Dekalb Superior Court Corruption: "In the Best Interest of the Child"

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Dekalb Superior Court Corruption: "In the Best Interest of the Child" Commentary of child custody filings reflecting Judical & GAL misconduct in Dekalb GA Superior Court.


Grandparents attorney argues case was "reopened" for grandparents to file in to. Even if the Judge intended to she didn't put it in writing in an order as required to "lift" a cert of final disposition. They only argued it because Alice Limehouse was not filed into proceedings and showed up to the Mother's house after the final divorce. She was left several times without qualified immunity to act and insert herself when there was literally no case before the court.


If you don't have Clark v. Wade nailed down procedurally than you don't have due process. If you don't have due process you can't use appeal timelines against the mother. It can still be challenged at the next venue. Mother still has rights of reunification and changed circumstances. You also can't have self executing visitation.


Alice Limehouse never acknowledged her communications with my daughters therapist. When she testified at my daughters hearing she would not speak to it at all. When asked why she felt it nessacary to have my daughter have a psychological evaluation despite 5 years of therapy she said "I feel there is something she's not saying". Turns out Alice Limehouse could not speak to it and it was confusing at the time. Turns out she has gone back to school to become a psycologist and she is a student therapist at the very place My daughter was receiving services for therapy and was currently receiving therapy at. It's a conflict of intrest and even after the hearing when it was discovered and she was informed she has not reported her conflict of interest to the court as required. She also accused my daughter of not completing a psychological evaluation but admitted to the court the psychological evaluator Ansley Corbett had not done the eval timely within a few months because she was having "personal problems" the Judge then punished my daughter for attorney and eval fees for not completing an eval that Corbett couldn't provide timely. Corbett by her ethical professional guidelines was required to remove herself from the assignment if she could not provide services timely. Corbett after 14 months attempted to finally communicate to attempt to complete it. We have reached out to other evaluators who will tesify Corbett was unethical and to testify as to what a timely evaluation is. What therapy pratice wants a therapist who uses a womans past that she was a child SA victim to imply she as an adult "could be" a danger to her child with zero evidence while showing no concern to the father having access to the child when the mother cannot when the father admits he is not clean and his drug of choice is he**in?


"For My Son" a documentary in production #2024 highlighting recent parental rights cases in Georgia Appeals Court. Georgia currently has compelling stories of families experiencing a lack of constitutional protections and violations of due process.


In Georgia Grandparents cannot petition the courts for custody except in extraordinary circumstances that must find "great harm" will come to the child if left in the care of the parent. To meet this burden the Granparents lied that Diane Terrell witnessed the Mother cutting herself. See previous post that Grandmother has history of false accusations to fit her narrative. Ex parte hearings don't stand as true evidentiary in the absence of a follow up evidentiary hearing. This is because parties don't have notice. The claims of the Grandmother immediately fall apart destroying her claims of "great harm" that the child cannot be left with the Mother as only weeks later after the Grandmother had been leaving the child unsupervised with the Mother video was with recorded when again the Grandmother was leaving the child with the Mother, stating she knew the Mother was of no danger to the child but that the lawyers didn't and that she could be with her son now that she, Diane Terrell was in control and the Mother would "leave lawyers out of it". ‼️‼️VIOLATON OF PARENTAL RIGHTS & PERJURY‼️‼️see video:


A over a month later while the Mother was waiting for her own Emergency Petition to be set the Grandparents, having to have engaged -as an unestablised party to the case- in illegal ex parte communications either with Judge Morris or Judge Morris' clerk. On October 7th just before close of court a hearing was set for the next morning for an Ex Parte hearing to the Grandparents as Intervenors. THIS IS NOT ALLOWED! Intervors have to petition with 10 days notice to the parties that they desire to intervene and that petition after 10 days notice must be heard and ruled on to establish leave of the court before the party who desires to Intervene can even be heard or serve the parties with Motions or have a hearing on custody. A petition to Intervene cannot be heard exparte. If I am a paralegal and know this I absolutely 💯 know any Judge knows this. As again to the previous post that the Mother didn't get her own petition filed a month prior set but Internors ex parte with no notice did. Is this an example of someones influence with cases being set as they desire against laws and Judicial Canon or is the Judges clerk? Seems sus.... ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️


Part II of III: The Father eventually awoke but could not stand up. Mother had a conversation that he knew the court process has been a lie. He admitted that his parents, the grandparents claims of being present in the child's life wasn't true despite their claims and support of the GAL that they were, admitted that he had pushed them away and they collectively weaponized the GAL against her . The Grandparents had lived in North Carolina at that time. The Mother called police and an ambulance and Father refused to let them into the home or to come to the door to collect the child. The Father spoke to the police, police video attached as well confirming, told the police that the child "needs to be with his Mother". Also just days prior the roommate of the Father that the Mother objected to to the GAL that resided in the home with the child and Father died of a drug overdose. Great work from a GAL am I right? 🤬 The Mother within two days filed for emergency custody of the child. The clerk for over a month, and NEVER set the petition to be heard. 👉Why👈?? More colluding going on to keep the Mother off the record???


