Transport Evolved

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  • Transport Evolved

Transport Evolved We cover the world of cleaner, greener, safer and smarter transport with fun, informative content created daily on our YouTube page!


We've not done an edit stream for a really long time - Here's our Edit stream for TEN pisode 497!


This is probably the saddest thing I've had to write in a while, but the comments are back, and I don't see a way for them to not be. In the last two weeks, I've enjoyed the improved quality of comments on platforms outside of YouTube. Our Discord chat room has improved in numbers and quality. It's been great to see people getting involved here more. And my mental health dramatically improved because I wasn't seeing hate every day.

But our income fell dramatically. Aside from the few people no-longer supporting us, calling us 'cowards' and 'wimps' for not allowing comments (yes, there were a few), our Ad Revenue and eyeballs for videos fell off a metaphorical cliff.

For the two weeks where we didn't allow comments, our ad revenue on YouTube fell by as much as $600 over the previous month (where we'd been moderating more heavily than usual) and by several thousand from when we weren't moderating at all.

At the end of last week, I started an experiment: allow comments on a few videos to see what would happen. Almost immediately, view counts came back, and so too has ad revenue.

YouTube has told me again and again it doesn't punish if you turn off comments, and while correlation does not equal causation, it's the second time we've tried this and had similar results.

It is clear that in the age of AI, hate is viewed as engagement. And that's rewarded. I have to choose between keeping the channel alive and allowing hate, or letting the channel fold. I choose to keep my team employed and our coverage spread. I may be less willing to engage though, as a result.

YouTube doesn't take kindly to people using bots or automated systems. It now punishes people if they think their viewers are using repeat views on a video from multiple accounts (but the same IP address). So, I have some basic requests to make.

First, do not engage with the hate. We will try and do the same.

Second, engage with and lift up civil posts.

Third, share our videos with friends and family. Talk about our content, promote our Patreon, and tell people why we're making good stuff.

Fourth, report spam and hate. We ultimately have to report it from our end, but in the past, when we've reported harassment on YouTube and other platforms (mainly Facebook), we've been told it doesn't count, often because people are using words or phrases that aren't picked up by traditional anti-discrimination stuff.

Finally, keep supporting and watching. And understand that while we'd LOVE to be able to moderate to keep hate away, we're actively not being supported by the platforms we're on to make that possible. Know that it being there is not our condoning of it. We despise hate.

I'm going to remove the posts discussing why we turned off comments. They seem pointless now. I'm going to be spending more time away from YouTube, and less energy engaging with people for my own sanity and mental health. But I will continue making videos. Hopefully, I'll get to see some of you in Canada in a few weeks time.

Much love, and may apologies for not being able to find a better solution. We're not in a world yet where money doesn't matter. And I need to be able to pay the team.

Nikki. x

This video was difficult to make, and we took our time. But what we said in this video needs to be said. hashtag  has ch...

This video was difficult to make, and we took our time. But what we said in this video needs to be said.

hashtag has changed. He's no-longer primarily focused on electric vehicles or indeed making the planet better. And he's sidetracked with hateful right-wing politics.

All of us in the hashtag world need to stop enabling him, and hold him accountable to higher standards.

If we don't, we're just enabling him, and tacitly agreeing with his... often extreme views.

This week, the U.S. Republican Party is holding its 20204 conference at which it has confirmed its nomination of former President Trump and Senator JD. Vance...


Hi everyone.

Nikki here.

You may have noticed that our comments have been turned off on videos. This will likely result in a massive downshift in comment interaction, and people claiming that we are trampling on free speech. We are not.

However, the level of hate and violence represented in our comments section has been growing in a seemingly exponential way of late. Every single day, I've woken up to pages and pages of some truly horrible stuff in our YouTube comments section. Each week, processing the comments section is taking more and more time.

Some of it has been politically directed at EVs and greener transportation in general. Some of it has been dedicated to spreading misinformation about electric vehicles, and trying to discredit what we - and other channels - do in the sector.

Some have just been of a contrarian, argumentative nature that most people learn is not acceptable in primary school. We have watched as entire comment threads have exploded as people end up trading threats and insults. And then we've had to deal with threats from people fed up that we are not dealing with things in an effective as a matter as possible. We've actually lost supporters because we've not handled comments 'quickly' enough.

But then there's been the really horrible comments. Ones that betray darker intent.

