Bert the Bear

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Bert the Bear The Life and Adventures of Bert This page is to publicise the book 'The Life and Adventures of Bert', a 5-star 'Amazon Best Seller'.

A witty, heart-warming, and touching tale of a man, and man's best friend, brought together by a moment of fate. The Life and Adventures of Bert will make you smile, laugh, and shed a tear. This irresistibly charming memoir captures hearts and imaginations as we experience Bert's life from escaping a wretched existence, forming unbreakable loving bonds, to becoming one of Twitter's most loved dogs

. You'll love this life-affirming book about an ordinary dog from humble beginnings because the love of a dog is universal and so many tales are relatable.

🎉🐾 Happy 3rd Birthday, dearest Albert!🎁Oh, the grand adventures we've had together – from scaling high up the hilltops t...

🎉🐾 Happy 3rd Birthday, dearest Albert!🎁

Oh, the grand adventures we've had together – from scaling high up the hilltops to crashing into waves, swimming across lochs, and leaving your paw prints in the sand! 😄 But let's not forget those puppy days when you turned our clothes into confetti with your shark teeth! Even in those moments, we found laughter and endless love.

You've grown into the most wonderful big brother, watching over Bera with a heart full of kindness. 🐶❤️ Now that you're a bit of an "old man," no longer allowed to play endless games of fetch down the river or across the beach (you're much too mature for that, of course!), we cherish your newfound wisdom.

And yes, while you may bark at new random people when they come into YOUR home, that's OK and that's just because anti-social Dad trained you that way! 🙈🐾 But we wouldn't have you any other way, dear Albert.

On this special day, let's celebrate you, our gentle and sweet "mature" Albert, who's left footprints not only in the sand but in our hearts as well! 🥳 May your tail never stop wagging, and your heart always be as big as it is today. 🎈

Thank you for healing our hearts when the big bear left us and reminding us that love knows no bounds. 🐾💕 Here's to many more joyful years with you, our beloved birthday boy! 🎉🎂🐕💖 🎁🐾😊

Tonight we were outside with the dogs, discussing how it's nearly 3 years since Bert passed. As we gazed up at the sky, ...

Tonight we were outside with the dogs, discussing how it's nearly 3 years since Bert passed. As we gazed up at the sky, a beautiful sight crossed our path.

After losing Bert, we have come through the rain, the darker times, and are lucky to have such a bright future with Albert and Bera, bringing such joy. In our hearts, memories of those who pass shine as brightly as a rainbow after the rain. 🌈💫❤️.' 🌈 ❤️

Albert and Bera

Albert and Bera

Bert 2010 - 2020With each telling, he breathes life into his stories, he transforms into the very essence of his stories...

Bert 2010 - 2020

With each telling, he breathes life into his stories, he transforms into the very essence of his stories, he becomes the stories, achieving a form of immortality as they endure beyond his time.

Discover the Immortal Tales of Bert: A Golden Labrador's Journey from Desolation to Adoration, forging Unbreakable Bonds and becoming Twitter's Beloved Hero."

Links below for Amazon; (UK) (USA)

Birthday treat 🍦 yum yum 😋

Birthday treat 🍦 yum yum 😋

Happy 2nd Birthday, dear Bera!Today, we celebrate two years of sweet cuddles, boundless affection, and endless playfulne...

Happy 2nd Birthday, dear Bera!

Today, we celebrate two years of sweet cuddles, boundless affection, and endless playfulness! You have filled our lives with so much joy and love, and we couldn't be more grateful to have you as a part of our family.

We were lost and heartbroken when we lost Bert, the house felt a little emptier. But the best decision at the time was to home Albert, who brought a new spark into our lives and reminded us of the joys of having a dog in the family. He became a constant source of love and happiness.

And just when we thought life couldn't get any more interesting, along came you, Bera! It was a choice of repair the carpets puppy Albert had damaged or do it all again. From the moment you entered our lives, you turned our world upside down—in the best possible way, of course. Albert's constant partner in crime—a best friend, a companion, and let's not forget, a top-notch terrorizer! Your antics kept uzs on our toes, and we wouldn't have it any other way, frayed carpets and all.

