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All You Need To Know About Jelangkung - Indonesia's Ouija

Jelangkung, also called Jailangkung, is an Indonesian game used to communicate with spirits that's more than 1,500 years old.

The game works like this: You draw a circle on a piece of paper, about 20 centimeters in diameter, the write the letters of the alphabet along the rim. You then hold the pen or pencil with the point in the center of the circle. At least two people hold the writing instrument at one time (you can't play this game alone) while another recites the incantation. The specific mantra differs from region to region, but usually goes something like this:

"Jelangkung, Jelangsat, di sini ada pesta, pesta kecil-kecilan. Jelangkung, Jelangsat, datang tak diundang, p**ang tak diantar."

In English:

“Jelangkung jelangsat, we have a party here, a small party. Jelangkung jelangsat, come uninvited, go undelivered.”

Once you feel the spirit arrive, you ask your question and wait for it to move the pen around the letters to spell out an answer.

Traditionally the game was played with a doll made from a coconut shell water dipper and a wooden handle, dressed in human clothes and with a key pendant hung around its neck. At least two people hold the doll while the writing instrument is tied to its hands. The spirit would then occupy the doll.

That doll was called a Jelangkung.


Jelangkung was first mentioned in an ancient manuscript from the fifth century, which explains exactly the same rules for playing that are used today in Indonesia.

It can be played anywhere but it is most pop**ar in haunted places and around sunset. In the past, people would play on the night of a full moon.

Once the spirit arrived, it would introduce itself and start telling stories.

People would ask questions, such as the name of the spirit, when or how did it died and sometimes about the future or lucky number in gambling.


The name Jelangkung comes from an old Chinese belief of the Gods Poyang and Moyang (similarly pronounced with Indonesian term nenek moyang, which means ‘the ancestors’), Cay Lan Gong (literally translated as God of the Vegetable Basket) and Cay Lan Tse (God Protector of the Kids). The game was played by children on the Moon, or Mid-Autumn, festival.

They called on the Gods Poyang and Moyang to enter a vegetable basket doll (used before the water dipper). In the doll’s hand a writing implement, usually chalk, would be inserted. On its neck was hung a necklace with a key pendant. The children would light incense and recite the mantra and when the doll got heavier they knew the spirit had arrived. The doll would nod if it agreed to be questioned and would spell out its answer on a chalkboard.

Before a doll was used, Jelangkung was called Fu Ji, and was played with a tree branch shaped like a “Y”. On person would hold each end of the fork other end would write the answer in sand.

The tradition is closely related to Taoism, in which prophesies are part of daily life.


There are plenty of variations of this game!

Cay Lan Gong might have disappeared in China, but the tradition was adapted, passed on and spread wide all over Indonesia. In Java, it is known as Nini Thowong or Nini Thowok.

Its ritual is used by adults as well as kids to help protect their village from bad spirits. They would use a compass (as in the geometry tool) and a scarecrow.

In West Sumatra, the Minangkabau people play Lukah Gilo as a form of public entertainment. A shaman called Dukun Lukah directs the ritual as a play and up to four persons have to hold the doll, which is referred to as Lukah Gilo. Lukah is a tool used to capture river fish made out of plaited bamboo and shaped like a vase, and refers to the holders. Gilo means crazy. A basket is used as the doll, with wooden or bamboo hands and a pumpkin or coconut shell head. It is dressed up like a woman.

The dukun recites the mantra over the lukah and it starts to move erraticly. The more the incantation is repeated, the wilder its movements become. As the holders are forced to catch up with its movements, then enter a trance-like state and the crowd cheers them on. It stops moving if the dukun stops chanting.

Lukah Gilo is played on special occasions and usually at night, when it is thought to be easier to summon spirits.


There have been many cases in recent years where players have been allegedly possessed by the spirits they summoned.

The game should always end by dismissing or freeing the spirit from the doll.

If it is left trapped inside, trouble is in store for those who called it!


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anneliese michel / emily rose 6 Demon exorcism | di rasuki 6 iblis


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Anneliese Michel, lahir pada 21 September 1952 di Klingenberg, Bavaria, Jerman. Keluarganya merupakan penganut Katolik yang taat dan Michel dididik secara ketat. Karena didikan agama dari keluarganya yang ketat, Michel sering berdoa untuk menghapuskan dosa - dosanya saat dia pernah mengalami kecanduan akan narkoba.