Some because we cover EVs. Some because we call for democratic and fair elections and try to be as clear and succinct as possible in our discussion of politics. Some of it has been directed to us because of our channel's team - the fact that everyone at Transport Evolved (by coincidence, not design) fits in somewhere under the LBTQIA + flag. Many of them because I and Kate are open trans people.

You do not see much of the comments, because they are flagged and held for moderation before you see them. Sometimes, they slip through. And sometimes they are shielded in double-speak language (like using the number eight twice to signify a neo-nazi salutation), or as someone has more recently attempted, "41 percent", which is a taunt used to target trans and non-binary individuals relating to claimed rates of people considering unaliving themselves.

On multiple occasions, someone has called my phone and said nothing. Sometimes, we get messages through our personal email, and on at least one occasion, someone using what appears to be an anonymous email service from overseas sent a threat with my home address in it.

And sadly, every time Elon Musk mentions anti-trans sentiments or makes a political movement toward the right, the hate grows, and the threats grow.

Some will say that I need to grow a thicker skin. Some will say I'm exaggerating, but I am not.

What I can say is that the comments, the hate, the vitriol, has really begun to hurt my mental health. I have spent hours and hours crying at weekends. My wife would frankly be happy if I folded the channel today. But despite the hate, I love the community in the EV world, the kindness, the support, the desire to make the world better for everyone - not just those who can afford to buy the latest and most expensive EVs.

I believe TE needs to exist. I believe that we need people talking about more than just one or two brands, and talking about the subjects that matter to enabling a wider transition to a cleaner, greener, safer, smarter and more equitable future. I also love and respect my team, and I want them to be able to continue to have a job, to have healthcare, and to help make the world a better place. I believe our editorial quality is excellent. And I think we have a part to still play.

But for now, as we approach the U.S. election, and who some of our team are and who they love is becoming increasingly attacked by extremes, I cannot ask them to continue to deal with the comments thread. And my mental health cannot continue to deal with them, either.

While free speech is important, and it's important to allow people to exchange their ideas, it's not okay to conflate free speech with harassment and hate.

Because YouTube can't deal with the amount of spam and hate that's flooding the platform, I've taken the tough decision to turn off comments for a while. If you wish to discuss a video, you're more than welcome to join the team and other viewers in our Discord chat room - - where civil, respectful discussion is welcomed. It's free to join, and there's a good team of volunteer moderators who keep spam away and content safe.

Finally, we're always welcoming of new Patreon supporters. Turning off comments to protect us comes at the expense of ad revenue, so any support people can give will be gratefully received. It costs approximately $12,000 a month to keep this channel running - just to pay salaries, insurance, bills, medical aid, and keep equipment running.

You can join our Patreon supporters at

I anticipate we will loose supporters over this. I can hear some folks unsubscribing now. But the choice is this - or we don't continue to exist ... I'd love to say that would be just as a channel, but given where some of our team have been of late due to the hate, it could be far worse.

If we can't keep ourselves safe, we can't continue to make content. So I choose safety.


Check out the Transport Evolved community on Discord - hang out with 1220 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat.

One of our presenters, Kate, has an aging Kia Soul EV. Following a software update to improve battery monitoring last ye...

One of our presenters, Kate, has an aging Kia Soul EV. Following a software update to improve battery monitoring last year, it showed a power limited warning, and diagnostics at the dealership led to her being told she needed a new (remanufactured) battery from Korea.

It's taken more than six months to arrive - but now the dealership says it's been told to not fit it.

Last year Kate's 2015 Kia Soul EV was the recalled due to a battery fault that means that, in a very specific set of circumstances, the traction battery pack...

We just drove the 2024 Ford Mustang Mach-E GT - What a beast!

We just drove the 2024 Ford Mustang Mach-E GT - What a beast!

Back in 2019 (We did say 2018 in the video - whoops) - Nikki was invited to view the Ford Mustang Mach-E ahead of its official LA Auto Show debut. An in the ...


It's time for our April 2024 LIvestream!
Join Nikki Gordon-Bloomfield as she gives you some updates from the channel, detail some of the things that are coming down the pipeline, and much more besides.

