While the new episode is on its way, take the time to get to know us and our podcast!
- Who are you?
We are students from all over Tallinn University, from BFM to humanities and everyone in between.
- What is your podcast about?
Well… it’s about everything! We discuss the most relevant and important issues like mental health and employment opportunities for students, while also trying to make it as entertaining as possible for the listeners.
- Who is it for?
You! Everyone is more than welcome to tune in and give it a listen. You can share our podcast with your coursemates, friends, family, family dog; we're sure everyone will find something interesting for them!
- What’s a podcast again?
A podcast is an audio programme, like a radio of sorts, but actually better. You can open it on Spotify or any other streaming platform and listen to it whenever you like.
- Why are you doing it?
Because we like podcasts and discussing topics that we find important. Our podcast is also done as a part of the ELU or LIFE course!
- Why should I listen to it?
Because it is the best podcast in the world, duh! No, but really, we make sure to perfect each episode as much as we can: from the intense research before recording to a thorough postproduction, so we like to think that our episodes are not only interesting and easy to listen to, but also informative and somewhat educational.
- OK, I’m sold. Where can I find you?
Find us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tlustudentpodcast/
Anchor: https://anchor.fm/elu-podcast
And Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0TRMsX71Y5zwClgqNq907y?si=twHePpbhQMqcbr-G2PvPvw
Welcome to the first Tallinn University podcast where amazing things happen. The TLU Student Podcast is part of Tallinn University's LIFE project in which students create a podcast with a variety of interesting and relevant subjects for their community.