You and your big brother Albert share a bond like no other. Despite the playful teasing and occasional mischief, your love for him shines through, and it's clear that you adore him beyond measure. Your affectionate nature makes our hearts swell with happiness, knowing that you've found a true friend in Albert.

Although you have a mischievous side, especially when it comes to chasing those pheasants on the farm, we hope that as you mature, you'll learn to resist those temptations. But even if you do indulge in a little chase now and then, it's just part of your adventurous spirit, and we love you all the more for it.

Bera, you have brought so much sweetness into our lives, and seeing you grow and mature has been a joy. You're the cuddliest companion we could have asked for, and your playfulness never fails to brighten our days. Your spirit is contagious, and your heart is pure.

As you blow out the candles on your cake today, know that your big brother Bert is watching over you with pride. You've grown so much, and your journey has just begun. May your days be filled with love, cuddles, and laughter, and may your bond with Albert grow even stronger. Happy birthday, Bera! Bert would be proud of you both. 🎉🎂🐾

Bert's successors, Bert's legacy...Looking good ❤️

Bert's successors, Bert's legacy...

Looking good ❤️

His name will live forever ❤️

His name will live forever ❤️

"Why do you get up so early?"This is why.

"Why do you get up so early?"

This is why.

Scotland's version of a heatwave this week: 23°C (73°F) 🥵 🌞Playing the role of responsible dog owners: waking up at 5am ...

Scotland's version of a heatwave this week: 23°C (73°F) 🥵 🌞
Playing the role of responsible dog owners: waking up at 5am to let the dogs frolic before it reaches scorching levels! It's all fun and games until the sun turns our furry friends into hotdogs. 😅🐶☀️
Stay cool, peely wally comrades. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

Was expecting her to topple the board and begin the spell of chaos and carnage.Ye' have little faith in the good girl 😴

Was expecting her to topple the board and begin the spell of chaos and carnage.

Ye' have little faith in the good girl 😴

🚀🐶 Ready for an out-of-this-world adventure? Beam me up, Doggy! 🌞

🚀🐶 Ready for an out-of-this-world adventure? Beam me up, Doggy! 🌞

Find yourself a person who looks at you with a gaze as passionate as Albert's for a ball ❤️

Find yourself a person who looks at you with a gaze as passionate as Albert's for a ball ❤️

Bera: "What's out there, Albert?"Albert: "Adventure, my friend! Let's embark on a thrilling journey and uncover the secr...

Bera: "What's out there, Albert?"

Albert: "Adventure, my friend! Let's embark on a thrilling journey and uncover the secrets that await us. 🌍


Alfie, the oldest daredevil pup, is tempted to jump off the ferry and swim his way to the Scottish isles! His determination to reach those white beaches and icy seas is pure gold. The captain had to give him stern telling off. Alfie, you've got spirit, and we're all rooting for your seaside adventures! 🌊🐾

Despite his wobbly walk, his spirit shines through when it comes to swimming. With each stroke, he reminds us that it's not about how we move, but the joy and determination in our hearts 💕

This morning, I was weary and tempted to take the easy path, but my restless spirit yearned for adventure. So I started ...

This morning, I was weary and tempted to take the easy path, but my restless spirit yearned for adventure. So I started out on the flat path but soon deviated from it, compelled to explore the uncharted trails ahead. And oh, was I rewarded! The path led me up a steep hill, where I beheld a breathtaking panorama of Scotland's magnificent landscape - vast lochs, towering hills, and lush greenery stretching as far as my eyes could fathom. It reminded me that the greatest joys in life often lie beyond our comfort zones, waiting for us to bravely venture forth. May we all embrace unexpected adventures and discover the treasures that await us on the other side.

🎉🐾🌈 Happy birthday to my furry soulmate Bert! 🌞🐶💕13 today....Even though you're not here with me today, we know you're h...