Presenter: Nikki Gordon-Bloomfield.
Art and Animation: Erin Carlie
© Transport Evolved LLC, 2024

Join this channel to get access to perks:
This video was made possible thanks to the kind donations of our supporters on Patreon and Ko-fi. Join them in supporting us.
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Buy the team a coffee -- or a meal!
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Follow our 'second' channel - Transport Evolved Take Two, at
Join our Discord server at
Follow the show on Mastodon:
Use the TE Aptera referral code - - but watch our explainer video FIRST:
Sign up for EnergySage at


It's time for our March 2024 LIvestream!
Join Nikki Gordon-Bloomfield as she gives you some updates from the channel, detail some of the things that are coming down the pipeline, and much more besides.

Presenter: Nikki Gordon-Bloomfield.
Art and Animation: Erin Carlie
© Transport Evolved LLC, 2024

Join this channel to get access to perks:
This video was made possible thanks to the kind donations of our supporters on Patreon and Ko-fi. Join them in supporting us.
Support us on Patreon:
Buy the team a coffee -- or a meal!
Support us by buying some merch at
Follow our 'second' channel - Transport Evolved Take Two, at
Join our Discord server at
Follow the show on Mastodon:
Use the TE Aptera referral code - - but watch our explainer video FIRST:
Sign up for EnergySage at


It's time for our January 2024 LIvestream!
Join Nikki Gordon-Bloomfield she gives you some updates from the channel, detail some of the things that are coming down the pipeline, and much more besides.

Presenter: Nikki Gordon-Bloomfield and Kate Walton-Elliott
Art and Animation: Erin Carlie
© Transport Evolved LLC, 2024

Join this channel to get access to perks:
This video was made possible thanks to the kind donations of our supporters on Patreon and Ko-fi. Join them in supporting us.
Support us on Patreon:
Buy the team a coffee -- or a meal!
Support us by buying some merch at
Follow our 'second' channel - Transport Evolved Take Two, at
Join our Discord server at
Follow the show on Mastodon:
Use the TE Aptera referral code - - but watch our explainer video FIRST:
Sign up for EnergySage at


We've got the worst of bad news...


Hey everyone!

Happy December! Here's hoping this month is awesome and productive for everyone!

Unfortunately, our Patreon support has dropped by nearly $2,000 this month, mainly due to unprocessed pledges and bouncing cards (plus some people who have, mainly through circumstance, had to re-evaluate their pledges).

We're only able to continue to produce the content we do if you continue to support us, so we'd love your help to keep our channel healthy, afloat, and funded.

You can support us via Patreon at

Thank you x


A Statement on Elon Musk, Tesla.

As a news channel that reports on cleaner, greener, safer, smarter and more equitable and accessible vehicles, focus on the vehicles themselves, discussing what they bring to the table, what they offer customers, and how they help transition our world away from fossil fuels. But also we endeavor to provide that information within the context of the greater social and environmental transition to a lower carbon future.

That means that in addition to offering reviews and more traditional news, we also offer our opinions on the automakers who produce those vehicles, praising them when they do something that is of merit, and criticizing them when they do something abhorrent.

No single automaker in the world today is free of criticism, nor are any worthy of nothing but plaudits. And in a complex world, we have complex reactions to the various automakers that produce cars we like. We do not agree with excessive pay for auto-industry executives when compared with shop floor workers. We do not agree with price gouging or dealer markups, and we do not agree with automakers promoting electric vehicles with one hand while making more gas-guzzlers with the other.

We have criticized automakers and executives when they have acted inappropriately, and offered praise when they have taken a step in the right direction. However, in the electric vehicle industry, we have allowed a trope to develop: legacy automakers bad, startups good. Or rather, Legacy bad, Tesla good.

This, historically, has led to plenty of apologists in our comments section using 'whataboutism' and other diversionary tactics to excuse the behavior of Elon Musk outside of his role as CEO of Tesla. They've argued that Mr. Musk's public attacks on everything from COVID-19 policies to the LGBTQIA+ community, Awesomepoliticians and rival brands can be excused for a myriad of reasons. They've argued that the positives of Tesla and other Musk-led companies outweighs his public statements. And some have argued that his behavior is a consequence of neurodivergence, and to point them out is discriminatory.

We have been sounding the alarm on Elon Musk's journey toward authoritarianism. We have called out his transphobia, spreading of misinformation, and most recently antisemitism. And we have reiterated time and time again that it is possible to acknowledge the good of electric cars made by Tesla, the success of Tesla's Supercharger network, and the impact that Tesla has made on the EV industry while also calling out Elon Musk's abhorrent behavior.

