Looking for help. As of today I have 1 tournament left to edit. (Which should have been done already but kind of dragging my feet so the media isn't done) I don't know what I am doing right or what I am doing wrong. All I do know is there isn't ANY money coming in to JBTV and I don't have ANY left to give it. Cameras are getting older, batteries are starting to die. So... When do I call it quits? When do I say enough is enough? I have reached out to anyone I could to see if there was any work or collab we could do to get the funds flowing and so far I have gotten clothes and discounted discs. Which are nice but not really what I need to grow JbTv. I know I don't have JomezPro Quality or speed, but when I am devoted to this I put out a good quality at a decent time. (In reality I could do next day coverage if everything went right) BUT..... When i give it my all and don't feel like I am getting anywhere it takes a toll on me. Some may know some may not. I suffer from ptsd bipolar depression and anxiety. I was told last year at the DR that I was the most depressed person she had ever met and step away from a hospital. I have spent time in the padded hospital room and will never do it again. I just want help in not giving up on the dream. When you send me texts, Please don't start out with... When is this going to be done. Maybe start off with Hey, Hope all is going well. Just wondering ..... So on so on. If you have any ideas on what I should do or could do to keep this going my pm is always open to talk. If you ever have a hard day and need someone to talk to, MY PM IS ALWAYS OPEN. Just know if tomorrow jbtv isn't a thing, That I have never wanted anything to work more then this. I have never spent more money and time on one thing in my life, never stressed out over anything like pushing out a round of golf. 2020 was set to be the break through year for JbTv, Now it may just be the Breaking of Jbtv. Hope everyone has a Wonderful Christmas. Stay safe and hopefully Jbtv will be at a event near you in 2021.