In my short time as an adult and a parent, I've grown much more than I could have alone. I've found so much truth in the following 5 irrefutable truths, and I hope that you'll discover truths for yourself in the following statements. Realize that having Things is just that, it's just things. We all end up at the same destination whether we drive a $!50,000 car or a $2,000 car.
Don't educate your children to be rich, educate them to be happy. So that when they grow up, they understand the value of things and not their price.
Eat your food as medicine, otherwise you'll have to eat your medicine as food.
The ones who truly loves you will never leave you. Even if you have 100 reasons to give up, you will always find a reason to hold on.
There's a big difference between being a human and being.
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.