Awal Mula Gejala Aneh Yang Dialami Anneliese Michel

Pada tahun 1968, saat Michel masih SMA, ia mengalami kejang - kejang. Beberapa temannya berpendapat bahwa Michel menderita Epilepsi. Saat itu, seorang ahli saraf dari klinik psikiatri Wurzburg mendiagnosis Miichel menderita Epilepsi Gran Mal.
Setelah kejadian itu, Michel sering berhalusinasi ketika berdoa. Dia mengaku kerap mendengar suara yang mengatakan bahwa dirinya telah dikutuk. Pada tahun 1973, Michel mengalami depresi berat dan berniat untuk bunuh diri. Perilakunya menjadi semakin aneh, ia pernah merobek pakaiannya sendiri, makan batu bara dan laba - laba di lantai, bahkan meminum urinnya sendiri. Terkadang, ia menjerit histeris secara tiba - tiba, dan menyalak seperti seekor anjing.

Pada tahun 1975, orang tuanya yakin bahwa putrinya telah dirasuki oleh roh halus. Mereka lalu mencoba cara lain untuk menyembuhkan Michel, yaitu dengan ritual pengusiran roh jahat atau biasa disebut exorcist.

Orang Yang Pertama Kali Mengetahui Bahwa Michel Telah Dirasuki

Orang yang pertama kali mengetahui bahwa Michel telah dirasuki oleh roh jahat adalah seorang wanita tua yang mendampingi Michel ketika ia berziarah. Wanita itu menyadari keanehan pada diri Michel ketika Michel berulangkali menghindar ketika melewati lukisan Jesus. Michel juga menolak ketika diberi air suci dari sumber mata air. Wanita itu juga mengatakan bahwa ia merasakan aura yang berbeda ketika berada didekat Michel.

Seorang dukun dari kota terdekat memeriksa Michel. Ia menyimpulkan bahwa Michel memang telah dirasuki oleh roh jahat. Orang tua Michel meminta ritual pengusiran roh jahat kepada dukun itu, namun dukun itu menolak. Akhirnya, mereka meminta bantuan kepada Uskup setempat.

Siapakah Orang Yang Melakukan Ritual Pengusiran Roh Jahat ?
Orang tua Michel yang putus asa kemudian meminta bantuan seorang Uskup untuk menyembuhkan Michel. Uskup yang bernama Joseph Stangl ini kemudian menugaskan dua orang pendeta, yaitu Pastor Arnold Renz dan Pendeta Ernst Alt. Keduanya ditugaskan oleh sang Uskup untuk melakukan ritual pengusiran besar terhadap Anneliese Michel.

Ritual Exorcist yang dilakukan kedua pendeta ini berdasar pada " Rituale Romanum " sesuai dengan hukum Cannon yangberlaku pada abad ke-17 ( saya tidak tahu maksud dari hukum Cannon ). Pastor Arnold Renz adalh mantan misionaris di China, sedangkan Pendeta Ernst adalah seorang Pendeta biasa di tempat asalnya.

Mereka berdua melakukan ritual pengusiran roh jahat terhadap Anneliese Michel selama 10 bulan, yang terdiri dari 67 sesi. Setiap minggu, kadang dilakukan satu atau dua sesi ritual. Beberapa sesi bahkan berlangsung hingga 4 jam.

Apakah Anneliese Melihat Sosok Setan Pada Orang Di Sekitarnya ?

Menurut The Washington Post, Anneliese mulai melihat sesosok setan pada setiap orang yang dilihatnya saat ia mulai mengalami gejala aneh diatas. Ini mungkin menjelaskan mengapa Anneliese sering histeris secara tiba - tiba.
Bahkan kedua pendeta tadi yakin bahwa sejak mereka melakukan ritual pengusiran, roh yang merasuki Anneliese semakin memperparah keadaan Anneliese.

Lalu, Roh Jahat Apa Yang Merasuki Anneliese ?

Anneliese sendiri mengatakan kepada dua pendeta itu, bahwa ada beberapa roh yang kini merasuki dirinya. Dia menyebutkan ada roh Judas Iscariot, Adolf Hi**er, Nero, Cain, Fleischmann, dan yang paling kuat, yaitu Lucifer. Dia juga menyebutkan bahwa sisi gelap dari dirinya juga turut merasukinya.

Kedua pendeta ini bahkan kerap berhadapan dengan roh Lucifer yang menolak untuk keluar dari tubuh Anneliese. Mereka mengatakan bahwa rroh ini adalah roh yang paling sulit untuk dihadapi.