About two weeks after the Final Divorce decree was signed by Judge Shondeena Morris the Mother's claims about the Father (at this time the child had been in the custody of his Father for almost two years with overwhelming support of the Guardian ad Litem during that time) truly came to a head. On October 4th of 2021 after the Mother returned the child to the residence of the Father at 6pm the Father did not come to either the front or back doors. The Mother began filming not knowing what to do and the Father's car was in the driveway. The child "S" ran ahead of the Mother and through the unlocked front door. The Mother approached the front doorway. Mother was horrified to find the house hoarded and overwhelming smell of urine. The child "S" was across the living room and standing in a bedroom doorway, this doorway facing away from the mother that she could not see to, as the child sweetly said, "Daddy's sleeping". Frantic the mother began calling out for John Terrell afraid that their child could be viewing his Father overdosed and dead. Mother also called for the child to return to her at the front door but instead the child proceeded into the bedroom and out of the Mother's view. The Mother rushed to the bedroom to find her son climbed on to the bed next to his father passed out on a bed and with the room of what could be possibly 1,000's of nitrous oxide canisters. Father was clutching and embracing a large nitrous oxide canister used on motorcycles and cars. Mother continued to call frantically the Father's name afraid that he was deceased. Part I of II


Without the Mother being allowed process for discovery and admissions the Mother was crippled by Judge Morris. The GAL did not issue a written report at the court as agreed by court order to her assignment and only going to give an oral report. Only relaying the morning of the Final Hearing that the GAL was going to support that Father and not support the Mother's claim that the Father was an active drug addict and would support the Father despite a failed drug by both parents one time for Ma*****na. The Father's drug of choice is nitrous oxide in extreme quantities at a time. No drug testing can detect nitrous oxide abuse and that was known to the Father and was being excessively abused by him to substitute he**ine drug use and pass drug test. The Mother before the hearing begged and pleaded the Father to give her something and a chance to be with her child. The Father conceded to joint legal custody with unsupervised visitation with clean drug testing. The Father's counsel insisted on self executing visitation that the Father could control. Knowing that the self executing visitation could be addressed in the future the Mother chose to agree to the terms so that she could seize the offer of joint legal custody, be out from under the court and GAL and work with the Father.


Thank you for visiting this page and learning about the case. Postings about the case are in chronological order beginning at the bottom of the page and in ascending order. **Any attempt to remove this page will put two more in its place. Any attempt to remove two will create four...and so forth.

Who is Karl Terrell? Meet the man who helps his wife Diane keep my Grandson in a closet...

Who is Karl Terrell? Meet the man who helps his wife Diane keep my Grandson in a closet...

My earliest memory of “fun things to do” revolved around a barbecue joint my parents frequented. That explains, perhaps, my enjoyment working as an attorney in hospitality. I had some experience also, prior to law school, in several restaurant kitchens.


About the time of the Father's initial petition for divorce over 8 court records to include also his multiple drug arrests across multiple jurisdictions, and despite not being a first time offender were simultaneously sealed. Also leaving the Fulton County Distict attorney's office to take the bench was Shondeena Morris.


When the Mother was served in January, with the court with no personal jurisdiction over the Mother absent service being perfected, she promptly hired attorneys and moved for discovery. Judge Shondeena Morris issued an order barring the Mother from discovery because she, the Judge, had already tried to have a final hearing. Even though the record shows the Judge knew the mother had not been served. So the Judge rewarded a drug dealers counsel and a GAL was not putting anything to the Judge about the Father or his history. All his accusations that could be disputed and the GAL with holding the child did not get on the record. The attorneys for my daughter should have sought appellate review or addressed the Judge to recuse herself. They have to have accountability for a corrupt process to proceed against her.


Without serving the Mother in her divorce, Father's attorney moved filings through the court. The GAL filed in October and the Father's pervious petition and "with held" emergency petition was filed previously in June. For 5 months the GAL had not filed in, still at that time the Mother had not been served. The Father's attorneys and with claims from the GAL that the Mother had abandoned the child and omitting she herself was directing the child to be with held and inteferring in custody absent a court order or authority,set a Final Hearing in December to be heard before Shondeena Morris. I as the Grandmother became aware of the filings about two weeks before this Final Hearing was set for, when I incidentally saw the filings as a paralegal on the clerk website for filings. At that time Diane Terrell was threating to dispose of the Mother's car that the Father had wrecked instead of fixing it and I informed her that she could not dispose of the car during a divorce or dispose of assets. (Diane Terrell claims she did not dispose of the car and that the Mother had collected the car. This is a story that changed after the Father gave documents for the car being towed as abandoned. The car towed and documents given for the car towed as abandoned, the Mothers car was a 2001 Honda accord, was for a 2008 Honda accord and the court documents for the tow company with the courts to a salvage on the title showed two different cars. The Mother's car has never been located. ) Father's lawyers cancelled the Final Hearing and served the Mother promptly in January. Next...