🎉🐾🌈 Happy birthday to my furry soulmate Bert! 🌞🐶💕

13 today....

Even though you're not here with me today, we know you're having a blast celebrating up there in doggy heaven with all your pals. I can picture you now, basking in the sun, wagging your tail and munching on endless treats... just like you deserve!

I still remember the day we met, and how you filled my heart with love and joy. You were the perfect companion - loyal, goofy, and always up for a snuggle. You made every day brighter, and I am forever grateful for the time we had together.

So on this special day, I raise a paw to you my dear friend. May your birthday be filled with endless love, laughter, and lots of belly rubs... And a flowing river to relax in. I miss you more than words can say, but we know you're watching over us with that big, beautiful smile of yours.

Happy birthday Bert, my best friend and forever companion. Love you to the moon and back! 💖🌙🐾

Her beauty was like the stars, sparkling and brilliant, but also distant and unattainable, a symbol of grace and perfect...

Her beauty was like the stars, sparkling and brilliant, but also distant and unattainable, a symbol of grace and perfection that could only be admired

Age is just a number when it comes to true friendship. Happy 12th birthday to my dear Alfie, a best friend to Bert. From...

Age is just a number when it comes to true friendship.

Happy 12th birthday to my dear Alfie, a best friend to Bert. From tenacious puppy to wise old man. Still time to make more memories and explore new adventures ❤️🎂🐕


Let your mind be as calm as the waters of a gently flowing river, and your soul as free as a dog enjoying a refreshing swim

Bert ❤️

Let's play fetch before we hit the hay, so you can dream of catching balls all day!

Let's play fetch before we hit the hay, so you can dream of catching balls all day!

As we set off on our usual hike, my two dogs, Albert and Bera, eagerly led the way. The sun shone bright overhead as we ...

As we set off on our usual hike, my two dogs, Albert and Bera, eagerly led the way. The sun shone bright overhead as we followed the familiar trail, passing by towering trees and babbling brooks. However, today was different. We noticed a path that we had never explored before, and a curiosity bubbled up within us.

"I wonder where that goes," I said, pointing towards the uncharted route. My furry companions barked in agreement, and we veered off the beaten path. The trail was a little rocky, and we had to maneuver around some prickly bushes, but the excitement of exploring somewhere new fueled our energy.

As we trudged forward, the sound of flowing water grew louder. Soon, we found ourselves standing in awe of a breathtaking valley. A cascade of waterfalls cascaded down a rocky cliff, creating a soothing melody that filled the air. The lush greenery of the surrounding Scottish landscape only added to the scene's magnificence.

My dogs ran around, their tails wagging joyfully, as I sat down to take it all in. I watched as the waterfalls sparkled in the sunlight, mesmerized by the beauty before me. It was amazing to think that this peaceful oasis had been hidden from us all this time.

"Amidst the serene beauty of a waterfall, even the playful splashes of dogs can become a symphony of joy."


As I watched the sun rise over the horizon, I leashed up my furry companions and set out on a refreshing walk to the beach. The morning air was chilly, sending shivers down my spine and making me feel fully awake. My dogs pranced beside me, their tails wagging in excitement for the fun ahead.

Upon arriving at the beach, I threw the ball into the deep blue waves, causing my pups to bound off in pursuit. The waves were immense, crashing against the shore and sending salty spray into the air. I reveled in the raw power of the ocean, its seemingly endless expanse stretching out before me like a shimmering carpet of sand.

Speaking of sand, there was no shortage of it on the beach. The grains were soft and golden, spreading out as far as my eyes could see. The coolness of the sand was soothing against my feet after the bracing cold of the sea.

After a thrilling morning spent playing fetch with my dogs on the shore, I headed back home to take a well-deserved break. I sank into my favorite armchair, basking in the warmth of the crackling fire and the plush cushions. For a blissful hour, I allowed myself to relax and unwind, enjoying the lingering memories of the morning's adventures.

Team Bert - Team Beautiful

Team Bert - Team Beautiful

Hoping it's only temporary until the original is reinstated but being realistic... Albert and Bera need their own page t...

