Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord🙏❤️ #fbreelsvideo #dailyreminder #bibleverse #TrustInTheLord #HopeInTheLord #shuntheworld #GodBless
Be strong and of good courage🙏❤️ #fbreelsvideo #dailyreminder #courage #Godiswithus #bibleverse #shuntheworld #GodBless
Great is thy faithfulness🙏❤️
#fbreelsvideo #mercies #compassionfailnot #faithfulness #dailyreminder #bibleverse #shuntheworld #GodBlessYou
The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord🙏❤️ #fbreelsvideo #dailyreminder #bibleverse #stepsoffaith #hedelightethhisway #christianyouth #shuntheworld #GodBlessYou
RECOGNIZE THIS LONGING AS THE VOICE OF GOD TO YOUR SOUL❤️🙏. #fbreelsvideo #voiceofGod #Christianyouth #dailyreminder #StepsToChrist #shuntheworld #GodBless
All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes; but the Lord weigheth the spirits.🙏❤️ #dailyreminder #shuntheworld #christianity #fbreels #Godweigheth #GodBless
Pray always🙏 #shuntheworld #dailyreminder #pray #GodBless
All things work together for good!
Keep holding onto God's promises 🤝
#dailyreminder #love #purpose #dailybibleverse #biblequotes #motivational #inspirational #GodBless #shuntheworld #WordOfGod
Make God first and last and best in everything.❤️🙏 #HappySabbath #dailyreminder #shuntheworld #MakeGodFirst #GodBless
Haii... Here is a Reminder for Today
Do not fear, He will help you 🫶
#dailyreminder #donotfear #Godslove #assurance #bible #biblestudy #love #fear #GodBless #shuntheworld
Rest assured my friends because God will never break His promises. God Bless everyone 🤝
#assurance #Godslove #dailyverse #GodsPromise #dailyreminder #dailyviral #bibleverse #GodBless #shuntheworld
May we all offer prayer to GOD everyday like as if He is our Bestfriend!
#prayer #communionwithGod #HappySabbath #dailyreminder #dailyverse #fbreelsvideo #GodBless #shuntheworld
To God we owe all we have and are.🙏❤️ #dailyreminder #fbreelsvideo #shuntheworld #togodweowe #GodBless
Allow faithfulness and love to grow in the chambers of your heart.
#dailyverse #dailyreminder #motivational #christianyouth #faithfulness #love #GodBless #shuntheworld #fbreelsvideo
Too many, in planning for a brilliant future, make an utter failure.🙏 #dailyreminder #shuntheworld #christianyouth #GodsPlan #GodBless #fbreelsvideo
Through all your trials ... you have had a never-failing Friend.🙏❤️ #dailyreminder #shuntheworld #fbreels #neverfailingfriend #trials #christianyouths #savinggrace #GodBless
Talk about the good and positive things so it will be manifested in your everyday life.. God Bless!
#GodBless #talkaboutgoodthings #dailyreminder #motivational #dailyverse #christianyouth #shuntheworld #christian
Rest in His arms.
#shuntheworld #dailyreminder #dailyverse #motivational #christianyouth #RestInHisPresence #GodBless #morningmotivation
He who takes Christ for his guide will be led safely home.🙏 #dailyreminder #reelsfb #christianyouth #SafelyHome #HeavenAtLast #shuntheworld #GodBless #
Happy Sabbath!
Put your confidence to God!
#reelsfb #GodBless #dailyreminder #HappySabbath
And we shall learn that, however great our trials may be, they cannot exceed what Christ endured.🙏 #dailyreminder #MessagesToYoungPeople #trialsandtribulations #shuntheworld #christianyouth #reelsfb #GodBless
#reelsfb #shuntheworld #bibleverse #inspirational #surrendertogod #confidence #dailyreminder #GodBless
For who knoweth what is good for man in this life? #whoknows #goodforyou #dailyreminder #bibleverse #shuntheworld #reelsfb #GodBless
Consecrate yourself to God EVERY DAY!
#shuntheworld #dailyreminder #bibleverse #consecration #surrendertogod #motivational #inspirational #christianyouth #GodBless #reelsfb
There is not a motive in the heart that the Lord does not read.🙏❤️ #dailyreminder #christianyouth #shuntheworld #heReads #HappySabbath #GodBless
He knows the sorrows which we feel to the depth of our being!❤️🙏 #dailyreminder #christianyouth #heknows #sorrows #shuntheworld #godblessyou
In HIS strength we can do anything, so cheer up and ask God for strength, believe and He will grab your drowning heart! God Bless!
#christianyouth #WordOfGod #shuntheworld #GodBlessYou #dailyreminder #motivational #inspiring #bibleverse #DailyWordofGod #shuntheworld #savinggrace #Philippians4v13 #HisStrength
There is a God that hears prayer.🙏❤️ #dailyreminder #WordOfGod #christianyouth #Godhearsourprayers #GodBlessYou
Happy is that people whose GOD is the LORD
#shuntheworld #GodBless #dailyreminder #christiantiktok #TrustGod #bibleverse #christianyouth #GodIsReal #bibleverseoftheday #bible #psalms #inspirational #motivational
Our God is mightier ☝️
#christiantiktok #praywithoutceasing #christianyouth #TrustGod #dailyreminder #GodBless #christian #heismighty #shuntheworld