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New Blog Post - The 5 Essentials of Kingdom MenWhether you're a man looking to understand manhood and deepen your faith ...

New Blog Post - The 5 Essentials of Kingdom Men

Whether you're a man looking to understand manhood and deepen your faith or a woman wanting to support the men in your life, this reading provides valuable lessons and encouragement. God wants men to reflect his image and live according to his original plan in their daily lives, whether at home, work, church, or in the community.

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New Blog  Post – Discipleship is DedicationDiscipleship involves dedicating oneself to becoming like Jesus in every aspe...

New Blog Post – Discipleship is Dedication

Discipleship involves dedicating oneself to becoming like Jesus in every aspect of life, including thoughts, actions, works, and interactions.


🗣️ Quotes from Pitana Mutana

"The really true sign of someone who has been born again is their desire for the scriptures."

"Discipleship is a dedication to become like the one, and in our context, to become like Jesus."

"The Bible is not a normal book. The Bible is a spiritual book. It's food for your soul, food for your spirit."


💬 Show Notes

KingdomTalks with Pitana Mutana on Discipleship: The Next Step

Join KingdomTalks conversation with Pitana Mutana,, a devoted missionary. Pitana shared his incredible journey from Rwanda to North America and how an unexpected encounter with an audio Bible led him to a profound transformation in Christ. He emphasized the significance of immersing oneself in scripture, the role of fellowship, and the holistic approach to feeding the spirit, soul, and body.

Discover the essence of discipleship as we unpack what it means to truly follow Jesus Christ. Through engaging discussions, we will explore the concept of dying to self and living a life fully dedicated to the teachings of Jesus. Don’t miss this inspiring, faith-affirming episode filled with powerful insights and spiritual encouragement.

Chapter Markers

00:00 - Pitana Mutana, became a born-again Christian in 2004.
04:25 - The true sign of someone who has been born again is their desire for scriptures.
11:02 - The Gospel of Matthew says we have to make disciples of all nations.
16:16 - Can you disciple someone from a distance? I think you can.
19:04 - The end goal of discipleship is to become like Jesus Christ.
26:56 - What is your last message to those who don't know Jesus Christ?
30:05 - "Father, we ask that your heart be softened to Jesus today.


Vibrant Hope – You are a Mighty God.

Friday 6/14/2024

Psalms 115:3 (NKJV) 3 But our God is in heaven;
He does whatever He pleases.

This verse emphasizes the sovereignty of God, highlighting that He is in control and does as He desires. The writer's intention was to express the belief in God's absolute authority and power. It was meant to inspire trust and confidence in God's ability to work all things according to His will. We can apply this verse in ourselves by acknowledging and submitting to the sovereignty of God in our lives. It encourages us to trust in His plans and purposes, even when we may not understand them. The recommendation from this verse is to have faith and confidence in God's sovereignty, knowing that He is ultimately in control and working all things for our good.

Prayer Points:
-Pray for a deeper understanding of God's sovereignty and a greater trust in His plans.
-Ask for the strength to surrender to His will, even when it may be difficult.
-Pray for wisdom to discern God's leading in our lives.

Scriptures: Psalm 103:19, Proverbs 19:21, Romans 8:28

By Pastor AK Mannah

Biblepedia - The True Witness of Christ

Biblepedia - The True Witness of Christ


Vibrant Hope – God Cannot Tempt with Evil

Thursday 6/13/2024

James 1:12-13 (NKJV) 12 Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him. 13 Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone.

These verses stress that enduring trials and temptations can lead to spiritual growth and, ultimately, a reward from God. It also highlights that God does not tempt people with evil.

Types of temptations can come in various forms, including, but not limited to, the temptation to sin, to doubt God, to give in to worldly desires, and to compromise one's faith.

To overcome temptations, one should rely on God's strength, seek accountability and support from fellow believers, avoid situations that may lead to temptation, and consistently seek God's guidance through prayer and studying His Word.

Here are some recommendations and prayer points to help overcome temptations:

• Pray for the strength and wisdom to resist temptations (1 Corinthians 10:13).
• Seek accountability and support from other believers (James 5:16).
• Avoid situations or influences that may lead to temptation (Matthew 26:41).
• Meditate on Scripture and fill your mind with God's truth (Psalm 119:11).
• Pray for discernment and the ability to recognize and resist temptations when they arise (Ephesians 6:10-18).