At the time of the TPO the father filed for a divorce in Dekalb County Superior Court.In the days after the TPO hearing the Father filed an emergency petition for custody of the minor child. Attached in the filing, perhaps mistakenly by a paralegal, were emails between the GAL Alice Limehouse, and between the Father's legal team having ex parte communications to place this case to a Judge. The statements and communications show that the claim was that incoming cases could not be heard until a new Judge, not even sworn on to the bench yet by the governer, came on the bench. The statement is that the filing would be with held from assignment from a judge until Shondeena Morris could take the bench. Review of cases assigned to Shondeena Morris that were filed before she took the bench reveal that this is not true that cases were "waiting". Only two other cases to Judge Sondeena Morris and they both were divorces by publication and had not been withheld from assignment to a Judge as the Father's counsel claimed. This meant that Terrell v. Terrell was the first case before Judge Shondeena Morris came by way of Judge shopping. Curious, I reviewed all of the attorneys over a two year period who were assigned to Judge Shondeena Morris. Cases in Dekalb County are assigned at random to 5-7 judges on the circuit. Court rules also dictate that there can be no communications with clerks regarding assignment to a Judge until a judge is assigned a case. I mathematically formulated that of the same attorney's to Judge Morris's court over two years spread out over other cases they had to other Judges it was an average of 23 percent of an attorney to be have cases assigned to the same Judge. The were only two deviations, one was 27 percent. In that same two year period there was only one other deviation from the average of 23 percent- The attorney for the Father, Charla Strawser had 80 percent of her cases in Dekalb County assigned to Judge Shondeena Morris. The email from the GAL attached in the filings instructing the Father to take the child from the daycare and keep the child from his Mother. The Mother had not been served in her divorce and the GAL was without assignment by court order to the case in keeping with Superior Court Rules and as such could not operate under Judical Immunity or even if she had been assigned had no authority to with hold the child without a court order. On to the next part....


The Mother sought an order of protection TPO in Dekalb County after being assaulted by John Winston Terrell and him taking her cell phone to keep her from calling authorities. John Winston Terrell then came to face felony charges for 3rd party contact and relaying threats to take her son through his father's, Karl Terrell, association to Judges. At the TPO hearing attorney Debra M. Gold representing the Mother through the Atlanta Volunteer Foundation against procedures of Family Violence in TPO hearings removed the mother from the courtroom and placed the Mother in the room with Lawyers for the father who threatened to have the Judge take her son from her with their own allegations against her. Debra M. Gold had a working relationship with the father's attorneys who also were Volunteer lawyers to the Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers and knew they should not have removed her from the courtroom.See attached text where father admits physically assaulting her to take her phone.


Part 2: In the time frame of the false allegations to the Mothers mental health the Mother was afraid to leave because the Grandparents claimed they had "friends in high places and judges" that would take her son. Another event transpired where the husband had left and returned to the home stating that he had pulled a gun on a young teenage boy during a drug deal while John Winston Terrell was selling the boy drugs. John Winston Terrell claims the boy pulled a gun and took the drugs. John Terrrell in turn pulled his own gun. John Winston Terrell placed a 911 call and called a detective to the marital home and claimed the teen had tried to car jack him. John Winston Terrell was on probation for felony drug charges at that time and was not suppose to have a firearm. The gun was provided to John Winston Terrell by his mother Diane Terrell. Probation documents and documented text messages of the event of John Winston Terrell pulling a gun on the teen are attached:


Before the parties of the marriage Terrell v. Terrell divorced Mother attempted to leave the home with the minor child after coming home unannounced to see co***ne on a tray on a coffee table and drugs packaged for traffking in a safe. The Father physically restrained the mother from leaving and called the Grandmother Diane Terrell to the home. Diane Terrell arrived and begin washing the co***ne off the tray at a sink, while John Winston Terrell removed the drugs from the safe and placed the drugs in the trunk of her car. Subsequent to Diane Terrell's arrival at the marital home she placed a call falsely accusing the Mother of threatening to kill herself. A mental health team arrived to evaluate the mother at the home to assess for a possible psych hold. Unknown to Diane and John Terrell was that the Mother had filmed the Grandmother washing the tray and John Terrell removing the drugs from the safe. Mother showed the video to the metal health team and demanded that Diane Terrell open the trunk of her car for the evaluators. Diane Terrell immediately got in to her car and fled from the residence. Video below:


"Public interest law generally refers to law-related work performed on behalf of individuals, organizations, or causes that would otherwise lack effective representation within the legal system".


I am the Grandmother of a five year old child who has been raised in chaos by a known drug dealer and drug user who was given custody of my Grandson and then to the other Grandparents by means of Judicial misconduct and illegal acts and conspiracy of a GAL, Alice Limehouse. . The Father is the son of Karl Terrell an Atlanta lawyer, also Karl Terrell is the Grandfather of the minor child "S". I created this page to advocate against corruption in the case of Terrell v. Terrell and to advocate for the interest of "S" to advocacy outreach organizations. I am also addressing my concerns to the Georgia Bar Association, CASA and the Judicial Qualifications Committee. All claims I make here are factual and documented in the Court Record or other documentation in regards to Terrell v. Terrell.




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