Mindset by clear definition is the established set of attitudes held by someone.
As artists we sometimes underestimate the power of mindset. Yet mindset is a superpower for most individuals if we choose to shape it in a positive manner. It can, by the same token, be your kryptonite. The choice is ultimately ours. No one is capeable of getting inside our minds or our heart unless we allow them to. We are capable of being anyone we choose to be and having the mindset we choose to adopt. If mindset is just an attitude, aren't we capable of choosing those attitudes that serve us? Rather than those that limit our potential or our capacity to grow and learn in all the areas life has to offer. These are simple words yes, but in order for these beliefs to be true it requires effort, focus and determination. For at any one time there are a number of fixed mindsets that limit us from reaching our true potential.
Ask yourself if any of these are true?
1. Either I'm Good at Something, or I'm Not - A limiting belief driven by fear. We can't ever become good at something if we don't try. We can always become improve if we are open to learn, practise and implement.
2. I Can't Learn Now; It's Too Late - This is a generational point of view for certain. For it's never to late to learn. Human beings can learn something new each day until the day they die. It's looking at it from a point of view to want or to need or to choose to learn something new. That is the key.
3. There's No Point in Trying if I'm Going to Fail - Failure is success! I wished I leant this a long time ago. For it's the fear of failure or success that becomes crippling. As we face our fears, we help discover our strength and determination. We learn from these experiences and this is what creates a successful person. The ability to get up and go again no matter how many times one fails.
4. I Take Feedback as a Personal Attack - Sadly many people don't always provide constructive feedback. In fact many criticise or critique in order to build themselves up and fuel their own insecurities. By the very same token, what you may be perceiving as harmful could actually be quite helpful. Feedback, even when its vitriol, is not specifically about you. Though it may feel that way. If we can separate words from intentions and focus on what is useful to us we can find value in every piece of feedback we receive. The choice is ours again in how we react.
5. I Always Struggle With... - This thought is summed up by the famous words of Descartes: I think, therefore I am. A self-affirming belief that cuts ourselves off from our brains understanding why we struggle, and there-for limiting our understanding of how we may be able to improve or do better. Struggle always requires effort, however effort, when used positively, is a motivating and powerful force. Mind over matter.
6. I Feel Threatened/Intimidated by the Success of Others - The Tall Poppy Syndrome at its finest. Why are we so determined to be put out by the prosperity of others? If anything, we should be celebrating and supporting one another. These are the driving forces that fuel us and motivate us to believe anything is possible. When we see others succeed, it shows us we are capable of achieving and provides us a model in which to build upon. That is when energy and flow are most powerful.
7. I Can't Make This Any Better; It is What it is - We can always improve or better our views. This mindset is accepting things as the way that they are and there's no room for change. If this were true, life wouldn't change as it does. Ask yourselves what can I do better? How can I carry this forward? What can I improve on? Do not accept things as they are, for nothing will ever be what we dream it to be if we allow this mindset to stick.
8. My Current Abilities Are the Measure of My Outcomes - This mindset is again a notion of fixed intelligence. People spend years researching the brain, how it works, and understanding how much it changes as we use it. Like muscles, our minds need exercise to stay vigorous and functional. This is why we can never stop learning. For we consistently find new ways to improve or enhance what we know and what we can do. As we learn, we shift our results dramatically. Leaving determination as the measure of our outcomes, rather than our current ability.
9. I Already Know Everything I Need to Know - One of the most dangerous and limiting mindsets in my opinion. For this means someone does not want to choose to grow or learn anymore. Whether this is built upon fear or other strong emotions like shame or guilt, the reality is if we choose to stop learning we limit opportunities for success. We also create impressions on people. Leaving people to assume we are hard to work with or incapable of change. Learning and growing is an enjoyable experience. It should be a lifetime pursuit for everyone. It's the exciting part of life, knowing we can build upon what we already know and discover new things every day for the rest of our lives.
10. I've Always Been Told That I Can't - Sadly this one is usually a result of being overrun and bombarded again and again. This mindset become an unconscious "truth" for many of us and unfortunately results in destructive or limiting behaviours. It's not necessarily our fault or the fault of others that this belief exists. Many people only pass along what they know based off the tools they were given from their parents and life experience. We need to understand that other peoples views or opinions don't need to become our reality. Not if we choose otherwise. No matter what someone else has told us, we can change these beliefs in ourselves into ones that empower us, rather than hold us back. For no one can know your potential. You and you alone must discover that for yourself.
If you are reading any of these and recognise yourself in them I challenge you today to ask yourself three important questions.
1. Do I want to change or transform these mindsets?
2. If yes, what action will I take to change these mindsets?
3. If no, am I fearful of who I will become without them.
Dig deep and discover what mindset is limiting you. For with encouragement and positivity we can shift these mindsets into any manner we want, if we choose to. And if and when we choose to change, success in every arena is possible.
The Power Of Mindset