How much privilage does a government employee really have? Have you ever wondered? This and many other questions many of us have when it comes to public servants in positions of authority. Some government officials can sometimes be seen taking advantage of their public service positions. They are sometimes seen getting away with actions that a citizen would normally wouldn't. Neighbors of NMB often see the city's public servants as a figure of respect and integrity; role models to the community. Said one neighbor who did not want to be identified. Why do some public servants breach the trust of the community? Why is it that they get away with breaching the law? What makes them so special? And, will they ever be held to those high standards? Questions that we commonly ask. North Miami Beach Community Awareness News spotted a NMB city vehicle at a NMB Wendy's fast food restaurant located at 25 NE 167th St, North Miami Beach on August 22, 2022 at 11:00 AM. The public servant's government issued vehicle was occupying a handicap parking space without possessing a handicap tag. The building inspector was then observed sitting inside of Wendy's having a meal. A site all too common to NMB residents in the neighborhood said Michelle Porras a Wendy's neighbor who told us that this was not an isolated situation. Michelle told us that many other agencies officials do similar privileged actions without consequences. We asked Michelle what did she think of what will the consequences be if we published the story and she told us that nothing will change. "No one will do anything about it, not the city manager, the mayor or police because they all cover one another. My mother is handicap she can't walk well and we are still waiting for the doctor to give us the documents authorizing her to get her handicap tag. It's embarrassing that she needs it and has to wait but, they don't have any health problems. They can park wherever because they are the boss and who are we? "
According to the Florida law the building inspector violated the law and could be held legally accountable for the violation. In Florida, anyone who uses a handicapped parking permit that does not belong to them can face being charged with a second-degree misdemeanor with handicapped parking tickets reaching $500 or up to 6 months in jail. If you are caught parking in a handicapped spot without proper permits, the fine is $250. Would anyone hold the building inspector to the legal standards? What do you think, is it ABUSE OF POWER, PRIVILEGE OR LACK OF RESPECT?