Hoping it's only temporary until the original is reinstated but being realistic...

Albert and Bera need their own page to share their life and adventures. Not stuck on dad's page.

And I do miss everyone... So Twitter friends... If you'd do us the honour of following the golden duos adventures on

Thank you.
See you there...

10 years ago today I found a dog...This is the story of Bert. A dog just like countless others, yet, extraordinary.On th...

10 years ago today I found a dog...

This is the story of Bert. A dog just like countless others, yet, extraordinary.

On the first night of my Easter holidays, April 28th, 2013, 1 decided to go back home and visit friends in Scotland's most vibrant city Glasgow. Driving home around midnight, out of the corner of my eye and through the darkness of the night, my car's full beam lights caught a glimpse of a dog wandering onto the motorway from the upcoming slip road. From that moment, that brief look, my world became a much brighter place.

He was a braw' looking dog; handsome, muscular, and beautifully made with a great disposition. His head was broad, his paws huge, but he was skin and bones. His nose was cut from scavenging in bins, and ribs clearly showed through his matted golden fur coat. I thought he was an old soul - his face thin, his eyes tired. He was living an utterly self-reliant lifestyle. Roaming at large and accustomed to independence to survive. However what I remember most about his appearance that night was his ear to-ear smile, with front teeth like miniature stepping stones causeway. He had not been living a 'dog's life' and was glad to be found.

Dogs take their lives as they find them, but they live it best with the purpose of pleasing others.

However, he was a streetwise puppy and wouldn't allow me to coax him into my car away from potential danger. So, off came my belt, placed loosely around his neck, and we walked, slowly plodding, until we got somewhere safe to stay the night. A friend was refurbishing a flat nearby and let us stay the evening. On the walk back, we were stopped by a taxi driver - "That's the dog that's been dodging traffic all night."

How quickly he adopted an admiring and trusting approach. Despite his apparent initial defiance and reluctance, he was willing to abandon his most primal instincts and trust my guidance up with his with you. without question. The poor outcast of society blinked brown, soulful eyes, pleading as if to say, 'take me with you'.

I did not save him that night. I did what any humane and decent person would do when witnessing an animal in need and living in hopeless misery. Animals have a unique way of pulling of Saint our heartstrings. Even Napoleon, in The Memorial Helena, tells of walking through a field of the dead after a battle when he witnessed a dog loyally beside its master's body. Observing the canine licking the dead man's face, he stated, 'No incident, on any of my battlefields, ever produced so deep an impression on me'.

That first night, I took photos of the lost dog curiously searching the hallways. They were dark and grainy but showed his nose cut and long-drawn face. I look at these photographs despite the poor quality, I cherish them as it demonstrates how now, and much he flourished from that day forward.

It was late in a tiny Scottish village far from civilisation - the kind of place where no shops are open past sunset. I had no dog food, but the starving, stray dog happily gulped down what was in the cupboard - baked beans. The following morning let's just say the old children's rhyme was correct. He was not house-trained, and the baked beans must have had too much fibre!

This prompted our lifelong morning routine. "Want to go for a walk?" Did I have a lead? No. However, being a Physical Education teacher, we always have random equipment in the boot of our cars, and I found an old cotton skipping rope. That will do, and we went for a walk around the local village. Let's explore.

He was happy. I was happy. From day one, that boy had my heartstrings. So much of life is complicated and convoluted, but this was simple and pure.

I contacted the police to leave information and went to the closest vet to check for a microchip. Both were unsuccessful. However, on our walk, we got some clues when we met locals who knew him - "that's the dog who's been stealing the rolls from the bakery".

Every dog needs a name to be called when out for walkies. Finding a name that suits a dog's appearance is vital. I envisaged myself having to recall him back, regaining control in a busy park in the presence of well-behaved dogs on proper leads. Funny dog names are not so amusing when desperately shouting a dog's name, embarrassed or stressed, and being blatantly ignored. It should be short and sharp. Syllables kept to a minimum and sound reasonable in every situation. He already had an ancient soul, so I chose a name fitting for an old Scottish gentleman - Bert.