Earlier today, Elon Musk, aided by some allies in several U.S. states, took on Media Matters, a US non-profit organization that aims to fight extremist misinformation. In addition to attorneys general in Missouri and Texas threatening the organization with investigations, X filed papers in Texas suing Media Matters for reporting on anti-semitic posts on X being placed near to adverts from major U.S. companies, including Intel, Apple, and others. X, and by association, Musk, alleges that Media Matters is misrepresenting the truth and claims that Media Matters manipulated the X website in order to get adverts appearing alongside anti-semitic content. Last week Mr. Musk referred to a post claiming that Jewish people were “anit-white’ with the words “You have said the actual truth”, a comment that implies he agrees with the antisemitic nature of the original post.

We believe that it is the duty of every electric vehicle fan, owner, and advocate to strongly denounce Elon Musk’s behavior, and we hope that Tesla’s board of directors sees it fit to distance themselves from Elon Musk. Not doing so sends a very clear and dangerous message that will reverberate throughout history for generations to come.


We're in the final two weeks of November, and with Thanksgiving on the way, we felt today was the perfect time to give you our monthly YouTube hangout.

Join Nikki Gordon-Bloomfield and Kate Walton-Elliott as they give you some updates from the channel, detail some of the things that are coming down the pipeline, and much more besides.

Presenters: Nikki Gordon-Bloomfield and Kate Walton-Elliott
Art and Animation: Erin Carlie
© Transport Evolved LLC, 2023

Join this channel to get access to perks:
This video was made possible thanks to the kind donations of our supporters on Patreon and Ko-fi. Join them in supporting us.
Support us on Patreon:
Buy the team a coffee -- or a meal!
Support us by buying some merch at
Follow our 'second' channel - Transport Evolved Take Two, at
Join our Discord server at
Follow the show on Mastodon:
Use the TE Aptera referral code - - but watch our explainer video FIRST:
Sign up for EnergySage at


It's time for an impromptu livestream in which we detail some of the issues we're having lately with Youtube, Facebook, and other platforms.

Watch our videos on buying EVs -
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Buy one of our Halloween T-Shirts:


Script: Nikki Gordon-Bloomfield
Presenters: Nikki Gordon-Bloomfield
Editor, Colorist: Michael Horton
Art and Animation: Erin Carlie
Producer: Nikki Gordon-Bloomfield
© Transport Evolved LLC, 2023

Join this channel to get access to perks:
This video was made possible thanks to the kind donations of our supporters on Patreon and Ko-fi. Join them in supporting us.
Support us on Patreon:
Buy the team a coffee -- or a meal!
Support us by buying some merch at
Follow our 'second' channel - Transport Evolved Take Two, at
Join our Discord server at
Follow the show on Mastodon:
Follow the show on PeerTube: [email protected]
Use the TE Aptera referral code - - but watch our explainer video FIRST:
Sign up for EnergySage at


Our recent review of the Aptera Gamma prototype (link here if you haven't seen it - - gave a comprehensive and honest description of our time behind the wheel. It covered some of the changes that are coming down the line from Aptera. It detailed what was and wasn't close to the production vehicle, and it even covered a mishap brought about by the company CEO taking Gamma out for a drive prior to our filming -- and failing to properly start the prototype up.

But over the weekend, The Sun, a tabloid newspaper that's part of the Murdoch empire (and is thus notorious for its lack of journalistic integrity) tried to cover our original video - but made our experience look very different to what it actually was.

Today, we're going to tell our side of the story. And debunk some of the nonsense the Sun's article tries to pass off as accurate facts - as well as answer some of the criticism and questions fired our way over the weekend by a fair few in the Comments Section.


Buy one of our Halloween T-Shirts:


Presenter: Nikki Gordon-Bloomfield and Kate Walton-Elliott
Producer: Nikki Gordon-Bloomfield
© Transport Evolved LLC, 2023

This video was made possible thanks to the kind donations of our supporters on Patreon and Ko-fi. Join them in supporting us.
Support us on Patreon:
Buy the team a coffee -- or a meal!
Join our YouTube channel at
Support us by buying some merch at
Follow our 'second' channel - Transport Evolved Take Two, at
Join our Discord server at
Follow the show on Mastodon:
Follow the show on PeerTube: [email protected]
Use the TE Aptera referral code - - but watch our explainer video FIRST:
Sign up for EnergySage at


Can you help Transport Evolved Out?

