Request for Qualifications!
LexArts Inc. in association with the City of Lexington (Council District 6), seeks an artist to work with students at Bryan Station High School, throughout the semester, to design and paint a public mural on substrate material that will be installed on the walls of a railroad underpass.
Our goal is to select an experienced artist who will supervise, and work with students to design and paint murals throughout the spring school semester, to be installed on the railroad underpass at Old Paris Road in June 2025. There is no application fee to enter.
Apply Now: https://form.jotform.com/243445806101954
More information: https://lexarts.org/connect/artist-and-industry-opportunities/
Project Budget
Compensation will be provided to the selected artist(s) at $50/hr with an anticipation of up to $35,000 for participation in the project. This wage includes the artist(s)' time and effort for designing, painting, and working with students.
Selection Process
The submitted qualifications will be reviewed by a selection committee comprised of the students at Bryan Station High School, arts professionals, and community leaders. The committee will identify one or more artist(s) who will be selected to work with the students and create the mural. Individual artists or artist teams are encouraged to apply.
Critical Selection Factors
• Artistic distinction
• Experience creating high-quality largescale murals
• Experience or willingness to work with youth through the design and creation process
• Central Kentucky Residency
For more information, please contact Nathan Zamarron at 859-255-2951 or [email protected]