Fake Electors; Faker Bagels
Lansing, Michigan
Republican Trump Loyalists—their options dwindling—held a series of fake Electoral College meetings across swing states on December 14th and assigned their fake votes to Donald Trump.
Usually upbeat and energized with chants of “stop the steal,” for the first time, the mood last night was somber.
“Joe Biden will never be my President,” said Ezekiel Jones, a self-proclaimed Michigan militiaman and outdoor pizza oven enthusiast.
“But we were told there’d be bagels. Like, why lie about that?” He looked away and couldn’t complete the interview.
“They could’ve been day-olds, wouldn’t have cost em nothing,” chimed in Ezekiel’s friend, Timothy Jenkins.
Timothy identifies as a local Craigslist buyer-seller and was not at all inspired by the individual snack pack of pretzels he was given after the fake event.
Indeed, across the country, physical brochures and splash pages online had promised an “alternate democracy” but also “fresh-baked pies,” “spreads and dips,” and other local fare depending upon the region.
The Trump re-election faithful are being tested and not everyone is choosing to let things slide.
“If they’ll lie about heavy hor d’oeuvres, what else are they lying about?” said a fake elector who wished to keep his identity and pronunciation of hor d’oeuvres anonymous.
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