Since we started off as a podcast in 2010, we've grown to become a fully-fledged YouTube channel offering coverage of cleaner, greener, safer, smarter and more equitable forms of transportation.

We love covering every new vehicle that comes to market, but we also love covering used vehicles, public transit, micromobility and more. And while we've grown to more than 150,000 subscribers with a team of three full time and one part time staff, recent changes to YouTube have started to hit home hard.

In the last year or so, YouTube's algorithm has switched to promoting short-form videos and videos that are controversial (rather than factual). At Fully Charged Live Canada two weeks ago, we had multiple people come up and ask why we weren't creating content any more (when we create content on our main channel four days a week).

The reality? YouTube is no-longer telling our subscribers when we have new content, and we have now encountered too many people to count who have been unsubscribed from our channel without their approval or knowledge.

At the same time, our ad revenue has fallen thanks to an influx of computer-generated content with clickbait titles and no factual reporting. Videos that claim Elon Musk has just purchased Ford, or that Tesla's latest flying car will launch this year. We've watched some of these videos, videos with more than 1 million views in some cases, and they're completely fabricated, using stolen footage from other content creators channels and making use of a Chat GPT-written script and computer-synthesised voice.

We - and we're not alone here as there are other creators int he same boat - can't compete with this. We are slowly dying.

Back in 2020, our ad revenue during a good month was upwards of $8,000. This month, it's below $1500. Despite making some of our best and most engaging content, we're being killed by a platform that's not sharing our output.

We have some alternative video platforms we're working on, including Peertube, but we're also not eager to host our content on X (as some have suggested) because our team, an LGBTQ+ team, have suffered huge amounts of harassment on there in the past.

Luckily, we have an amazing group of 1,510 Patreon supporters who donate every month some of their hard-earned money to help us stay independent and impartial, and without our generous Patreon supporters, TE wouldn't exist today. We have other revenue streams (like third-party video production work and white-label content), but again, we have bills to pay - including staff salaries and health insurance. (Nikki is the one who rarely gets paid).

So we're asking those who can to consider supporting our channel from just $1 a month over at Right now, 1% of our viewers support the channel. We'd love that to grow, so that we can make up for the falling YouTube revenue.

Thank you.


We're making some changes to our Patreon levels and how we acknowledge our Patreons moving forward - so we thought it was a great time to tell you about supporting the channel from just $1 a month!

Join us for a live stream, ask questions, and see what we've got planned!


Presenters: Nikki Gordon-Bloomfield and Kate Walton-Elliott
Art and Animation: Erin Carlie
© Transport Evolved LLC, 2023

Join this channel to get access to perks:
This video was made possible thanks to the kind donations of our supporters on Patreon and Ko-fi. Join them in supporting us.
Support us on Patreon:
Buy the team a coffee -- or a meal!
Support us by buying some merch at
Follow our 'second' channel - Transport Evolved Take Two, at
Join our Discord server at
Follow the show on Mastodon:
Use the TE Aptera referral code - - but watch our explainer video FIRST:
Sign up for EnergySage at


We've had several people ask - so here's a very quick how for using our discount code to buy tickets for Fully Charged Live Canada

1) Head to
2) Click to buy tickets.
3) Select your tickets.
4) Enter "TE25" at checkout!


It's coming up on the end of July and we’ve not yet given you our monthly update on the channel in the form of a livestream. But don’t worry - because we’re still got time TODAY to make that a reality!

Join Nikki Gordon-Bloomfield she gives you some updates from the channel, detail some of the things that are coming down the pipeline, and much more besides.

Presenter: Nikki Gordon-Bloomfield
Art and Animation: Erin Carlie
© Transport Evolved LLC, 2023

Join this channel to get access to perks:
This video was made possible thanks to the kind donations of our supporters on Patreon and Ko-fi. Join them in supporting us.
Support us on Patreon:
Buy the team a coffee -- or a meal!
Support us by buying some merch at
Follow our 'second' channel - Transport Evolved Take Two, at
Join our Discord server at
Follow the show on Mastodon:
Use the TE Aptera referral code - - but watch our explainer video FIRST:
Sign up for EnergySage at



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