Remember, overcoming temptations requires relying on God's power and a commitment to living in alignment with His will.

By Pastor AK Mannah


Share4Christ - The Sovereign Hand of God

"Joseph said to them, 'Do not be afraid, for am I in the place of God? But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive'" Genesis 50:19-20, NKJV.

In spite of his brothers and what he went through for all those years, Joseph came to find out what appeared to be evil, God turned it for good. God is powerfully sovereign.

There's a sovereignty of God that you can put your trust in right now. His hand is on your life. The Lord knows how to get you to an appointed place at an appointed time. Even the bad you've experienced or the wrong done to you, God is providential, and He is orchestrating it to bring about His ultimate good in your life. Nothing can stop His sovereignty. On the road you're on, nothing can stop Him from arranging what has happened in your life and using it to get you to your life's destination. Even as Joseph had to trust and know God was with him, so will you.

In light of what you're going through or who is being used to cause you to go through it, be deeply encouraged. God is over it all. He's overseeing it all. In time, you will see that it was only a stepping stone to es**rt you into a beautiful outcome, becoming who you are ordained to be.

Prayer: Father, thank You for Your sovereignty. You are in control of it all. You are overseeing my life and You are with me. May this bring me comfort in my moment. May it bring me peace and strength to stand in my moment. What hurts right now or what is being meant for bad, I praise You in advance that in the end, it will bring the greatest good in and for me. Like Joseph, cause it to even make me into a blessing. In Jesus Christ most majestic name, Amen.

Study: Genesis 50:15-21, Psalm 37:23 & 115:3, Romans 8:28-30

Biblepedia - The Importance of Prayer

Biblepedia - The Importance of Prayer

Biblepedia – We await the second coming of the Lord.

Biblepedia – We await the second coming of the Lord.


Vibrant Hope - Favor of God and Men

Wednesday 6/12/2024

Psalms 5:12 (NKJV) For You, O LORD, will bless the righteous; With favor You will surround him as with a shield.

Luke 2:52 (NKJV) 52 And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.

Favour can be understood as receiving special treatment, blessings, or approval from someone, whether it's God or other people. It often implies receiving kindness, grace, or advantages that are not necessarily earned or deserved.

How to obtain favour from God and man:
- With God: Seek a close relationship with God through prayer, worship, and obedience to His word. Trust in His timing and His plans for your life.
- With man: Treat others with kindness, respect, and love. Build positive relationships by being helpful, trustworthy, and supportive. Be genuine in your interactions and seek to understand others' perspectives.


Praying for favour involves seeking God's will and aligning our desires with His purposes, trusting that He will grant us favour according to His perfect plan.

Pray for God's favour to be upon you in all areas of your life, including relationships, careers, and endeavours. Ask God to grant you wisdom and discernment to recognize opportunities where His favour may be at work. Pray for the humility to accept God's favour graciously and to use it for His glory rather than for selfish gain. Seek God's guidance in building and maintaining healthy relationships with others, so that His favour may be evident in those connections.

By Pastor AK Mannah


Share4Christ - This Is My Will For You

"In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."
1 Thessalonians 5:18

You've been praying to know God's will. You've been saying, Lord, if only You will show me what You want me to do right now, I will do it. But God says, "It is My will that you give Me thanks with all your heart for all I've done for you. Let My blessings move you to tears as they did when I first gave them. Let My salvation bring you to your knees in deep gratitude like it did when I first saved you. This is My will for you."

Prayer: Yes, Father, I receive Your word spoken to my heart. If it's Your will that I give heartfelt thanks, that's what I'm going to do. Thank You for saving me. Thank You for touching my mind, for transforming my life, for forgiving me and washing me clean, for healing me, for coming to my rescue and delivering me. Thank You for being my very present help, my faithful friend who sticks closer than a brother. Thank You for never failing to hold me up. Thank You for being my strength. Thank You for Your great love that I will never be able to comprehend. Thank You for seating me in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Thank You my name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life. Thank You, Father! Let me be so busy thanking You that I don't have time to focus on anything else. I receive a thankful heart, and I trust You to take care of every issue that's been weighing on me. I give it all to You and thank You for doing what only You can do. In Jesus Christ most holy name, Amen.

"I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise will always be on my lips." Psalm 34:1


Share4Christ - Don’t Faint. The Lord Is On Your Side!

"If it had not been the Lord who was on our side, now may Israel say'" Psalm 124:1, NKJV.