Apakah Ritual Pengusiran Roh Ini Berdampak Pada Tubuh Anneliese ?

Anneliese telah menjalani 67 sesi ritual pengusiran roh jahat selama 10 bulan. Selama itu p**a, Anneliese mengalami sejumlah kerusakan pada bagian tubuhnya. Ligamen di lututnya telah pecah, kakinya juga mengalami kelumpuhan, sehingga pada saat - saat tertentu, orang tua Michel membantunya.

Kematian Anneliese Michel

Pada tanggal 1 Juli 1976, Anneliese Michel ditemukan telah meninggal. Menurut otopsi, Michel meninggal akibat dehidrasi parah dan kekurangan gizi. Sebelum kematiannya, Michel selalu menolak untuk makan. Dia percaya bahwa tindakannya itu akan mempercepat kematiannya, dan itu satu - satunya cara untuk mengusir roh - roh jahat yang tengah merasukinya. Tentunya, hal ini membuat kedua orang tuanya sangat sedih. Sebelum kematiannya, Anneliese sempat mengutarakan kata - kata terakhirnya " Beg for Absolution ", ini ditujukan kepada kedua pendeta yang telah berusaha menolongnya, dan untuk ibunya ia berkata " Mother, I'm Afraid."

Mengapa Anneliese Michel Dirasuki Roh - Roh Jahat ?

Belum ada keterangan pasti mengenai penyebab Michel dirasuki oleh roh - roh itu. Dia adalah seorang yang religius, begitu juga dengan keluarganya. Hanya saja, 4 tahun sebelum Anneliese lahir, ibunya melahirkan seorang anak hasil hubungan gelapnya yang bernama Martha. Ketika Anneliese masih kecil, ibu Michel mendorongnya untuk melakukan penebusan dosa atas dosa yang dilakukan oleh ibunya dahulu. Pendeta yakin, ini adalah sebab utama Anneliese dirasuki oleh roh - roh itu. " Ini seharusnya tidak terjadi. Ini adalah pengorbanan seorang anak kepada ibunya ", kata Pendeta Ernst.

Kontroversi Dalam Hukum

Bagaimana pun juga, hukum masih berlaku dalam kasus Anneliese. Pengadilan setempat menjatuhkan hukuman 6 bulan masa percobaan hukuman terhadap kedua pendeta tadi dan keluarga Anneliese. Tuduhannya adalah mereka dianggap menghalangi upaya medis untuk melakukan pertolongan terhadap Anneliese. Namun, seorang pengacara membela mereka karena merasa apa yang dilakukan pihak keluarga dan pendeta tadi adalah upaya untuk menyembuhkan Anneliese.


Kisah ini merupakan kisah yang terkenal di Eropa. Bahkan, film yang berkisah tentang Anneliese ini telah dibuat. Sebuah film berbahasa Jerman yang berjudul "REQUIEM" dirilis pada tahun 2006. Film ini di sutradarai oleh Hans- Christian Schmid. Film lainnya adalah "The Exorcism Of Emily Rose".
In English

Anneliese Michel, born on September 21, 1952 in Klingenberg, Bavaria, Germany. His family is a devout Catholic and Michel is strictly educated. Because of the religious upbringing of his strict family, Michel often prayed to wash away his sins when he had experienced drug addiction.

The Beginning Strange Symptoms Experienced Anneliese Michel

In 1968, when Michel was in high school, he experienced convulsions. Some of his friends think that Michel suffered from epilepsy. At that time, a neurologist from the Wurzburg psychiatric clinic diagnosed Miichel suffering from Gran Mal Epilepsy.
After that incident, Michel often hallucinated when praying. He claimed to often hear a voice saying that he had been cursed. In 1973, Michel suffered a severe depression and committed su***de. His behavior became even more strange, he once tore his own clothes, ate coal and spiders on the floor, even drank his own urine. Sometimes, he screamed hysterically suddenly, and barked like a dog.

In 1975, his parents were convinced that his daughter had been possessed by spirits. They then tried other ways to cure Michel, namely the ritual of exorcism or so-called exorcist.

The Person Who First Knew That Michel Was Entered

The person who first learned that Michel had been possessed by an evil spirit was an old woman who accompanied Michel when he was on a pilgrimage. The woman noticed Michel's peculiarity when Michel repeatedly avoided when he passed a painting of Jesus. Michel also refused when given holy water from a spring. The woman also said that she felt a different aura when she was near Michel.