Love at FROST sight 💕

Perfect weekend. Tale of two halves.Early morning hike to the top of the world.Then snuggle up together with a well earn...

Perfect weekend. Tale of two halves.
Early morning hike to the top of the world.
Then snuggle up together with a well earned rest ❤️

FYI. Facebook will be where I'll post about Albert and Bera for now. Genuinely gutted and too stubborn to start again.

FYI. Facebook will be where I'll post about Albert and Bera for now.
Genuinely gutted and too stubborn to start again.

You cannot ignore us for much longer... 😋

You cannot ignore us for much longer... 😋

Albert and Bera's trip to St Andrews West Sands beach and the Old Course ⛳

Albert and Bera's trip to St Andrews West Sands beach and the Old Course ⛳

Driving home from work I said ah the hills look gorgeous with the snow still on top...So got in, grabbed the dogs and bo...

Driving home from work I said ah the hills look gorgeous with the snow still on top...
So got in, grabbed the dogs and boots and headed up the hills.

A beautiful evening stroll before sunset....

Arthur and the Hot Cross BunI saw the yummy hot cross bun and couldn't quite resistIf I eat it really quickly, it surely...

Arthur and the Hot Cross Bun

I saw the yummy hot cross bun and couldn't quite resist
If I eat it really quickly, it surely won't be missed
One big gulp should do it - that butter sure looks good
Remember I'm a Lab so I really love my food!

But things don't go to plan- of course I did get caught
Mum was pretty angry "Oh no he's ate the lot!
We'll have to phone the vet - he'll need to make him sick
And if we really hurry, that should do the trick"

So next thing that I know, we're off to Acres Vets
Perhaps I'll get a gravy bone - they keep some for the pets!
The ladies at the desk don't look surprised somehow
"Look girls here comes Arthur, what's he eaten now?"

Thomas comes to get me - "So what did Arthur eat?"
Then he's giving me a jag - what happened to the treat?
Now I'm feeling queasy and it's anything but fun
It's certainly not worth it, for a quarter of a bun!

The contents of my stomach are lying in a tray
There's quite a strange assortment - I heard the vet nurse say
Currants and sultanas, grass and plastic bits
It's not a pretty sight - I really must admit

Tom's giving me a scolding - I have to change my ways
Apparently, my diet is not the best he says
On sardines and bananas and carrots I can dine
But fruit cake and a scouring sponge are certainly not fine!

Mum's working out the maths as we're heading to the door
Armed with tubes of charcoal- I think there's 3 or 4
That bloomin' hot cross bun she wished she'd never bought
One moment of temptation had cost her quite a lot!

So now I'm on a warning - no more stealing food!
I must improve my manners, I'm not to be so rude
No more counter surfing - paws firmly on the floor
Thank goodness I'm so loved, or I'd be out the door!

So after being the subject of evil Last night I was reminded that the world is generally still full of kindness.In 'The ...

So after being the subject of evil
Last night I was reminded that the world is generally still full of kindness.

In 'The Life and Adventures of Bert' I discussed my first experience of a dog, Roy the Irish Wolfhound. The largest dog of the largest breed, and he could fly.

Last night Roy's mum, who I have not seen in 20 years, gifted me with her painting of Bert. She was so touched Roy was remembered so fondly, and immortalised in the text, that she wishes to repay her thanks with the most beautiful oil painting of Bert.

Forever beautiful ❤️


Everyone loved Bert

5 years ago today.Bert made it up Seamab Hill his one and only time.It was too much for him.Now, Albert and Bera do it f...

5 years ago today.
Bert made it up Seamab Hill his one and only time.
It was too much for him.
Now, Albert and Bera do it for him so that he can rest ❤️

Respect your elders. The youth of today don't understand that concept and give such contempt and judgemental looks to ou...

Respect your elders.

The youth of today don't understand that concept and give such contempt and judgemental looks to our elderly folk..



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