn on provision of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). NHS England officials have refused to allow a draft policy on PrEP to go forward for further consideration. “By denying full availability of PrEP w…


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