If you're not a part of a local gifting page then you're missing out! I've been in love with the concept since I found freecycle when I was a teenager. Fun story, I may have kinda pretended to be an adult when I was about 14 and got our house a new dishwasher bc ours was broken and my dad told me if I was tired of hand washing dishes I should just get a new dishwasher. He didn't think I'd actually be able to😂. Turned out to be a friend of my little sisters mom and I got caught and we had a good laugh. Still got the dishwasher though and ended up driving her daughter to school for a year😂. But all that to say, find a local "gifting with integrity" page where you are. It used to be "buy nothing" but that platform has started to charge and make a profit off group fees. Which is kinda yucky in my book. Here is me wrestling a 55 in TV into my bedroom from the car bc my husband is at work and won't be near the house before I need to get the car seat in to grab the kid from class. So enjoy and go find a page that's hyper local. Purge all the things that are in the way and get cool things that were in someone else's way💜💜
#fromseed #migardener #growyourown #marissathegardener #purplepeppers
#wintersowing #fromseed #growyourown #marissathegardener
Winter sowing 101 from Marissa The Gardener
Get ready for some #chill
Roses and crepe myrtle for $5
Here is how I start my winter sowed jugs
#wintersowing #wintersowingjugs #marissathegardener