A shaman from a nearby city checks Michel. He concluded that Michel had indeed been possessed by an evil spirit. Michel's parents asked the shaman to expel the evil spirit, but the shaman refused. Finally, they asked the local bishop for help.

Who is the One Who Performs the Exorcism of Evil Spirits?
Desperate Michel's parents then ask for the help of a bishop to cure Michel. The bishop named Joseph Stangl then assigned two priests, namely Father Arnold Renz and Rev. Ernst Alt. Both were commissioned by the bishop to carry out the ritual of large expulsion of Anneliese Michel.

The Exorcist ritual performed by the two priests is based on the "Rituale Romanum" in accordance with the Cannon law that came into effect in the 17th century (I do not know the meaning of Cannon's law). Father Arnold Renz was a former missionary in China, while Pastor Ernst was an ordinary pastor in his native place.

They both performed an exorcism ritual for Anneliese Michel for 10 months, which consisted of 67 sessions. Every week, sometimes one or two ritual sessions are held. Some sessions even last up to 4 hours.

Does Anneliese see the figure of Satan in those around her?

According to The Washington Post, Anneliese began to see a demon in everyone she saw when she began experiencing the strange symptoms above. This might explain why Anneliese often hysterically suddenly.
Even the two priests were convinced that since they had carried out the expulsion ritual, the spirit possessing Anneliese had further aggravated Anneliese's condition.

Then, What Evil Spirits Entered Anneliese?

Anneliese herself told the two priests, that there were some spirits who were now possessing her. He mentioned the spirits of Judas Iscariot, Adolf Hi**er, Nero, Cain, Fleischmann, and the most powerful, namely Lucifer. He also mentioned that the dark side of him also helped him.

Both of these priests often even faced with the spirit of Lucifer who refused to come out of Anneliese's body. They say that this spirit is the most difficult spirit to deal with.

Did the Exorcism Ritual Affect Anneliese's Body?

Anneliese has gone through 67 ritual sessions of exorcism for 10 months. During that time, Anneliese suffered a number of damage to parts of her body. The ligament in his knee has ruptured, his legs are also paralyzed, so at certain moments, Michel's parents help him.

Death of Anneliese Michel

On July 1, 1976, Anneliese Michel was found dead. According to the autopsy, Michel died from severe dehydration and malnutrition. Before his death, Michel always refused to eat. He believed that his actions would hasten his death, and that was the only way to drive away the evil spirits who were possessing him. Of course, this makes her parents very sad. Before his death, Anneliese had the last words "Beg for Absolution", this was addressed to the two priests who had tried to help him, and for his mother he said "Mother, I'm Afraid."

Why was Anneliese Michel possessed by evil spirits?

There is no certain information about why Michel was possessed by the spirits. He is a religious person, and so is his family. It's just that, 4 years before Anneliese was born, her mother gave birth to a child who was the result of an affair named Martha. When Anneliese was a child, Michel's mother encouraged her to make atonement for the sins committed by her mother in the past. The priest believes this is the main reason Anneliese was possessed by the spirits. "This should not have happened. This is the sacrifice of a child to his mother," said Rev. Ernst.

Controversy in Law

However, the law still applies in the Anneliese case. The local court sentenced him to six months probation and the Anneliese family. The accusation is that they are seen as hindering medical efforts to help Anneliese. However, a lawyer defended them because they felt that what the family and the priest had done was an attempt to cure Anneliese.


This story is a famous story in Europe. In fact, the film which tells the story of Anneliese has been made. A German-language film called "REQUIEM" was released in 2006. The film was directed by Hans-Christian Schmid. Another film is "The Exorcism Of Emily Rose".


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Hantu atau dedemit adalah makhluk yang tidak bisa dilepaskan dari kehidupan orang Indonesia. Setiap daerah pasti memiliki cerita tentang makhluk mengerikan ini mulai di mana tempat tinggalnya, apa makanannya, bagaimana wujudnya, dan bagaimana mereka bisa muncul dan akhirnya menjadi hantu dan menakuti manusia yang ada di sekitarnya.
Nah... ngomongin hantu memang bisa membuat kita jadi takut. Tapi tidak ada salahnya kan kita nonton beberapa penampakan berikut ini...!
Yuk kita saksikan bersama.....


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