In the future, spy cams can be injected into eyes. Wild animals like squirrels and birds may be streaming what they see. When you get a pet, beware because it could have spyware on it. In-eye cams can stream to someone casing you. By Cy Porter
In the future, people can coat their hair in flexible metallics. Retaining the texture of hair, this style is very shiny and reflective. By Cy Porter
In the future, cameras that can record the path of photons can be used for invisibility tech. By Cy Porter
In the future, power lines are wrapped in a composite that harnesses doped crystal structure to align spins and convert waste heat into spin cycles that add power to the grid and lower the line temp enough to allow for super conductivity. By Cy Porter
In the future, wet machines don't need cleaning. The micro machines drench their innards in a fluid that circulates. The mechanical equivalent of a liver cleans the fluid. By Cy Porter.
In the future, E-braille is a surface that can dynamically raise and lower and area of its surface large and small. This is mostly used in e-readers for blind people. It can create changing braille surfaces and also maps, diagrams, and images you can feel to see. By Cy Porter
In the future, prosthetic hands come with V.R. feedback that will stop finger movement when you virtually grab something. This tech is good enough to make a virtual keyboard feel like a real keyboard. By Cy Porter
In the future, wild animals like birds and squirrels living in your area are engineered to fulfill tasks like put litter in waste bins or clean gutters. By Cy Porter
In the future, power washers will be bipedal. Weed whackers will be bipedal. Vacuums will be bipedal. Leaf Blowers will be bipedal. By Cy Porter
In the future, cleaning robots use smell sensors to locate crumbs and spills. By Cy Porter
In the future, with nerve signal tapping, people can run their fingers across braille and an A.R. voice will read the text aloud. By Cy Porter
In the future, you can get an artificial gland that can put medicine in your system on a schedule, can regulate mood, and can alter mood and brain states. It can be controlled through your augmented reality interface. by Cy Porter