If it had not been for knowing that the Lord was on my side, I would have already lost it. I would have thrown in the towel a long time ago. When it seemed like I was going down, He would always bring me up. When my family size increased, at the right moment, my income would increase, too. When it seemed like my faith had been shipwrecked, He would allow a situation to show me I haven't changed, and in fact, He made me stronger.

You have seen Him move too much in your past not to lift your hands and trust Him now. He is with you, and since He is with you, who can be against you? Your circumstance has no choice but to get better because Christ has given you a better covenant with better promises. Your tribulation has no choice but to make way for the goodness of God.

The Lord says don't faint, but hope in Me. I'm here.

Have faith in Me because it will get better. He won't let the enemy overcome you. He will never leave or forsake you. The Lord is on your side.

Prayer: Father, I praise and give you glory. It looks like there's no victory or blessing in sight, but if it had not been for knowing you are on my side, I would have given up. You won't fail me. It will get better! I choose to keep going, and I declare that all things are working for my good. Speak direction and wisdom into my life. Thank you for being on my side. In Jesus' name, Amen.

(Read Psalm 124 & 126, Romans 8:28-35, Hebrews 8:6)

By Pastor Bernard Trippett


Vibrant Hope - Rejoice and Be Glad

Monday 6/7/2024

Psalms 118:24 (NKJV) This is the day the LORD has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.

This verse encourages us to be grateful for each day and to find joy in it, knowing that it is a gift from God.

1. Gratitude: Take time each day to reflect on the blessings in your life and express gratitude for them.
2. Joy: Look for opportunities to experience joy in the present moment, regardless of circumstances.
3. Trust: Trust in God's sovereignty and goodness, knowing that each day is a part of His plan.

Prayer Points:
1. Thank God for the gift of each new day and ask for the grace to rejoice and be glad.
2. Pray for a heart of gratitude and joy, even in difficult circumstances.
3. Seek God's guidance and strength to trust in His plan for your life, knowing He is in control.

Ultimately, Psalm 118:24 reminds us to approach each day with a positive and grateful attitude, trusting in God's provision and finding joy in His presence.

By Pastor AK Mannah


Vibrant Hope - Lord Change My Story

Monday 6/6/2024

1 Chronicles 4:9-10 (NKJV) 9 Now Jabez was more honorable than his brothers, and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, “Because I bore him in pain.” 10 And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, “Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!” So God granted him what he requested.

Who was Jabez?
Jabez is mentioned in the Bible, specifically in 1 Chronicles 4:9-10. He is described as more honourable than his brothers.

What did he pray for?
Jabez prayed to God, asking for blessings, a larger territory, God's presence, and protection from harm and pain, despite his name meaning "born in sorrow.

What are the recommendations?
The verses suggest that Jabez's prayer was answered, and he received what he asked for. He didn't want to suffer like his mother did.

Prayer points are based on these scriptures.

1. Praying for God's blessing and favour in our lives.
2. Asking God to enlarge our territory or sphere of influence, whether in our work, relationships, or ministry.
3. Seeking God's presence and guidance in all that we do.
4. Requesting protection from harm and pain.
5. Expressing gratitude for answered prayers and blessings in our lives.

By Pastor AK Mannah


Vibrant Hope – Regroup and Rebuild the Wall

Monday 6/3/2024

Nehemiah 4:17-23 (NKJV) 17 Those who built on the wall, and those who carried burdens, loaded themselves so that with one hand they worked at construction, and with the other held a weapon. 18 Every one of the builders had his sword girded at his side as he built. And the one who sounded the trumpet was beside me. 19 Then I said to the nobles, the rulers, and the rest of the people, “The work is great and extensive, and we are separated far from one another on the wall. 20 Wherever you hear the sound of the trumpet, rally to us there. Our God will fight for us.” 21 So we labored in the work, and half of the men held the spears from daybreak until the stars appeared. 22 At the same time I also said to the people, “Let each man and his servant stay at night in Jerusalem, that they may be our guard by night and a working party by day.” 23 So neither I, my brethren, my servants, nor the men of the guard who followed me took off our clothes, except that everyone took them off for washing.

Nehemiah 4:17-23:

What were their aims?
Their goal was to reconstruct the wall of Jerusalem in order to safeguard the city and its residents from potential threats.

What were their challenges?
The challenges they faced included opposition and threats from enemies who did not want to see the wall rebuilt. They also had to deal with physical exhaustion and the enormity of the task at hand.

