As I was preparing dinner, I had this thought: if we had a potluck, who is mostly to bring what dish, and here’s what I came up with! 🥰😆 Tell me I’m wrong! Am I wrong?
Who is most likely to bring the dish:
🥓 Bacon wrapped asparagus and homemade Hollandaise sauce🥚: Kendra
🧁 Homemade dessert/cupcakes: Alison
🍉🥕 Fruit and veggie tray without mushrooms 🍄: MeanJeanD
🌭 Pigs in a blanket (cause little piggies are little toes 🤪), a baby 👶🏻 and icecream: Grunting Tuna
🥩 Grilling steak and jarred homemade hot-sauce 🌶 : Dreamerboiibeats
A non noodle dish 😉 🍜: Burt
If I missed you, drop your dish in the comments! ⬇️
Tell me I’m wrong! 🧐