Hi everyone! Here is another edited wrestling video, this is the third period of the Levi Haines vs Branson John match with Jeff Byers radio call edited in. This was during the Penn State vs Maryland dual meet on 2/9/25. Please like this video and follow me for more awesome content! Comment your thoughts down below and check out my TikTok and YouTube accounts. The links are in my bio. Thank you and enjoy the video! Come and join the team! 👍❤️🫶🤼📸🇺🇸 #levihaines #bransonjohn #pennstate #maryland #wrestling #collegewrestling #2025 #follow #like #comment #spreadtheword #thankyou
Hi everyone! Here is another edited wrestling video, this is part of the Tyler Kasak vs Zack Mattin match with Jeff Byers audio edited in. This was during the Penn State vs Michigan dual meet on 2/7/25. Please like this video and follow me for more awesome content! Comment your thoughts down below and check out my TikTok and YouTube accounts. The links are in my bio. Thank you and enjoy the video! Come and join the team! 👍❤️🫶🤼📸🇺🇸 #tylerkasak #zackmattin #pennstate #michigan #wrestling #collegewrestling #2025 #follow #like #comment #spreadtheword #thankyou
Hi everyone! Here is another edited wrestling video, this is part of the Levi Haines vs Danny Braunagel match with Jeff Byers audio edited in. This was during the Penn State vs Illinois dual meet on 2/16/25. Please like this video and follow me for more awesome content! Comment your thoughts down below and check out my TikTok and YouTube accounts. The links are in my bio. Thank you and enjoy the video! Come and join the team! 👍❤️🫶🤼📸🇺🇸 #levihaines #dannybraunagel #pennstate #illinois #wrestling #collegewrestling #2025 #follow #like #comment #spreadtheword #thankyou
Hi everyone! Here is another edited wrestling video, this is part of the Shayne Van Ness vs Dylan Gilcher match with Jeff Byers audio edited in. This was during the Penn State vs Michigan dual meet on 2/7/25. Please like this video and follow me for more awesome content! Comment your thoughts down below and check out my TikTok and YouTube accounts. The links are in my bio. Thank you and enjoy the video! Come and join the team! 👍❤️🫶🤼📸🇺🇸 #shaynevanness #dylangilcher #pennstate #michigan #wrestling #collegewrestling #2025 #follow #like #comment #spreadtheword #thankyou
Hi everyone! Here is another edited wrestling video, this is part of the Greg Kerkvliet vs Seth Nevills match with Jeff Byers audio edited in. This was during the Penn State vs Maryland dual meet on 2/9/25. Please like this video and follow me for more awesome content! Comment your thoughts down below and check out my TikTok and YouTube accounts. The links are in my bio. Thank you and enjoy the video! Come and join the team! 👍❤️🫶🤼📸🇺🇸 #gregkerkvliet #sethnevills #pennstate #maryland #wrestling #collegewrestling #2025 #follow #like #comment #spreadtheword #thankyou
Hi everyone! Here is another edited wrestling video, these are highlights for Beau Bartlett vs Elijah White with Jeff Byers audio edited in. This was during the Penn State vs American dual meet on 2/21/25. Please like this video and follow me for more awesome content! Comment your thoughts down below and check out my TikTok and YouTube accounts. The links are in my bio. Thank you and enjoy the video! Come and join the team! 👍❤️🫶🤼📸🇺🇸 #beaubartlett #elijahwhite #pennstate #american #wrestling #collegewrestling #highlights #2025 #follow #like #comment #spreadtheword #thankyou
Hi everyone! Here is another edited wrestling video, these are highlights for Luke Lilledahl vs Coen Bainey with Jeff Byers audio edited in. This was during the Penn State vs American dual meet on 2/21/25. Please like this video and follow me for more awesome content! Comment your thoughts down below and check out my TikTok and YouTube accounts. The links are in my bio. Thank you and enjoy the video! Come and join the team! 👍❤️🫶🤼📸🇺🇸 #lukelilledahl #coenbainey #pennstate #american #wrestling #collegewrestling #highlights #2025 #follow #like #comment #spreadtheword #thankyou
Hi everyone! Here is another edited wrestling video, these are highlights for Mitchell Mesenbrink vs Kaden Milheim with Jeff Byers audio edited in. This was during the Penn State vs American dual meet on 2/21/25. Please like this video and follow me for more awesome content! Comment your thoughts down below and check out my TikTok and YouTube accounts. The links are in my bio. Thank you and enjoy the video! Come and join the team! 👍❤️🫶🤼📸🇺🇸 #mitchellmesenbrink #kadenmilheim #pennstate #american #wrestling #collegewrestling #highlights #2025 #follow #like #comment #spreadtheword #thankyou
Hi everyone! Here is another edited wrestling video, these are highlights for Shayne Van Ness vs Gage Owen with Jeff Byers audio edited in. This was during the Penn State vs American dual meet on 2/21/25. Please like this video and follow me for more awesome content! Comment your thoughts down below and check out my TikTok and YouTube accounts. The links are in my bio. Thank you and enjoy the video! Come and join the team! 👍❤️🫶🤼📸🇺🇸 #shaynevanness #gageowen #pennstate #american #wrestling #collegewrestling #highlights #2025 #follow #like #comment #spreadtheword #thankyou
Hi everyone! Here is another edited wrestling video, this is part of the Greg Kerkvliet vs Emmanuel Ulrich match with Jeff Byers audio edited in. This was during the Penn State vs American dual meet on 2/21/25. Please like this video and follow me for more awesome content! Comment your thoughts down below and check out my TikTok and YouTube accounts. The links are in my bio. Thank you and enjoy the video! Come and join the team! 👍❤️🫶🤼📸🇺🇸 #gregkerkvliet #emmanuelulrich #pennstate #american #wrestling #collegewrestling #2025 #pin #follow #like #comment #spreadtheword #thankyou
Hi everyone! Here is another edited wrestling video, this is part of the Levi Haines match vs American University on 2/21/25. Please like this video and follow me for more awesome content! Comment your thoughts down below and check out my TikTok and YouTube accounts. The links are in my bio. Thank you and enjoy the video! Come and join the team! 👍❤️🫶🤼📸🇺🇸 #levihaines #pennstate #american #wrestling #collegewrestling #2025 #pin #follow #like #comment #spreadtheword #thankyou
Hi everyone! Here is another edited wrestling video, this is part of the Tyler Kasak vs Devon Capato match with Jeff Byers audio edited in. This was during the Penn State vs American dual meet on 2/21/25. Please like this video and follow me for more awesome content! Comment your thoughts down below and check out my TikTok and YouTube accounts. The links are in my bio. Thank you and enjoy the video! Come and join the team! 👍❤️🫶🤼📸🇺🇸 #tylerkasak #devoncapato #pennstate #american #wrestling #collegewrestling #2025 #pin #follow #like #comment #spreadtheword #thankyou