How did they overcome them?
To address these challenges, they stayed alert and collaborated as a team. They established a system in which half of the workers kept watch with their weapons while the other half focused on building the wall. This arrangement enabled them to work on the construction while also being ready to protect themselves if needed.

What did they depend on to fight?
They relied on God to battle for them, having faith in His protection and guidance as they reconstructed the wall.

What are the recommendations and prayers?
The recommendation is to stay united and vigilant in the face of opposition, relying on God for strength and protection. The prayer could be for God's continued guidance and protection as they work to accomplish their goal.

This passage emphasizes the importance of relying on God's strength and working together in unity to overcome challenges and achieve goals.

Here are some prayer points based on Nehemiah's story and the rebuilding of the wall:

1. Gratitude: Thank God for His faithfulness and provision in the midst of challenges, just as He was faithful to Nehemiah and the people of Jerusalem.

2. Unity: Pray for unity among the family, team, or community, asking for God's help in fostering a spirit of cooperation and mutual support as they work towards their common goal.

3. Protection: Pray for God's protection over the project, asking Him to guard against any opposition or threats that may arise, just as He protected Nehemiah and the workers as they rebuilt the wall.

4. Strength and Perseverance: Pray for physical, emotional, and spiritual strength for everyone involved in the project, asking God to sustain them through any exhaustion or discouragement they may face.

5. Guidance: Seek God's guidance in making wise decisions and overcoming obstacles, just as Nehemiah sought God's wisdom in leading the people to rebuild the wall.

6. Trust in God: Pray for a deepening of trust in God's sovereignty and faithfulness so that they may continue to depend on Him for strength and guidance throughout the project.

These prayer points can be adjusted to fit the specific requirements and circumstances of any family, group, or community working toward a shared objective.

By Pastor AK Mannah


GOD, according to His abundant MERCY, has begotten us again:

1. To a LIVING HOPE (through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead) – 1 Peter 1:3

2. To an INHERITANCE (incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you) - 1 Peter 1:3


Vibrant Hope — Don’t be Swayed by Appearances

Sunday 6/2/2024

1 Samuel 16:7 (NKJV) 7 But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”

In this verse, God instructs Samuel not to judge based on outward appearances but rather to look at a person's heart. This emphasizes the importance of inner qualities such as character, integrity, and faithfulness over external attributes. We can live out this verse by making an effort to see people the way God sees them, focusing on their inner qualities rather than superficial characteristics. Doing this can help us build deeper and more meaningful relationships and prevent us from unfairly judging others.

- Practice empathy and seek to understand the hearts and motivations of others.
- Cultivate inner qualities such as kindness, compassion, and forgiveness in our own lives.
- Avoid making snap judgments based solely on outward appearances or first impressions.

Prayer Points:
- Pray for the ability to see others as God sees them, looking beyond outward appearances to their hearts.
- Ask God to help you develop a heart that reflects His values and priorities.
- Seek wisdom in your interactions with others so that you may show grace and understanding rather than judgment based on external factors.

By Pastor AK Mannah


Share4Christ - You Were Born to Win!

"For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord will give grace and glory; no good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly." Psalm 84:11

When a football team prepares to score a touchdown, they send in their biggest players to go before the player with the ball. The coach knows this is the part of the game when the opponent will bring their best plays and their strongest opposition to prevent the win.

"God is your Father, and He knows that you are on the verge of greatness and at the point of breakthrough. You are right there, and despite all the obstacles, God has assigned His biggest, strongest, and mightiest angels to go before you, run at your side, and stand guard behind you while you hold on to the promise, He gave you. You will succeed!”

Now is not the time to give up. This is the moment to trust in God's promise of victory. You were not born to be defeated, but to triumph. You were designed to conquer, and you were fashioned to succeed. You will receive the crown of life that God promises to those who endure!”

You may have heard the words 'You are so close' countless times, but remember, your Father God is faithful and true. This is your moment to trust Him and actively pursue the promise He has given you. Declare over yourself what God has said. You are more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus; and you are an overcomer through Him. You were born for this, and the Lord will ensure victory in every aspect of your life!”

Prayer: Yes, Father, I receive Your encouragement in my heart. Thank you. You always cause me to triumph in everything through Christ Jesus. Please help me to run with Your promise and enter in. Help me not fall short of Your glory in any area but receive it. May my joy be full. In Jesus Christ's majestic name, Amen.

