Words that once trickled across the world in days or weeks now flood it within minutes. That rushing tide has changed the nature of business, and it's changing literature. We strive to challenge the ordinary. We hope to transform, for those of you who write, how you're read and who wants to read you. Our goal is to provide unknown writers of both nonfiction and fiction with opportunities that trad
itional publishing couldn't offer, not in a martini-soaked, double-breasted, Park Avenue-tripping million years. We're committed to giving as many people as possible the chance to read your words and experience your vision. We want you not only to feel appreciated, but to know it. We recognize that the pursuit of excellence is just that: a pursuit. Our primary motivation for publishing a book is not the number of copies it will sell, but how deeply its words resonate with us and how much potential we see within its author. We're drawn to the power of a coherent mind and a fantastic soul, mesmerized by a unique voice, entranced by sharply articulated insights and masterfully written tales. These are the same values that have enticed audiences since the telling of the first stories, and they often become lost within the modern business of literature. We want our authors to succeed, not merely for the sake of this company, but for themselves and for the benefit of their readers, whose trust and willingness to be transported by the power of language is the reason we're here. We're bohemian technophiles who understand that bytes and pixels present an unprecedented opportunity to connect independent thinkers and storytellers with readers. We offer extraordinarily high revenues to writers, who, like us, are looking for no greater success than the chance to create and be supported while doing so. We're also a family, with a small staff and a small but growing stable of writers, all determined to explore what it means to be a writer in the 21st century. Above all else: we are writers helping writers, in service to our readers. We consider Muse Harbor to be a place of sanctuary and tranquility. For those of you who write, check us out. For those of you who read, we offer a simple gift: productive, happy, prolific writers who have amazing stories to tell.