Hello Austin friends!
The Austin Ecstatic Dance Center is now open and available for rentals, please DM me if you'd like me to send you an info sheet.
The Founder's Pass is our first offering, and I'm pasting in what I've written about it along with the link to sign up at the bottom. Thanks!
Why - The Founder’s Pass is a way for our community members to help keep the AEDC financially stable throughout it’s first full year of business, as well as ensure that we can keep our pricing affordable and stable for longer periods of time.
The Austin Ecstatic Dance Center exists primarily to serve the extended and intersecting ecstatic dance and conscious communities of Austin. We are focused on providing affordable event space that is safe, inclusive and accessible. While we have chosen to remain a for-profit business, AEDC will be run lean and operated using conscious community principles of transparency and connection.
What - The Founder’s Pass is a commitment of financial support at $100 per month for 12 months. While this initial offering of the Founder’s Pass does offer a great value, our intent is for it to be purchased by supporters rather than folks who are trying to maximize their budget.
Currently, the Founder’s Pass includes the Tribal Joy Sunday morning ecstatic dance and the upcoming Austin Ecstatic Rhythms Wednesday night ecstatic dance.
In the coming months we plan to add some additional perks to the Founder’s Pass, like classes, a small rental discount and some others.
We are only offering this pass for this first year, and only for the first 52 people who sign up.
Where - Austin Ecstatic Dance Center, 10203 Old Manchaca Rd, Suite C, Austin TX 78748 www.austinecstaticdancecenter.com
When - As we continue to rent the space, we hope to be booked full of community events, and that our people will be there all the time! :-)
Who - This is for everyone that has been wanting a more permanent home for substance/alcohol free dances, events and community space and has the means to support AEDC as we create it!
Would you like to sign up to be a founding member of AEDC?