OnIslam is a multi-lingual informative, communicative media institution launched by the founders of IslamOnline.net, using various means and methods of communication. The organization's identity is based on Islam's supreme values and collective objectives, and their extension to common human values in order to offer what benefits people. It will provide its global audience, both Muslims and non-Mu
slims, with a holistic image of Islam as a way of life, reports on and analyses current affairs and offers online religious, social and health counseling. It will also be an informational reference about Islam for new Muslims and for non-Muslims, especially within the framework of its interactions with contemporary contexts, and helps dispel misconceptions about Islam and its laws. One of our major goals is to maintaining the family structure by empowering the family through values, approaches and skills so that it can deal with the challenges it faces, and also by way of entertainment in order to make life bearable. OnIslam does not side with individuals or authorities, be they partisan, governmental, populist, sectarian or others. It rather stands for the principles of freedom, justice, democracy, and human rights and strives to reinforce values and morals at the individual, family and community levels. Being a civil, non-profit, global media institution, OnIslam will have a universal scope and will join in partnerships with institutions of all forms (governmental or non-governmental; local, regional or institutional; civil ….), regardless of the country of origin or headquarter. OnIslam commits itself to credibility in content, skilled professionalism, innovation, creative imagination and daring initiatives, guided by social and civilizational responsibility for all humanity. OnIslam.net is an independent website that emerged out of an initiative by the team that created and run IslamOnline.net for the past 10 years, after the idea had been embraced by a group of people with experience in the field of civil society work in Egypt. under the umbrella of Mada Media Development Association, a non-profit civil society institution born in Egypt with a global outlook.