New Blog Post - The Foundation Of Hearing & Discerning God’s VoiceBlog Link:

New Blog Post - The Foundation Of Hearing & Discerning God’s Voice

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Understanding the differences between the voices of the world, the flesh, and the devil is difficult, and if one can't discern the voice of God clearly, it can often lead to confusion and misdirection. Renewing our minds is essential for hearing and discerning God's voice (Rom. 12:2)


Vibrant Hope –Trust in God and believe in His Words

Deuteronomy 31:8 (NKJV) 8 And the LORD, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed.

This verse serves as a reminder that God is always present with us, leading us and providing us with strength and courage. It encourages us to trust in God's presence and promises, knowing that He will never abandon us. Some problems can make you want to harm yourself and lose your appetite, making you feel like the worst or a burden. But always remember that regardless of the situation, God is with you, and He can take care of you and everything. God knows what is happening to you, so do not give up.


1. Trust in God's presence and guidance: Always remember that God is with you, leading and guiding you through every situation.
2. Do not fear or be discouraged: Instead of giving in to fear or discouragement, rely on God's strength and promises to overcome any challenges.

Prayer Points:

1. Thank God for His constant presence and faithfulness in your life.
2. Ask for the courage and strength to face any challenges or difficulties that may come your way.
3. Pray for a deeper trust in God's guidance and provision, knowing that He will never leave you nor forsake you.

By Pastor AK Mannah


Vibrant Hope – The God Who is Too Faithful

Monday 5/23/2024

1 Thessalonians 5:24 says, "The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it."

This verse is a reminder that God is faithful and will fulfill His promises to us. Here are some recommendations and prayer points in light of the above verse:

1. Trust in God's faithfulness: Remember that God is faithful and will fulfill His promises in His perfect timing. Trust in His plan for your life.

2. Pray for faith: Ask God to help you trust in His faithfulness even when circumstances are difficult. Pray for the strength to rely on Him in all situations.

3. Pray for guidance: Seek God's guidance in all areas of your life, knowing that He is faithful to lead you in the right direction.

4. Pray for perseverance: Ask God to help you persevere in times of trial and uncertainty, knowing that He is faithful to see you through.

5. Thank God for His faithfulness: Take time to thank God for His faithfulness in your life and for the promises He has fulfilled. Let your prayers be filled with gratitude for His unwavering love and care.

By Pastor AK Mannah

New Blog Post: The Name and Glory of God and His Purpose for ManBlog Link:

New Blog Post: The Name and Glory of God and His Purpose for Man

Blog Link:

As followers of Christ, practicing humility and glorifying God is crucial, acknowledging that without Him, we are merely dust. Let's remember not to use the Lord’s name in vain but to proudly celebrate His name in all aspects of life, wherever we go and whoever we meet. Let’s be encouraged to be visible and vocal about the excellent and glorious name of the Lord.


New Blog Post - The Great Faith of the Centurion in JesusBlog Link:

New Blog Post - The Great Faith of the Centurion in Jesus

Blog Link:

The ingredients of great faith, such as humility and compassion, are observed in the centurion’s character. Humility is a vital component of having great faith. “I am not worthy,” meaning I am not fit, not merely because he was a Gentile but a sinner who needed a Saviour.


Vibrant Hope – Trust in the Faithful God

Monday 5/20/2024

1 Samuel 17:36 (NKJV) 36 Your servant has killed both lion and bear; and this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, seeing he has defied the armies of the living God.”

This verse highlights David's confidence in facing Goliath, which is based on his past experiences of God's faithfulness in protecting him from dangerous animals. It shows us that we can trust in God's strength and protection in all circumstances, no matter how daunting they may seem. Trust in God's faithfulness and provision, just as David did. Remember past victories and experiences of God's protection to bolster your faith in facing current challenges. Be bold and courageous in standing up against those who defy God and His people. May this verse inspire you to trust in God's strength and protection, and to face challenges with confidence and faith. I may not know what you are going through, but with God, all things shall change to be a blessing, as the Bible says, “With God all things are possible."

Prayer Points:

1. Pray for God's strength and protection in facing your own "Goliaths" or challenges.
2. Ask for faith like David's to trust in God's power and provision.
3. Pray for boldness and courage to stand up against those who oppose God and His people.

By Pastor AK Mannah



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